Silentish Saturday!

Happy Weekend!

Morning hair.

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Day #2.

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Skye carried around this picture for a good chunk of the morning.

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My good luck chocolate chip pancakes:

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No running for me yesterday but Skye got in a few laps!

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Loved the stuff in our race bags.

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Spaghetti for dinner.

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And the couch for the rest of the night.

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Time to go and do my best to run really fast!

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Tell me 3 things that you are up to today!?!

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Ha, I get to be the first to comment? At work right now, then an elliptical workout, then some bills and then some relaxing.


I’m almost done work, then we will play with our puppy, and head to the Alexander Graham Bell Museum to go camping with Parks Canada for the night. My husband is in a golf tournament for the weekend. Sounds exotic but it’s only about 1/4 mile from my house haha!!
Tomorrow will be my run day. Did a race last weekend and was very pleased with my result.
Good luck on your race.


Oh today…I realized when I bought a pretty dress for an upcoming event that I have reached a stage in my life where I only have sports bras that fit. So I’m off to get fitted and fix that problem.

I’m hoping I’m not the only one with this issue.


Ran this morning, took youngest to splash park and now relaxing. It’s really hot and humid here so trying to hydrate.
Hope you had an amazing race!!!!!


I ran 8 miles this morning – my longest run in quite a while. Four months of consistent yoga and I’m seeing a difference. Our car is in the shop, it’s been there since Thursday- Hawaiian mechanics move a little slower, so anything else I do today will be on foot.

Hope you had a fabulous race!


I checked your IG and it sounds like you had an absolutely AWESOME race!!!! Congratulations!!!! 1:20… Girl, I would die to be that fast! My first half is in November and my goal is 1:45. So, same sport, different paces. ?

Next time Brooke wants to bake something delicious… Coconut Chocolate Cookies! I made them for the first time today, and they are so good!!


Congrats on your amazing race! I’m wondering if you have ever thought about doing a post about your stretching/recovery routine. I see you mention it a lot but as a novice runner looking to increase mileage some specifics would be really helpful! I have an R8 but feel like I’m not sure the best ways to use it/get the most out of it.


Love this idea and I totally will! It will be up soon! Have a wonderful night and thanks Laura!


Congrats on the PR!!!!! SO happy for you, well earned =)


Ran my last 4 miles before Hood to Coast next weekend!! Did a 6 mile run and a 5 mile run yesterday – 15 miles in less than 24 hours. Time to pack for Oregon and wait to run!


My family traveled to Virginia from Boston to visit my parents! We had a 3:30am cab ride to the airport…we all
Took a nap on the plane:)

On vacation at my parents house there is a running trail, a lake- but not much else. I plan to run some trails, swim with everyone and…take on the 100 burpee challenge- 100 burpees a day every day for my 10 day vacation! I will let you know how that goes- it’s mostly mentally daunting.

Congratulations on your hard earned PR! You are so humble and deserving:) I hope you celebrated by laying on the sofa, cuddling the fam, and eating lots of donuts:)

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