What is it about YOU that makes you strong. Do you count your macros?

How was your weekend? I hope it was a great one!

As I was writing this post and looking at all of my food pictures… I notice one very common theme. Carbohydrates. Do not calculate my macros for yesterday please. It was kind of a ‘I am just going to eat whatever the heck sounds good (filled with carbohydrates and simple) to me day.

I definitely woke up with a craving for orange rolls (yes, the Pillsbury ones in the can…). Brooke joined me with this (she likes the non-frosted ones?!) along with a peach and some cantaloupe.

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And then we were off to church.

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At church I had two snacks in my purse… a bag of sour gummy worms from Saturday night and a string cheese. Which one was eaten? The string cheese. I don’t know who I am anymore.

After church I had a grilled cheese sandwich with jam on top. By the way, do you know the difference between jelly, jam and preserves? Andrew and I went over the definitions (thanks to Google) the other night.

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我决定为我的周日下午,我的活动would go through my entire closet and clean it out. It was getting scary in there so I’m glad I finally got that done (am I nesting extremely early or something?). Whenever I go through my running shoes it takes me forever because I have so many different memories with a bunch of the different pairs. I came across my old puredrifts and had a lot of great speed work/race memories with these… I kept these because I couldn’t say goodbye. I have some good speed workouts coming up in 2018:)

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My sister invited us all over for dinner last night.

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These two went straight to the raspberry bushes. I’m really liking Knox’s pose below.

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She is quite the pizza chef! She gets her dough from Sam’s Club. Go to where they sell the hot dogs etc at the front and ask to buy pizza dough. It is so cheap and really good! The other key to good homemade pizza is a pizza stone.

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I had a few slices of the bbq chicken version. I think her pizza is better than restaurant pizza for sure. PS she told me today that she is doing her kitchen blog post this week (so it will go up either this week or early next week)! Get excited… her kitchen transformation is insane. You would never even guess it is the same house!

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We also went through her big bowl of watermelon. Summer nights are something else.

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My brother-in-law’s family has a special cherry dessert that they are obsessed with and we had it last night for my first time. I’m not much of a cherry dessert person (or really a dessert person as much right now) but this was insanely good. I’m going to hunt down the recipe for this.

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精准医疗gnant running is great for me in a lot of ways. It’s really hard but it helps me in a lot of ways. One thing that it does is helps me to better see my strengths. It’s weird how this happens but it just does. I think my normal running self is looking out for my different weaknesses often and trying to find ways to solve those weaknesses… which is good to a point. Seeing your weaknesses is great because it motivates you to work on them and try harder but what about seeing all of our strengths as runners? It’s not something that I do often enough normally.


It’s easy for me to see and focus on other’s strengths (i.e. Andrew goes into turbo mode anytime there is an uphill). I’m always amazed at his strength on any climbs. He says he is so good at the uphills because he just wants to get them over quick, ha! It’s so easy for me to see my personal weaknesses as a runner. I don’t think social media helps us with this problem either because we scroll through and see so many different runners with strengths that we don’t think we have. Form, mental game, I don’t do enough strength training, I don’t stretch enough… blah blah blah. I think about it. Pregnant running for some reason really helps me to celebrate each mile and to feel strong. It helps me to appreciate my body more and see the strengths because just getting out there is much harder than it usually is.

I think it’s pretty common to see our running weaknesses. While that’s okay because it can help us to grow, learn and evolve as runners… I wanted us to focus on our strengths and REALLY think about these strengths over our next few runs. I’m going to start out first and tell you (is this bragging… ha, I don’t know but either way it is hard to do) what I think my strengths are as a runner.

1.I’m consistent. I love getting out there 6ish days a week and doing my thing. It’s part of my day and I think my consistency with running makes me a strong runner.

2.I can push myself and be in that uncomfortable zone when I need to on race day or during speed workouts (most of the time;).

3.Downhills. I’m trying to be like Andrew on the uphills:) but I think downhills are a strength for me. I can really let my legs go loose and fly down any downhills in a course.

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PS Brooke asked me to take a picture of her running (after she saw Andrew taking one of me;) and my eyes brimmed with tears. I think the two of us will spend a lot of time running around in these Utah mountains as she gets older.

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Now it’s your turn! Please participate in this because I think it’s good to take some time to think about and write down our strengths because sometimes we spend way too much time thinking about our weaknesses. WHAT ARE THREE (or more or less… whatever you feel like telling us today) OF YOUR RUNNING STRENGTHS!?

Do you count your macros? Have you ever in the past? To be honest I don’t know a lot about this but I think it is really interesting! How do you track everything?

Have a 4th of July race!? I want to hear about it! I’m still deciding if I want to do one!

Do you ever keep any of your old running shoes? What do you do with your old running shoes?

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I’ve never tried orange rolls but they look tasty from your photo! Have a great day Janae!



Try some soon Maureen! Thank you! You too!


I think three of my running strengths are that 1)For the most part, I hit my goal splits during speed workouts, 2)I never quit during workouts or races, and 3)I’m very mentally and physically tough. (I kind of feel braggy saying this stuff, so I hope it doesn’t come across that way.)

I don’t keep any of my old running shoes–I’m trying to be more of a minimalist. Some of our local running stores have donation boxes for old shoes, so I take them there.


Never quitting during speed workouts or races… you are tough both mentally and physically! It doesn’t sound braggy, it’s so important to talk about our strengths! I hope you are having a great day Natalie!


Please get that cherry dessert recipe. It looks fantastic! Have a great Monday.


我发短信给他it!!!! I hope he sends it asap and I’ll post it! Have a great day Lynn!


I’ll be posting it tomorrow! He is going to send a picture of the recipe tonight:)


Thank you!!!


Three running strengths…
1.I am good at endurance. My dad calls me the “Plow Mule” because I can kick on auto-pilot and just trudge along forever.
2.I also fly down the downhills :)
3.I believe in myself. I did a 100 mile ultra a couple years ago on a whim. I had done 50 milers before, but not for months. I wasn’t training for anything at the time, and the ultra sounded fun. My husband thought I was out of my mind, but I KNEW I could do it… and I did.


“Plow Mule”… love it! I named my bike The Goat because goats love hills, but for some reason it hasn’t made me great at hills. :)


Stacey, you are amazing and so strong! 100 mile ultra in a whim… wow! So many huge strengths. You inspire me! I hope your Monday is a great one!


This made me think! My body doesn’t tolerate running more than 4-5 days a week and I focus on my weaknesses a lot too. So, I like thinking about my strengths this morning.
1.我是一个强大的山跑ner. I actually LOVE hills because I know they make me stronger and faster.
2.I have a strong mental game with running. I don’t get easily discouraged with running even if I don’t make a goal or PR at a race.
3.I listen to my body well. I am strong at knowing when I can push myself and when to hold back. If I need to rest a few days it doesn’t get me down because I know in the end my body will be better off.

Thanks for this post! I’m training for my fist half marathon 9/30/17 and it’s good for me to see my strengths!


Keep on thinking about these amazing strengths of your Deborah!! A strong mental game, rocking hills and being able to listen to your body well… AWESOME!! Please keep me updated with how your training is going, so excited for you!


I do a really good job of listening to my body.

I counted macros for like 5 days just with what I was currently eating. I fell so close to what “they” would recommend, I thought that would be a lot of time wasted calculating to end up so close with my current eating. I could see it helpful if someone needed a food adjustment.


That is awesome Erica! I hope you are having an amazing day! So cool you were so close to the recommendations… I think I’m a little off at this time in my life ha.


Oh wow, this is really making me think because I tend to ONLY think about my weaknesses, too (slow, needing rest breaks, etc…), but you’re totally right that we need to think about our strengths. Talk about a positive mind shift. Sooo… I guess three strengths of mine would be:
1.When I have a goal in mind, I do all I can to meet it. I’m into Week 5 of training for my first half and I haven’t missed a run yet. They haven’t all been pretty, but I’ve gotten out there!
2.I listen to my body. In a race, It’s much easier for me to just turn off the thing in my head that is screaming about pain/discomfort, but when I’m just out during the week, I’ll listen to my body, take breaks when I need to or cut a run short when something seems really off. This has helped me avoid injury, I’m sure
3.I have a good finishing kick. Honestly I’m a much better sprinter than I am long distance runner (I always beat people in sprints (we’re talking really short sprints, though, like 100/200 meters. No 800 sprints for me!), but I love distance running for the challenge. Anywho, when I’m at the end of a race and I can see the finish line, I’m able to turn it on and beat out all the people that have been hanging around me the whole time, which is always my motivation (“If I can just speed past her at the end…”)

Thanks, Janae! It’s really nice to think about the things you are good at, rather than just the things you need to work on all the time!


JOANNE… yes, I want you thinking about your AWESOME strengths! Having an awesome finishing kick… that is so important! Doing what it takes to hit your goals, also HUGE! You are so smart to listen to your body so well too. I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I like reading everyone’s strengths :)

1.I am mentally tough
2.I have strong endurance

我不是currently counting macros but when I do my stomach does so much better!


It really is so fun to see everyone’s strengths and I loved reading YOURS!! You are doing awesome Marissa! What stomach issues do you have?


我有肠易激综合症。很多事情打扰我的胃。精准医疗and probiotics help a bit. I feel best when I eat a completely clean diet, but it’s just not sustainable for me.


I thought I had missed the kitchen remodel post so I’m glad I haven’t and it’s coming soon! Excited to be inspired.
My old running shoes become yard mowing shoes.
也许不完全及功率tive but I think I’m good at just getting out there and running for the love of running, even though 99% of the people are faster than me. I am the person plodding along at a snail’s pace and that’s okay for me.
I’m also good at refueling. ?


No worries! It is coming soon! Hahah I’ve nailed the refueling thing too;) I love your strengths… how important to get out there and to run for your love of running! That is awesome Ali!


1.I do a good job of: getting out and running even when my motivation is a little low; knowing my form isn’t perfect and that is okay, as long as I continue to work on it; showing other people how fun running can be. The last one is probably my favorite run, I love getting text messages from friends about a first race (no matter the distance) that they finished. It makes me SO HAPPY to share my love of running with others!

2.No counting macros or really anything. We eat pretty balanced, and that is what I care about. I don’t own a scale, but know if my pants start to get tighter, I should probably cut out the sweets for a few days ;)

3.I am a little bit of a hoarder when it comes to running shoes, they become sentimental for me and I don’t like throwing them out. BUT, once I get 3-4 pairs of old shoes hanging in my closet, I know it is time to donate them. I usually take them to our local running store and donate them!


Isn’t that the best… getting those texts from others about their running. That is awesome Emily! So great that you still go out and run even when the motivation is low! So great that you donate them… I get sentimental about my running shoes too:) enjoy your day!


I donate my running shoes to sole for souls! I usually keep maybe one extra pair just in case, otherwise all of my burned out shoes go right in the donation bin at my local running store.


That is awesome Meredith! Such a great idea!


My running strengths…
1.I am 8 weeks pregnant and SO EXHAUSTED. Getting out the door and running for even just 30 minutes feels like a huge accomplishment right now. But I do it for myself and my baby and I always feel so much better when I am done. I am hopeful for the second trimester burst of energy :)
2.Persistence…I have finished two marathons feeling strong. Every other marathon (10) has been a struggle-fest at some point and has shown me the mental strength I have to finish when all I want is to stop
3.Running has taught me to be more aware of my body and my emotions and my feelings

What is a macro? ?

I used old running shoes for walking and at work, then when I have a bunch of old pairs laying around, they are donated.

Have a great day! Happy running :)


Congrats on the pregnancy Alexis.. so happy for you! Oh the exhaustion is something else right?! You are really mentally strong… so awesome! Way to go on getting out when you are so tired, I totally agree with you! Have an awesome day and I hope you are feeling well!


Hmmmm, 3 strengths.

1.Putting in the work. I just get up and do it; there’s no thinking about it or deliberating about it.

2.Trying new things to keep running fun and interesting–just did my first trail race last weekend, and I’m going to be joining a group of runners for a trail run this Thursday. Eeek. I’m nervous b/c running with others is outside my comfort zone, but I know it will be good for me to do sometimes.

3.This was NOT always the case, but listening to my body, and if it needs rest or if something isn’t quite right, better to heed that NOW rather than later!!!!!

We are totally going to get some of that Costco pizza dough. We let our membership run out (Man, do I wish they were open Saturday nights!!!!!!!), but the pizza dough might prompt the renewal. My husband makes a mean margherita pizza. This dough might put it over the top even more :)

I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of my first pair of Saucony Zealots. They saw me through a lot of fearless PRs at an exciting time during my running when I was just beginning to get more “serious” about my training. I don’t think I can part with them :)


Congrats on your first trail race Jen and I want to hear about how Thursday goes! Way to go making running fun and getting out there and DOING it! You keep those Zealots.. that is awesome! Have fun getting the pizza dough (and a new membership haha;)!


GOOD MORNING JANAE! How are you?! Thanks for being a happy, smiling face today!

My strengths in running:
My speed! No matter if I’ve taken off a a week or two weeks, I am always hitting fast paces.
I’m not hard on myself when it doesn’t go as planned. THIS took forever forever forever to learn but I feel as though it is a strength.
I ROCK the hills :)

Thanks for encouraging this, Janae!


Hey Ashley!!!! Thank you so much girl:) okay, your strengths are awesome! I love the one about not being hard on yourself when things don’t go right.. how great is that?!? I hope you are having an awesome day!


I’m running our local 4th of July 5K, it’s tradition for our family.
Also – I just have to say you live in such a beautiful place! I know you don’t take it for granted, because you write about your appreciation for it often. I live in Ohio farm country, which I find really pretty too, but it’s so different from your mountains. I read another runner’s blog from Utah too, and I’m convinced it’s one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I will make it out there someday.


Have an awesome time tomorrow at the 5k! Such a fun tradition! Come visit and I’ll take you on trail runs and I’ll come to you and run the beautiful farm country! Thank you so much Amanda!


Before I got pregnant I was counting my macros every day. I was having trouble hitting the fat intake I needed without counting macros. When I got pregnant and got the fun all day sickness for 6 weeks, I stopped counting macros completely. Around 14 weeks I started again, but very loosely and more just to make sure I was getting enough protein and fat. Those carbs are no problem for me!! It also helps me make sure I’m getting healthy carbs and not just sugar filled carbs.


Yep, I’m right there with you… the carbs are so easy to get in! Thank you so much for sharing! How far along are you now Megan?


I love reading all of these comments about our strengths!! Mine are:
1.I show up. I run with friends a lot, or in my running group, and I will *always* be there when I said I would. I’m there on time and ready to run! (I need to work on my mental game though; I think I bring the group down with complaining when it’s too hot or the run route is longer than I thought!)
2.I’m up for a challenge. I’ve done a handful of marathons and two ultras, and even though they were intimidating, I signed up, did the training plan and just went for it. I’ve had some *really* bad marathons, and I even got swept from an ultra for being too slow, so they’re not all success stories, but I always try!
3.I’m good at celebrating others’ successes. I will spectate the hell out of runs my friends are doing, and I’m genuinely happy when things go well for them. That ultra I got swept from, my friend finished and did awesome, and I was 100% truly happy for her. I got to see her cross the finish line and it was actually a great day!

I’m extremely anti-clutter (to compensate for my husband’s very pro-clutter approach to life, hah), so I recycle my old running shoes as soon as I get new ones.


Thank you for sharing yours Memphis! I love that you are always up for the challenge.. that makes life so much fun! How incredible is it that you are so so supportive of your friends and others’ success. You are such a great example!


Hmm strengths. I think I have this “lean into it and go!” mentality with uphills, which helps me get through them. I love all the different types of running workouts (short runs, long runs, speed work, even treadmill running) so I look forward to every workout. I’m persistent and am DETERMINED to become even better than I was before my injury.

I recently started tracking my macros and I feel SO much better on the days I do it. I had a coach give me my numbers (fats, proteins and carbs) that I should be hitting every day and then I use MyFitnessPal to keep track of where I am during the day. I each quite a bit of food trying to get in all my macros and it has me eating a ton more protein that I otherwise would (also less carbs but I actually don’t miss them that much. I don’t know who I am anymore).

I think I’ll just be doing my own run tomorrow before heading up to Logan for the day. Hope you guys have some fun plans!


I’m going to steal that hill mantra Alyssa! Your determination sure is working with your running, still so happy about your huge 10k PR! I am so glad that you are feeling so much better now! I have so much fun in Logan!


First, yes I always keep at least one pair of old running shoes. An old one for everyday use and an old one for camping/yardwork/junk shoes…

第二,我要做自由运行在普洛佛, but my family does a breakfast on the fourth and I didn’t want to miss it because it’s breakfast :)

And strengths: probably drive. I have drive to do things and I’m stubborn so I hang on to it until I get it.


Drive and stubborn… perfect for running! Enjoy that breakfast Jenny! That sounds like so much fun! Going to the parade?


Possibly the parade. We are going to try for the balloons too I think. And then we will see from there. We are also working on the camper. (Getting so close to finishing!!)


I still have my old racing shoes from high school cross country. My whole team had pink flat racing shoes and I love them! Even if I never wear them again, I can’t get rid of them.

Love that photo of you and Brooke running next to each other!



Oh that is so cool that you still have your old racing shoes from cross country!!!! Thank you Audrey and have an awesome week!


I think my biggest running strength is self motivation or accountability. I rarely have a running buddy that I’m meeting up with for a run, so I have to get myself out the door. Which, as it happens, is the perfect motivation for me. I know if I don’t run, I’ll be disappointed without myself later in the day and also that running fills my pitcher so that I’m a better me for the rest of the day.


Self-motivation… that is so important especially without a running partner getting you out the door! I’m the same way Aimee.. I know I need my pitcher filled too:) enjoy your Monday!


My strengths would be 1) I rarely give up on a run. I always tough through it. 2) I take care of my running body. I cross train through swimming and do some strength training. 3) I crush hills. I’m similar to Andrew in that I want to get them over with.

No race plans for the 4th. Still recovering from hip bursitis, but I’m going for a 3 mile test run to see how my hips react.


I loved your strengths Becca! All of them so important and I really loved what you said about taking care of your running body! Let me know how those three miles go!


I LOVED THIS Post! It’s been a tough year for my running, and all I’ve been doing is thinking on my weaknesses. After reading this, I can now acknowledge some of me strengths, such as:
1.I’m passionate about running. That is really my incentive for being consistent. Sometimes I could spend one or two weeks without running (because I get sick or something) and it’s thanks to my passion and my goals that I keep coming back.
2.几乎没有任何训练,我有endurance to go a long way if I pace myself correctly. I’m not a fast runner, but I can definitely go far If I want to.
3.I develop muscles very easily. Therefore, I can get very strong in a very short amount of training time. Sometimes I start training plans that I think are too tough for me, and suddenly I start noticing how strong I get.

I used to count my macros last year for better running performance. I hated it. I could never hit my daily calorie goal. I was never happy with what I needed to eat in order to hit my macros. So I just stopped doing it. I went back to eating intuitively and that’s definitely what works for me in every aspect of my nutrition.

And yeah, I keep all of my running shoes. I can’t let them go, haha.


Keep thinking about these strengths Nathaly! I love your passion for running and so awesome that you rock those training plans that once had you nervous! Keep doing what is working for you nutritionally, that is awesome!


This is such a great post! I was just talking to one of my friends this weekend about how easy it is for me to encourage others or point out their positives, but I don’t do a great job of doing that for myself.
1.I am really good at keeping myself motivated. I don’t have to have someone around to encourage me to keep moving (although it doesn’t hurt) and I usually enjoy sticking to a plan enough that that’s motivation enough.
2.I am honest with myself about what I can achieve – I set goals, and I like to challenge myself, but I don’t go overboard and then get disappointed when I fail.
3.我不是what some would call a natural runner – it takes quite a bit of effort for me, but I learned a long time ago that whatever weight you are, whatever speed you go, it’s doesn’t make you any more or any less of a runner. So I guess my third strength is that I can remind myself that I AM a runner and I CAN do it! Usually I have to remember that on long run or speed run days!

I use MyFitnessPal which counts calories but I also pay attention to my macros on there. As much as I love carbs, and even though I run and workout regularly, my body holds on to all of that, so I have to be careful not to be too carb heavy or I gain weight (and bloat, ugh!) super easily. I have tried everything you can think of to manage my health, but MFP is the best one for me. Although I did really enjoy Whole30!

My old running shoes usually get turned into cross training shoes for my other workouts or they become lawn mowing/house work/random use shoes. I try to get my money’s worth out of them! And I hate to throw them away, even when I know I should.


Rhiannon! I LOVE your strengths and you are SO right about everything you said! That is huge that you are to keep yourself motivated… amazing. I am so glad you have found what works so great for you eating wise! I hope you are having a great day!


Hey Janae!
I am feeling really down about my running lately so maybe it will be good to think about some of my running strengths :/
1.I am good at motivating others to run.
2.Once I am running, I always finish the run even if it hurts…which lately it has been REALLY hurting.
3.I can listen to my body and actually take a rest day if I need to…I used to run every. single. day even if I was sore. Now I know that it is okay to take a day (or two) off sometimes.


I am so sorry you have been feeling down about your running… keep remembering these huge strengths of yours and the many more that you have! I can always remind you too if you need!


I wish I had running strengths… I don’t run but I want to be a runner… hopefully I can force myself to do it until I like it! Can you ask your sister to do a post and show us how to make her pizza?! that looks beyond AMAZING! I also would love the recipe for the cherry dessert…YUM! We went to the stadium of fire as well and it was soooo good, I hadn’t been since I was a kid!


KAMI!!!! How the heck are you? Let’s go running together! I just sent my sister a text to so the pizza post and I asked my brother in law for the cherry recipe! Hopefully I can post it asap!!!! So glad you went to stadium of fire, it’s the best!


1.Three strengths….1- I don’t compare myself with anyone else. That is to say, I don’t look at my stats and someone else’s and pick them apart about who is better. This hasn’t always been a strength, but something I’ve grown into as I appreciate what MY body can do for me, especially after everything it has been through in the short 31 years I’ve been alive. 2- Hills. I hate speed work (with a fiery passion), but I know that I can get faster if I run hills. So I run hills. I love pushing through to to the top and then just letting myself fly to the bottom. 3- The fact that I run at all. I have spent my entire adult life (except for those first 6.5 after I turned 18) dealing with what eventually turned into a full-on disability (Thanks VA!) and it would be so easy to sit down and say, “Nope, I’m disabled. It says so right here on this federal paperwork that my knee and my back are permanently messed up, so no running for me.” Instead, I’ve learned and pushed myself and I can run! I will never be fast (I doubt I’ll ever get below a 10-minute mile), but considering I shouldn’t be walking on my own right now, I’ll take my 11:36 mile PR and tell people proudly.

2.I do not count my macros. I did, but it lead to some disordered eating. I do not count much of anything anymore, because it doesn’t lead anywhere good for me. I’ve got weight to lose (legitimate loss, not vanity weight), but I’ve learned (the hard way) that if I do counting it harms me. So I focus on eating mostly whole foods and I don’t deny myself anything I truly want. I just might eat a little less because I know it won’t make me feel good later. Sure, my weight loss is slower than it might be otherwise, but I think I’ll keep it off longer and mentally I’m in a much better place.

3.No 4th race for me. I considered it and while I’ll probably run, my next race probably won’t be until September for various reasons.

4. My old running shoes become my regular shoes, which eventually morph into my work-around-the-house shoes. For me, that’s a big distinction. Work around the house shoes get gross. There is one pair, Saucony Fastwitch 5s, that don’t get worn but haven’t been tossed (which usually happens) because they are the first pair of shoes that I bought after I really set my mind to get into running. They took good care of my knee and back and when it was time to retire them, I just couldn’t relegate them to get ruined. They sit in my kitchen, where I can see them every day. They remind me that when I really want something, I CAN do it.


非常感谢斯蒂芬妮分享……你惠etely inspired me. I love what you said about not comparing and appreciating what your body can do. Just what I needed to hear. Thank you. You are incredible for continuing to run and being so strong when you could just not. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing and I’m glad you are sticking to what works best for your eating! I hope you have a great day and an awesome run tomorrow! Keep rocking those hills:)


I do not track my macros. I am very much like you – I eat when I am hungry and what feels good at the time. It has served me well up until this point – I don’t think I have the additional bandwidth to worry about food numbers. :)

My three strengths?
I am the female world record holder for the pancake mile so I can eat and run really fast.
I don’t stop even when things get hard.
I can fall asleep when I am tired no matter where I am or what is happening.


Wait what… female world record holder for the pancake mile?!? That is incredible! I need more details! I love that you don’t stop when it gets tough.. that is huge! Thank you for sharing Jessica and I hope you are having a great day!


I MISS MY PURE DRIFTS!!!! I really wish Brooks would make them again………with my foot shape they were perfect, and the wider toebox was what I needed………..plus I had the super fun orange ones! Most of the really worn shoes I toss out, but I keep the ones with less wear to use on hikes or bike rides or to have an extra pair at work (working at an Aquarium, my shoes could end up wet and it’s nice to have a dry pair on hand!).

I don’t have a 4th of July race, but I plan to run in my stars Brooks launch sneakers and maybe even my red white and blue striped compression socks!

I do think too much on the negative when I run (like how I look in pictures or how thick my legs are compared to someone else) but I try to not do that anymore. I think my strengths in running are my consistency (not so much how many days a week, but I have been consistently running a few days each week for years now), my eagerness to run while on vacation (you get to see new places!), and my ability for distances. I learned a while ago that I am not going to be fast, but I can get started and hang in there for long races, so distance is more my thing.

Have a great 4th! Excited for the kitchen reveal……….I love home makeover shows, esp Chip and Jojo!


Oh I so wish they would bring them back too!!! Let’s keep crossing our fingers, they were the best! LOVE your strengths.. consistency is huge and distance… so important! Thank you! I hope you are having a great day Loribeth!


Thinking about strengths is definitely hard! I think it’s much easier to think about weakness…hey, can that count as a strength? I’m better at thinking of weaknesses! Haha! ; )
1.I have improved a TON in pushing myself. I can stay in the pain cave a lot longer now than I used to be able to.
2.I am good at sticking to plans when I make them.
3.I am able to push my pace and think about getting faster, which I didn’t used to do very well.

I hope you guys have a wonderful 4th!!


Isn’t it so fun to see the changes over the years! I love that you can be in the pain cave for much longer now! That is a huge strength! Way to go Chelsea!


That cherry dessert from your brother in law looks amazing!
As for my strengths, I’m going with: patient, good listener, and good at setting goals.


给我一些耐心哈!我发短信给他the recipe so hopefully I can post it soon.. it was so good! Thanks Fiona!


I’ve been tracking macros on and off for over two years! In fact, it helped me lose 50lbs. The reason that it was successful for me was that I learned portion control and the importance of eating healthy meals while still enjoying treats a few times a week. Myfitnesspal pal is the best tracker out there. Let me know if you have any questions. :)


Shelley, wow! Huge congrats!!! That is amazing!!! Thank you for sharing and when I have questions, I’ll be asking you!


Great post! I like seeing everyone’s different strengths! I think if I had to share mine, I would say:

1.Cross Training/Resistance- I’m very faithful with the weights (I’ve learned to love them!) and it prevents injury and makes me stronger.
2.I am dedicated to keeping speed/hiit workouts in my routine even when they scare me!!
3.I am willing to be uncomfortable and that has taken a long time to get to that point. For many years I didn’t want to fail, so I didn’t push myself as far as I could.


Madeline, I loved reading your strengths! You are STRONG! Keep rocking it!


I’m with you on downhill running being a strength! My mantra has actually become “get out of your own damn way” (AKA let gravity do the work!). I love your perspective and the idea of celebrating strengths – hope you have a great day!


It’s so easy to have a negative mindset and think about what we aren’t good at but it is so important to take time to think about our strengths. I am not a runner but I am quite active with weightlifting and yoga. One of my strengths is showing up. I make exercise a priority so if that means getting up at 4:45am and fitting it in before work, I do. I find I feel better getting to the gym before work so if anything comes up where I have to stay late, I am not stressing about working out. I have counted macros before and trying it again but sometimes I get annoyed at measuring everything. It did help me to see how much a portion is though and overall I focus on meat and veggies. I just have found too many carbs doesn’t work for me and instead I focus on proteins and fats and then I feel full that I don’t want to snack on junk. But this weekend being a holiday I have had my fair share of cupcakes and cookies.


My strengths with running is 1. I’m putting my health as a priority 2. I live in a canyon so my first half of the run be it 3 or 10 miles is all uphill. It’s all I know — running uphill so I’m thinking on flat ground I’d be pretty fast since my strait up the mountain hill mile is 9 min ..3. Down hill. I’ve learned bc my way home is down hill how to have form that creates zero pressure on knees and no soreness yeah!
I track macros daily bc I’m reversing fatty liver right now. I was 160 and imm5’2 and all my weight was in my gut around my organs. Very dangerous. I’m now 119 but scans and blood work and high lipids indicate about ten more pounds of fat in and around my liver so I’ll be tracking until my liver is free of the fat deposits. I find it super helpful and I use my fitness pal app. Soo fun following your pregnancy :) ❤❤❤


I have no idea what people are talking about when they say they count their macros??

running strengths:
1.(I’m super nervous to write this one..) I have been running for over 20 years and have never had any running related injuries other than scrapes and bruises from falling now and then.

2.I have a great finishing kick, could always pass at least a few girls in track as the finish line got closer… and even now just for fun I end some workouts with a sprint

3.I always stretch after a run even when I really don’t want to ;)


I think a big running strength for me is that 1) i am also consistent. even when the alarm clock goes off at crazy early hours, i still find myself getting out of bed 6 days a week to beat the heat and get my run in! 2) i always finish the workout, no matter how hard or how tired i am. during races i always think back to the thousands of times i’ve wanted to quit and realize that i didn’t. im stronger than i think i am! 3) form checking… strange i know. but after 3 stress fractures i find myself constantly checking my form during my runs. i have seen the difference it makes! i really suggest that to all runners, when it feels tough, check your form. drop your shoulders. keep your head up.
i love running:)


Those orange rolls are one of our favorites!

3 running strengths: 1) I have never had a serious injury (knock on wood!) I’ve tripped and had scrapes and bruises, but I’ve always been very cautious about overuse injuries. My bikes have saved me in this area – I can get a good workout without the pounding that comes with running. 2) I actually have a very good natural running form. This is something I’ve never really had to work on. 3) I love running downhills, too! Uphill is a struggle, but I can turn on the jets going down.

I take my old running shoes back to Road Runner Sports and they donate them to charities. I love that they will have another life.


I think three of my running/workout/crossfit/life strengths are:
(1) I don’t give up. Ever. It might not be pretty or perfect and I’ll probably need several tries — but I don’t give up. This got me across many a finish line… including my first and only marathon (so far…)
(2) I’ll seek help. I think this is important because no man (or woman) is an island
(3) I’m always hungry for information and love to learn. As a runner, I’ve learned a ton over the years and strive to continue learning more and more!

I’ve actually started just this year tracking and counting my macros. I’m working with a nutritionist and started with just a few months of tracking everything and trying to stay within my calories — then slowing adding a protein goal per meal, a sugar limit per day, etc… Now I’m trying to stick to a 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein macro target. Some days are easier than others…

No races, far too hot! It’s over 100 today with humidity over 90%… death!

I have all my old running shoes! I use them for housework or chillin. They are in good life shape, just not good running shape.


Running strengths: (tough right now cause I’m struggling) Perseverance ( I keep at it even when it’s not perfect or easy or fun), dedication (continuing to run for years now and doing other exercise/cross training in order to prevent injury and keep running), and …. to be continued :)

I am running a 5k tomorrow for the 4th of July through the YMCA.

I don’t count my macros but it’s essentially the system I use for my nutrition clients (I’m an RD). Typically people are eating more carbs than necessary and not enough protein or fat. Tracking is a great way to bring awareness to how much and what foods we are eating.


Hi Janae! I was really excited to see your question about macros, they have really helped me to be a more conscious eater and I enjoy getting to eat a good balance of foods and still enjoy my sweet treats. :) I had someone calculate mine and she specializes in macros for women. She also gives women only access to a Facebook group where everyone really builds each other up and provides support to others on macros. If you are interested (I have no connection to her I am just a fan of the macro plans) her website is: poppylocks.com. Hope you are having a great day!


One of my running strengths is that I dream big, I see a crazy race and say “I want to do that” instead of that is crazy and I am no where near ready. I know with enough dedication I could get ready. I am pretty good at not letting a bad run deter me, I always think a good one is just around the corner. I don’t over train, ever.


My running strengths:
1.I am fairly consistent with running without having a running buddy. I’m in the group where running more than 5 days a week tends to spell injury for me, so it’s relative. :)
2.Because of #1, I am really good at cross-training several times a week and stretching!
3.Being patient with myself. It’s hard some days, but I think I’m pretty good at setting short-term and long-term goals for myself that are realistic and adjusting the timing as my body dictates.
Can I sneak a fourth one? Listening to my body! :)

I don’t track macros – I just try to eat 5 full servings of fruits and veggies every day!

Have a happy 4th!!


omg now i TOTALLY want orange rolls..i haven’t had them in so long!!!

1.I too am consistent! no matter what season of life i always stay active and always end up going back to running – whether i’m loving HIIT, putting on the miles – i still do it!
2.我是一个好的跑步机跑步!这是一个人才吗?haha! i seriously love it because its my time to catch up on my blog reading and my magazines – i read them all on my nook :)
3.hmmm…i’m MUCH better at finding balance in my workouts and knowing that running isn’t everything! i love it obviously, but its ok to do other workouts too and nothing bad will happen if you don’t run as many miles as you wanted, or something comes up. enjoy the rest days.

i do track! i use my fitness pal – i actually track to ensure i’m eating balanced and eating enough! :)


我吃了一切。没有7月4日的比赛,但Canada Day so we went camping for the weekend and it was pretty amazing. I have a horrible time getting rid of running shoes because each pair has so many memories. I finally just had to close my eyes and chuck them, donate them or recycle them. And I still have at least 8 pairs!! Happy Fourth of July!


I do like to count macros here and there. I tend to go a little high fat low carb normally. Tracking can be dangerous for me though, as I will get to ‘into’ it and not listen to my body. I will eat more if I didn’t eat enough or eat less when I am really hungry. Slippery slope


YES – we don’t acknowledge our strengths nearly enough!! In running or just in life itself! Yay for being able to brag on ourselves right now :)
1) I have a good kick at the end!
2) I’m consistent, too – I’ll get out there somehow!
3) I’m a good motivator as I ran with others – probably the teacher in me, but I genuinely love to lift others up. I’m in the top 3 runners in my company at AIT right now, and my Battles ask me advice, want me to train with them to get faster, and want me to pace them for fitness tests. I love that.
I do count macros, but I’m trying to gain weight, so that’s kind of going out the window. It can be good, because it can always be obsessive. So I suggest people honestly look at their personality and if they think they can objectively track without it causing stres, anxiety, or a potential eating disorder, give it a try! But don’t beat yourself up if you go over for a day or two. Who cares?! Happy Fourth of July!


Whoops!! I meant to type, it can be good, BUT it can also be obsessive.


I love this idea — it’s so positive and uplifting! I also thought no one else really is critical of themselves and their training like I am. I train with my husband a lot and I know he isn’t!! :p I don’t do a lot of running anymore, but I’ve gotten into road cycling — and my strengths there are flats and rolling hills. My big quads let me really up my power and training this past year. I hope you have the lovliest 4th!!


Great idea and don’t mind if I do a bit of bragging myself:-) HAHA..
1.I am stilling running injury free at half way to 60 ..55 years young! BLESSED
2.I too am consistent with my running…morning runner myself
3.Training for marathon #25 and the older I get the more I listen to my body more and take it EASY on easy days and go HARD on hard days.
Thanks for the post!


Forget the dessert, I want the BBQ chicken pizza recipe!


I’m going to have her do a post on it!!!

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