Silentish Saturday!


BUFFALO PEAK. 10 miles with 2,700 ft of climbing. It was hard.


We definitely did a good amount of hiking on the way up.

The views were INSANE.

Love these girls and I’m loving focusing on trails this month already.
Candy is a must for me whenever I do these long trail days. It was the perfect fuel (along with a Maurten caffeine before we started).

Then we were off to the pool:

Breakfast burritos for dinner.

S’mores with the neighbors. Charleston Chews truly make the best s’mores.

Tell me three things you are up to today!

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I swear, Skye has some of the best facial expressions! Ha ha
Oh those mountains are beautiful! I looked like a really perfect day
We did see Top Gun – Maverick yesterday and LOVED it! It was so so good.
I’m back on track with my normal routine, so today will be a quick run then my favorite yoga class. Then I need to get back on track with menu planning and making an actual grocery list so I’m not running to the store every day, ha!
Our son and his roommates checked out the house their renting for school in the fall (only 2.5 miles off campus), so we’re starting to plan and organize for that. He’ll be taking my very 1st set of dishes I ever had when I was in college. It’s so fun.
Have a great Saturday and relaxing Sunday Janae


I am so glad you saw Top Gun! So so so good! I bet your son is so excited for this next chapter, so much to get ready for! Your first set of dishes?! Oh I love that! Have a great day back on your routine. Thanks Wendy!


The views from your run are gorgeous!!! Inspiring me to go hiking and/or trail running.


Thank you Mariah! Hope you have a great day and you get out to the trails asap!


3 things:
Early bike ride
粪便l time later
In between a trip to the grocery store for Charleston Chews! Those are one of my favorite candy bars and now I need them on s’mores.


Let me know what you think of them on your s’mores! So so good and enjoy the pool, Kathy!


Hi Janae! Today we see the kittens!!! Then my husband’s friends are having a birthday grill and pool party. I’m so excited!
Happy weekend!


我新运行轨迹/运行一般d I Hey there, have a question for you or your followers. How much fuel or water do you bring along for your trail runs. I’ve been training for a 13.1 and most of my long runs are around 5-8 miles at the moment. Do you always bring water or fuel with you for trail runs? I’m sure it varies from person to person but I feel like I’ve either under packed or over packed and still trying to find the balance, thank you!


Ok! The charleston chew on a s’more. Sounds amazing. Also saw a smores maker at Costco the other day and thought about y’all!
1. Run with 2 different friends made for an easy morning. Did a 5k with one and 4 miles with the other. Super fun catching up with old friends.
2. Car wash. Love a clean car.
3. Grocery. I think I could go to the grocery everyday. My husband says I was meant to be European and get fresh groceries everyday. :)

Hope y’all have a lovely day and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


The place where you guys go swimming looks so fun ! I’ve tried many things between graham crackers for different versions of smores, but I have not ever tried a Charleston Chew and it sounds really good ! I know what I’m buying for our next campfire. Your running views were amazing !!! Just decorating and food prepping today for my daughters 8th grade graduation party tomorrow. How is it possible that they really grow up so fast ! It’s so weird, because I don’t seem to age at all !! (insert eyeroll emoji)


Can you tell me what route you did for your run?


Can you tell me what route you did for your run?


Hey Amy! Yes!!! So we went up Pole Canyon to Buffalo Peak and down the Windies.

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