Silentish Saturday!

Didn’t run.

The best bread ever for french toast.

Decided to go back to Thanksgiving Point.

Landed right on me.

Beck tried to get in with the goats.

Our scooter broke down while we were on a ride:(

Our currentfavorite game

Plank challenge from the game… and Knox won!

Ummm off to another race?!


My friend Bethany helped me remember something important…


Tell me three things you have going on today!

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Oooo…. A race, how fun! Can’t wait to hear all about it.
I’m off for a few miles for #rallyforali wearing all my bright pink (you can find out the details on her best friends Facebook page).
然后去帮助with a kids party. I’m hoping that it won’t rain and that the sun will come out!
Have a great weekend Janae


Thank you, it was great! I didn’t know about this… I will absolutely join in. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy the pool and I hope it stays sunny the whole time! Thanks Wendy, you too!


Yay a race! I hope it was awesome! 6 miles this morning for me. You asked about my achilles (thanks for asking!), and it’s doing so much better! I took a few days off and now it seems to be ok. Though I’m a bit nervous to get back into the endorphins now…I might wait a bit. Have a great weekend!


Thank you so much, Tess. The weather was perfect and it was a great morning. SO happy that your achilles is doing so much better! Can you return them? I don’t want your achilles to hurt again. Great job on your six miles!


I just finished a 10K! It was a great race – well-organized, and a nice course. That summer sun is already getting brutal though! I hope your race is awesome!


Allison! Congrats on your 10k! That is awesome and I hope you are acclimating to the sun… I need to do the same. Hope you are on cloud 9!


Hi Janae!! Good luck with the race!! Excited to hear about it Monday!!


Thank you, Amy! You are the best. I hope your day is a beautiful one!


Wahoo! I can’t wait to hear about the race!
So far I have ran, signed up for a race and need to move on to all the errands and house chores.
Enjoy the post-race endorphins all weekend!


Thank you, Molly! The endorphins are high but I think the need for a nap is even higher ha. Good luck with the chores and WHAT RACE did you sign up for?


It seems like you had a fantastic Saturday! :) Unfortunately, here in Sweden, it rained the whole weekend, so I spent my time indoors reading books and playing table games with my kids. Btw. I love the butterfly!! :)


Hi Janae! I’m sorry if you have linked them before, but where are your shorts from in the top picture? They are so cute!


It appears that you had a wonderful Saturday! Unfortunately, it rained the entire weekend in Sweden, so I spent my time indoors reading literature and playing board games with my children. I adore butterflies.

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