Random Things + Race Recap!


I started Saturday off alone in my garage for a 20-minute Tabata ride. It was so hard, and I will never understand how twenty-second intervals feel like they are each five minutes long.

Olivia is officially my favorite Peloton instructor now.

And then we got right into getting ready for the race. The kids put all of their race things out the night before and had their bibs pinned onto their costumes and everything. We got there at eight and met up with some of Andrew’s family before the race.

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我们在一起呆了第一个半英里then Brooke, Knox and I went a little bit ahead.

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Candy at the aid stations, yes please.

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The leaves were gorgeous, and the course was mainly on the trail that goes next to a river.

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We did a lot of run/walking for the first two miles, and then when Andrew caught up with us (once Skye jumped back into the stroller), Brooke wanted to push the pace with me.

You end up going through this tunnel twice throughout the race. I saw people going crazy fast (like in the 5:XX pace) running through the tunnel… I would have fallen on my face!

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Brooke’s final kick was strong… and my foot felt normal the entire time until we picked up the pace on the final stretch, so maybe I’ll stick to an easy pace for a while as I comeback (planning on short runs 2-3 times a week for a bit).

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Everyone did amazing. This was Andrew’s niece’s first race, and she did awesome! <— Converting all of our family members into racing addicts.

PS running in a tiger suit when it is about 45 degrees out feels very good.

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They had delicious pumpkin donuts at the finish line, and I must hunt these down and buy a dozen for myself today. Donuts need to be at the end of every race.

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Runtastic events always have the coolest medals at the end, which was a huge bonus for my kids.

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I’m just going to brag about my nephew (my oldest brother’s son)… this was his first half ever, and he finished at 1:30:54. He is 15 years old, and his longest run before the race was 8 miles. He is doing so well in cross-country, and I cannot wait to see what he does in the distance world over the years.

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我感觉真的失踪的赛车这课程e (I’ve raced it a bunch of times, and it was my PR course for a while) and pushing myself as hard as I possibly can, BUT it was one of those moments where I realize how much injuries give to me (which sounds weird). I had the best time running with the kids and just focusing on them and their races without being distracted by my own race. I got to hear Brooke say, “THIS IS SO MUCH FUN” about 100 times as she was running. I got to see Knox bring a gu to take halfway through the 5k for the extra energy boost. I got to focus on all of the costumes around me and give my kids pointers on things to tell themselves during a race. There are positives to injuries, and I was so grateful that my foot was happy enough to do the race with them! Once I am back racing again, I need to include both the fun races with the kids and my own races for the perfect combination!

And just a few more random things…

SOS. I have a feeling my day today will consist of raking.

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Skye can never wear enough pink.

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Even my niece is hooked on our Peloton now.



Who has a November birthday, anniversary or race?

What was the highlight of your Halloween?

Have you started Christmas shopping? Are you nervous about it this year?

Putting up Christmas decorations now or waiting until after Thanksgiving?

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I’m that psycho who starts Christmas shopping at the end of July/beginning of August but only because I love to browse the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale since I can get quality pieces for a bargain plus they have the best return policy so I don’t have to worry about that at all. So technically yes I have started haha but not even close to be done. I try to finish by Thanksgiving though!


THAT IS AMAZING! You are seriously so smart to do it that way and next year, I’m going to start earlier too whenever I see things that are good deals and I know the person will love them. You will get to just kick back and relax in December, that is awesome. Hope your day is a great one, Maureen!


My husband and I are celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary on the 3rd (ten years together for us total)! That race looked like a ton of fun; I just love the pictures of your family all racing together. That is one of my ultimate goals when my husband and I have kids. Have a great week! Also agree- pumpkin donuts should be a every race finish line!


TEN YEARS! Emily, congrats to you and your husband on your third wedding anniversary and ten years together total. You two sound amazing. Oh your kids will be out there racing with you and your husband too. Thanks Emily and I hope you get a pumpkin donut soon, I’m still dreaming about them!


Good morning Janae and everyone!
First of all, I loved how you reflected on the race this year and everything you were able to experience this year versus when you had raced it. I can imagine how excited the kiddos were too!
Secondly, I have never taken an Olivia class but I am going to find one you have taken and try her out! Goodness I love the Peloton community so much!
我不能相信我没有看到一个万圣节有限公司stume this weekend, so sad! There were two houses on the block decorated (one went all out with a skeleton on a surfboard riding his front bushes, ha!) but otherwise nothing. I may need to move to a less stodgy area, lol!
I would like to put up my Christmas tree now…I love sitting by the lights in the evenings.

Have a great day, off to check out an Olivia class!



Amanda! Thank you, it really was so great to see the race with them. I have only taken one Olivia class so far (so maybe I was a little premature with my love for her ha) but she is amazing. Let me know what you think of her. Next year come do the race with you and you will see so many costumes. I hope you are able to get up your tree asap. Thanks Amanda and go rock it!


Janae!! I just took the Olivia class you did and hit a PB on my 200th ride! Woot woot! It’s not even 6am out here in HI, I’m done with work and hit a PB! This day is off to an epic start! ???


Ahhhhhh pb on 200th ride?!? You are incredible! AMAZING!


Our daughters have November b-days as does my MIL. My dad’s b-day was Nov. 2. It is a hard day. My mom’s b-day and my FIL’s b-day are right before X-mas. So yes, we get to buy double the presents for all of our immediate family members twice in the period of 60-days! We trick-or-treat the day before Halloween on a night called Beggar’s Night. It was absolutely beautiful and we just sat on the front porch and watched the kids scurry by since our kids are all grown up! We haven’t started putting up decorations but we probably will put the lights on the trees next weekend because it is supposed to be beautiful again. You never know when it will snow so we better put them up while we can!


Jackie. I am so so sorry. I wish I could bring you dinner tomorrow or give you a big hug. Tomorrow is going to be really hard missing your amazing dad. Sending all of my love and prayers your way.
你们真的有一个繁忙的11月和12月!I have never heard the term, ‘Beggar’s Night.’ That is when we went out too. I am so glad you all had a beautiful night. You just motivated me to get out the lights too… the snow could be soon. I hope you have a beautiful day and you are able to really reflect on your dad tomorrow and eat some of his favorite foods and do some of his favorite things.


No Christmas decorations till after Thanksgiving! I don’t mind seeing them in the store (in fact I love it) but we’ll put up our tree and everything on Black Friday. I’m just starting to think about Christmas shopping- it’s hard with the kids because I don’t know what they want yet.
I’m so glad your foot is well enough for you to do that race with your kids! Sounds like it was an amazing experience. Love how Knox ate a Gu in the middle of the 5k (maybe I should try that next time, ha ha.)


That is exactly how I feel! My kids don’t even know what they want yet and if they did, it will probably change by next month! Hahaha he was so excited about it. Rather him overfuel for his race than underfuel;). We should all try it out. Have a happy day, Jenny.


That race looks super fun, so glad you got to enjoy it in a totally different way.
November is birthday month! 3 birthdays in my partners family this week and my birthday at the end of the month! I went birthday shopping today and saw all the Christmas things and it feels far too soon to start shopping. Christmas decorations always go up after my birthday as I don’t like to mix the two!


Thanks Sarah, it was a great day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH!! I hope you celebrate as much as possible this month. You and your partner are busy too with family this month. I would do the same as you, keep the holidays separate! Hope your Monday is a beautiful one.


Loved hearing about your race! So happy for you that your kids are into something you love doing.

My birthday in on the 6th! My Dad and both my dogs have birthdays in November as well! Definitely no Christmas shopping until at least after my birthday!


HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK MARY! Oh I am so happy for you! Enjoy celebrating your dad and pups this month too. Let me know what you do for your birthday and I’ll eat some cake to celebrate you on the 6th:).


WOW what an incredible time for your nephew, like seriously … he is going to do GREAT things!!
Looked like a fun race! Loved the costumes. How you got 4 kids out the door and ready in costumes by 8 am is beyond me…lol
Allie got a huge haul last night so I am looking forward to eating candy today, ha ha


Luckily, Brooke is basically the third adult these days getting us all ready haha. ENJOY the candy and what was Allie for Halloween? Thanks Andrea and I hope you all slept well last night!


Love that you all did the race together….and the medals are awesome!! Also glad to hear your foot felt good! When you are back into running again I highly recommend Olivia’s Hiit and Interval running classes on the treadmill with the app. She is so motivating and really pushes you (as you experienced on the bike..haha!) She is my go to instructor if I want to get some treadmill sprints in!
Happy Halloween!


She does a treadmill class?! Oh my goodness, I am SO excited. I cannot wait and wish I could today. Thank you friend and I hope your day is off to a great start!


Ever since finishing Christmas shopping BEFORE 12.20 including all the little things and neighbors, there is no going back. I HEART having the bulk done before Thanksgiving, but it cannot interfere with Thanksgiving. This year I want to decorate soon because it’s so dark. All these storms are making the days dark. It’s tradition to decorate Thanksgiving weekend because it’s a great group activity. Not sure what will happen.

Speaking of cloudiness, race day looked clear for you all. Nice. So, what’s up with the 15 yo not costuming??? Oh, does he not celebrate Halloween? Excellente!

Super-excited for Thanksgiving. We’ll be at my house and my pantry is so much better now. Not sure if anyone will notice, but it will make my November better. It’s a big deal to me because it was cumbersome for a looooong time. Thank you, covid19, this extended time not driving every day brought a lot to my personal life.


I really need to follow your lead with shopping this year, I want to relax and soak in everything Christmas! Hahaha I think he was just worried about running fast and didn’t want to worry about a costume too! He dressed up later that day:). I love having an organized closet so I understand where you are coming from! Enjoy Thanksgiving at your house this year:). Thanks Lee!


My 41st birthday is the 7th! My husband and I are taking a getaway to celebrate and do some fall hiking in the mountains!


HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY MONTH SARA! I am so happy you guys are going on a getaway, enjoy every single second. I want to hear all about it after. I’ll eat cake to celebrate you on the 7th!


Sounds like such a fun weekend! And oh my goodness… Congratulations to your nephew! That’s an amazing time! Running as a family and having fun is really the best. I agree that mixing in the fun races with the goal races is a perfect combination.
We had such a great Halloween bweekend too. It felt like old times again. Our neighborhood really goes all out for Halloween and Christmas, and this year felt normal. We ran out of candy by 8pm! And we bought about 1,000 pieces! And it was so great seeing all the costumes. Lots of parents dressed up and even dogs! Super fun!!
I love Christmas, but do not put up any decorations until after Thanksgiving. I love seeing it in the stores, but not ready for it to be in my house yet.
Ooo… I also love when a new month starts on a Monday! New month, new week, new goals, fresh start!
Have a really great 1st day of November.


Hey Wendy! Right?! I couldn’t believe how fast he went with only an 8 miler as his long run under his belt. I am thrilled that you guys had such a great weekend and that things felt normal again. You had so so so many trick or treaters this year, I love it. Oh wasn’t it fun to see pups dressed up, those are always my kids favorite costumes. Oh wow, I love that and didn’t even realize that it all starts on a Monday this month. That feels so good. Happy first day of the month on a Monday with new goals:)


I know this sounds totally hocus pocus, but it was like one of my injuries came at the exact right time to unfold in me some of the mom qualities I always dreamed/desired to be.
Tell Brooke way to dig deep like her mom at the end.


ERICA. Oh my goodness this could make me cry. Emilee and I were just talking about that same thing happening with us. Amen. Injuries bring out some amazing things. Thanks for sharing and Hope is the luckiest to have you. I totally will, thank you friend!


Love that your whole fam is into running! Such a fun family thing to do together. Halloween was so quiet for us and I’m actually ok with that. Did an 18 mile hill run and then ate lots of snacks all day. :)


18 mile hilly run… amazing! That is so so long! I’m glad you were able to have a quiet day and relax with snacks after. Have a great day, Avery!


My husband’s birthday is Nov 9th, our 19th anniversary is the 21st! I am running my first race back after a couple of kiddos the morning of Thanksgiving… so excited!

Halloween is so much fun in our house, we still do a family costume (Despicable Me this year) and my kids are so kind to each other when trick or treating.

I have started, about 1/3 of the way done but I wont finish until the day before I am sure.

We will wait until after Thanksgiving by a day or two. Traditions that include an elf cannot be changed!


Hey B! 19th anniversary, wow! Huge congrats and I hope you get in a lot of celebrating ?. I’m so exited for your first race back and please let me know how it goes! Happy bday month to your husband too! Busy month! Have a beautiful day.


So fun! My son (11) just finished his first cross country season and loved it! I have him signed up for a 5K this weekend. It will be his first race not with his school. What kind of gel will your kids take?


Congrats to your son! I’m so excited for them! Huma is the best IMO because it is pretty natural! Let me know how he does. Cheering so loud for him!


Good morning Janae! Loving all the race pics- what a fun experience to share with your family! I get weird satisfaction from yard clean up, so enjoy your leaf-raking! The Christmas prep started a while ago around here. I try get most things done before everyone else figures out that Christmas is right.around.the.corner- that way I can just bake and enjoy the season. The kids are all grown and out of the house, so we’ve scaled back from when they were younger. I do put together Advent calendars for my husband and father in-law (who lives with us). BUT… no decorations until the first weekend in December.


That sounds like a blast to run with everyone! I love Halloween. I am sad it’s over.

I have a race (weekend, ie 5k on a saturday, half the next day) that moved from March this year to November, AND I won entry into another half marathon AND I signed up for a 10k on Thanksgiving, because, why not?! That is 4 races in 12 days. Yikes. The 5k is just a shakeout run though, and I plan to run the free half marathon just for fun, not time. I think it’s manageable. Last long run is tomorrow, I have hit 11 miles so I am aiming for 10 or 11 tomorrow.

I am actually ready for Christmas music I think, because a lot of new albums came out recently, but my husband and I both lost our dads this year, so the holidays are just going to be weird and off. I want to fast forward to new year’s.

Hope you have a great week!


My husband and I just celebrated our 17 year anniversary and my birthday is in November so all month is full of celebration. I am really terrible at decorating so I don’t start until beginning of December! Luckily my daughter is 16 and pretty much has an expensive but very short list so that should be pretty simple to achieve this year. I wish we had more races in my area like your neighborhood, those look super fun!!


YAY!! I’m so happy you tried out Olivia…she will stay your favorite believe me! :) SO SO GOOD. It was so fun seeing you on Friday at the expo and glad you had such a fun family run. We have so many memories running with our kids through the years and are still making them! Congrats on your foot feeling better too!


It was so fun to be there with you Janae!! He loved the race and thanks for all of your help and encouragement!!!!

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