My favorite way to recover after a hard run is to plop on the couch with a bag offrosted animal cookiesand re-watch the first 3 seasons of ‘The Hills’ for the quadrillionth time.

I have been getting REALLY sore after my runs and decided it is about time that I pay attention to a little thing called my nutrition. Billy did his research thing (remember he is the brains behind the operation) and came up with my new post run fuel. Within 30 minutes of my workout I will have some chocolate milk (tasty and has the perfect ratio of carbs to proteins which is 4:1) with a scoop of Glutamine (non-essential amino acid that boosts recovery time and also boosts your immune system, we bought it at I will let you know how it goes:)


This is a heck of a lot cheaper than other recovery drinks and who doesn’t want chocolate milk at 7 a.m. This will be even more motivation to finish my runs strong.

So, we have become addicted to running documentaries and watched ‘Running Sahara’ after school. 3 men run across the Sahara dessert in 111 days (over 4,000 miles) at some points they were running in temperatures of 140 degrees and wicked sandstorms. Next time I start complaining about it getting a little stuffy in my running room I will picture them and feel a whole lot more comfortable.

Dinner was a random assortment of things. Spinach salad with delicious homemade salsa and a egg/avocado/tomato/black bean panini. Party in my mouth.


Have I told you that I would marry avocado if I could. It is a gift from the heaven’s. This reminds me, I need to go grab a quick spoonful of it before I go to bed.

After dinner Billy went and did his manly rock climbing thing and I went to my best friend since the 4th’s grades house and did girly things like play with babies and eat chocolate.


This is Macey and she is the cutest thing in the world.

I have a confession to make. I am legitimately afraid of losing my children in the future. I lose everything you could imagine and sometimes I am so caught up into thinking about running and candy I forget what is going on around me and I get scared I will lose them. I may or may not have left a student in the bathroom after a field trip once upon a time. It was only for like three minutes but it added to my phobia.


The bff knows me well and served me up some chocolate ice cream and a sugar cookie. Nothing says I love you more than adding another 46 grams of sugar to my already 199 grams of sugar yesterday. It was delicious.


By the time I read your comments I will have finished the Bachelor episode (I am watching it while I run this morning). WHAT DID YOU THINK????

-I will let you know in the afternoon but I have a feeling crazy head is going home.

Do you use any supplements or certain foods to help you recover faster?

Do you enjoy running documentaries or documentaries in general?

-YES, I love peaking into people’s lives and feeling inspired to be better.

Favorite panini fillings?

-As long as there is avocado and cheese I am a happy camper.

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Hey Girl! Chocolate milk is my choice recovery drink too! I don't add anything in it currently so I don't know run bazillions of miles but enough miles to train for half marathons :P


I love chocolate milk! That will definitely be a part of my recovery fuel, I think…

Let us know how that supplement works, I have also been feeling really sore lately. But that may just be because Im finally running again. Haha.

That dessert looks like heaven. Yum.


I love that you're buying stuff on…you're so huge! lol

Does The Office count as a documentary? If it does, then yes, I do enjoy documentaries!

The only thing I need in a panini is cheese…and maybe pesto


i might have to fight you for the avocado! lol. id marry it too! lol. love it!

i love chocolate milk. its great after a run. its chocolate deliciousness is awesome.
i also like coconut water. i dont know if u have tried it. but its also good. its delicious and nutritious. i have also used it during long runs. it does the job!


I *puffy heart* avocado! I eat it on everything! sandwiches, toast, salads, tacos, you name it! It's in my top 5 favorite foods.

I usually have a scoop of vanilla protein powder with 3-4oz of skim milk as a recovery drink. I also do the chocolate milk thing too!


One more…
I recently learned that V8 makes for a great recovery drink. or says my dad's running friend. I've tried it, not really a fan of the taste but it's certainly good for you!


I used whey protein and a recovery drink together. I'm drinking things like coconut milk and eating more walnuts etc. I wish I had the confidence to push my body harder.. I'm working on it.

Love running documentaries!!!!!!!


Oh wow! Macey is adorable!

I love avacados. My mom always makes me BLATs. Bacon, lettuce, avacado, tomato sandwiches. YUM!


What website do you watch your shows on??

How do you wake up so early everyday???

Your a rockstar!


Girl I love you, all things chocolate belong in mah belly:) I always make a brendan brazier smoothie with bananas, dates, efa oil blend, protein powder, and dulse flakes. It sounds crazy craze but it is so good:)

Slash your friend is an angel, I love it when my friends feed me ice cream and cookies! Double slash I love babies, and do not worry I am scared that I will lose my chilluns too!


I lived on paninis when I was in France. LOVE. Tomatoes and cheese are the must haves. :)
Love documentaries–I'm entertained while I learn something new, what's not to love?
I take glucosamine for my joints, and a multivitamin, but that's it in terms of supplements.


That sandwich looks amazing. All parents have that legitimate fear, heck, I still do. Don't worry though, the second you find out you're expecting, your mind switches the way ti thinks, and your child naturally becomes your main priority. Trust me. I never expected to have a kiddo, and now that I do, I'm the most protective mom ever.

我ve only ever seen Spirit of the Marathon and I'm pretty sure I could watch it a million times.

CHEESE belong in my panini, which then needs to be in my mouth asap!


hmmm I should probably pay more attention to what purpose exactly that I want my food to be doing for my body but I usually just eat what I want…hmm. I think its healthy most of the time anyways.

Avocados and cheese on a panini are the only way to go. Again, we are soulmates/twinnies. I want to watch some running documentaries to get me pumped up to run. I find that when I watch soccer while I'm running on the TM I can go all day. Its weird but I just like to pretend I'm in the game when I'm running around. I'm so used to that its easy.


MMM chocolate milk is a great choice! I always try to drink my milks after a run.

And The Bachelor– I could not be happier that Michelle is gone! Wahooooo! Families next week?! I can't even wait! I'm definitely on Team Emily!


– I just take a multivitamin

– In the winter I just do protein shakes, but in the summer, after a real long ride or run on a hot day, I use watermelon and sprinkle salt on it, the only thing in the world I use salt on, try it, its great, water and replacing your salt, per scienctific but at the same time, taste soooooo great


Mmm… yummy chocolate milk. That would help me get through a long run.

When are we gonna have our fro-yo date? :)


Mmm… yummy chocolate milk. That would help me get through a long run.

When are we gonna have our fro-yo date? :)


Macey is so adorable, I can't even stand it! And chocolate milk = most delicious recovery drink ever


I read that about the chocolate milk too and have been trying it a little. What I like is that it is easy to go down after a long run when my stomach is killing me and doesn't want to ingest anything. Other things I would drink are just a straight up protein shake or some recovery shake (that stuff is super expensive, so I save it for special occasions like a fine wine).

Everything is better in a panini and with cheese. In general, I don't love documentaries. But I do love documentaries about anyone who does something I love. It makes it more interesting when you already share a passion with the person.


Chocolate milk is best recovery drink ever! Thanks for stopping by my page yesterday and suggesting motivational books and movies. I went out and got Master Your Metabolism and so far its a good read…AND I left the house for work this AM with my gym bag so thats a good sign *big smile*


Chocolate milk was my favorite recovery food when I swam in college! It seriously works magic. You can feel your body just absorbing helpful nutrients as you guzzle the delicious chocolate. Mmmm.

And paninis? I'm with you on the avocado and cheese. I'm also a big nutella fan.

Now I'm hungry.


Macey is too cute!

我ve heard chocolate milk is great. I haven't tried it yet. I think I'm gonna try it Friday for my next long run. I've been experimenting with different things. The dreaded Green Monster smoothie – which is pretty good by the way, protein shake, GU recovery powder.

Let us know how the Glutamine works for you!!

I love running documentaries! I could watch Spirit of the Marathon over & over. It brings me to tears – weird I know.

I could eat almost anything on my panini. I'm not picky!


Haha I have fears of losing my children too. Or completely fail at raising them.


I loved the Sahara movie. Loved it. Any running documentary gets me motivated.

I like brie, ham and apricot jelly in my panini. I'm just crazy that way.


Yep, perfect recovery drink!!!!!

I love pininininini's! Especially chicken with any kind of cheese!!!

I guess I should get on the running documentary bandwagon.

P.S. I am going to email you about your spinning instructor cert. I am in love…I want to become an instructor because I think I could give a kick booty workout!! =)


PB PB PB. Or almond butter.


Chocolate milk…my favorite post race drink. I even drink it during some long ultras. The best recovery ever.


Choc milk and glutamine is the perfect post run fuel for you!

I always have a protein shake and a 100cal bag of popcorn post workout… but I also take BCAA's and glutamine when I'm dieting, it helps prevent muscle loss and makes me *slightly* less sore!

… a panini needs a good condiment and cheese. The rest is just details!


I can't get over how emotional the women have been on The Bachelor this season–more than usual it seems to me!

After running, I usually eat toast with peanut butter and yogurt.

I love all the color in your dinner! I always try to load my panini or sandwiches with as many toppings as possible–the more the merry!


Giada DeLaurentis has a recipe for paninis with fresh mozzarella, basil, and raspberry jam! So good! I hate chocolate milk but I have read blueberries aid in recovery so I make sure to include those in some way. Not sure if they work though. Myoplex Lite strawberry cream protein shakes seem to work for me.


Chocolate milk is amazeballs! I love it so much.

I think that's a great recovery drink – nothing like some protein to soothe sore muscles!


Chocolate milk is awesome for recovery! My favorite panini has to be tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and basil. Add sundried tomatoes and garlic and it's even better.


My Team in Training coaches said chocolate milk is a great recovery drink. Guess I need to buy some! I haven't watched the Bachelor yet. Still trying to get through last week's Biggest Loser first. My DVR looks like it may explode soon!


I try to follow that carb: protein ratio after long runs, but don't have anything specific that I go to. I had a big nonfat Starbucks Double Shot on Ice after my September half marathon, and a small bag of pretzels – does that count? It's protein and carbs :) I've read on runner's world that chocolate milk is one of the best recovery drinks! Bolthouse Farms makes some good bottled 'protein' drinks, but they are kinda pricey. I've also had Kashi bars or nut butter + bread after a long run.

No running documentaries yet.

Avocado is awesome, whenever possible. I also like a good 'caprese' panini– mozz, tomato & pesto/basil.


i drink muscle milk as recovery, it's basically chocolate milk + protein. yummers.


The Bachelor—-Good GOD I was happy Michelle was booted! That girl was PSYCHO!!! She gives the rest of us a bad name. Frankly, I think the producers are the ones that kept her around for that long and I think that Brad was legitaimately afraid of her in real life.


its good to get some tasty supplements!! i use raw protein powder but more just to fill me up!
that documentary sounds CRAZY.. im so so gna google that STAT


我希望Netflix分组电影一起运行。我m going to watch a bunch as my non-running preparation for Boston. I'm saving Chariots of Fire for last!


I am obsessed with avocado but strangely I used to hate them! After most long runs I just want two things: eggs and club soda. I'm an oddball, I know.


Chocolate milk after a long run tastes soooo good! It's something to look forward to and so much better than gatorade.


1. that baby is ADORABLE. do not lose her.
2.本科是荒谬的。我笑得那么辛苦when michelle was just LAYING there in the car. brad was like, "can i take your hand?" and she said, "umm… probably not." bahahahaha
3. if i have a panini, it will have cheese. that's about the only staple. spinach is a good one too, and then whatever else is around gets thrown in.
4. avocado is my favorite. if i fly to provo, can we have an avocado party? PLEASE?


Love running documentaries and paninis with cheese & tomato in them. Recover with chocolate milk as well and for some reason always like sauteed spinach after a long run as well. Weird :)


I have about 4 bazillion fears about having kids. However, misplacing them has never been one of them. HA!

WORD to tha chocolate milk!


billy climbs? you should and then visit me and we can go together! hizzah. good plan, yes?


Chocolate milk really is the best recovery drink… i love it!!
I normally throw a banana, a big scoop of protein powder and some milk in the vitamix and then enjoy it..
I definitely enjoy documentaries… obviously depending on the topic tho!

Have a good day Janae!!


Black forest ham gruyere and Dijon mustard for panini

Docu: love them. Did you see waiting for superman? What did you think

Non fat choc milk for me. It works.

Bachelor. Did not like this one other then crazy head went home. The photoshoot was painful to watch and Brit's date also
Cannot wait for the women tell all!! That will be a good one!


I told Dorry I was going to write a love song/poem to the avocado. Feel free to submit some gushy words of love to add to the song. LOL. :)
A few years ago when I FIRST started running I read an article about a group of lady runners that traveled the Sahara. I thought it would be cool. Then I realized I hated myself after 2 miles. Now I'm up to 10 before it sucks but I think I've got a ways to go before going for that dream. :)


Blech on the avocado, but the rest of your panini looks fabulicious.

I like chocolate milk … but … either plain skim with choc syrup, or choc whey protein powder … can't drink the chocolate flavored milk like substance they sell. Try it my way, and you'll never go back.

Kind of giggling that you're ordering off body builder sites… though I love you and your honesty on being bored by the weight room. Does that mean you're improving your weight training discipline? I hope so. I believe weight training saves me from running injuries. Of course, I don't put in as many miles as you do …

3000 yds in the pool yesterday … 6 miles and lifting legs today :)


I usually have a scoop of chocolate protein powder with water after my runs. Chocolate milk is also delish.

I LOVE "Without Limits". While it's not a running documentary it IS a running movie. I cry every time I watch it even though I know what will happen. Def inspires me to always give my best.


CUTE BABBBBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm more afraid that my children will be too noisy and loud and whiny that it will be impossible to ever lose them.

JUUUST KIDDING ;) Yay for chocolate milk!



Ice cream + sugar cookies = pure love!!! What what a sweet sweet baby!! I love smoothies after I run, fruit smoothies or PB and chocolate ones. And I always add a scoop of vanilla protein powder. Keeps me full and it's easy on the stomach after a long run.

I was so happy to see Michelle on The Bachelor go home. But with all her crazy shenanigans this season, I was disappointed she wasn't more crazy when she left. Although I do think she was dreaming up how she's going to jump Brad in a dark alley one day and kick his butt. :-)


mmmm…..chocolate milk. I look forward to that recovery drink!
Bachelor is crazy drama. SO addicting, eek!
My favorite panni, well its not really a panni but grilled PB & banana. SO GOOD!
I hope your week is going well. Miss you.


mmmm…..chocolate milk. I look forward to that recovery drink!
Bachelor is crazy drama. SO addicting, eek!
My favorite panni, well its not really a panni but grilled PB & banana. SO GOOD!
I hope your week is going well. Miss you.


HAHA!! Losing your kiddos! You always make me laugh.

I am getting ISLAND ENVY watching The Bachelor! I want another tropical getaway so bad–I made Spencer watch a portion of it so he was motivated to save for another trip in the future! :)

Maybe a running film is want I need to visualize during those tough times in a workout? Thanks for sharing your recent finds! Have a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY!


YES, crazy lady went home. That cookie and ice cream looks so delicious! I love frosted cookies. Your friend's baby is adorable. Amazing Grass just sent me some samples which I'm going to use for a 2-week challenge in smoothies for recovery. We'll see! I love avocado, tomato, basil and hummus paninis! And spicy mustard, too. Yum. I hope you are having a great day beautiful girl!! xoxo


OMG, love The Bachelor – its SO hilarious. I'm so glad Michelle is gone. So funny to see her shaking and lying down in the car. It looked like she just left without saying anything to Brad but then I read this:


I loved Running the Sahara!! Such a good movie. That's so cool that Billy does that stuff with you and is interested in it. Looks like you both had fun nights!! I don't use any recovery supplements but I do usually have chocolate milk after a run. I love it!! I do like documentaries. They are usually really interesting! Cheese in a panini is the best!!


i have a great recovery treat for you. I made these in January.我叫莎拉的审稿人的建议使用and used extra peanut butter and milk instead of water. Hope you enjoy :)


I LOVED Running Sahara. It was amazing! I also love glutamine. It works girlie! I usually drink it with crystal light, but you just gave me the brilliant idea to try it with some chocolate almond milk! Yumdelicious! THANK YOU!


Love chocolate milk for recovery, and that panini looks amazing! I also love avocado, especially when it is in guacamole!


have you heard of cherries to help with muscle soreness/pain? I read it somewhere, and it TOTALLY worked. I snack on dried cherries a lot now… yum!

chocolate milk post-workout is also supposed to be really good for muscle recovery. my college field hockey coach taught me that one!

p.s. check out yesterday's blog post… at the end, I linked a friend of a friend's HILARIOUS bachelor recap. its a must-read! ;)


That baby is SO cute! Let us know how the chocolate milk works!


you WILL not lose your children…no matter how hard you try. (and you will want to sometimes)… they won't let you! ha :)

Good luck with your recovery nutrition.


Yup! He's right. Chocolate Milk + Glutamine is thee prime selection for post-workout recovery. Plus, what better excuse do you need to drink chocolate milk?!


Chocolate milk really is the best!!! I love it! Oh, and avocadoes! YUM!!!!!!


I cried when I watched Spirit of the Marathon. Hey I think lifting that jug of milk and protein powder counts as doing weights?


haha I feel the same way about having a child. Most of the time I am so scatter brained because I'm running around a million miles a minute. Last night I dropped my wallet underneath my car at a grocery store and didn't even realize it until I got home. LUCKILY, someone dropped it off at the service desk–but it would be a LOT more dangerous if it was a kid. haha


Chocolate milk or coconut juice/water is where it is at for me!


I use glutamine for recovery.. It doesnt taste the best.. but it does the Trick!


Um, I read your blog pretty much every day. And this is my first comment! Your blog inspired me so much, I started my own I'm still figuring stuff out, but it's so much fun to write about training!

Also, this is kind of random, but there's a benefit 5K coming up in a week and a half. I don't know if you do this, but would you be interested in posting the info about it on your blog? It's for a really great cause: a student lost his wife to cancer. He put his education on hold while she was ill to care for her and their two children. I won't be running (I'm injured–boo!) but I will be volunteering there. Here are the deets:

Bean Benefit 5K Saturday, February 26, 2011 8 a.m. The Shops at Riverwoods Register or donate at


Oh man I have love affairs with avocado. Manfriend made me a breakfast sandwich with eggs, cheese, bacon and avocado it was delicious!

Also running in 140 degree heat sounds like some weird form of torture but its so hard core!


Chocolate milk is my favorite recovery drink too! I just have to tell you I love your blog!


Chocolate Milk ROCKS!! Treat myself to it after long runs. :)
Bachelor… yup, crazy chic went home (thx goodness!)


I don't have anything in particular to help me recover but I need to come up with something! I haven't seen any running documentaries, they may just make me feel really slow? lol! and I had an asparagus panini at a tea shop and it was amazing! My boyfriend loves panini so I think I see an panini maker in my future!


I used glutamine for a long time and then ran out and the store in town doesn't sell it anymore and I've been too lazy to get some more and then I forgot. I really think it helped. Thanks for the reminder. I love chocolate milk as a recovery drink.
I love running documentaries. There was this one called Running on the Sun a while ago. I can't find it anywhere, but it was the Badwater one. It was so interesting. I watched it before I was into running and will never forget it. We've also watched a couple on climbing Mt. Everest. Now that is a crazy thing.


The Bachelor was AWESOME. Oh man. I felt terrible for the ladies not being able to wear sunglasses.


YES! Chocolate milk is yummy! I stopped @ the store and got some after my 12miler on Saturday.

Is it wrong that i said YES when the girl that went home didn't get a rose.. I don't want to put any spoilers out, just incase.. but i was sUPAH happy she left! I'm currently catching up on the first 4-5 episodes. I came in on the middle of the season. I <3 Hulu


That panini sounds so good! I love egg + avocado + cheese + salsa, but I never thought to add black beans.

Yes, but I recently watched 127 hours about the guy stuck in a canyon for 5 days until he cut his arm off. It was good, but gruesome. I love inspiring and fun documentaries!


Chocolate milk is my recovery drink too – I love it. And, avos are absolutely one of my favorite foods. I seldom get guacamole made because I just have to eat the avo immediately.


Downloading the Sahara movie right now. looks awesome. Have you seen Without Limits? It's about Prefontaine and it's really good.


Love the Bachelor! And paninis and ice cream, and babies! I need to start following your blog I think :)


我过去后变得很恶心我的经度g runs, no matter what I ate or drank. THEN I started drinking chocolate milk and it solved everything! Its the best (and most delicious) recovery drink! So now I always have it first thing after a long run, and after long races my bf is always waiting at the end with some for me!

我ve been wanting to see that Prefontaine movie with Jared Leto in it…I've heard its really good. Have you seen it?


you're totally giving me baby fever with that cute picture! i love paninis – especially with sprouts! yummy :)


I do the choccy milk-its great!
The perfect post-run/race fuel.
And its chocolate


巧克力牛奶,太棒了!我试着蛋白粉thought it was yuck- made me feel weird in my stomach. So now I have nesquick(do you get that in the states? Its chocolate powder to add to milk) after my run as I read about the 4/1 ratio too! And a clif bar or something else too coz I want to! I also have veggie glucosamine tablets just in case- they are meant to help maintain joints so I think whats the harm? :)


Ditto on the avacados. Glutamine – tried it after weight training – will try it for running.
Not so much documentaries. More like blog stalking amazing runners – like a guy who is an ultra marathoner and ran with a guy who did 100 miles in a little more than 12 hrs.
As a side, my daughter has to do a passion project for school. She choose running and you are one of her three running heros.


我喜欢纪录片!我从来没有见过ning one, just Food Inc and Super Size Me. Love them!

我m so glad I found your blog! I was actually born in Provo, but now we live in Florida, but I hope to go to BYU in a few years! We visit my aunts/cousins/grandparents in Utah sometimes and they took us to Pizza Pie Cafe last time, sooooo yummy!


I love carbs, carbs and more carbs after a workout! =D
Hope you had a great birthday!!!!!


我ve never lost my kid, but I locked him in the car not once, but THREE times..yeah… Now that he's bigger, I just forget to pick him up from things. Thankfully, we live in a small safe town or I'm sure I'd be locked up by now.


Chocolate milk is the best post-run fuel. Ever since I started drinking it after my runs I recover so much quicker.

Running the Sahara was a great movie!


I LOVE documentaries and biographies… and E! True Hollywood Story, bahahahaha.


You won't lose your kid! It's different when they're yours.


I drink lattes for my recovery drink. Like milk on crack I guess?

Works because there is a Starbucks across from the gym where I shower after long runs


My dad left me at a McDonald's once as a child. He made it to another state before he realized it. I, however, thought it was awesome because there were free nuggets and soft serve.


Panini fillings – let's see ….
Avocado, tomato salsa and ground beef.
Danish feta with tuna and sweet peppers.
Raw chopped spinach mixed with cottage cheese together with shredded beef and tomato.


I love chocolate milk but I cannot have any dairy after a run. My stomach gets really sensitive. I usually have toast or PB or oatmeal until my stomach calms down then I eat anything in sight!


I LOVE CHOCOLATE MILK. I need to drink it more.


1) Holy crap that baby is cute!

2) So glad crazy head went home!


Woah… hold on here. 96 COMMENTS?! my goodness.

Apparently I missed this party that is your blog LOL.

EMZ linked you and now I am a follower. I heart chocolate milk… well, really anything chocolate!


Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied
on the video to make your point. You definitely know what youre talking about, why waste your intelligence on just posting videos to your weblog
when you could be giving us something enlightening
to read?

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