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Merry Christmas to Me

Wanna see my new jacket? Too bad, you have to anyway. Merry Christmas Janae. You deserve this. Remember how I saved $225 through coupons and by becoming friends with the store employee? Now I can focus on other peoples presents I guess. Today was a rest day from exercise….that only means one thing. I have …dota2雷竞技

Breakfast para uno.

Billy was boring this morning and wanted his Colassal Crunch cereal for breakfast. I decided I wanted him to regret that decision by making pancakes. I basically just threw ingredients that sounded good into the magic bullet. -1/4 cup whole wheat flour -1 egg white -1 tablespoon milk -1/2 teaspoon sugar -1/2 teaspoon cinnamon -a …dota2雷竞技