They saved my life……

Chicken enchiladas made an appearance at dinner last night. It was my Grandma’s (Mer) birthday yesterday (and my MIL’s bday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY) and this was her dinner request. Way back there in the bowl would be Utah’s most original recipe…..jello with lots of random fruit thrown in. Life lesson from Janae: Put hot sauce on your green beans, it will change your life.

我MG 1408

My sister noticed that the bottom of my slipper has a burned mark on it. I do not recall ever walking on anything super duper hot but I am sure glad that I had my slippers on when I did. These slippers saved my beautiful blistered/toenailess running feet. (The below picture inspired my post title in case you were wondering what it had to do with anything)

我MG 1411

我can not think of any transitions that I can use to get from one subject to the next for this post so please don’t mind the fact that I am jumping all over the place.

My aunt got a new dog and she brought her to family dinner. Billy, give me a dog right this second. Only 32 days until my birthday, if that isn’t a hint Billy I don’t know how to make it any clearer. How I managed to get my own elbow in the picture that I took, I do not know.

我MG 1415

Aren’t her eyes awesome?

Here is Mer blowing out her b-day candles on her angel food cake. She is the cutest little thing in the world.

我MG 1418

Today is a sad day. I am in mourning. It is my last day of Christmas vacation but I will make sure to do everything in my power to have the best day ever and forget about the fact that my partying is over and I have to be an adult again soon.

Time to go get my run on. My legs have been feeling so good lately it is almost scaring me.


How many days until your birthday? Please tell me you have a countdown too!

Do you wear slippers around the house?

-I am hooked and will never look back, plus they save my feet when I accidently walk on hot coals.

What color are your eyes?


Are you getting your run on today?

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Oh I have to wear slippers around the house..purely because I’m a hygiene freak! After 2 weeks of no running due to inujury, I finally went for a short 5km run and it felt fantastic..I took it super slow but I was smiling the whole time: slow running>no running! Hope you have a fab run too!


We add crushed red peppers and a little rosemary to our green beans and love it!

我wear slippers: wicked good slippers from LL Bean. Love them.

我have brown eyes and today is a rest day.

我don’t countdown to my birthday anymore, but I do celebrate all month. Why limit yourself to one day? ;)


What’s your next race? Run the Georgia Marathon – March 18th! I’m running the 1/2!


last day of Christmas vacation for me too…so sad! Now the only thing to look forward to are snow days..and since it was an unseasonably 60 degrees this past weekend..I’m guessing no snow days anytime soon….boo


How sweet I was just with my grandmother in Texas and it was awesome. You are so beyond lucky to be so close to your family! Happy late birthday to your grandma and MIL!


我always always either wear slippers, flip flops or socks around the house, even my own!! I hate walking around bare foot, is that weird?

我have dark brown eyes and my husband has hazel so I am curious to see what our little girls eye color will be – and hair color too!

我feel ya – today is my last day of glorious vacay. Sad. But I guess we eventually have to get back to reality. :(


我have to wear slippers at all times because I don’t think my blood makes it down to my feet to warm them up, they are always so cold.

我n my mind, my birthday is pretty much always coming up. When I tell people this they always ask when it is and then look confused when I tell them its in April. (For the record, there are 120 days until my birthday. Now you can mark it on your calendar, you’re welcom ;)

My eyes are greenish. No run today. I might do pushups or something else to give me awesome muscles.


我总是在家里穿拖鞋。我也weirdo that will bring slippers with me to other people’s houses. My feet tend towards freezing to the point of pain, so I come prepared.

My eyes are blue.

My birthday is in 34 days :)


Last day of winter vacation here too. BOOOO HOOOO
我will take a good run to help me feel better about that reality!

Slippers are a permanent fixture to my feet……..even in summer I NEED them on my feet.


我just had my b’day on the 23rd of Dec…so it will be a looong time till my next b’day.
我don’t wear slippers..only socks :)

And i’m going to try and suck it up and go run in the sideways blowing wind and snow after work.
Happy new years to you!


我love seeing the photos and reading about your family celebrations. :) It’s wonderful that you all are so close.

Days til my birthday – just celebrated on 12/28, yay!

我don’t wear slippers – I do home daycare and run around in my bare feet most of the day.

Eyes = green.

Run = Swim. :)

我am mourning the passing of Winter Break with you… :( I love home schooling our children, but the TWO WEEK break was just about more luxury than I could bear. I have some super fun stuff planned for our Deserts Unit. Fun!


Well today is my half birthday, so a long time. But thanks for reminding me it is my half birthday! I do not wear slippers, I have been wearing socks. I hate socks, so you know I am cold.

Today is my last day of vacation too. It stinks. I am also hoping to get my run on. I am pretty tired from yesterday though. So if I walk most of it, I figure it is ok, as long as I get 5 in.

我also want to run to TJs and get a few things for lunch this week. I need to see how my veggies are in the frigerator before we head there. We did get some snow (dusting) and it suppposed to be 22 here today for a high. BRRRR!


Her eyes are AWESOME! Our dog had turqouise eyes until about 5 months. Not blue, legit turqouise. They were so cool.
我don’t have a countdown until my birthday in April because it’s the big 3-0 and I don’t want to be reminded!


i don’t wear slippers but i do wear a lot of thick socks in the house cause my feet are always freezing! i don’t have abirthday countdown but i am running a 1/2 marathon on my birthday this year!!!!! yay!!!
my eyes are brown .
我现在去热力量瑜伽和可能get my run on this afternoon:)


5 months until my 30th birthday. Gulp.
我don’t feel 30 though. I feel more like 26.


SEVEN days!
bare feet!
enjoy your last vacation day, janae!


Billy totally needs to get you a dog!!! They are fabulous :D. Thankfully I still have two and a half weeks left of winter break- I love having a full month off. My eyes are brown but I’ve always wanted blue ones haha. Hope you’re having a great new year so far pretty lady!!


that dog is beautiful! It is my last day of vacation too! I sorta want to go back if not just for the routine but I’ll be regretting that thought tomorrow!


我always wear slippers around the house! My feet freeze easily :)


i am OBSESSED with that dogg!!! so so so cuteee!!!
and i am SO HAPPY for you and your legs!!!!!!!!! rock that run today girl!!!!!! hitting the spin bike and lifting for legs today at the gym!!!
happy last day of break<3


Slippers definitely!!I call them my old man slippers :) cause they really look like it!

And my eyes are also bluish/gray…

And no run for me today…been sick and need to rest my body…

That dog’s eyes are amazing! Hope you get a puppy!!!!


我’m visiting my friend in NC, and she’s a middle school teacher in Charleston, SC. We’re driving down to Charleston today because she has to start tomorrow too! Sadness…


My Birthday was in December so I have a long time to wait :) I must wear slippers in the house. My feet are usually cold.

My eyes are green and I just got back from running at the YMCA. My kids are in school, hubby is at work and dogs are quiet. Don’t know what to do with myself :)


我’m going to be 30 this year!!! 2 months and 17 days – hoping to get another PR marathon in before the big 3-0.
Stepmill and did a very short treadmill speedworkout today – felt great. It’s so nice when your legs actually feel GOOD to go running.
And I CAN NOT be barefoot in the house. I usually prefer to just wear flip flops – my feet get too hot in slippers!
Have a GREAT run!:)


scratch that – 3 months and 17 days until the big 3-0….already losing my mind:)


Looove that dog, so pretty!!!
8 months until my birthday. Too far haha
我used to ALWAYS wear slippers, but lately I haven’t been.
Today is a cross train day. Tomorrow I run :)


My legs have been feeling pretty awesome lately too! I’ll be doing bootcamp this afternoon. That picture is so cute of her blowing out the candles! Happy Bday to her!


我used to be a huge slipper wearer….now I prefer thick socks. but who knows maybe they DO save your feel from hot coals.

my birthday was on the 15th of Dec….so a lot of days.

hmmm what else, oh yes, my eyes are bluish too. They used to be a brilliant blue and now they’re more grey.

我will be running today. I have yet to decide how far ;)


5 months 1 day until my birthday! i always thought it was the perfect day, because it was basically 1/2 a year between the two big gift days. hahaha.

i have been wearing slippers recently, but i think i’m partial to just socks. if i hit it right, i can slide all the way down my hallway in them. :p


我so have a bday countdown–2 months until I turn 30!!!


我’m totally addicted to slippers now, too! My bf got me hooked on them and I’ve never looked back. We even pack them to bring on trips with us. Slipper addicts.


29 days til my bay! (yes I count!)
And I will be going on a run (going…attempting, same thing!) today to kick off some goals for the year. And I do wear slippers sometimes, usually when I’m in the kitchen a lot since they help cushion my feet from the hard floor! :)


Australian Shepherd’s are the best dogs ever!!! I have 2!! They have tons of energy…I recommend them! :)


我’m not really looking forward to turning another year older this year, so I’m trying not to think about my birthday…in April. I’m off work today, yay! So we are taking a rest day to fully soak it in…except for we’ll be running around Trafalga with my bro’s kids. :) My eyes are a green/blue color and they switch colors sometimes which is pretty cool.


a little over 2 months {march 8!}…
LOVE my ugg slippers…
blue eyes…
running on the TM later this morning…
have a good last day of break!


64 Days until my Birthday! Yes, I still countdown and get excited about Birthdays! I used to wear slippers when I was younger, but somewhere between college and life after college I stopped wearing slippers. Now I usually have socks on my feet when it’s cold. My eyes are blue and hoping to run later today on my new treadmill. Adam said he will put it together today for me. My 4 year old son has been begging for him to put it together more than I have. Glad that my love for running is rubbing off on my children!


That dog is staring into my soul and may be the devil. Just saying.


my birthday just passed in december.
my eyes are dark brown = boring.
we had chicken enchiladas yesterday too. yum.
what kind of dog do you want?


我live in my slippers–I got new ones for Christmas because I wore my old ones out!

What kind of dog is that?! SO CUTE!


There are way too many days until my birthday, as it’s on July 26! Funny though, I do have a countdown to my wedding, which is 5 days before my birthday :)

我hope Billy gets you a puppy–I’m convinced that dogs make the best running partners!


55 days until my birthday!! All I am asking for are lots of race entries ;).
我do not wear slippers, but I wear big fluffy socks all the time in the winter.
My eyes are blue and I managed to get 3 out of 5 kids to stick with me on that!
我ran 7 miles this morning! Tapering for the weekend- kind of.


我t is actually sunny and cold here today – so rare; if we get any cold weather it is usually also foggy and gray – so I hope to get my run on this afternoon. I skipped this morning to get some sleep-in time. I’m off today! YAY!!!
我used to think my plain brown eyes were boring, especially since my older sister has lovely light gold-green eyes and she is a paragon of beauty. But now I like that they are dark in my pink-and-white skin; because it contrasts it means I can basically skip make up and not look naked-faced. I am ALL about easy!


That is such a cute dog! My last day of break is today too and I’m trying to not get to depressed either :) I don’t have a countdown to my birthday but I do have one to graduation- 136 days!


我have my slippers on right now. Ratty, pink looking things. We’ll just say they’re well worn.
eyes: green
birthday: I think 41 days. or something close to that.
no running for me today. boo.


32 days until my b-day! I never count down. lol! My daughter’s is the day before mine and I’m usually too busy planning hers to worry about mine.


What a beautiful dog!! I love big dogs like that…and I am totally going to try hot sauce on my green beans now. Score.


我hope Billy gets you a dog! Yesterday I asked my BF if he thought 2012 would bring a new 4-legged addition to our little family and he said yes so now my fingers are crossed that you get a puppy! I’d love to see some puppy posts :)


Omgahhh i love chicken enchiladas *droolz*
我have a November birthday…its gonna be forever days till it comes around again.
Sometimes I wear slippers around the house but because I live where its summer everyday I like to walk bare footed on the cold tiles. I don’t like it when my feet get hot.
My eyes are black or a really really really dark brown
我totally got my run on.


我always have a countdown going on for my birthday…. i make it seem like it’s a national holiday or something.. well to me at least :) But I just celebrated in November, so I have quite a long way to go!
And slippers are a MUST in my house- it’s so darn cold in here and my tooties would freeze off
Those eyes on that dog are amazing! So pretty :) Mine are bluish/green


43 days until my birthday! I’m not counting or anything…

Because I try to keep my heat down low to save money. Slippers are a must. Slippers, thick wool socks, lots of blankets, and sweatshirts are all needed here.


29 days until my birthday!!! Yay, big two-two!
My eyes are black and boring, I hate them. I am jealous of those dog’s eyes. And yours, too! I wish I had blue eyes so bad.
我will be getting my run on today! To and from the kitchen! …. I need to get out more. Lol, have a good last day before work! I’m so nervous for student teaching I could cry; in fact, last night I did! WOO


一只可爱的狗!绝对漂亮的眼睛,我爱ice-blue eyes on animals! Mine are green but they can be more bluish or even mixed depending on my mood – they get like steely gray when i’m sad and are bright green when I’m excited! Yeah, I’m weird. Your grandma is the cutest! Birthdays are such a great excuse for cake :-D


My birthday is in 8 months and 24 days. :)

我don’t wear slippers, but I always have on my Uggs or some comfy athletic socks when I’m lounging around the house.

Blue eyes here.

No running for me today – I trained this morning, and I’m teaching hip hop dance, abs, and then zumba tonight.

Today is my last day of break too! I am NOT ready to go back to adult life yet!!! How many days til spring break??


我love your non-transition transition. You are a Feb baby? Awesome me too!!
我live in slippers. Billy HAS to get you a dog (or two?) they are the best thing that will ever happen to you. I AM going to get my run on today!! See? No transitions necessary. ;-)


My birthday isn’t till September so no countdown yet! But soon ;)
我wear slippers all the time, I just got new fluffy ones for Christmas which is the best feeling ever!
Blue eyes :)
我ran 6km at the gym this morning!


That dogs eyes are STELLAR! So beautiful. My eyes are green. Fiercely green. And I love them.

Happy running, friendy friend!


嗯。它蠕变你,我梦见你拉t night? u were going to a swim meet in my town and we were going to meet up so I could do ur makeup. (I’m a makeup artist). but u never showed and wouldn’t answer ur cell. I even tried to lure u with ice cream!!!


25 Days until my birthday! I can’t wait! I am keeping my fingers crossed for a Garmin. ;)
我don’t wear slippers around the house….I don’t like anything on my feet, until they just get frozen!
The dogs eyes are gorgeous! Mine are blue :)

Have a great day!


我love you put hot sauce on veggies. I put it on EVERYTHING and my husband always gives me a hard time! I don’t get why he doesn’t get it!!

My birthday is at the end of August so I usually don’t start the countdown until like… May. Haha.

我want a puppy too!!! My husband and I are starting to do research of where to get a good Boston terrier. I want a running buddy!

我don’t have slippers but I want some. Especially since I have to go outside to get to the basement and clearly putting on really shoes is too much effort.


My birthday is in about 2 and a half months! The countdown starts, for me, February 18. :-)

我love my new slippers; I wear them all the time.

My eyes are kind of bluish-green with a bit of brown around the iris. I love ’em.

我’m hoping to get a run in after work today!


Le sigh, it’s my last day of winter break too- blahhh… But thankfully January is filled with a couple of holiday, meetings, and teacher work days :) Ha, that sounds awful, like I never wanna be around my students [totally not what I mean]- sometimes it’s just nice to relax… And we still have spring break and only 6 months till summer!

BTW, birthday’s are more than a day in my mind, it’s more like BIRTHDAY MONTH!


Just did my first 20 miler EVER! 2:54. SOO excited that not only did I finish, but I did it in under 3 hours. Goal is 2000 miles (ah, I should make it 2012 miles) for 2012. Thanks for keeping the motivation going for me!


Just checking in on your blog for the day…love it as usual! Thanks for all the responses yesterday still trying to figure out wordpress…what a nightmare!


oh my gosh. I’m catching up on all my blog reading, saw a dog, and thought all your christmas dreams came true.

JUST SAYIN’, last year I got Chloe as a birthday surprise. maybe it’ll happen in those 32 days. ;)


Thank goodness for those slippers!!

My birthday is in 19 sleeps! (I always count in sleeps ;) )
我don’t wear slippers, but I always wear warm, fuzzy socks around the house!
My eyes are awesome :) Dark brown, and a touch of green around the edges.
我do have a run planned today! 5km to get back into the groove!


我am a slippers person for sure – I even bought Tripp some for christmas so he wouldnt feel left out! Your grandma is adorable! and I love angel food cake – yum!!


My birthday is in July so I don’t have a countdown… yet!!!

我do wear slippers around the house… actually I got new ones for Christmas from my best friend’s mom and I love them! So comfy!

My eyes are BLUE!

我did run today! 13.18 miles!


Nine days until my birthday!!!! Eeeeeeek! I am taking the day off and getting a massage. SO EXCITED.

As for running, it’s a no go for me. :( Still wearing the boot from my stress fracture. Boo. But on the upside my foot doesn’t hurt 100% of the time anymore. Only a few more weeks until I’m back in the game!

Happy New Year!!


My bday’s November 5th…too much math for me!!

我used to wear slippers but they always bother my feet and calves so I’ve stopped wearing them in favor of reindeer slipper socks!!

One of my eyes is blue and the other is green

我ran 5 slow miles at the gym this morning…wind and 30 degrees don’t mix for less that 10!


Awww that dog is adorable! Is it an australian shepherd? My great aunt has two and they are such great dogs!


Got my run on today – 4.33 easy miles. Happy New Year to me.
My birthday isn’t for a while – November 7th…not sure how many days away that is, I think there is an app for that.
My eyes are blue.
Oh, and no slippers for me. My feet are always hot.
Have a great day!!!


Bluish eyes here too.
我ran, I swam and then the whole fam went for a bike ride! Whoa, I’m tired.


No, we won’t go back!!!! Snow come down please!!! I teach first grade and I am going to die when my alarm goes off tomorrow. Anywas, Happy bday to your sweet gma. I like to wear slippers (we call them houseshoes) in the winter. I too have blue eyes. I enjoyed my last day of sleeping in, running (12 miles) and doing NOTHING. Is it almost summer yet please?! :) do your snow dance tonigt!!!


My birthday was like 13 days ago, but i had a count down too!


My birthday is in April and no, I do not have a countdown. When you get to be as old as me you’ll stop counting, too. ;)

我LOVE slippers! I wear them when it’s cold, when it’s warm…doesn’t matter.

My eyes are blue.

我did not run (thanks to ice and snow covered roads) but I did get a Barre3 workout in.

Happy New Year!


19 days until my birthday. I don’t really keep track until the month of my actual birthday, then I have a countdown calendar and everything. I may be turning 23, but I looove birthdays (and birthday cake!) like a little kid.

我wear slippers whenever I’m home-either that or really fuzzy socks, no real shoes for me! My Mom got me an awesome pair of leopard ballet slippers for Christmas that I’ve seriously considered wearing to work.

My eyes are blue. Not that bright, piercing blue. Just blue.

我wish I could say I got my run on this morning. I had full intentions of logging a good 30 minutes on the treadmill but just could not get into a rhythm. Ended up doing 45 on an incline instead-not too shabby!

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