Agree to disagree plus snack attack 3

I don’t want to get in a fight about this or hurt anyone’s feelings but….


I am sorry but I will not be open-minded about this subject. Feel free to state your opinion in the comments but I refuse to change my mind on this important matter.


10 Minutes Stairs….didn’t have it in me to go any longer

15 Minutes Elliptical

45 of the longest most boring spin class of my life.

30 Minutes of the most awesomest strength training class of my life. Made up for the crapola spinning.


Oatmeal with CRUNCHY pb and crumbled up muffin on top fromMegan.That is perfection.

For lunch I had my usual wrap, salad, apple and pumpkin chocolate chip cookie.

No after school snack for me my stomach is not liking me right now:(

Nothing a little pj’s+bed+biggest looser+nap can’t fix.

I will be feeling better in time for my usual Friday night partying.

I will leave you with some more snack attack photo’s.



Here’s my snack :P I don’t eat it everyday, but i DO go on binges. And I didn’t take the photo :/ I am currently out of stock at home :)”

That is my kind of snack:)



“My favorite snack is this warm apple toast. It’s just whole wheat bread with peanut butter, sliced apples and some cinnamon sprinkled on top. I love it because it’s yummy, easy to prepare and healthy. =)”

Looks amazing plus a cute plate!

Nap time….

What are your Friday night plans?

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LOVE crunchy pb as well and I am planning to try your recommendation of apple toast! Yummers!


oh gosh, there it is.

I have half a gallon of rocky road in the freezer. :/

Julie's snack looks pretty good too though. Funny thing is that I am tapering and just really not very hungry. I lose my apetite when I taper. Still can drink bad coffee, though.


I buy two jars of PB – creamy for my hubby and crunchy for me. There's nothing better than the little bits of peanuts in your sandwich! :)


that's okay, Janae, my opinion is that smoother is better and you'll never be able to change MY opinion :)

Friday night.. friday night… ummm…. eating chicken enchiladas that I just made. My parents are coming back home, so dinner will be prepared when they get back. Right now, I'm writing Sunday School lessons. WOW Friday night.


I agree, crunchy IS better than smooth, but I eat it too quickly!

I hope you're feeling better soon!


I am sad you had a lame morning at the gym… :( Those days are no fun. You will be running soon!


Crunchy PB is 10x better. I only buy the creamy stuff because some recipes call for it.

Even then I'll sometimes question the recipe's authority…


correction, crunchy ALMOND butter is the best! Though I'll settle for PB in a pinch :)


agreed. that is all :)


I am physically unable to spread crunchy PB on bread, but love it by the spoonful :) I've been using TJ's peanut flour for my sandwiches and oatmeal lately and am 100% in lahhvvvv w it. Seriously, go get some.


Ha! I had this dilemma standing in Whole Foods tonight. I was trying to decided whether I should stick to my usual creamy Barney Butter or branch out and try the crunchy. I went creamy, but next time I'm gonna mix it up. I guess I'm just a creature of habit, or something like that. ;)


janae,这取决于花生酱的used. if it's as a condiment on the side of an item(apples, granola, oatmeal, ice cream, oreos, etc), creamy is the only way to go so as not to take away the flavor and focus on the main food.

BUT if it's the star, like on a sandwich, smores, or eaten by the spoonful (which is most often the case here…brian found a spoon in the shower. who am i?), crunchy is unquestionable.

since you asked my opinion.


Crunchy used to by my favorite, but my husband was much more convinced that smooth was the best that we switched. Plus he makes THE best peanut butter sandwich. I don't know how he does it, but they always taste incredible.

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