Silentish Saturday.. CAN EVERY RUN END LIKE THIS?

My run felt better yesterday which meant 7 miles @ 8:58 average pace.

Can every run end like this… sitting by a fire and just thinking for a few minutes? Usually the second I finish a run it is go go go. Does running ever feel like the simplest part of your day ha? It does for me sometimes!

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Walked over to breakfast.

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Yep, if I find something I love… I keep going (Bridge Cafe).

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Jordanelle Recevoir.

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We’ve been wanting to try out fishing with the kids…

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They had fun for about 22 minutes, caught nothing and then she wanted to cuddle instead. Our goal for this family vacation was to be outside doing new things for them together… mission accomplished.

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Went to the beach side. The water was too cold for them to get in but they had fun playing.

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I stayed under the umbrella. The whole time.

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Made a final stop at the hotel pool.

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When the waitress brings you two bowls (without even asking her) of salsa with the chips (second bowl stacked under bowl below).

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Chicken fajitas will always have a place in my heart (we went to Baja Cantina).

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We left and heard the waitress chasing after us… she had toys she wanted to give the kids. Nicest. Waitress. Ever.

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It’s never too hot for roasting marshmallows.

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Especially when you don’t have to smell like campfire afterwards;)

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Startedthis booka year ago… reading it again now. A much needed parenting book for me.

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Heading back home today… I’m sure Beretta has missed us like crazy.


Ever been fishing? Last outdoorsy/non-running thing that you did?

What is your Saturday morning run looking like? With people?Outside? Inside? Hot? Perfect temps?

What are three things that you are doing today?

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I love rabbit gear. I find their tanks super comfortable and I think the shorts are the perfect length. I’m glad you are enjoying it.

I’m working this weekend but luckily have the Fourth off…which is nice.


YES YES YES!! I’m obsessed with their stuff. I need to buy more. I am SO glad you have the Fourth off Hollie! I hope it is a great work weekend for you!


So does Brooke’s swimsuit come in a women’s size tank top? It’s adorable! Looks like you all had a fun trip!


RIGHT!??! Not going to lie… I get really jealous of most of Brooke’s clothing. I want it for me! Thanks Maureen and I hope you have a great weekend!


I used to fish all the time with my grandpa. I haven’t for a long time though because I always hated touching them so he would do it for me, he stopped fishing several years ago because of Parkinson’s and then passed away. So I don’t fish anymore. It’s all good though because I don’t like eating fish anyway :)


Oh I am so glad you have those sweet fishing memories with your grandpa now Jenny. I hope you have a beautiful weekend!


I love Hands Free Mama, Rachel’s new book Only Love Today is also a must read!


Wait… I haven’t heard of that book. Going to order it right now. THANKS ANNE-MARIE! I hope you have a great weekend!


Las time outdoorsy non-running thing was going out to do snorckel. I loved it!

This Saturday is more hot and humid than normal here in Miami, so I’m aiming for a good treadmill run.

your pictures of pancakes are giving me serious cravings of pancakes lately!!


I LOVE SNORKELING… sounds awesome Nathaly!! Oh I can’t imagine trying to run in the heat and humidity in Miami… great job on the treadmill run and I hope you get some pancakes soon!


Park City is one of my favorite places! So fun you guys get to stay there.


Audrey, your pictures in Guatemala are absolutely amazing. I’m addicted to seeing them! I want to come visit!


I’ve gone fishing with my mother but honestly, it’s not my thing. I do love being out at the beach, lake, etc. though. Today I walked 5 miles, some withe friends and some on my own. I pulled something in the glute/hamstring area and want it to calm down. (when I ran Monday my foot went numb, whoops).

walking, some work, and a few errands. Not sure what else yet, I’m hearing t-storms. Maybe a movie.


NOOOOO to your glute/hamstring pull. Keep me updated with how it is doing! I’m glad you got out to walk with some friends though! Enjoy your weekend Nina!!!


Just finished my long group run of 12 miles and it went really well! I decided to go easy with my 9:00/mi paced and felt comfortable for most of it (by 11 miles I was done!)
We had a nice breeze, but it was sunny and HUMID. Hello, summer running.
Afterwards, the fed everyone water, ice cold gatorade and WATERMELON. Best group run, ever! My husband ran 7 with the half marathon group with the stroller too! :)


SO SO FUN Bethany! I am so glad that your long run went so well with the group (that darn last mile). Glad you had a good breeze and watermelon after a run, that is the best! Tell your husband way to go too!


Looks like you guys had a lot of fun on your vacation. It’s been years and years since I last ate a smore. They’re always so tasty.

My plans for today include doing absolutely nothing! I had 4 finals this week, so I’m taking the long weekend off to relax and de-stress.


WAY TO GO on completing 4 finals (my brain hurts just thinking about doing that)! Enjoy a much needed weekend OFF!


Your vacation looks like so much fun!

I used to fish with my grandfather and dad as a kid- I loved it!

I ran 8 miles on my treadmill this morning. I cannot take the heat and humidity- it is awful in northern Virginia this weekend!

Today we ran, are getting coffee and maybe adopting a kitten! I lost one of my cats a few weeks ago and his sister is very lonely. I’m not sure if I’m ready for a new cat (and we have two dogs!!), but my vet (that I adore) strongly recommended getting a new kitten. Wish us luck!


Oh I cannot even imagine running in the heat and humidity that you guys have… great job on your 8 treadmill miles! AHHHH Have fun adopting a kitten… I’m so sorry you lost one recently though. Good luck and I want a picture. Thanks Leanne!


Hiked this morning.
Pool this afternoon.
Mexican tonight.


One of my favorite memories is sitting on the river bank fishing with my Grandpa Gus on the days he picked me up from school.
My 3 Saturday things
1) Got new inserts for my running shoes
2) Got my wedding ring cleaned
3) Watched a movie with my Husband
I’ve been nursing a hip/flute injury so it was a walk with my dog and the stationary bike.
It’s hot hot hot here in Phoenix so running is not so pleasant even at 0500 in the morning.

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