USA 1/2 Marathon Championships, Dads and Veggies

Answers to post fromearlier today:

9-ICE CREAM-Aritsan and house-made ice cream tops the survey of dessert trends.

10-In the weeds.

11-Steak-steak is always expensive, even wholesale, and meat prices continue to rise. Restaurants often just break even or lose money on steak dishes.


Happy Father’s Day to the world’s greatest Dadio! I sure lucked out!

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我can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight by eating baked potatoes and ice cream….we love the exact same things.

Happy Father’s Day to you too Billster, so far you have been a great dad and gotten me just what the baby has been craving.


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One more reason Kara is my idol….a 1:09:46 course-record without any tapering?!?! Will somebody please find a way for me to meet her. Thanks, I appreciate it.

Jake and Andrea (our elite bf’s) rocked the USA 1/2 marathon championship too. Jake ran a 1:06:02 and Andrea ran a 1:17:2. You can read their incredible recapsHERE!!!


Today has been just great. We were able to get in a solid 8 hours of sleep, go to church, hang out with some of Billy’s very best friends, take a nap and eat a delicious lunch. Sometimes we are so productive it is amazing.

We are having dinner early today so I kept lunch light (for me) and had a turkey wrap, yogurt, fruit and veggies. You must try raw veggies dipped in laughing cow cheese.

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Now I am blogging on the floor 6 inches from the fan with Arrested Development on the TV and Billy on the couch still snoozing, Sundays are just too great.


What has made your Sunday great?

Any fun Father’s Day plans? Any special dinners?

Favorite dip for raw veggies?

Have your parent’s been able to come watch any of your races? Which ones? Do they think your love for running is crazy?

Anyone run the Grandmas Marathon this weekend or in the past?

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The weekend in Duluth was amazing… Easily the best race we’ve ever been to. Beats Boston, no doubt. We will post all our pics in the next couple days… Kara’s son was so cute at the awards dinner last night… Se had to sit in the back b/c he was acting crazy :-) she seems super nice and we had a good chat w/ Adam… Definitely wishing her the best in London… She ran fantastic yesterday!


Jake, I am so happy you had such an incredible race experience. Now you have convinced me that I need to do Grandma’s next year:) That is awesome you got to talk with Adam and we should have an Olympic Marathon watching party with tons of ice cream!


OH! Also…. one of my friends from college ran grandma’s yesterday. It was her first marathon. When she got to mile 13 her boyfriend was down on one knee… her family was holding a sign that said, “Will you marry me?” She said yes of course and he ran miles 13-21ish with her. So sweet!


我saw that guy when I was running Grandmas! When I ran by, what an exciting proposal, I wondered what would happen after her proposed, I though to myself “that will probably be the longest 13 miles of her life after that!” I’m glad her ran some of it with her! Congrats to your friend!

PS Janae you should definatley come run Grandma’s! Maybe I’m biased because I live in Duluth, but i LOVE it! Such an awesome race!


Olympics is too far away – we should have an Olympic TRIALS viewing party – its coming up this week!

Seriously you would LOVE Grandmas and Duluth. I mean, they had ROSES waiting for Andrea as a good luck wish (and chocolate for both of us)! The whole town supports the race 110%. Its like a big city race in a cool little town. Best of both worlds.

Put it on the 2013 calendar! :-)


Sunday made great by a fun climbing workout first thing and then my husband happily going out to the movies with the kids :)


Loved the post about your father and I am so happy your step-dad has been able to be such an amazing grandpa for your cutest kiddos. I really want to come rock climbing with you sometime…it is so hard!


This Sunday was great, very relaxing which was must needed. I didn’t get to see my Dad as we’re 6 hours away, but he really appreciated the card I sent and said it got him a little choked up. Not necessarily the goal, but I’m glad it touched him so much :)

Favorite dip for raw veggies is probably a toss-up between Sabra hummus and baba ganoush from the grocery deli counter. What can I say, I love my garlic :)


Baba ganoush…I have never had that before, I must try asap! That is so cute he got choked up about the card you sent him!!


Sundays are always great. Why do we have to ruin them by following them up with Mondays?!


SERIOUSLY!! What is the deal with that….hopefully your next Sunday comes quickly:)


We had a great day at church, followed by a yummy lunch with my hubby’s parents. And I ate like 4 cake batter blondies. It’s been a great Sunday. ;)


KRISTEN, I am so happy you have had such a great day! I think you need to post your cake batter blondies recipe asap!


我ran the Grandma’s (Garry Bjorklund) Half yesterday, too, and thoroughly enjoyed it again! It was the first Half I ever ran 18 years ago and this is my first time returning to it. We had beautiful weather and the crowds as you get closer to town are just wonderful. I actually had to re-focus on running again around mile 7 because I was starting to dawdle just soaking in all the signs and fun stuff on the sides. I did not see Kara as she’d finished a good half hour before me =) (and the trials portion of the race started about 10 minutes before everyone else). It’s so nice to know she was spurred on in her home town!


CONGRATS CINDI!!! That is awesome and I am so happy you were able to return to where you ran your first half ever. I would totally get lost in all of the excitement and memories from your first half.


Grandma’s marathon was sooo fun (this year and last)!!! It was a great weekend! My parents are the best for cheering. They woke up at 4 a.m. to drive us to the busses, caught my sister 2x’s along the half marathon course, picked her up and drove back up the course to cheer me on 3x’s along the full course (hauling my 2 year old in the stroller and took her to breakfast at 6 a.m.). My mom thinks we are crazy–she says b-fast is the best part and its all down-hill from there;-)

Enjoy the evening with your dad!


BECKY, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy that you had so much fun and your parents are so sweet to wake up so early to drive you to the busses. 3 times a long the way…they are good spectators. Way to go girl and enjoy the post run rest and refueling:)


We were so busy today. We started at Panera to meet up V’s Dad and paternal grandparents for Father’s Day. We missed church. We came home, cleaned out the garbage out our car, went and got gas and got the car washed, then we went to the running store where I picked up some New Balance sleeves for 75% off, and a stick. Then we went to the arboretum to get more exercise in, and then we went to see Madagascar 3. I am exhausted!


DANG, you were crazy busy today! YAY for cheap sleeves and a stick (I LOVE OURS). How was Madagascar 3?


We had some eggplant parm for my dad and cake! Hes the best, and went with me on my trip to run the Lake Placid Half. It was great having him there!


Megan, your dinner made me drool! YUM!! That is so neat he went with you to watch you run Lake Placid.


happy father’s day to billy and your dad, janae! have fun celebrating.
i ran a 10k this a.m. and got 3rd masters woman – and a $50 bill for that! felt great and had fun, could not ask for more. my dad did not come watch because he is injured and not running…i totally understand, i dislike being at races if i can’t run, too! so we went out for lunch afterwards! best memory: running my very first 10k with my dad (same race i did today) 22 years ago!


CATHY, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You little speedster, that is so awesome! I am the same as your dad and you..when I am injured I do not like watching running when I can’t run. What a neat memory, that is so cool that you did it together 22 years ago! Loved the picture of you and your dad together on your blog.


我ran Grandma’s as my first marathon in 2009. It was 65 degrees the day before and the day after the marathon but when I crossed the finish line, a bank sign said 92 degrees. no lie. other than the heat and having no idea what i was doing, a great race! my parents come to every race — last year at Chicago my dad had a seriously crazy map with train stops, etc. to maximize cheering. unfortunately, they never saw me and i never saw them along the way. too crowded :(

Today, I decided to make a gluten-free key lime pie for said dad (his favorite and something he hasn’t had since being diagnosed w/ Celiac’s Disease). The result: 6 stitches in my thumb and I owe them a new food processor. but the pie looks very tasty so i guess it was a great Sunday!


That is awesome Grandma’s was your 1st marathon! 92 degrees….HOLY COW, I can’t imagine. Oh your dad sounds like such a sweetie trying to see you as much as possible during Chicago!

NOOOOO your poor thumb!!


My parents came to almost all of my races in HS (I think except one that was 6 hours away!) My dad ran through hs, college, and a little post-collegiate…and was my first running partner! I don’t get to see him today (they’re 5 hrs away)


WOW, that is so awesome that your parents are so supportive of your running and your dad is a professional! What a neat thing that you guys share together!


我got up early, went for a run, did some chores at home, worked a few hours, slacking now and then heading to a free concert outdoors later!

Favorite dip for raw veggies is dill dip. I haven’t made any in awhile. Need to soon!


DILL DIP…um please share the recipe with me, that sounds incredible. Hope you are having a blast at the FREE concert and way to be productive today.


Thanks! I emailed you the recipe.


hummus is my favorite dip for veggies!

my whole family went our to dinner and now we’re heading home for dessert. i made homemade pistachio ice cream… my dad’s all time favorite :)


That is so fun that you all went to dinner and you are going to have to share your pistachio ice cream recipe with me!


Sundays are always great because they mean food shopping. Who doesn’t love a house full of delicious and healthy things to eat? Also – it means spaghetti night.


Sara, we are a lot alike because having a full fridge and cupboards of delicious and healthy foods is one of my favorite things in the entire world. Plus I really enjoy going grocery shopping too:) Hope you enjoyed your spaghetti!


Kara is such a beast! I met her once a while back and she is so great!
My parents (on several occasions) have traveled 12+ hours to watch me race. I think it’s safe to say they are my biggest fans :)


WHAT?!?! You met her…I am extremely jealous. WOW, your parents are awesome and what a great support system you have!


Hanging out with my family has made my Sunday great! They came to our church this morning and then we went to their house tonight for dinner and games. Daniel grilled the best pork chops in the entire world and we also had pole beans, black eyed peas, corn, cornbread, and grilled zucchini and squash from our garden. We headed out to play some yard games after dinner (horse shoes, washers, whiffle ball, etc) and I completely dominated washers. We finished the night off with homemade blackberry cobbler and ice cream.


我ran Grandma’s Marathon last year. It’s was my first (and so far only) marathon. It was amazing. The course is BEAUTIFUL! I’d like to do it again.

我love hummus for dipping my veggies. I usually make my own.


我’m away from home for the summer, so I just called my dad this morning. If I were at home, I’d make him a nice brunch or something.
Went out with my BFF for brunch this morning, though. We both forgot it was Father’s day and was wondering why the restaurant was so crowded!
And my all time favorite dip is this caramelized onion dip I make. So easy, just caramelized onions mixed into sour cream. Literally two (three if you count the salt) ingredients!


你的焦糖洋葱浸听起来像天堂! !我can’t wait to try it!


My parents have come to almost every race my husband and I have done–we’re always so grateful that they give up a Sunday and drive so far to cheer us on! They definitely never tell us our running is crazy–they’re so supportive and know we don’t think running is crazy, so they don’t tell us we are!


LOVE Grandma’s marathon!!!! I grew up in MN and my family went to that race every summer. I’m hoping to run in next summer!!! I loved Kara’s news recap….such a sweet down to earth kind-of a gal!


That is so cool! Can I come with you next year to run it???


我这个星期一早上,我已经阅读looking fwd to next Sunday- love them :)! My Sunday was great because any day which starts off with a massage and involves lunch out is a winner :)! Hope you had a great evening with your dad!


My 5 mile run made my Sunday great! It’s the furthest I’ve ever run :)

我’m pretty sure that my parents will think I’m insane when they find out I’ll be racing this summer. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it haha.


Having a good friend over. We went to Cracker Barrel for Father’s Day. RANCH dressing!
Parents have been near a few races, but didn’t actually make the finish lines. Ok.

The Kidless Kronicles


My Sunday was great because I raced in my first TRI of the season!!
Definately blue cheese for dip!


My dad drove me too and from my first marathon and cheered for me the whole time. Pretty awesome.

Yesterday, I raced, then BBQed with my family at my parents’ house. All and all a good day.


Although my parents think I’m kind of crazy for running long distances (and loving it!), they still wake up in the wee hours on race weekends to support me. I’m so grateful for it!


Speaking of Laughing Cow – have you tried their new cream cheese? I’m curious to see how it is.


我ran the Bjorklund half (Grandma’s half) in Duluth this weekend. It was THE BOMB! I grew up in Duluth and Kara went to my high school (I was about 5 years ahead of her). The weather was amazing, the crowds were unreal, if you EVER get a chance to run Grandma’s DO IT. (My dad and sister are in the bleachers behind Kara!)


我ran Grandma’s this weekend. It was my fifth marathon. Everything about the race was wonderful, although I personally had a rough race. I hit the wall for the first time in a race. Mile 16, I was fine- mile 17, I whipped out my cell to call my husband, sobbing, “I don’t want to race anymore!”
How silly.
我wrote up a race recap and put in lots of pictures (both of the race and of Duluth) in case you need more convincing to come run this race, Janae! :)


My parents are split on the running thing. My mom awesomely started running at age 61 and has done lots of 5ks and a half-mary. She has plans for a full next yr! My dad does not run and def thinks that we are crazy but he is supportive anyway! Nowadays , I just ask them to come to big races, it would be crazy for them to come to them all!

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