Time to leave and I spoke too soon!

记得几天前当我说过哈ppy I was not to be experiencing phantom pains during the taper? Well, I spoke too soon, and like it always does, my right leg is feeling off. It is probably nothing, but I do not want to hurt my race by running on it, so I took off yesterday and today just in case.

I hit the hot tub with Skye and Andrew instead.

This is Skye begging Andrew for a baby sister.

We may have stayed in the hot tub a little too long.

Time to get to the point that I never want to see a bagel again. I ate so many bagels for Boston last year that I didn’t eat another bagel for months.

This salt bagel spoke to my heart. I should have bought a dozen of these.

As you know, I’ve been conflicted about which shoe to wear…
但是我遇到了一个信号。我打开一个亮光2 pack, and it was a pink and orange one. The candy has decided for me.
诺克斯和我看了迪士尼+撕裂。这孩子是obsessed with climbing, and my palms sweat watching these incredible climbers scale mountains.

And now for a few random things before we jump on the plane and head east!

This is one of the many reasons I love writing down my training… I can reflect on last year’s week before the marathon and be reassured that my best races happen when I have awful tapers.

Can someone do this to my hair before the marathon? I had my hair done on Wednesday for a shoot, and running with it like this felt so good. I have no idea how to do it myself, but I’m going to learn how.

Our floors are done, and the painting is happening while we are in Boston.
Beck taught me how to run fast in the rain yesterday, which I will probably need to do on Monday.
And Knox has been teaching me how to be calm for the race.
Beck finally got his own pair of Crocs. I have no idea how I have a two-year-old obsessed with shoes;). It doesn’t make any sense, haha.

Tell me something you are looking forward to this weekend!

Off to Boston! For others going, when do you get there? Any Italian food recommendations? I’m craving something good.

Best bagel and/or bagel shop, in your opinion?! Also, cream cheese or pass?

Have any mantras or things for me to think about on Monday during the race?

-I always learn my favorite ones from you guys!

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If you can French braid your own hair, you can do that! Instead of adding pieces to the top, add them to the bottom of the group you’re braiding.
I French braid ny hair like this all time by accident. I do it backwards on myself

Good luck in Boston! Have the best race and eat all the east coast carbs!
I’m in NJ, so cream cheese on fresh warm bagels, butter on toasted day old ones.


Safe travels!! Have so much fun! My friend and her boyfriend are going to Boston, traveling today and he’s running on Monday too. I think they are going to your meet up! I asked her to say hi from me!

Des’s book is coming in the mail today so I cannot wait to read it all this weekend! Getting hyped to watch the race virtually.


Letting candy decide which shoes to wear is truly the most Janae thing!

The best bagel shop is Korshak Bagels in Philly. They’re amazing. Takes 48 hours from start to finish on every bagel and you can taste it. There’s a reason they sell out every day!

Safe travels to Boston!


Have you and Knox seen Free Solo? Unbelievable climbing documentary. You will be on the edge of your seat.
Good luck at Boston!


I wore my Vaporflys for my last two runs this week to prep for my half this weekend, I looked at the bottom of them and part of the sole is starting to come off! Is that supposed to happen?? More towards the heel too. The pink coloring is rubbing off….I am slightly upset about it!
Best Bagels hands down used to be the Cheese bagels at Manhattan Bagel Co, which I believe is out of business now. Always cream cheese and everything bagel seasoning!!!!


Oh my gosh…. It’s time for Boston!!! I am so excited for you! You are going to do amazing, no matter what the clock says. You have trained through such a hard winter, so you are tough, strong, and ready! I just read Ali’s newsletter, and there are some great tips and reminders for marathons there. But when things start to feel hard, smile! You get to do this! You’re running Boston! No other marathon has this much history! Then high five a kid and pet a dog. You’ve got this!
Everything bagels for me are the best. Although the salt one does sound good. I’m not much of a cream cheese person… Avocado on my bagel, or butter, or a good egg sandwich!
Yay for your floors being done and the painting getting done while you’re gone! It will feel so good when you get home.
Ok, safe travels!! Can’t wait to hear all about Boston!!


This is a random tangent but since it’s finally starting to warm up here in Kansas – and after reading your blog for about 6 months now – I find myself ripping off my shirt when the temps exceed 50 degrees. I would have never thought about running without my shirt if it wasn’t 80 degrees or warmer but it’s so refreshing and the cool air feels great! I got 6 miles in on my morning run and now off to enjoy my chocolate Core Power!


YES on cream cheese, and not just with bagels. I like using it in recipes too.
Wishing you safe travels and a WONDERFUL race! You have readers all over the country cheering for you.


Hi Janae, sending you all the good luck vibes! I always love the “I can do hard things” mantra! Another one of my favorites is based off of the movie, The Help. Aibileen tells the little girl, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important.” I changed it to, “You is strong, you is capable, you is determined.”


That is awesome – I use that same Aibileen southern accent to tell myself positive things that start with a “You is….” as well. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Jaci, wow, this story is beautiful. I’m praying for healing and a positive experience for you this weekend!

Also, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one getting in late on Saturday…I’m sad to miss some of the expo activities, but life got in the way of leaving earlier.

Best of luck!!!!


Looks like a Dutch braid?! Worth a google on how. You can do it! Safe and happy travels!!


Mantra from one of Tommy Rivs’ Insta posts: What a gift to be alive.
Love you, friend.


I love the simple mantra ” I can do hard things” and I need to use it this weekend. I’m running my first trail race and I feel a bit unprepared. We don’t have bagel shops around here but I love a bagel with a little almond butter on top!
Have the best race!


Good luck in Boston and have so much fun!! It’s been awhile since I have been there! One of my favorite mantras going up hills is scary feet! A running friend shared it with me years ago and it stuck.

Have a great trip and experience will be rooting for you!!!


有一个安全的旅行,如果我不去说它对吗n — I wish you a light heart and fast legs in Boston <3
I'll even lend you my mantra "Be tenacious."
My now 5 year old has wanted crocs since he was two, as well, and Santa finally delivered this past year :)

Have fun, Janae! And if I do see you, please ignore the fact that I'll be fan-girling my head off for you. Hugs!


Tiki Barber has run the NYC marathon 8 times and in 2017 advised, “…don’t be a hero in the beginning, and don’t be a coward at the end…”
I am leaving tomorrow for Boston! I’ll miss your meet-up, but maybe I’ll see you there!!! Good luck! Have fun!


It’s finally Boston weekend. Wooohoooo!!!! Travel safe and have the best weekend. We don’t fly out until Saturday night, get to Boston late, will do a short shake-out run on Sunday, pick up our packets and then just Netflix and chill as much as possible. I am so excited to soak in the race atmosphere. My “A” goal for the race is for my cheeks to hurt from smiling just as much as my legs hurt from the hills.

The one thing I’m really looking forward to on Monday (this is a little heavy for a post comment but here it is anyway) is that I’m wearing a pair of my grandma’s running shoes to the athlete village in Hopkinton before I change into my race shoes. Grandma died on January 1, 2022 and I miss her every.single.day. She was my “person” the one I called and texted for everything. And she was a runner….she ran a lot of short races her whole life and did her first 20k after she retired. I feel like she has been my tailwind for the amazing PRs I set in 2022 and by wearing her shoes to the race start, I get to take a piece of her there with me because I know she would just be SO CRAZY PROUD of me for finally getting that BQ that I chased for so long.

Crying a few happy-remembering tears…..


Jaci – that is an awesome story! Good luck at Boston!


I left a reply to you down below. It was supposed to be up here!

You’re awesome!


Good luck in Boston!!! Honestly if your hair feels that good braided, take a few minutes on Sunday and go to a hair salon – it can be like a great clips or something cheap and ask them to do it quick! It’ll take no time at all, it’s relaxing and it’ll make you FLY! Alternatively, I’ve been to race expos before where I’ve just asked around and someone is ALWAYS willing to do my hair quick!


I flew to Provo last night for my grandma’s 100th bday tomorrow and wondered if I’d see you on my run this morning! My mantra is always “don’t trust the first mile” because I either feel like I’m dying and I can’t possibly do the rest of the race OR i feel like I’m amazing and I should definitely go faster than my plan. So yep, just don’t trust the first mile. And then after that I tell myself “you didn’t come this far only to get this far” which I think is something I heard from a Peloton instructor. Then I chant “dig deep” to every foot strike. Good luck, you’ve got this in the bag!!!


Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose! Safe travels Janae! Cheering for you!


Can’t wait to track you in Boston and then hear all the gritty details next week. Totally living vicariously through you with the Boston thing!
And just a big thank you for always keeping it real when you share your training. I’m three weeks out from my marathon and have just have the WORST week of running after an amazing training cycle. It’s hot here this week (randomly) so praying it’s just that but hard to not get into my head. It feels like everyone is only having “amazing” workouts that they’re “crushing” and i’m over hear wanting to curl up in the fetal position and hang up my runners.


So excited to track everyone at Boston! It’ll be a special year for sure, 10 years post bombings. I know a couple of people running it, but I am most nervous for my friend Chris, he is assistant soccer coach for the Chattanooga professional league, and they play in San Diego Sunday. Up until a few days ago he wasn’t sure if they would let him get his bib and make it in time. He basically gets off the plane from CA at 5 am and starts at 10 am. Gonna be so nervous to see if he makes it. He has already qualified for next year, so he is treating this one as an experience since he won’t have ideal pre race conditions.

Best bagel is blueberry from Einsteins…………..with strawberry cream cheese or plain cream cheese.

And I am in my own taper for my 4th full marathon in Nashville in 8 days!!


Busy weekend for me – I’m coordinating a wedding tomorrow (rehearsal tonight.) The wedding party is HUGE, so today feels like a race day. We fly to Nashville on Sunday, Les has a work conference on Monday & Tuesday, then we’ll go see his dad on Wednesday & Thursday. We have a 3 hour layover in Salt Lake City – any good airport food spots?

I’m not a big fan of bagels, but on the rare occasion that I have one, it must have cream cheese. Actually, cream cheese and jam/jelly is my preference!

Have a great race, Janae! Hopefully I’ll remember to check on the race while we’re in Nashville.


Your nails look pink and orange too, was that a coincidence? Either way, it’s a sign! :-)


Can’t wait to track you and see how you do! Cannot believe the time for Boston Marathon is before us!
Bagels – warm and fresh. Blueberry with plain cream cheese.
I second stopping by a hair salon on Sunday and having them do your hair! Totally worth it!
Take lots of pictures – as always – but during the race just focus. SO excited to hear your report.
<3 Kristen


Wishing you a fantastic race, Janae!!
A favorite bagel place in Boston: Black Sheep Bagels–off of Harvard Square


Chances are there will be someone who can give you a “fast braid Friday” on the bus or in the athlete village area!

Salt bagels are so good and make amazing croutons, too!

Remember, a Marathon is often way faster than childbirth (for some.)


Good luck in Boston!!! I will finally run a race “with” you! The year I ran St George you were sick so I’m excited to read a recap of a race I ran too! You are truly an inspiration! I’m dealing with some tendinitis that popped up in my taper so know the “pains” feeling! My mantra is “I can do this for one more mile” or “after today you never have to run again until you want to” (that lasts like 3 days lol but encourages me in the moment!) have an amazing race!!


I have a few mantras that I love!

Run the mile that you’re in!
I get to do this!
Trust your training
Run THIS mile
Light feet, strong focus

Good luck girl! Can’t wait to follow along


I’m dying laughing over the Starburst, totally a sign! You are going to do so great, I’ll be cheering for you big time! Oh, and a salt bagel with cream cheese is absolutely my favorite and sometimes I get fancy and have lox and capers too. Think I might need to get one after my run tomorrow. Soooo excited for you!


Welcome to Boston again! I live just outside the city, and I have always wanted to run the marathon. Sadly, my health has gotten in the way of my training this year, and so I have to focus on getting back to good before I go for superlative. That said, YOU WANT ITALIAN! YOU GOT IT! Go to the North End of Boston (between the seaport and north station). It’s the little Italian neighborhood packed full of gelato shops, espresso bars, bakeries, and pasta joints. You can tell it’s legit because of the Vespas parked everywhere. Lol.
There’s one place called Giacomo’s that does Seafood and Italian and it’s the best in the city. Highly recommended for the carb loading. That said, you can’t go to the North End without hitting Mike’s Pastry for cannolis. They’re the size of a ballgame hotdog and come in about thirty different flavors. The chocolate dipped chocolate chip is my absolute favorite, but the pistachio is a little more classic and a very close second. Save room though, they are humungous! Have a fantastic race, Janae! I’ve been following you off and on since I started running ten years ago, and even though I’m not running right now, I hold out hope that I will be back to it later this year, and can utilize all your amazing tips and tricks.

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