Some Graston, Brooke’s food review and 4 favorite things.

Just got a littleGrastonon my right knee this morning.Dr. Bennettalways catches things before they turn into an injury. He is my secret weapon for getting to Boston injury free. I go in every three weeks to get little things worked on and I always feel like a million bucks afterwards. I will go on strike if he ever retires, he has helped my running so much.

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8 miles this morning at an 8:28 pace. On my easy runs I make sure to listen to relaxing music to keep me from speeding up when I know I need to go easy so that I can recover from the previous workout.

Brooke and I were invited over to Megan’s house for lunch today. I don’t know if there are many things better than having an amazing lunch prepared for you to come over and enjoy.

She madeTHISsalad and you have to try it (for the dressing she only uses 1/2 the sugar because it is pretty sweet).

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Because when a new Oreo flavor comes out, you must try it. Must.

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I think that these are WAYYYYYY better than normal Oreos. I loved them.

Brooke’s review of the cookies judging by how she ate them—> the cream cheese frosting is delicious but the cookie part… not her favorite.

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Four of my favorite things lately:

1. This gum. I love gum so very much and I know I have mentioned this flavor before but I just have to again.

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2.Kris’s blog. I have always loved her blog and her attitude about training, injuries, life etc. She is so inspiring to me!

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3. I have been chaffing like crazy the last few months from my sports bras (maybe because most of my miles are done inside a hot gym where I sweat like crazy) and I found a sports bra that feels heavenly.

It has been a night and day difference for me. I have been usingTHIS ONE.It is a little more $ than I usually spend but sooooo worth it to me because it feels great, does it’s job and leaves me chafe free.

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4. My mom printed off the picture of my grandpa running for Brooke too and she has been carrying it all around and looking at it.

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What sports bra is your current favorite?

Are you a gum person? Favorite flavor/brand?

What are your ‘secret weapons’ to staying injury free?

What was your lunch today?

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I always chafe on my bra line in front, I am willing to spend more to prevent that!

I love lunch with friends! Always a good time!


SO DO I… that is why I think it is worth it to spend more to not have to deal with that! Hope you are having an amazing day Amy:)


Chaffing on your bra band usually means you’re fitting your bra too big or too small or your bra is old. But if not, SportShield Roll On is A-MAZING for chaffing anywhere and is sold at specialty run shops. I used to work at one in Utah County that seriously saved so many women from chaffing by fitting them
Correctly or introducing them to SportShield.


I chew a pack of gum a day! Orbit Peppermint is my favorite!


I am a big believer in graston therapy!
My friends and I have been obsessed with the red velvet Oreos!
Sports bra: Oiselle strappy bra.
I don’t like gum.
lunch was mâché rosettes with strawberries


That is also an excellent bra!


I currently wear the Incredible by Victoria’s Secret sports bra. I’m small-chested and it provides more support than I need but I love it. I have never chafed from one, even on long runs or summer runs! I get them whenever they go on sale and own at least five now.
Secret weapons for preventing injury are Pilates and yoga, foam rolling, and taking long walks (when there’s not tons of snow) to help my legs recover. I’m also a huge, huge fan of eating enough red meat while training because I can get low iron.
Today’s lunch was homemade chicken noodle soup – yum!


Interesting that you said that about your iron today because I was just thinking I need to be taking in more iron. Thanks for reconfirming its importance to me. Your lunch sounds AMAZING! Have a great day!


I always wear my lululemon free to be’s no matter what – not supportive if you’re bigger busted but for me they are comfy and perfect. No chafing ever! Glad you have so much success with this doctor!


I’m insane and went to 3 stores today to find those oreos. I finally did and they were SO worth it.
I currently still rock the C9 target bras. They have a couple with padding that is not removable that I love. There are a few things in life that I absolutely refuse to put up with and inserting those dang pads after they fall out during washing is one of them.
至于午餐,请参考前两个sentences of my comment.


I am so glad that you finally found the oreos. I don’t think I can go back to normal oreos now. I think they would make an excellent lunch:) Have a great day Courtney!


I have some Champion sports bras from Target that do that trick – also like some of the lululemon ones!

No gum for me :-( Upsets my tummy

my lunch was a roasted chicken and avocado sammich!


I had a turkey/guacamole salad with salt and pepper, It was simple but delicious. I don’t chew gum, for some reason it makes really hungry and I tend to eat more throughout the day.


Orbitz Wintermint. I swear by it. Other mint kinds kind of make me nauseous (weird??)

I don’t have a favorite sports bra. I’m still in search of a good one.

Foam rolling. That’s what I do when I watch TV in the evenings. Its my favorite!


I wear the exact same sports bra. It is the best…love my Lululemon


lindsey, I am giving you an air high five right now:)


I love Lululemon Energy Bras!! And, love Trident Layers :-)


I like my handful bra. I also like my moving comfort just right racer. It’s nearly stitch free!


我最喜欢的是underarmour eclipse - hate too much material on my back and that one is light and supportive!


The Target Champion sports bras are awesome. I think there are 2 or 3 types but I like the one with the thicker straps that is NOT adjustable (I don’t like any metal in my sports bra). I’ve never chafed and my friend who used to chafe got one and is now also a fan.

Try Orbitz Strawberry Remix gum!! I love it. I’m a gum fan too and will try that Starburst.


This is the one (website has a ton – not just 2 or 3 – of different styles):


love this brand, also!!! They work well and I like that they are not crazy expensive!


I actually gave up gum about 2 years ago. I was a serious pack a day type of person. I realized that was something I didn’t really want or need. It was more like a nervous habit than anything. Anyways, I gave it up and never looked back.

Kris is one of my closest friends and I’m so lucky to know her in “real life”. She is truly an inspiration both inside and out.


I seriously just want to go run with you two all of the time. Wouldn’t that be amazing?!?!


Oh man, I personally believe that nothing will ever be as good as an original Oreo, we’ll just have to agree to disagree on that :)

That salad looks delicious!

I chew minty gum all day long! I couldnt survive without it!


I used to chafe like crazy as well and then a blogger pal suggested I try the Nike Pro sports bras. I LOVE them for anti-chafe material and I swear by them for long runs and marathons.

I’m pretty sure my body does not know how to run without gum in my mouth…lol. I can actually chew a piece of gum at the start line of a marathon, ingest GUs and Gatorade for 26.2 miles and finish with the same piece of gum…lol.

It’s really too bad we don’t get the cool cookie flavours that you do in the U.S. I have not seen those oreos anywhere!!!


I like the Brooks sports bras because there is a C/D cup option! I have a narrower ribcage so sizing up in regular bras just doesn’t work. It’s nice to have a sports bra that actually fits!


I’ve never had Graston. Is it painful? Also, I’ve not yet tried the Red Velvet Oreos and need to do that! My lunch today was a thick protein smoothie, and it’s still holding me over until I eat a pre-workout snack in a bit.


Moving comfort Maia is my sports bra of choice but I also use mission anti chafe cream for any summer runs or runs over 10 miles.
I got a bunch of crap from the salad bar from lunch although very little was actually salad. There was chicken and quinoa and some chile too.

I have no secret weapon. I’m constantly getting injured :(


The salad looked delicious, but 2 cups of sugar!! Even if you half it, there is still more sugar in the salad than the Oreos! So, I choose Oreos!


Hey! So much sugar huh? There was no way I was putting even a whole cup of sugar in it. So I half the dressing recipe and then half the sugar in the half. Does that make sense? And it makes oodles of dressing! Like 3 of those bottles worth even when I half it. You could probably even get away with less, I just haven’t tried it yet ;) Or maybe next time I will just crumble oreos on top instead. I like that idea.


Oreo croutons! Haha!


Those oreos look SO good! I haven’t tried them yet, but want to now :)
lunch today was Salad with a side of meatballs!


I just wear cheap sports bras from target/old navy/marshalls but I’d love to try a lululemon one someday.


Extra Watermelon gum is my jam…. and I chew WAY too much of it! Even though I eat salads every single day, and they are one of my favorite things on the planet, I’ve actually never followed a recipe for one! I just love my hodge podges so much haha.


I love Lulu and Victoria Secret sports bras. They’re super comfy and supportive!


I have a sports bra from Athleta that has been serving me well lately.

I very rarely chew gum, but I like minty ones when I do.

Rotating my shoes, foam rolling and the stick are a few ways that help keep me injury free.

lunch today was leftovers. Not terribly exciting.


I love everything from Athlete, Comfortable and stylish too. I’ve yet to be disappointed


Moving comfort rebound racer with the correct name size makes all the
difference!! Had a pbj, carrots, fruit, and a protein bar for lunch…..I guessing you can tell I m marathon training too…lol. My massage therapist is my secret weapon too….worth every penny!!


Ooops…I meant correct band size for my sports bra.


I fell in love with New Balance brand sports bras I found at Ross… they have removeable cups in them, so I can wear them to work without looking completely flat chested but still be comfy :) TMI: I am the biggest between-da-boob sweater… may need to check those bras out.

Gum person yes! Doesn’t matter what brand/flavor but I need 2 pieces in my mouth.

My secret weapon to staying injury-free: rest days.


I had Graston done during an injury and it helped so much! (Although I never knew it was called that. I always just called it “scraping.”)


The Lululemon Ta ta tamer is a must for me! Best sports bra i have!


Mmm.. that salad looks AMAZING! I’ve been slacking so bad on lunches lately so I’ve been looking for some inspiration. I just made a loaf of bread so I can have that for pb/avocado toast! I caved at lunch today and bought some tomato rice soup from a restaurant. Eaten with lots of avocado and a couple quinoa banana snack bars!


Strength Training + Taking rest days = No Injuries. That’s it, that’s my secret.


My current favourite bra is a Hestia medium support. Keeps things in place, and no chafing!

I’m not a gum chewer.

lunch today was going to be a brought from home salad, but I have just been invited to a group lunch. What to do???


lunch was a salad with tuna, sweet potatoes & broccoli. I wish I could give up gum. I always chew it and regret it after because it makes my jaw hurt so bad.


Same favorite sports bra for me. I used to love the lulu energy bra but started having chafing issues on my longer runs. The all sport solved my issues.


I used to be a gum person but it makes my stomach hurt so bad! I have to skip it!


Handful bras are the best!!!
lunch today was a bag of gluten free chips and a diet pepsi. Not the best. But sometimes you have to do what you feel.
Gum-always mint!


My go-to sports bra has been Champion since…well, high school! I’m a pack-a-day gum chewer (geez) and I’m an Orbit wintermint all the way:) Love that pic of your grandfather running.. So special!!


Having a good bra is worth the money! Those oreos sound yummy!


Even better then the all sport bra, is LULU used to make an all sport tank! It was one of their best, too bad they stopped making it.


NOOOOOO WHY would they stop making it?!?!


Brook is so cute with that picture! I love cream cheese icing so I definitely need to try those Oreos – hopefully the are available in Canada.

lunch today was a huge salad made of random leftovers from my fridge. It was so good!


我接到一个高明,现在我知道如何追踪我的pace WHILE I am running. I sprinted towards a set of street lights a couple of times to see how fast my sprinting was. It was basically like your tempo runs (mine was 6:50). Except I can’t keep them up for even half a mile. And now reading today your slow runs being around 8:30. That’s like what I’m aiming for to keep up for at least a 5k. We’ll see how it goes.


My current favorite sports bras (for a slightly larger chest) are Moving Comfort! But the one you posted is adorable – might have to check it out for summer!

lunch was spinach salad with leftover rotisserie chicken and raspberries – I actually laughed and thought of you when I made it :)

Yoga is my new secret weapon…wish I had stayed with it years ago!


I bought that gum last month and was so disappointed with it. It vaguely tasted like Starbursts, but mainly had an overpowering medicinal taste to me. Oh well. I went out and bought actual Starbursts to make up for it.

My secret weapons are just to pay attention to my body and take the necessary steps to fix anything that could be injury-causing later on.


I’ve never chafed! It’s great and I definitely appreciate it but I always wonder what it is like to chafe because I hear about it so much! Lol!

I had an incredible toasted sandwich for lunch today, sooo good :)

So adorable that Brooke carries that pic around, she is such a sweetheart :)


lunch was fun, as always. That picture of your grandpa is stellar. His form is awesome.

I wish I had secret weapons. I do think daily foam rolling is what helped me get to the marathon start line. I need to get back in that habit.

I probably don’t even need to wear a sports bra.

I heard about this Extra brand gum that was cake pop flavored, but I can’t find it anywhere. I did find the strawberry starburst flavored juicy fruit though and it is soooo good. Like, it is totally the same as dessert…if dessert were a form of punishment.


lOVE that she carries the photo around! My lunch was a broccoli, kale, chicken salad that my mom brought over cause I’m sick. Moms are the best.


I want to come to the US and try aaaaaall the oreo cookies flavours!


I love the Starburst Strawberry gum! I also just bought the Trident Jelly bean gum because it’s back in stores for the season!


love the crossover back of that sports bra! I cannot wait to try red velvet oreos when I go to Florida in two weeks!


I chafe A LOT. Vaseline is my best friend. And also I keep wrecking the hooks by not doing them up before putting them in the machine (like my mother keeps telling me to do) and then they stab me in the back…!


That sports bra is cute too in the back! My lunch today is spaghetti squash casserole!


I have a NIKE sports bra that is currently doing the trick! I need a new one though as sometimes it leaves a small mark on my back!!


So I’m wondering about the Graston – how did you know that would work better for you than physical therapy, or a sports doctor, or anyone else? Seems like there are so many options some times. I just stopped going to PT because the bill was huge, and my insurance wasn’t going to cover it. It’s hard to spend money on something if you don’t know it’s going to work!


I bought one of the All Sport bras from Lululemon just before Christmas. It is my favorite of all time! It is the perfect amount of support, but very comfortable. I actually wore it this morning for boot camp. Their Run Capris are also fabulous. Just the right amount of compression all over. I love the wide waistband and they never fall down when I run.


I keep seeing those oreos everywhere… guess that means I need to try them soon! :)


I have been chafing like crazy too!! ( actually I usually do, right along the bra line under my boobs) If this bra works, I will be forever grateful for the recommendation!


I am such a gum person and I LOVE that gum!! I have a VS sports bra and I love it! It fits perfectly and I love how it keeps everything in place ha!


I haven’t had lunch yet, but I will be eating some leftover chicken and vegetable curry with rice.


I know Lululemon is expensive but SO worth it, especially being an avid runner!!!! I really might have to check into that sports bra. . . I am in the middle of a big problem. I have upped my miles and LOST my boobs!!!!!! Not good when you are a young, married lady!! LOL. I told my hubby we can solve that problem. . . get pregnant!!!! He supports my love for running and keeping my body healthy and in shape so I think we are ok:-)


I really like The Player Crossback Sports Bra from VS. It seems pretty similar to yours to me and you can get two for less than the price of one of of the Lulu ones. I’m obsessed with mine! :)


I love some of the Champion max impact sports bras. I’m a D and need to be locked and loaded without being smushed.

I love the strongest peppermint flavors but I don’t chew gum.

lunch was Amy’s gluten-free breakfast burrito and tomato-red pepper soup with spinach.


Yes the RV Oreos are great! Have you heard that S’mores is next?


Trident – polar ice flavor!!!

I’m with Brooke…the cookie part is so overrated!!! It’s all about the filling!

对我来说,泡沫滚动using the therapy ball is key to staying injury-free…along with making sure to take my easy running days seriously.

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