A 38 Week Update–> I am a labor fanatic now…

Maybe this will be my last pregnancy update or maybe I’ll have a few more weeks of them! Andrew wants me to ask you to continue to hope for things to happen on Halloween;). PS my dad wanted me to be born on Valentines Day so so bad but I decided to come the day before too so I wouldn’t hate it if this baby did the same thing.

*I am showering and washing my hair at an alarming rate. My motivation is that I don’t want to go into the hospital without having clean hair so I’m trying to always be prepared!

*Because I lost my plug last week and feel like the baby has dropped big time, I am constantly thinking labor is going to start any second now. I can’t get it off of my brain, especially when Andrew is at work because I want to drive to the hospital together rather than meeting him there ha;) If anybody has any tips on how to chill out on this and just let things happen, my brain would really appreciate it.

*I LOVE FOOD SO MUCH RIGHT NOW. Eating was my least favorite chore for a while there so I’m sure feeling grateful to love eating again. Thank you Andrew for the below picture.

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*I hit 25 miles last week. I am shuffling more than ever right now (below picture not accurate of my current running form) but thankful it is happening. For all of my runs I am staying right by my house or on the treadmill just in case anything happens (ps my doctor knows I lost my plug and she told me that I can continue running). Each day when I finish I wonder if it is my last run together with this little one. I actually kept track of my mileage with this pregnancy (I didn’t with Brooke or Skye) so it will be fun to add it all up when I do stop running.

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*This last week included a day where I slept 9.5 hours one night and then took 2 naps that day and then a few days where I had what almost felt like my normal amount of energy again. You just never know what you are going to get!

*By the time night hits I am definitely feeling the fatigue/baby in my back which just started up a few days ago.

*我的所有Braxton希克斯还租ractions that feel like menstrual cramps. Those menstrual cramp type of contractions will last for a little while but then they never stay consistent. The Dr said on Monday that I’m now 70% effaced so there was some progress last week!

*Skye is very excited by the idea that she gets to go have a sleepover at either my mom’s house or my sister’s house if I go into labor during the middle of the night which means she isn’t very happy when she wakes up in the morning and she is still in her crib at home;)

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*Getting up once in the middle of the night to eat has become a normal occurrence for me but then the other night I woke up TWICE and got up to eat in the middle of the night. I don’t think I have ever experienced this level of hunger during pregnancy but I am fully enjoying it and eating so many tasty foods.

*I’m really excited about the fact that our garage gym is pretty much finished. It is going to really come in handy with another kid in the mix. I mentioned on the main blog page that Andrew is going to be starting school again soon (while continuing to work full-time) so I have a feeling that I’ll be using this gym a lot to continue working out. PS call me crazy but I prefer the treadmill over pushing a jogging stroller so I have no problem logging miles on the treadmill.

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What happened to you right before you started labor? Did your water break? Did you lose your plug? Did you obsess over every detail haif only you could see my google search history.

你愿意在跑步机上运行或者把乔gging stroller?

Anybody reading have a baby on a holiday or is your birthday on a holiday?

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I love that striped sweater! Where is it from? You’re looking great.


Thank you so much Allison! I got it at this store last year:https://calledtosurf.com/collections/sweaters-cardigans
I don’t see it there anymore but they have a ton of really cute ones now. The brand of the sweater is:https://www.andreebyunit.com/
Have a great night Allison!


Before I went into labor I losty plug and TMI but pretty much emptied out (like I took a laxative or something!) Apparently its pretty common. Beware! :)

Also thanks for the pillow request! Will check it out!!


I welcome ALL of the TMI! That is what happened with Brooke too so I’m confused why I’m still pregnant;). You are so welcome! Have a great night Jenn.


I’m so excited for you guys! Hopefully Andrew gets his wish!

In our crew of 4, 3 of our birthdays are 3 weeks apart so the 4th one got a holiday birthday of St Patrick’s Day.

Other people in our family:
-My dads April birthday has been on Easter
-Mr brother is 4th of July
-My SMIL is Halloween
-My FIL is New Year’s Eve

I never lost my plug – with my first I never even had any Braxton-Hicks, none. There was zero signs of labor and my water broke as I was getting into bed 36 hours before I was scheduled to be induced. And even then contractions didn’t start for over an hour.


WOW, you guys have a very busy March! And your family has a ton of holiday birthdays. That is so interesting that you had zero signs of labor and then boom… your water broke! It’s so fun to hear about everyone’s stories. Thanks for sharing Jessey and have a great night.


It’s a full moon this weekend so I think you will have your sweet one then! You look fantastic and I can’t imagine running at that point in pregnancy. I have 3 grown children and wasn’t a runner then. Best wishes for an easy labor.


I didn’t know it was a full moon this weekend… that makes me so excited! Thank you so much Karen. I bet it is such a fun stage of life to have your children older now! Have a great night.


My husband was born New Year’s Day – first baby born in his county that year! I am born March 18th. What do our birthdays have in common? They are both the day after a common drinking night (New Year’s Eve, St Patrick’s Day) so we are used to people being hung over on our birthdays ha ha.


Okay, that is so so cool that your husband was the first baby born in his county that year! Hahah hopefully that is very true… come celebrate in Utah one year for your birthdays and you won’t have that problem as much;). Have a great night Jen.


I had to be induced with all 3 of my kids. Son was 2 weeks late, so induced. Daughter number 1 was due on Valentine’s Day, but was induced 2 days later. I had to be induced 2 times with my last. She was 3 weeks late. They also had to break my water with all 3. My pregnancies were all easy and my kiddos must have been super comfortable in there.


WOIW!! That is so interesting! I have never heard of anyone being induced TWO times with one baby either. You really gave them the most comfy home ! Have a great night and thanks for sharing Heidi.


I mentioned this briefly before – I had what is called PPROM. The story goes – at 33 weeks, I lost my mucous plug. I knew that didn’t really mean labour was starting, and while it startled me, I didn’t think much of it. I also had a really nasty cold, and was coughing a lot – so I felt my underwear was wet, but thought No, it just pee leaking from all my coughing. I happened to have an OB appt the next day, and she heard what was going on and send me straight to the hospital where they confirmed I had a slow leak in my water. I was admitted to the hosp and given lots of antibiotics and steroids and as they thought labour would Start and she would be a late preterm. however 10 days later she was still inside! So they finally let me go home with strict instructions. Then at 35 weeks 6 days labour started with contractions, I had to get to the hosp right away due to the situation. My water broke all the way a few hours later, which was like a WATERFALL… then after 20 hours of hell she finally came out with vacuum assist. Not gonna lie, I never want to give birth again – c section all the way for me in the future …. LOL


I CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE. Just reading your story is so stressful, I cannot even imagine experiencing this situation. So glad everything worked out so well! Thank you for sharing and I hope you are having a great night!


Agh, you are so close!
Ha, ha that is so cute about Skye. My kids would love to wake up at grandmas or their aunts house too!

My water broke at home with my first–like the big gush you see in the movies, which I appreciated because then I knew I was in labor (she was 2 weeks early). My 2nd, I started to bleed light pink. I freaked out and they told me to go to the hospital (it was the day before he due date) and my water had broken. The same thing happened with my 3rd so we knew it was time to head to the hospital.

I drove myself to the hospital with my first and second pregnancies. You can do it:-). The second one was in a blizzard. It was not my favorite, but we made it!

Also, treadmill 100% over running with a stroller!


Ahhh so exciting!!! I’m hoping for this weekend for you!!

我已经与我的所有六个babies-my诱导body just had no idea/interest in ever starting labor on its own and I could just hang out at 3 cm/70% effaced with all the running and walking and NOTHING. The day before I was induced with baby #6 I went for a five-mile run and then jumped on the trampoline with my kids for an hour—and yep my body was like cool we will hold onto this baby forever!


I hope Andrew gets his wish and you have a Halloween baby! That would be so cool. My husband has an October 30th birthday, so in my mind that would be acceptable too ? Hang in there Janae, it will all work out the way it’s supposed to. So excited for you guys.


When I first glanced at the title of this post, I thought it said “I am IN labor now!” Haha! You know, there is full moon on halloween this year, so maybe Andrew will get his wish. I delivered my 3rd baby on a full moon, and the labor and delivery floor was so crowded, I got stuck in triage for loooong time waiting for a room to become a available. So I do think there’s some truth to that old wives tale!


My son was born 9/4 and I was born 9/5 and our birthdays always fall in line with Labor Day Weekend! Its nice to always have a long weekend to celebrate :)


Omg Janae sounds like you’re getting close! Hope she or he comes soon!


等不及要看看是男孩还是女孩!Will be checking for updates all weekend as we are all on Andrew’s team Halloween baby!!!


My youngest, Brett, turns 17 tomorrow. I remember so many people asking why I didn’t “hold out for Halloween?” and I was like, “I WANTED HIM OUT! I WASN’T HOLDING OUT FOR ANYTHING!” :-) Best of luck and many prayers for a great delivery!


Hi Janae! You are getting so close!!! Catching up while rocking my 17 week old so he can make it to bedtime. :)

I actually went into labor at 3 am on my due date, and had my son the next day! I thought he was going to be so late because I felt completely fine during my 39th week, but then woke up to cramps late that night. I had an appointment on my due date, where my doctor confirmed that I was in early labor! (I had lost my mucus plug that morning). I was at the hospital by 8 pm that night, and after an epidural and then some pitocin, he arrived at 11 am.

Crossing my fingers for an easy labor and delivery for you! I can’t wait to find out what you are having!!


Hi! Our neighbors have 3 kids, with one on St. Patrick’s Day and one on Halloween! I thought my oldest might be a Christmas or New Year’s baby but she was born perfectly in between. Good luck, sounds like this little one will be here soon!


For my 1st I had a bad backache for 2 days. I had no idea I was in early labor until I went for my check up and I was 5 cm dilated! I just assumed I would feel labor in the front not in the back ooops! They sent me directly to the hospital and 4 hours later my son was born. My second was transverse and I had front labor with him. The doctors were able to get him in position luckily so I didn’t have to have a c section. Fingers crossed for a Halloween baby!!


None of my kids are on a holiday but #2 is sometime on MLK day, # 3 can be on memorial day and #4 will be 1 on Thanksgiving this year! I was induced with 3 and 4 because with my second my water broke and she was born about an hour later. Hoping baby comes on his/her own on Saturday for you!


My little Thanksgiving baby, born the day before Thanksgiving and we still combine the two since I host!! That baby will be 10 in a few weeks. Luckily she is still very much a kid and we aren’t at all into the tween stage that her older sister was at this age.
The mucous plug actually can regenerate… I lost mine with my oldest and did deliver the next day but my midwife told me she almost considers it meaningless as it could mean labor is that day or 2 months away!!
自从我第一次在停车场(她是一个week early too), I was so nervous with my youngest. I wanted to make it inside and my husband was quite honestly AWFUL. He stressed me out so much. We use a birth center about 30 min away and we loved it. But for some reason he started insisting that when I went into labor we weren’t going there but to the hospital, you know where our midwives were not, where I didn’t know any professional. Then he told me at the first sign, any sign we would head to the birth center. I was a week late with her and I am certain it was due to all that stress. I delivered the morning after I had an all out fit with my husband and told him to stop it.


My first was due November 5th and I went into labor Halloween night. She arrived early in the morning on the 1st, and she will be 10 this Sunday! It was a full moon Halloween night and a lot of babies were born that night :)


I’m living vicariously through you…I loved being pregnant and the baby stage. I’ve found out I’m a baby person, not a big kid person :o) I was induced a few days before my due date with both of mine…I guess my doctor doesn’t like surprises :o) so I don’t know what it feels like to go into labor on my own. I was supposed to be born on Christmas Day, but I didn’t come until January 12! I’m a little too excited for someone I don’t even know! Can’t wait to see baby, see if it’s a he or she, and hear the name! I’ll be praying for a safe, easy delivery!


Jogging stroller if it’s nice, treadmill if it’s not (winter babies in cold climates means a lot more treadmill time, though). I put many, many, many miles on my jogging stroller with Kid3…including many stops at the benches along Campbell’s Los Gatos trail to nurse. Sunshine did our souls good.


Janae your so close!!!! With my second I was up in the middle of the night (no plug loss or water break) and my contractions got stronger as time went on..trust me you will just know. They do feel so much like menstrual cramps!
With my third it was so quick (3 hours from start to finish) I literally felt him move down with each contraction and I felt like I needed to have a bowel movement (TMI!). (My first I was induced).
I am so excited for you! And good on you for keeping clean hair lol. I found I was shaving daily near the end lol…ah the things we do :). Have a great Thursday!


Just had my second babe one week ago. I went 9 days over. Lost my plug, had Braxton Hicks, all of it- but no actual labor on its own. So frustrating because I was worried about where my 2 year old would be when it all happened.

I ended up getting induced at 41 + 2. Once they broke my water it was off to the races and I had her less than 2 hours later.

Best of luck to you! Try to enjoy your bigs and sleep sleep sleep!


I was so super tired and started to be a bit crampy the few days before I went into labor with my daughter. She dropped when I was 38 weeks and was born at 38 weeks 6 days. She was born super fast once my labor kicked in. Hope it goes smoothly for you!


With my first my water broke at 37 weeks, 4 days. So with my second, once I hit 38 weeks I felt like I was over-due and I got SO cranky lol. With that pregnancy I lost my plug at 38 weeks and then went into labor at 39 weeks. I’m so excited for you and so anxious for you!! Every day I open the blog hoping to see an “its time!” post!


I had my daughter on Thanksgiving (2017) and my son on Mother’s Day (2020). My mom wants me to have another to see what holiday he/she will be born on…haha.
With my daughter my water broke at midnight and I didn’t have any contractions until ~3pm and baby was born at 5 am the next day. With my son, I lost my mucus plug Friday/Saturday and went into labor at 2 AM Sunday. I had to get the hospital ASAP and he was born around 9:30 AM. The doctor had to break my water.
Can’t wait to hear your story with your new little one :)


Hoping for A Halloween Baby for you ‘


Be prepared for this baby to come quickly as is common with second and third births. With my second, my water broke while I was eating dinner (big gush) and I thought I had all the time in the world so jumped in the shower to relax before going to the hospital. In the shower my contractions came so hard and fast I screamed to my husband to call 911. EMTs arrived a few minutes later and said the baby was ready if I wanted to have him at home. It was a VBAC for me and I was worried about uterine rupture so they took me the hospital and my son was born in about 30 minutes with 2 pushes. My first son was slow as molasses to be born (prolonged labor that resulted in a csection). The second one was like a rocket.
Wishing you easy labor vibes!


My daughter was actually born on Memorial Day (May 28), but since the date changes for the holiday, it’s not always the same. We are pregnant with our second and it’s due date is May 30… My daughter’s due date was May 24, so I’m REALLY hoping they do NOT have the same birthdays… I’m not sure if I’d want to be induced so they definitely don’t have the same birthdays or see if this one goes late and at least have them on separate months? Don’t really have any choices, so we’ll see how it ends up!
But for my daughter, my water broke at like 6am, but it wasn’t a gush, it was more like a trickle, which was actually very annoying. I had to wear pads and change them through out the day bc it just constantly felt like I was peeing myself and was soaking through the pad… TMI…Talk about fun! haha But I didn’t have any contractions. I walked my dog outside A LOT and then at 6:30pm we went to the hospital to monitor things and later on eventually took some pitocin to try to take things up a notch. Eventually my water broke “again” but this time it was more like a gush of whatever was still left. Things progressed real fast and then they took me off pitocin and it went real slow… so in the morning they got me on pitocin again and then she was finally born at noon the following day. I wasn’t quite ready and was really nervous for labor, so I was ok with her being in there as long as possible.


The day before I went into labor, I had my doctors appointment, he said he could still be a couple weeks, went to work (I’m a teacher), went to Target, and then sat doing work on the couch. I remember waking up at 2am to a loud pop and then gushing and ran to the bathroom. My water broke and honestly it freaked me out. Apparently I was so calm when I called my doctor to tell him that he thought that maybe I had just peed myself. Nope! Water broke and I had my son later that day (two and a half weeks early). He was ready to make an entrance!

You are looking beautiful! I am so happy for you guys. :)


I love the waiting game!!! This part of pregnancy is so fun and special because you are days away from meeting your baby! It’s like you get to wake up and be excited all day! I know it’s hard not to obsessed over every little change in your body, but it’ll happen soon! My water broke 10 days after I lost my plug? I wouldn’t bet on going to 40-41 weeks with your baby sitting so low and already losing your plug!


Not necessarily a holiday but I’m due May 9th and my husband’s birthday is May 15th and he is really hoping the baby comes on his birthday. (But can’t say I feel the same excitement about going that long past my due date haha). Also, my mom was due around March 10th with me and my Grandpa said maybe it will be a St Patty’s baby and my mom said- no way I’m waiting that long! And then I was born the day after on 3/18. So anything’s possible!

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