I thought of the most brilliant running invention, track workout and Brooke’s new running shoes.

I thought of the most brilliant running invention today during my workout.

I get annoyed looking down at my watch (such a hard problem, I know) during speedwork to make sure that I am on pace. I want somebody to make sunglasses that show you your pace/distance/etc in the top corner of your sunglasses. Maybe the Google Glasses (but like 1/90th of the price) and Garmin should combine and make this product ASAP. Just saying, it would be sweet to just have all of the info right there.

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Today’s workout.

Man, this morning was lame in so many ways and so I kept putting my workout off until it was finally 11 am. I was heading to the treadmill but then my mom told me she wanted to watch Brooke so I could get some fresh air and do it outside. They even came and cheered me on for the first few 800s. I almost quit about 40 times during the first 3 but then I started feeling better mentally and kept going. Our mental game plays such a huge roll and it was wearing me down but I am glad I pushed through it and finished the workout.

Oh, my mantra for today was—> “Boston, Boston, Boston, Boston” It kept me going. Do the work now so that it hurts a little bit less on race day.

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My 800s were: 3:00, 2:59, 3:00, 3:03, 3:00, 2:58, 2:59, 2:59, 2:59, 3:02, 2:59 and 2:58. Average of 3:00. I cut the cool-down short to book it back to Brooke so I ended up with 11 miles total. It was crazy tough, I’m not going to lie. Probably one of the hardest workouts I’ve done in an extremely long time but it is done and it had to have made me mentally and physically stronger right?

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Came home and Brooke and I ate bananas, drank water and stretched. PS I don’t stage her to do things like this… she watches me pretty closely and loves to mimic.

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Brooke has been running around in her minnie shoes/random shoes way too much and I couldn’t handle it anymore. She is putting in some serious miles and needs the real deal. She hasn’t stopped running since we boughtTHESE.

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We then picked up some Cafe Rio on the way home because I needed food fast and ate it out on the porch for some more vitamin D. Steak salad with some tasty tortillas and guacamole.

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And now maybe I will think about showering or something along those lines. Maybe.

Also,THIS articlemade me want to go to a running camp so badly!


(photo fromDaily Burn)


What running gadget/equipment/clothing/shoes invention would you love to see happen?

Ever want to try out a running camp? Has anyone gone to one in the past? I want to hear about it!

What has been your running mantra lately?

On a scale from 1-10… how has your day been so far?

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Those are strong 800’s!
I’ve always wanted to go to running camp! The closest I’ve come is three day trail stage races. they always feel like runner sleep away camp:)
Today has been a solid 8!!


Yay for an 9!!! We should go to a running camp together, just saying. Also, a 3 day trail stage race… ummm that is hardcore!


Count me in!




I SO want to go to a running camp! Every time I find one that will work, it is on dates that won’t work. No good!

Mantra lately: Just do the work!

So far I’d say mine has been a 7. I had to work all day but its beautiful outside, I got to take a walk with my husband over lunch and I get to leave in 15 minutes. No complaints here!


I think I’d go completely nuts if I saw my pace staring back at me my whole run! Although looking down at the watch is super annoying. My husband actually has a dream to start a running camp, I feel like that would be a ton of work but I wouldn’t mind attending one!!


The google glass idea is SO GOOD. I become paranoid that me looking at my watch affects it somehow.


My husband (an engineer) is designing some running products based off of ideas I’ve had from small inconveniences in training and racing. I would love running clothes that never smell like sweat, even right after a run!
Awesome job on those 800s! You are going to own Boston!
Mantra lately: I am the master of my fate. Long but reminds me I am in control of my run and training!


Can you please tell him about the running sunglasses idea!?!? LOVE your mantra!


Oh yeah. That is a good mantra.


I will! I would love sunglasses like those also, they’d be so useful for racing!


Can you ask him to make a cap like on the applesauce pouch things (now all the rage in baby food type products) that you could put on a gel and open and close so that I don’t end up sticky when I open them and don’t have to eat it all at once? I’d do it myself, but I lack the whole engineering background. If it works out, just name it after me and send me free product. :)


The new Clif ones actually have those caps on!! Yay!


They have reusable pouches like that, just put your GU in there!


I’ll mention that to him! He’s actually working on something very similar for gels because I don’t like to eat my whole gel at once and want something to portion it :)


I need something that I can drink water from easily. A camelback is too heavy and carrying water in those handy thingy is too hard/complicated. I just want to have a straw attached to my back that magically dispenses water whenever I need it without the heavy haul!


Awesome workout and you got to do it outside! Win!

Running camp would be so fun-it intimidates me but what fun to run, socialize, run, and sleep. In college, our XC team went to a 4 day camp at the coast and it was a blast.

I want a not sagging/bouncing pocket that holds my phone, key, etc. A non-glare cell phone screen would be great, too (I am the rare watchless runner so depend on my phone for the time)

Again, way to go on your workout!


I recently bought a Flipbelt to hold my phone and keys. No bounce or sag and as a bonus holds my running capris up!


love my flipbelt!!! :)


I will have to try this! I am typically skeptical of wearing things around my waist (womanly hips with small waist) but this looks comfy! Thanks Ladies!!


Kelly, I too have “womanly hips with a small waist” and I absolutely love my flipbelt. It’s meant to be worn at hip level and unless my pants/shorts are super silky material the belt stays put!


如果我可以运行这些意见我跟踪我们rkouts I’d probably pitch a tent and never leave. Just saying, that’s pretty awesome.

One of my readers told me her mantra and I LOVED it so now I use it, “This too, shall pass.” You can get through it and you’re stronger than you know! I also take 5 deep breaths and by the time I’m done with my fifth I am feeling better.


Oh, that is such a good mantra! I love it!! Come do speedwork with me here! It would be a blast!


Well dome on the crazy hard workout!! So impressive!!! My day is going pretty well as it is 8.20am here in oz and I pretty must just woke up and had brekkie :) I love using the mantra “you can!!!”


I’m having a good day. Had my 3rd art and Graston session for my knee. I am hopeful I will be back to distance running soon. In the mean time I will enjoy my 3 milers. :)
I would like if Garmin watches can read out loud your stats through your earphones like RunKeeper does.


Youre having such pretty weather in Utah and I am so jealous!

On a scale of 1-10 my day has been BUSY. Like, the kind of busy where you forget to eat. So tonight I’m going to make up for that by eating 3 meals in one ;)


Ooh love Brooke’s little shoes!!! Awesome pushing through a hard workout. That will make you so much stronger and even more ready for Boston! I’m excited FOR you running Boston!!! I will be so pregnant next month and running so slowly that I will just live through your fast marathon running :)

I would invent a super light water, cell phone and house keys carrying device! My camelbak is okay but it’s hard to get GUs or the cell phone out of during the run. Oh, and it has to be an ipod holder, too!


Love your invention idea! Congrats on your pregnancy, soon exciting!


That sounds like a great invention, but I would also want a way to make the stats go away if I didn’t’ want to see them for part of the run! It can be so intimidating to stare at them the whole time!
Great job with that speed work! Sounds like a tough workout!


I’ll tell the inventor about making it come and go when you want it too… thanks:)


Isn’t your dad an inventor? Maybe he could work on some of these ideas.


I wish he would but he already has his next 40 years of inventions planned out:)


You mean like this?http://www.reconinstruments.com/products/jet/


I want my wrap-around-ear headphones to dispense a cooling agent on demand. Right now they just get kind of gross.


Holy. Crap. Girl, that workout is insane. I am pretty sure you are superhuman for completeling it. I got nauseous just reading about it. Seriously. Maybe I need a mantra.

Your invention is brilliant. Though, I have never worn sunglasses while running. Truth. What is wrong with me? Wait. Don’t answer that.


I put grapes in my cottage cheese as per your suggestion. Why have I waited so long?!?! Crazy good, so now this day is a 10!!


I am so glad you loved the combo! Not much better than grapes and cc! Hope you are having a great day!


I would love to going to a running camp, but it will have to wait until after nursing school.

I think your gadget idea is great, but it may make me even more obsessive about the number aspect of my run.


I am jealous of your workout because #1 Your speed and #2 Your view Amazing! Nice work, by the way. I’m seeing a sub-3 in your near future ;) (I don’t believe in jinxing, so it’s cool that I just said that)
Brooke’s shoes are the cutest!
My running mantra has been, “Be tenacious” for the past few years. I find it works in many different situations, from painful 5k to draining ultra.


Sorry Janae, I don’t like your invention. haha. because than I would never stop looking at my pace when I run.!! lol.
and loove her little running shoes.! I’ve been wanting to buy my daughter little Asics. (the kind I run in)

我去跑步。! !作为一个资深highschool. it was thee most amazing experience ever. Look up Steens Mountain Running Camp, in Oregon. I think everyone should send their kids there. RUnner or not. lol


i’ve always wanted to go to a running camp! and also, they should make brooke’s shoes in adult size :) i want a pair!


锻炼听起来疯狂激烈!哇,脓h through it and be so mentally tough!


Dude. I’m not even going to answer your questions because I can’t for the life of me get over HOW FAST THOSE 800s ARE!!!!!!! I’m so impressed, especially that you did ELEVEN OF THEM. Wow. I love it!!!


Running camp?? Didn’t even know those existed. If you find someone who has I would love to hear their experience.


You should host the HRG Running Camp and all of us can come run with you :) That would be awesome!

Running has been tough this year, with injuries and then just not really feeling into it… so I tell myself over and over (especially on long runs) “you GET to do this” I’m not injured, I’m fully capable, I need to just enjoy every miserable minute because it’s better than the alternative (not running at all!)


I have thought about going to a running camp, but I haven’t quite got up the nerve. Kind of like health retreats – same deal.

I’m not really feeling my running lately, so I’ve just been trying to enjoy myself to get me out there. I am trying to pick up my speed a little, so sometimes I tell myself that if I go hard, I can go home sooner. It works.

Today so far I’m coming in at about a 6. I had a decent run this morning, and hit up my favourite cafe for breakfast but I woke up feeling like I’m coming down with a cold, so I’m just trying to think positive thoughts while the drugs do their thing.


I would love running shorts that don’t ride up at the legs, I’m not skinny I’m a size 6 any recommendations please. I love your core workout I have being doing it for the past few days- it’s a good burn.


Hey Catherine!!! I am so glad that you like the core workout! I need to post more:) As far as shorts go, that is a HUGE pet peeve of mine too. My lululemon ones seem to be the best! I will ask in the next post if people have recommendations! So check out the comments in the morning!


Janae谢谢你的消息,我将核对n the morning. I must look up lululemon online, no shops where I live stock it. Love your blog I follow it every day great posts, you encourage me 2 keep running.


Size 6 is skinny


I like some of my lulus as well, but also really like the Oiselle distance shorts or rogas. They can be ordered at oiselle.com. I am a size 6 normally.


Thanks Lauren, I’m going to check out the oiselle shorts 2


My new favorite quote is from the Adidas commercial I’ve seen on TV. The last line is, “Nobody owns today. Take it.” so ‘take it’ has been floating through my mind lately :)
Meh, did NOT feel like going on my run this morning, but I did it, it was hard (ladder from 400 to 1600 and down), and now I’ve been sitting at work all day…I’d say a 6-ish.


Oh yeah. That’s good too. Crazy.


What running gadget/equipment/clothing/shoes invention would you love to see happen? I need more choices of shoes made in the USA. Some of NB are, but that is about it…

Ever want to try out a running camp? Has anyone gone to one in the past? I want to hear about it! I went to ZAP and it was awesome! We were there for a long distance running camp and had a blast getting our gait videoed/analyzed, eating great healthy “camp”food, and running in some gorgeous areas.

What has been your running mantra lately? You can do this.

On a scale from 1-10… how has your day been so far? 9!


I love your invention. Brilliant.


Today has been pretty good…I entered the lottery for the Chicago marathon (it’d be my first marathon if I get in!).


Did you know about Kara Goucher’s Podium Retreat? It was held in Napa last summer. I would have given anything to go, but it just wasn’t in the cards for me. I hope they do it again. It’s the only running camp I’ve really been interested in trying.

As far as mantras…I always repeat “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”. It just goes well with my stride and makes me feel badass.


Today I did the hardest WOD I’ve ever done then tried to run on trails that we’re solid ice. Predictably it turned out to be the slowest 2 miles on record, seriously any slower I would have been going backwards.

But afterward I was super proud of getting out there and going for it and now I’m celebrating in my hoodie and a blanket on the couch.


This running invention is the best ever.


Obviously I’m joking. Or am I???


YES, I would love to go to a running camp. Brooke’s running shoes are totally adorable :o)

I think my day has been pretty much about a 9.5. It’s been awesome.


The sunglasses idea is brilliant!


A running camp sounds fun :) I need more running friends!

I don’t really have a running mantra right now, unless you count me telling myself “c’mon!” when I’m starting to drag.

My day averaged out to about a 5. I had a lot of car insurance/health insurance random things to deal with, but I also had a really fun muddy run with my dog :)


Oh my gosh- your running scenery is seriously the greatest!


They are working on it for cycling. It’s just a matter of time


They already have ski goggles that show you your speed. I’m surprised no sunglasses yet.


I didn’t get out until 3 and it was a miserable run. It happens. The bummer runs make the great ones awesome. I have some speed work tomorrow. Hoping this awesome weather holds up!!


Running camp sounds like so much fun- maybe you should start one in Utah? Your pictures and run scenery are always so beautiful (it’s been a consistent snow-turned-to-rain forecast in the Midwest, so I’ll take all your sunshine any day!

Love Brooke’s new shoes – don’t want those Minnie’s messing with her gait :)

I dread speed work, but know how important it is to my training, and I always feel invincible when I’m finished!


You should definitely go to a running camp! Our local camp was named on that list – Active at Altitude. The owner, Terry, is amazing and just the coolest guy ever. Come to Estes Park, it is such an awesome running destination!


I needed to hear that reminder about how if you work hard today, it won’t hurt much on race day! I’m sooo unprepared for my half marathon this weekend – HELP!

My morning was unbelievably horrible, but my afternoon wasn’t bad. The two cookies might’ve had something to do with it…


…and bringing up the rear! :) Ahh, just sitting down and finally catching up!
By the way, my day was 8.5!
Okay, so you ROCKED the 800s!!! If you believe in the theory of Yasso 800s being a predictor of marathon time – I would predict a 2:58 for you at Boston!!
Loved, loved the running camps article. The Wyoming one looked awesome – also Flagstaff, Vermont and Colorado!! So many good ones!
The last running camp that I went to was in college near Mammoth. It was incredible and all we did was run, eat, laugh, tell stories, sleep and do it all over again.
Mantra: “Focus, work hard and never, ever give up!”
Brooke’s running shoes are awesome :)



I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and just started my own! I love your posts and I think your invention idea is fabulous!


Those running camps look like so much fun! For some reason I read all your comments today and they were quite entertaining :)

P.s. I am tired just thinking about your workout.


the fact that your daily scenery has those mountains in it makes me a bit envious… i probably would have a much easier time lacing up and heading out if that were the chase!


those little new balances!


Brooke’s running shoes are totes adorable! I want a pair just like them!

I’m on a 6 on the scale I have been working a lot this week on intervals and incorporating more strength training into my workouts. It’s super tough and I have found I really have to plan it out! A bit envious of you having a coach..would be so much easier some days!


I can’t even handle how beautiful the scenery is in that pic of you on the track! I’ve never seen mountains like that.. SO COOL!


Awesome workout! Don’t you feel great after pushing through? That scenery was amazing too.

My day is definitely better than yesterday when I was turned away at Costco for using my husband’s debit card and not mine despite the fact that we both have memberships. It was a huge mess and I almost left in tears. I went back today and used the same card. Go figure.


Awesome track workout!! And that view – AMAZING!! You are very lucky!!

It was ABOVE FREEZING this morning!!! THAT is unreal!!!


They exist… check it out!



Great job on the workout! Exhausts me just thinking about it! I’m curious how you keep track of your times on each 800 – as this is a constant pain for me. When I do them on the t-mill, I try to quickly type them into the notepad on my phone, but doing all the math while trying to run is not my idea of fun! Does your watch keep track of each one you do? And then you can just look at the history? Thanks!!

And PS – love Brooke’s new shoes!!!!!


I love the sunglasses idea! You better patent that!!! :) And Brooke’s new shoes are the cutest!


why don’t you just set an alert on your garmin to tell you if you are off pace???


I did a running camp last year and already have my down payment to attend again this year. I am hoping to make this an annual experience here on out. Running camp was probably the best thing I could have done for myself.


Brooke’s little running shoes are so adorable!

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