Remember that one time… and I did exactly what I said I wouldn’t.


TIME TO TAPER. Hallelujah. This 20 miler felt a lot harder than the previous week’s 22 miler, but that’s how training goes.

I had a great group of girls to do this run with, and one of my friends will absolutely be running a sub 3 at Boston. It was so motivating to try to stay within eyesight of her and Jo during the speed.

I’m thankful for friends that help me out in the water department.

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We did 4 x 2-mile intervals within the 20 miles. The averages for each set of the 2 mile intervals—> 6:32, 6:01, 6:48 & 6:24. That last 2-mile interval nearly killed me, but I tried to stay in the moment and do the best I could for each step. We climbed 1017 ft throughout the 20 miles, which helped me feel confident about the hills in three weeks.

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我说我不去ing to do. I tried out new shoes for the run. I felt okay about it this time because we were basically in the same area the whole run, which meant if I felt anything weird, I could easily get back to my Novablast that I hid in some bushes. I am happy to say thatthesefelt amazing too. Zero plantar problems! So now I need to figure out what I want to race in. I’m not sure which ones feel faster to me yet, I’ll have three weeks to decide now!

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World’s best babysitter. I feel so lucky my niece is willing to help me out with this training when Andrew is working…

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And just a few more pictures from our weekend…

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On my run the other day, I was thinking about an experience back in 2011… I was 100% in for Boston. I put everything into my training, and I think I visualized a sub 3 at that race at least once every hour. It was at a point in my life when running defined me. And then I got injured, and for a few weeks, my doctor wasn’t sure what was going on and whether or not I would still be able to run the race. l then found out I had a femoral stress fracture, and there was no way I could run the race. I remember that news hurting so bad, and I cried and cried and cried. I was so disappointed.

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现在我可以回顾经验,我意图lize how grateful I am that it had happened because that injury was a huge turning point for me in life. It was the thing that woke me up to how I was treating my body. I was severely underfueling my body and overtraining it, resulting in osteopenia in my bones (my bones are back to normal now). From that point forward, I worked really hard on increasing my body fat %, understanding how to fuel and rest my body properly to have a regular period.

It brings a big smile to my face to think back to what has happened since I wrote about missing out on the Boston Marathon in 2011 and how differently I see and treat my body. Eleven years later, I get to see Boston again with Andrew, with a healthy body, and a completely different mental mindset on running and food. Hindsight is 20/20, but I’m so grateful everything happened the way it did, even if it hurt at the time. I hope that we get the tailwind this year that I missed out on at Boston in 2011;)… that would be a fun experience!

21 DAYS!

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Have you ever had to drop out of a race because of injury/sickness/life? Were you able to do that race again a different year?

What was the best part of your weekend?

Experiencing spring weather where you are?

Best thing you have eaten recently?

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Boston is tax day so I’ll be monitoring the race from my desk. Good luck! I’m very excited for you!


Tax day wahoo! I hope you are doing okay during this crazy time for you and I bet you are really looking forward to tax season being over. Thank you Lee, have a beautiful day!


That is awesome you have so many runner partners! The time must go by so fast!

I had to drop out of my first marathon I signed up for due to injury–you could hear my achilles squeaking when I walked. In 2012, I quit a marathon at mile 15. I know I made the right decision, but I had an acquaintance tell me afterwards, ” I can’t believe you quit during a race you either finish or die” I was so undernourished and over-trained. I never once regretted quitting that race. I never ran that marathon again, but I did do the half (same course you just run one lap).

No, spring weather has not arrived yet here in MN–we are getting snow on Wednesday too.

Enjoy your taper!

Happy Monday Janae!


The conversations truly make the miles zoom by. YOU COULD HEAR YOUR ACHILLES SQUEAKING?! You made the absolute right decision that day. I can’t believe someone would say that to you! I am so glad you went out and did the half of that race again later, you are amazing. Nooooo more snow. I hope you get spring soon! Thank you Becky, you too!


We had warm weather for my race and ever since we’ve had perfect marathon weather. ?? Spring allergies have definitely arrived! Phew, the pollen is EVERYWHERE, so hoping the weather comes next. ?
So I got an air fryer (3 days ago) and everything I’ve eaten has been amazing!!! I made air fryer bacon this morning and wow. I don’t understand this thing but highly recommend if you don’t have one??


I’ve been dying to know how your marathon went! I cannot believe that you didn’t get that perfect weather on race day though. Good luck with the allergies, I know mine are going to hit any day. I am so happy you have an air fryer now, we use ours at least once a day. I have never tried bacon though, keep telling me things you love and try. Have a happy day, Mollie!


It looks like you all had a good weekend!! The picture of the girls is adorable.
I think it is so awesome that you have a group to run with/chase after. I would love that! I love my Friday mornings when I get to run with my friend, just wish it could happen more than 1 day a week.
Oh… Years ago, I had to drop out of my 1st half marathon/1st race. I had partially torn the labrum in my hip. I was so sad, but I knew that (obviously) there was no way I could run. I ran it the next year, and now my husband and I run it every year.
While we were in Hawaii, we ate a ton of poke and Kaluha pork. So, so good! So my husband found a great recipe to make the pork in our smoker. It turned out amazing!!! I also made coconut rice and roasted sweet potatoes to go with it. I could eat that meal often!! I’m already thinking of leftovers for later today ?
Yay for tapering! That means the race is close. I am so excited for you!! I always run my favorite 6.2 mile loop on Marathon Monday, then watch the Boston marathon on TV. I’ll be cheering for you!


Thank you Wendy! Weren’t they cute in their dresses?! Come join our group… or maybe we will come join you because southern california weather sounds dreamy during the winters here! I bet you look forward to Friday runs every week. I didn’t know that you had that injury and I bet that was so hard to drop but good for you guys getting back every year for that race. I have never had poke! Ummm can we come over for the pork in the smoker, that sounds amazing with your sides (drooling at 9 am haha). Yum! I cannot wait! Have the best Monday.


I was supposed to run run my home town marathon but due family life circumstances had to sit it out – I was so disappointed I cried – this was spring. I had also gotten into New York City Marathon via lottery that year. I was able to run New York City Marathon that November – which ended up being a BQ and PB and I might have cried just before finishing. My mom had taken the trip with me and she told me she saw me at Columbus Circle yelling (but I couldn’t hear her lol naturally due to the millions of people) . This was a number of years ago, but ranks right up there. with best memories.

Best part of this weekend. I got in a 26 km – 16 mile road run on Saturday and on Sunday opted to spend the day with my guy and River + his mom’s dog in lieu of trails. I will be back on the trails next weekend lol. Early season training is on track.

So excited for Boston for you and have the most amazing race and time with Andrew! Every time this year I start to wonder whether I should have run another marathon to qualify lol.

Have a great day Janae :)


I bet that was SO hard to miss out on but it truly ended up working out so perfect. A bq and PB at the NYCM must have been INCREDIBLE and having your mom there… just the best. Great run on Saturday and I’m glad you got some quality time in on Sunday! Thank you so much and I think you need to get back to Boston again… I’ll meet you there! Thanks friend, you too!


I dropped a half marathon in November. I had raced one the week before, and the second one is a race that I won free entry to. I had a good half marathon the week before, but knowing I also had a 10 k on Thanksgiving, my husband not being able to go cheer this half on, a 90 minute early morning drive to a town I had not been to, and the weather (it would be below freezing)…………all of that made the choice to not run it pretty easy. I was sad I didn’t run it at first, but then I set a 10 K PR at the Thanksgiving race so it was all worth it!

I have been on a salad kick all week, and our Whole Foods has their salad bar reopened, so that was the best thing I ate this weekend!!

A girl from my running group (actually 2 ladies) is running Boston! For one of them it will be her first time racing in Boston! Good luck to you all!


You definitely made the right call about that half and then went on to ROCK that 10k on Thanksgiving! I wish so so bad we had a Whole Foods, so happy for you that the salad bar is open again. Thank you Loribeth, I can’t wait!


You are going to rock Boston!! So excited for you.

Best part of my weekend was spending time with friends in NYC. We had amazing food too! NY pizza, Levains, Hudson Bagels, Juniors cheesecake. Also, Cursed Child was amazing, highly recommend! The special effects were exceptional.


Thank you so much Mariah, I really cannot wait. I am so happy you had the best time in NYC and you guys hit ALL of the best places. You are making me need a trip back asap. I have to go with Andrew to Cursed Child! Thanks for sharing and happy Monday!


I had to drop out of Boston also. In 2017, I would have been 6 months pregnant during the race. I was still going to do it, but then I developed a pelvic injury and could not. My husband ran that year so I still went and got to experience the crowd and excitement right by the Citgo sign. I finally got to run Boston again in 2021 so I’m thankful that I got to have both experiences. At the time though…devastated.

It has been cold and windy here in Illinois so mental toughness was needed last week. We are getting more snow this week…ahhhh, please Spring hurry and come. I did get to enjoy my 13-miler this weekend on a hilly bike path that I normally cannot do because it’s a drive. So much fun.

Glad your training is going so well. Cannot wait to see you kill it in Boston.


Hey Michele, thank you so much for sharing! That must have been so hard in the time but I am so happy you were back last year to experience the race. Amazing! NO MORE SNOW… it’s time for spring. I hope it comes next week for you all and way to go on your 13 miles. Thank you friend, hope your day is off to a great start!


Did I spy a roly poly? :)
I can feel your excitement about Boston!
I had to break my streak of Rehoboth Beach races in December (I did virtual in 2020 but was planning on in-person in 2021) because of plantar fasciitis. The race let me defer, so I’m counting on it this year.
Best part of my weekend: visit from my daughter, son-in-law, and their doggos. They brought me the best thing I ate lately: a unicorn cupcake from a relative’s birthday party. Yum!
We’re having crazy-third-winter for a few days here in Maryland with flurries yesterday and annoying wind. It will be fake spring 71 degrees by Thursday, LOL!
Enjoy your sunshine!


Haha you sure did and Skye is happier than ever to have them in her life again. I can’t wait to hear about you rocking Rehoboth Beach race this December. Dang plantar is just so frustrating. That cupcake sounds delicious and I am so glad you had time with your people. THIRD winter… boo but enjoy those temps on Thursday. Thanks Corey and happy Monday


Well I had to drop out of my marathon on April 30th this year! I am very discouraged as my knee still hurts. I think it feels better and then it will hurt again. It’s not high pain at all but obviously if it hurts going down the stairs, that’s not gonna work for a run!! It’s funny because I saw this PA on Tuesday who I had seen before when I was underweight (that time was due to GI issues, I couldn’t eat). At the time he told me no worries about running when I was underweight but now he flipped out and told me to stop running because it’s horrible for knees… Luckily got in with an amazing sports med doc on Thursday. MRI on Wednesday.


Carrie, I am so so sorry you are going through all of this right now. Ummmm I am glad you got in with that sports med doc, please let me know what he says about the MRI. Thinking about you!


Good morning, Janae! Welcome to your taper – so exciting that you’ll be back in Boston in just a few weeks!!
几年前,我应该run the Philadelphia half marathon and had to withdraw due to a back issue that created a lot of pain when I ran. There was another race too (different reason), but I was able to defer entry to the next year.
Best part of the weekend was celebrating my finance’s birthday with friends :o)
We had spring weather for about a minute LOL! Snow and wind yesterday though and today feels like the dead of winter with high temp of 21 degrees and real feel temp 10 because of the wind. Sigh…spring WILL get here eventually.
Honestly, the best thing I’ve eaten recently was hand cut shoestring french fries from a very cool food truck that was at a local brewery. They were simply delicious!! Have an awesome start to your week (and taper), Janae!


Hi Janae! That’s so cool you can draw on previous experiences and see how you’re getting stronger every year! Love following your journey!
Best thing we had this weekend was a homemade Persian chicken and celery stew!
Have a great day!


I am currently healing from a stress fracture in my foot – I had a stress fracture in same place in 2020 so it is really disheartening as I was planning to run Big Sur this April (I had gotten in through lottery and was so excited!) I had my vitamin D levels checked and those were normal, I eat well so don’t think I’m especially prone to them. I also know that I increased mileage to quickly the first time (was coming off of unscheduled running – not following specific plan) and pretty sure I did the same thing this time (was off from running for about a month for a serious sinus infection and then thought I could jump into 20mi week). So…hoping that I actually learned my lesson this time and will very gradually increase my mileage when I’m ok to run again (so tired of this boot!). I’m trying to look at it as a good lesson to make me a better runner. I have a check up this week so hope I get the ok to get out of the boot! I am now set on getting strong and healthy again so I can run Big Sur in 2023!
I am SO excited for you for Boston – living vicariously through you for running and race excitement!

我的周末——找到这些ama最好的一部分zing pretzels called Splits – if you love salty pretzels they are SO GOOD. also best thing I’ve eaten recently. :-)

We are starting to see signs of spring which really makes me want to get out and run but doing my best to be patient!


Hi Janae!
I am currently healing from a stress fracture in my foot – I had a stress fracture in same place in 2020 so it is really disheartening as I was planning to run Big Sur this April (I had gotten in through lottery and was so excited!) I had my vitamin D levels checked and those were normal, I eat well so don’t think I’m especially prone to them. I also know that I increased mileage to quickly the first time (was coming off of unscheduled running – not following specific plan) and pretty sure I did the same thing this time (was off from running for about a month for a serious sinus infection and then thought I could jump into 20mi week). So…hoping that I actually learned my lesson this time and will very gradually increase my mileage when I’m ok to run again (so tired of this boot!). I’m trying to look at it as a good lesson to make me a better runner. I have a check up this week so hope I get the ok to get out of the boot! I am now set on getting strong and healthy again so I can run Big Sur in 2023!
I am SO excited for you for Boston – living vicariously through you for running and race excitement!

我的周末——找到这些ama最好的一部分zing pretzels called Splits – if you love salty pretzels they are SO GOOD. also best thing I’ve eaten recently. :-)

We are starting to see signs of spring which really makes me want to get out and run but doing my best to be patient!


Congratulations to you for figuring that out & treating yourself better!! Overall health is so important and we sometimes sacrifice that in the goal of better running, which really is not warranted. Good luck in Boston!

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