Park City 2011

I woke up to the best text ever.

My mom wanted to take me up to Park City for food and shopping.

Um, does it get better than that?

The only problem (well for her nose, not so much mine) is that we had to leave right after spin so please excuse the shiny forhead and dreadlocks.

Please come visit me in Utah and I will be your tour guide……the drive in and of itself was so fun! Please forgive me for the iphone pics again, my camera battery was dead.

Photo 1

Photo 4

Photo 7

I will even pack you road trip treats if you come visit.

Photo 6

Before the shopping occured I needed lunch asap. I HATE shopping on an empty stomach because then I try and rush things so that I can go get lunch. This way we were full and had all the energy it takes to try on 20,000 different things at the outlet mall.

We did the classy thing and went to Wendy’s. I am telling you, their apple, pecan, feta, chicken salad tastes SO fresh. I could live off of this salad as long as frosty’s were included.

Photo 2

Gap scared me at how awesome and cheap their stuff was. I went a little crazy but now I am set for summer shenanigans! Want to see what I bought in a post?

Harry and David took second place in awesomeness and I begged for this $18 tub of heaven but the madre wouldn’t go for it but I did convince her to get me a smaller gummy pack:)

Photo 5

Overall, the mother-daughter date was a success. A sunny day, good deals, awesome conversation and of course crazy good food.

Photo 3

Time to go swimming and try out my new underwater ipod gear. Wanna know the hardest part for me to go swimming……the whole washing your hair after. Boo.


Where do you go for a mini-getaway?

-Park City is about 45 minutes away and it really does feel like you are going on a little vacation.

Is it a sunny beautiful day where you are?

What is your favorite type of cheese right now?

-Feta is my favorite!

What is your favorite ‘outlet’ store?

-Gap and Banana Republic rock my world….best deals.

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Sounds like a great day.. wish my mom would take me shopping again!


Here is a conglomeration of comments that have been in my head and not your blog because I usually blog-read from my phone:
1. I kinda wanna know what the awkward sex-ed questions were. I went to private Christian school and never had sex-ed. I had to read about 5 books before getting married so I'd know what to do – besides the obvious ;)
2. I need your sis to come to Dallas and give me a lesson in non-frizzy hair. Whether mine's straight or wavy, it really is just frizzy.
3. While she's here, maybe she can teach me how to make my daughter's stick-straight hair wavy. My girl cried this morning because I couldn't get her hair to look like mine. Little does she know she's hugely blessed by her daddy's head of hair, but for now, she just wants to look like her mama.
4. I want to know what you bought today so I know what's cool for summer. My clothes are still circa Friends seasons 7-9, so I'm way outdated.
5. I think that's it… still praying for your femur(s)!


love little get aways! we're not far from the coast and just a couple hours from new orleans!

it is a GORGEOUS day here!! visiting my sis in virginia. never been but i like it :)

LOVE feta. and havarti for turkey sandwiches. mmmm.

婴儿的差距是我喜欢的出口。既然我已经转为叙述e girl thats alllll i wanna shop for :)

pretty please show us what you bought!!


What a gorgeous drive! Those mountains are beautiful. Glad you found some good deals and had a fun day with your mom :)

I can't get enough blue cheese lately. I put it on everything.


LOVE park city! It really is the perfect get away! Hope the swim goes well! I bet you all drove past me dying…i mean…running. haha. Lets all get together Monday to celebrate the ogden girls! MISS YOU!


WOAH what is up with Utah scenery?! It is SO beautiful!! Haha the scenery here in London is a bit! :P

Aww you and your momma are SO gorgeous:)


I don't remember all your questions, but I rememebr the cheese one since I"m trying to cut back on it. I know admitting that will probably get me banned from your blog, but I think I have a serious problem. My hubby brings home ALL sorts of stinky cheeses for me and I'm always in heaven … but I'm trying to get to my middle of the pack weight :(

Ask your mom if she wants to adopt another daughter, one who comes with two adorable kids!!!!!


i would love to see what you got! i think you have a great sense of style…helps me get out of my field clothes of cargo pants and t-shirts…lame.


wow utah is so gorgeous, I never knew it! I love going up to new hampshire for a hike for a quiet getaway. feta is my favorite everyday cheese also, its super versatile!


Hi Janae! I agree with mommysgoingforarun!!
Can you tell us the awkward questions + show us your new clothes?
It looks gorgeous where you live! Waterfalls and mountain, wow!



I never realized just how gorgeous utah is!!!

And pleasee show us what you bought ms. fashionista ;)


I instinctively said "yes" out loud to the computer after reading your question about the Gap outfit blog.

Happy Saturday! And how do you know how to even make a Wendy's salad look so appetizing….might be dinner here tonight.


Oh I love park city!!!! I want to go on a shopping date with you! :) Let's talk about how it's been over a week since I've seen you. Not ok. Must be remedied this week. YOU ARE ALMOST DONE WITH SCHOOL!!!! YESSSS xoxoxo


I love the drive to Park City. The picture of Bridal Veil Falls totally made me want to run up the canyon then hike the falls. Great summer tradition. Thanks for your comment, you are so cute :).

注。我同意上述评论希望a sample of weird sex-ed questions….haha that would be seriously entertaining!


btw, I went swimming a lot last summer (I can't get myself to swim in the winter. Even if I'm inside I know how freezing it will be when I leave the pool) and I totally agree, I HATED having to wash my hair everytime!


Yes I want to see your killer deals from Park City Outlets. Gap and Banana are always my fav too!


The snow on the mountains is beautiful but I'll keep my 80 degree temps, thanks.
We have a premium outlet less than a mile from my house and it is dangerous. Coach, Banana, Gap, True Religion, Neiman Marcus Last Call, and my very favorite, J.Crew. We even have a Harry and David and I am addicted to their salsas. I really want to get a mom job there so I can get the employee discount.
I am liking some Feta too.


I love Park City's Gap and Banana outlets! Best stuff. ever. :)

Looks like a perfect mom/daughter date.

And yes, I would love to see what you got!


Such fun mom and daughter time!
Fave cheese is mozzarella. Always!

I want to see what you bought!


自从我住在城市的市中心,如果我去two miles away it feels like a mini vacation. Sometimes I get so caught up in the craziness I forget I live right by some beautiful views!


I drove through Utah on my way to Denver last year, and fell in love with it. I loved Denver, and Utah is just the other side of the Rockies – meaning it's just as beautiful. Park City, however, is on my list of places to visit!


Hey! I don't know if you ever check in on my little blog, but I have talked about Triswim. Amazing stuff to get the pool out of your hair and skin! I love the stuff.

You know there are distance swims you could train for while your bones are healing! I am not a super fast swimmer, but I love doing the occasional 5K swim!


I think we are soul sisters because my favorite thing in the world is going to Park City with my Mom!

I am so jealous I missed out because I totally have a gap gift card. I better drive my little hiney up to PC if there are Gap deals. I am a total sucker for Gap.

Have the best night ever beautiful girl! And enjoy the swim.


ahhh i love me some frostys! mini getaway is usually to chicago to see friends. it's still like a 4 hour drive, but completely do-able for a weekend. yes, it was sunny and gorgeous all day here. Your pics made Utah look sooo pretty! Cheese- I love smoked cheddar, yumm! Fav outlet – hmm, that's hard because i love them all, just depends on the sales going on :)


oooh park city!! my family lives out there and you just made me joyfully homesick..if there is such a thing :) Looks like such a fun day!! Hope the rest of your weekend is just as beautiful!!

Serenity and Style


fun! mother daughter shopping days are the best. and that apple chicken salad from wendy's is so unbelievably good!!


The timing of your post is perfect! I moved to Salt Lake in March, and my parents are coming in a few weeks to visit, and we are trying to figure out where to take them… Park City for the day is on the list!! I love going out and getting to know my new state!


I want to see what you bought!


I really would like to see your bargains!!!! Also, Utah looks so pretty!!


I love Park City. I fell in love with Utah when we moved here a couple years ago. I'm ruined for all other states, lol.


Gorgeous pics of the mountains!
All time favorite cheese is parmigiano-reggiano! :)


我想看看你买了什么。我会做它o, it'll be shopping madness Monday!
My fav mini get away is Chattanooga it's a little over an hour away and it's a scenic drive.
My fav cheese is fresh mozzarella! I can live off tomato basil and mozzarella sandwiches!
I never find anything at outlets:( I'm from Orlando and they have outlets everywhere!


You're looking so beautiful Janae! So glad you had a good day with your momma! I just bought out Gap Outlet a few weeks ago! I can't wait to see what you bought!


Those pictures are lovely. Glad to see you had such a great lunch and fun day.


so where is the stuff you got? i was expecting to see it! love shopping at the outlets. we used to live up there and i was a fan. that wendy's is crapola for us every time we go. i'm glad they came through for you and your salad!


It was beautiful in Toronto today as well! Wrote all about my lovely sunburn in my last post! haha ouch…

I love the same outlet store, and it rocks even more when there's a Nike outlet! Eeeee that's something I dream about.

I love your mom. She is the cutest thing in the world! And you look beautiful even after sweaty spin :)


Oh it was such a beautiful day… Went to some soccer, worked in the yard and had a neighborhood BBQ… I love sunny days!
My favorite "close" getaway is my husbands family cabin up in Midway! Love it! It's the perfect distance for a mini vacation!
Jcrew outlet is hands down my favorite! And also baby gap for my daughter! However they just got crew cuts at jcrew so it could be a toss up!
I love all cheese.. Naming a favorite is too hard and depends on my mood! I have some harvarti, mozzarella, cheddar, Monterey jack, parmesan, feta stocked in my fridge right now!


Wow, you're SO blessed to get to go on mother daughter dates! Appreciate and enjoy each one!

Those mountains are amazing…


Where is your shirt from, I really like it! I love going to Banana Republic and H&M for great deals. In case you didn't know, Banana and all its sister stores (including Gap) offer 10% additional discount if you show them you have a AAA card.


How beautiful! The scenery and the food :P And the women ;-)

So nice you got to get away with your mom :)


I love Gap :) Esp Gap outlets!
And those mountains are beautiful


The first (and only) time I went to Utah, I remember saying how I didn't think places that beautiful existed outside of heaven. It's one of the most spectacular places I've ever been. Can't wait to go back some day!


We have two larger cities that are about 90 minutes from us, so those are typically are mini day getaways.
It was beautiful, plus 22! But felt way hotter – guess we aren't used to nice weather!
I am totally loving smoked maple gouda cheese right now.
And, of course we want to see what you bought! I am doing a mother daughter shopping trip at the end of July and can't wait!


UTAH looks absolutely gorgeous!!!! I am totally coming out there someday! We have nothing that pretty in OHIO – now it seems strange to me – absolutely beautiful places DO exist!!! :)

Sounds like a fun day – my mom and I used to go shopping together all of the time! It was awesome and I really miss it. The best was when she called me up or texted me and asked me to go as a surprise.

Yesterday was sunny and beautiful here (surprise!) and I went for a 2-mile run, my first since Pittsburgh. It was nice to be with friends and get excited for our upcoming training season! :)


You brought back some memories of my family vacay to Park City this past December! My husband and I went to the outlet mall, and I got the best deals at the Nike store! Everything was super snowy when we went.

Our "getaway" is to New Orleans, as we live about an hour away.


I miss Park City! I spent a summer there at geology field camp.

Ever been to Squatters? Best garlic fries ever.. The root beer's really good too.

You and your mom (and sister!) are so cute!


That drive really does look amazing!!! I totally want to see what you got shopping!


the weather is beautiful in Madison! 82 and breezy. Some storms rolling in later :)

I loveee feta. and mozerella! I'd have to agree on the Banana Republic outlet too, my favv!


You have the best scenery in Utah. I couldn't imagine driving and seeing all those sights.


Wow, Utah is GORGEOUS! I would love to go visit there sometime. :-)


it is unreal how gorgeous Utah is. I need to go there! and I can totally tell a difference in your arms in pictures – your hard work is paying off!!! :D


WOW! Utah is BEAUTIFUL!! I love the picture with the little waterfalls!


i love running down provo canyon past bridal veil falls! my fav! where did you go to high school? i went to timpview and graduated in '06. i love the jcrew outlet in park city. i need to go, haven't been forever!


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