Beck 6 Month Update + Any More Kids?

SIX MONTHS (plus a few weeks:)!

I swear it was just yesterday when I was standing in my bathroom at 11:50 pm and my water broke! Andrew was rushing me out the door and as stressed as could be when I just wanted to spend my time picking out a really comfortable outfit for the hospital ha. I was fine just taking all of the time in the world and Andrew was not okay with that;)

Let’s talk about some things going on with Beck!

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*When he is in his high chair I will give him some toys to play with and he automatically throws them on the ground. When I give him a pack of wipes he will play with that for a solid 10 minutes.

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*Beck is already a good sport. Soccer games will be happening when it’s his bedtime but he still shows up ready to cheer on the big kids even though he would rather be asleep. Life of the youngest… always being woken up from naps or taking naps in the car to get the bigger kids around and staying up past his bedtime.

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*Pretty sure he gets 500 kisses a day.

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*If my nieces are within the same half-mile radius as Beck, they will be holding him. He is a wanted man.

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*Within 2 seconds of us putting him down to go to sleep he will roll to his left side. Maybe he got used to me sleeping on my left side throughout pregnancy and that is just the only way he wants to sleep these days.

*Somehow he knows just when the older kids go to bed at night because he then wakes up ready to just hang out with me and Andrew for about an hour before he goes to bed for the night. He sometimes wakes up one time in the middle of the night and we give him his binky and then he will get up at 5ish to eat and then goes back to sleep until about 7:30. BUT about once a week he will decide to wake up like 4 times and then I feel like a zombie. Long story short, we never know what is going to happen ha.

*He is just SO proud of himself to be in a highchair and to have his big bro sitting next to him to eat lunch.

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*He rolls like a champ lately.

*Skye is a little unsure of him somedays and then other days she wants to be very involved in every move he makes.

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*I think he and Brooke look the most alike.

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*It is rare for him to fall asleep anywhere but his carseat or his crib but every now and then he will.

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*他已经达到这个阶段bbing at everything. I can’t believe how quick he is already at grabbing whatever is within a foot of him. It’s crazy to me how fast they can go from just a chill newborn to a complete wiggle worm.

*Beck is obsessed with watching Beretta run around.

*This is a random breastfeeding one but I can only feed him with his head on my right side and is feet on my left side if that makes sense. It feels so awkward to me to have his body going the other direction when I feed him so when I switch from one breast to the next I just slide him over, I don’t rotate his body!

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*More eating talk—> Beck is a very distracted eater these days. If the other kids are in the room when I am feeding him he just wants to be in on whatever they are doing so he’ll eat for a second and then perk up to see what they are doing and then get back to eating for a second. He eats rice cereal once a day, does a bit of avocado or sweet potato and breastfeeds the rest. I’m feeling pretty lazy when it comes to baby food right now because he does so well with breastfeeding but I’ll start introducing more foods soon.

MY FAVORITE braon the planet that works awesome for breastfeeding too because it unclips in the front. The comfort is unreal… just trust me on this one. If you try it please let me know what you think of it, not sure how I went the last twoish decades without it. I will be buying this bra for the rest of my life ha.

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*Something I have to remind myself often is that the other kids need physical touch/cuddling now too. With a baby that seems always attached to me I feel like I forget that the older kids need that too. I definitely missed the mark on that over the last 6 months plenty of times but I’m working on it now.

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我已经有人问我如果我们计划在任何more children (I don’t mind that question in the slightest!) and as of right now, Andrew and I are feeling like our family is complete. Who knows, that might change down the road in a few years (once I’ve slept more ha) but as of right now we both feel happy about Beck being our youngest (<— and partially feeling like we couldn’t possibly add to the craziness ha).

If it’s not too personal, I’d love to hear from others (if children have been what you choose!) on how they knew their family was complete or how they decided how many children to have or if it was kind of decided for you due to reasons outside of your control!

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My husband and I are currently having the “do we have another” conversation! We only have one but it’s definitely an interesting situation to be thinking through when we love our lives with our one kiddo so much already. Would a second make the hard parts even wilder? Or would the love I know we’d feel for them outweigh anything in the “con” column?? Very much still deciding! (And feeling very lucky to have the privilege that this is a decision we get to make and decide the when/where of.)


HEY! First, I have to tell you I love your blog… I must make those gingerbread apple muffins YUM! Alllllll of the questions. These types of decisions are so so hard. Good luck and yes, so incredibly lucky to have this decision! Have a beautiful rest of your day with your little one!


Laura!! This is such a hard decision. I didn’t want another baby until after my current baby was almost five. I’m 7 months pregnant now with my second. I agonized over what the right decision was as I also really enjoyed life with one. After years of wondering, what really helped was I pretended that someone was going to make me flip a coin – and one side meant I had to have another baby RIGHT NOW and the other side meant that I could never have another baby for the rest of my life. The “never” side made me feel much more disappointed to imagine!! So I took the plunge and here I am waiting for no. 2 to make their arrival. My daughter will be 5.5 when he or she arrives and I’m really
Excited about the age gap!


Andrea! Thank you so much for sharing with Laura and us how you made the decision! I love that 5 year age gap with Brooke/Knox and Skye! It’s the best!


I feel this so hard! I’m very glad to hear about bigger age gaps (I have a few friends who have a gap of 5-6 years and also say they love it!), so knowing I don’t have to make the decision right now definitely eases the stress. @notsafeformomgroup on Instagram just posted a series, “more babies?” in their highlights all about the zero to one decision — some helpful insights!


My partner and I met later in life and decided we both were OK without kiddos. Our River girl puppy is our baby. I have 2 young nieces and they are enough.. I think maybe if we had met when we were like 20 something it might be different. I think how I know this is right for us is that when I see other babies and my nieces and I love them to bits but it doesn’t make me want to go home and have babies lol.


Kristine! I have loved getting to know you (online but still it feels real:) and I LOVE your beautiful family with your partner and River! It’s perfect and your nieces are the luckiest to have you… you mean the world to them! I hope you are having a great day!


I wanted 3 but we have 2 and we are done! We have been through a lot (a miscarriage, a Trisomy 18 pregnancy that didn’t end well and some health issues with my youngest). The stress put me over the edge and I’m very happy with my 2 girls who like each other most of the time!


Jenn, you have been through so much! Your two girls are so lucky to have you and you all sound perfect together! Hope you have the best night!


我哈ve twins. Then I had an ectopic pregnancy followed by a miscarriage at 13 weeks — it was all so devastating. I’m expecting another baby (baby number 3) now, and once upon a time thought maybe I’d want to have four kids. But I have been so terribly stressed during this pregnancy, and pregnancy is really hard on my body in general, that I don’t think I’ll be able (willing) to go through pregnancy again. So now three is our number. Anyway, I feel you when you mention stress and pregnancy. I had no idea when I was expecting twins the first time around how stressful pregnancy could be.


Oh Betsy, that must have been so incredibly hard. You are sure strong. I hope that today you are able to feel peace and calm and I am so excited for baby #3 to arrive for you!


We have 1 son who will be 2 in July and are about to try for our second and final baby! My husband and I have always agreed on 2 kids. I’m an only child and my husband has two siblings, so I guess having two children is the average of both of our families ?


Oh I am so so excited for you guys! Please keep me updated and I love that you guys are meeting in the middle of your two families? Have a beautiful night and I bet you are feeling busy chasing after your little guy!


我一个lways, always thought biological kids were not for me. I wanted a family but thought fostering/adopting was my calling. Then my mom passed and I literally felt something snap and I all of a sudden was desperate for a baby. Now she’s one (????) and my husband and I are really unsure about baby two. I feel like our family isn’t complete but we’re SO anxious of the craziness, finances and everything that goes with that. So we’ll see!


Thank you for sharing this with me Susan. I bet that must have been so so incredibly hard to lose your mother. You’ll have to let me know what you and your husband decide about having another one! So many big choices!


We’re adopting 2 children out the foster care system next month! We’ll be going from 1 child to 3 in a day! And 2 of them will be just 3 weeks a part in age!! It seems like most people think we’re kind of crazy for doing this but my husband and I know God has a plan for this kiddos and for our family. We’re excited for our big change!


Gretchen, you are absolutely amazing. What a beautiful thing to do. Your three little ones are so lucky to have you and your husband! Keep me updated with how it all goes!


正确的after my third was born (who I was sure was going to be my last…gave away all my girl clothes once we found out it was a boy), we were on a family walk and I sat deal to nurse my two week old… and an inspirational bolt of lightning struck… I immediately knew we were going to have one more baby, it was going to be a girl, and she was going to come closer in age than any of my other kids had been. I was so confident this was going to happen, I asked all my friends who took my girl clothes from me to give them back when they were done with them. Ha ha. They thought I was a little crazy but agreed to pass me back at the clothes when they were done. Long story short, I ended up having a baby girl 21 months later (the other gaps were 2.8 years and 3.5 years) …even though I had an IUD, I improbably got pregnant the day I got it out! She has been the perfect caboose…although it was a pain to buy things like a double stroller just for the last baby. My other kids were old enough by the time a new baby came that I didn’t need one until then. ? I told God that I would need an equally big sign to consider having more because I was more than happy to be done after her (?)and then we felt good about my husband getting a vasectomy and that sealed the deal so to speak. Good luck making the decision!!!


Chelsea, thank you so much for sharing this with us. What a beautiful story!! WOW. She sounds like the perfect finale for your family! Have a beautiful day friend!


Be careful not rotating him when nursing- it can tighten up his neck and cause imbalances. ( speaking from experience and lots of work with the chiropractor) ?


Oh wow, I never even thought about that! Thanks for sharing Molly and I hope you are having a great day!


我一个lways thought I wanted multiple kids but after a super high risk pregnancy and time in the NICU it was pretty clear that my daughter is an absolute miracle. When she was about 2 I made the official decision that I didn’t want to go through the risks etc again and had a tubal. It was a hard decision but now I wouldn’t trade the relationship we have for anything!


I think you made the absolute perfect decision for you and your daughter. I am so sorry you went through that time in the NICU too, I can’t imagine how tough that must have been. I hope you are having a beautiful day Kristen and thank you so much for sharing!


Just 2 for us – we did not want to be out numbered!


是的! !超过我们的推理too haha


We are definitely outnumbered! I wonder how my brother and his wife with seven kids survive! Have a beautiful day Allison and Alyssa!


We starting trying again last year wanting a sibling for our two year old boy. Now I’m 8 months pregnant with twins! Definitely only planned to have two but genetics had other ideas. I’m thinking three and done is the perfect thing!


8 MONTHS PREGNANT WITH TWINS! Oh wow, I am so thrilled for you all. I hope you are feeling well and getting some sleep! PLEASE send a pic after you have your twins!!!


我哈ve twin boys and there of been several times I have really wanted a third child. Since my boys were due to the fact that I apparently hyper ovulate, there’s a 50% chance we would have another set of twins so we are not planning on having anymore.


TWIN BOYS… you must be so busy! They have a built in best friend for life, so so fun! Thanks for sharing and I have never heard of hyper ovulation, that is really interesting. I hope you have a beautiful day!


This is a question we agonize over a lot! Are we done??? We have three right now (5, 2.5, and 5 months). I’ve always wanted 5 but three is really hard right now. My husband and I decided that if we have just one more we will be done. So we are doing any preventing or trying and we will see how it goes.


ALL of the agonizing! I grew up thinking I wanted 6 but now that I’m in it, it’s just a lot! You’ll have to keep me updated… I’m hoping I hear from you about a pregnancy announcement soon:). Have a beautiful day with your little ones!


First – sliding Beck over, rather than flipping?!?!? Girl- you are a genius! When my kids are a little older, I plan on studying to be a lactation consultant, and this is going in my book of tricks. I have breastfed 4 babies and never ever thought of this! Love.

Second – to the family completeness thing. We had our first two babies three years apart, then started trying again. I miscarried, then had two ectopic pregnancies. After that, I heard God tell us to try one more time – and we got twins! It was a super difficult pregnancy – even having surgery on the boys while i was pregnant. We said DONE.

But, but… now… maybe not?!?! I have had the desire for about a year to have another baby, but we aren’t on the same page (yet). The twins are almost 6, and I just turned 40 – so I dont know if it is going to be a biological child at this point – but I do feel like God is preparing our hearts for another kid to join our family. So, to answer your question – I dont know if I have the “done” feeling yet :)


You will be an incredible lactation consultant! Please keep me updated with your journey with this. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, you are amazing. AND TWINS, wow! Please let me know what you guys end up deciding on. So many big questions and all of the feelings! It’s so hard to know! Thanks Emily!


What a sweet picture of you holding Skye.


I would like another baby, but the hubby isn’t onboard (yet) and we are older so that isn’t a done deal, but my heart is screaming YES to at least one more. I guess we’ll see.


Oh you will have to keep me updated on this! It’s so hard to figure out the perfect solution for everyone involved. Hope you are having a beautiful day, Beth!


我一个m one and done! I get overwhelmed easily and enjoy being able to focus on just my daughter. I would rather give her a happy mom than a stressed one just to have a sibling. I’m grateful for my IUD and the ability to make this choice!


Amy! Your little girl is so lucky to have you and AMEN to every word you said. You have made the best choice possible for you guys. Have a beautiful day!


I saw this on an Instagram story, so I can’t take credit for it (and am probably butchering it a little), but- if you look around your dining room table at dinner time (or wherever it is where your family is all together), and you feel like everyone is home and nothing is missing, that’s how you know your family is complete. Would I love more babies if they happened? Sure! But I can look around at dinner time and know everyone is already home. Also, I think there’s a very fine line between being sad that the tiny baby stage is over and actually wanting more children. That line gets blurry for me sometimes!!


Hey Jessica! THANK YOU for sharing this with me… it totally makes sense and something I’ll be thinking about. Amen to that line getting blurry because I find myself feeling sad that about Beck being the last tiny baby but they grow up and each need so much from us! Have a beautiful day and thank you again.


There are times where I’ll hold my 15mo and cry bc I love babies so much! But that’s not the same as raising and being responsible for another human. It’s hard to know. It really is. But I can say with certainty that I’m happy do get rid of all my nursing bras for good!! ?


我们有4个孩子,生孩子。我哈ve always wanted 4. I talked my husband into trying for a 4th while I was pregnant with our 3rd (seems crazy now). Our youngest is one. We had our first two 2 years apart and our last two, 2 years apart. That makes things crazy! We still don’t sleep good at night so I can’t wrap my head around being pregnant again, going through the newborn phase again or adding to the craziness. After having our youngest I just felt like we were done and 4 was our perfect number.


You are my hero for having them so close together, I don’t think I would survive! I love that you guys have found the perfect number for your family and I REALLY hope you start sleeping better at night asap. Have a beautiful day!


My husband had one, and I had three. I got my tubes tied before I met him. So it was decided for us. Though I did consider doing IVF, I have come to accept four is good number. That’s a lot of mouths to feed, laundry to do, and possibly college to pay for!


You are so right… that is a lot of mouths to feed! It gets expensive! It sounds like you have the perfect family combo!


Here is my best old lady advice: always have one more baby after you think you’re done. It is always better to overshoot that question than undershoot it. Always. Someday you will thank me.


I kind of love this advice!


Wow, I love that! Not sure Andrew is going to love this advice though haha… now you have me thinking!


I just know babies are a gift from God. Recognizing our own limitations is important but more important is to recognize our abilities to nurture and love and build. 5 is a great crew number. You are raising beautiful children. It can be a dreadful thought to wonder later if there was one more for you but you will never once think a child should not have happened because that child is a gift from God and you will be blessed and our regrets never stem from God’s blessings upon us. Okay I will step down now.


I did that and the last child ended up with severe disabilities, including nonverbal autism. He is now my “forever child” because he will live with me until I die. Don’t get me wrong, I love him sooo much. But things would be a billion times easier and less stressful if we hadn’t pushed our luck when we were already stressed with young children. Just my experience…


We have three. The first came as a package deal with the husband. The second was a micropreemie, born at 23 weeks, resulting in 91 days in a nicu 800 miles from home. The third was a surprise and I made it to term, but the anxiety and stress associated with being pregnant after a micro was so bad that the husband got a vasectomy when he was a couple of months old. Now he’s about to turn two and while there’s a part of me that’s totally okay with being done, the other part is like “Wait, but maybe???”


TWENTY THREE WEEKS! Oh my goodness Amy, I can’t imagine how hard that must have been. I can see why you were so anxious during the next pregnancy! It’s so hard not knowing what to do… I mean there are reversals right?! Keep me updated!!


He was so tiny! 1lb 6oz. But he’s now a happy, healthy 5 year old with no issues at all.


Wow! I am so thankful he is doing so so well. What a beautiful blessing!


Number two is on the way! We’ve so enjoyed one, we had the same ‘disbelief’ that a second could be even better. But just like it was hard to envision what life would be like with one, we’re trusting that our hearts and lives will grow to fit two.

你是怎么找到诺克斯和斯凯之间的年龄差距吗? We’ll be in a similar boat. I’m a bit nervous, although our oldest is gaining independence and becoming more capable, she’s also a toddler with big emotions and opinions and I expect the adjustment to be huge.


我一个m SO excited for you and I hope you are feeling well! Do you mean Skye and Beck (Knox was 5.5 when Skye was born so I am guessing you mean Skye being a toddler when Beck was born:)! It has actually been really great… BUT the hardest part is Skye went back in her sleep and wakes up often now ever since Beck was born. But it’s nice that Skye wants to be a bit more independent at this stage when I need to be feeding Beck etc. Personally, I’m not sure I can do any smaller of an age gap than Beck and Skye but I know a lot of people that thrive with that! Will you please keep me updated with how you are all doing and absolutely, keep trusting that feeling!


We are Catholic, so we have no idea when we will be done! Sometimes if feels really hard to leave it up to God, but it has been really beautiful to see how every child has changed us and our family. I have a 5.5 year old, 2.5 year old, and 5 week old right now, and I have no idea how many more we’ll have or even if we will be blessed with any more!

Love the Beck updates! He seems like such a happy, chill baby!


Thought I had made this its own comment, sorry! That’s what I get for typing on my phone with one finger in the dark!


Thanks for sharing his 6 month update! I am literally buying that bra as soon as I am done writing this comment!

我哈ve twin boys and one has a heart transplant. I think we are more than likely done (unless I change my mind in a few years!) because of all of his medical needs and I don’t want to risk another child having the same heart defect. Plus our house is crazy enough with two boys ha ;)


Let me know what you think of the bra, it is life-changing! I cannot even imagine what you have all been through. A heart transplant! Please keep me updated, you are incredible and I cannot imagine how busy twin boys must be! Have a beautiful day friend.


We just had our second on Saturday! Another girl so we have already gotten questions if we’ll try for a boy… but we feel complete with our family of 4 + our doggy! That’s our plan at least. I used to say I wanted 3 kids, but I’m 36 now and I’m one of those people where my period didn’t return until after I BF, so I don’t think I want to have a 3rd at 39.
Tonight will be night 4 and I am definitely missing sleeping through the night… we still have quite a ways to go until then!


CONGRATULATIONS KATHY! Your family of 4 and your pup sounds absolutely perfect! I am hoping and praying you get some amazing sleep tonight, sleep deprivation is TORTURE.


We have 2 kids .I wanted more and thought we would have at least 2 more, but my husband said no more. I am sad but there is nothing I can do about it.


Kathy, that is an incredibly hard situation. I’m thinking about you and please keep me updated with how you are doing! Sending love!


We had our first 4 months ago, and have recently had conversations about only having one more hopefully very soon. I always thought I wanted up to 4 children, but now that we have our daughter things have changed a bit. Once we have our second, we may want more children after that, who knows. For now the “plan” is two!


NINA! Congratulations! I think that is the perfect plan. I hope you are sleeping well and getting all of the snuggles. Have a beautiful day!


So funny that you pose this question. I found your blog fairly recently in search of moms with 3+ kids. My husband and I agonized over whether to go for #3. We decided to go for it, and I’m a few months in to my third pregnancy. I freaked out a bit when I found out I was pregnant because our life with 2 is SO GOOD (which is of course one of the reasons we want another), I’m afraid to ruin what we have. Anyway, I’m here for the positivity :D
and will be 100% done after 3. haha.


嘿费利西亚!恭喜你怀孕第三!我一个m so thrilled for you and can relate to you SO much. This third one is going to be the perfect addition to your wonderful family! Thank you for sharing friend!


For us, I would’ve LOVED a third. But what it came down to was what our family goals were and what we wanted to provide our kids. We want to be able to pay for our kids’ college tuitions, to travel and see the world, to not need to have a large car (and the expense of one), and just to have the ability to afford all the things we’d like to give our kids (not so much *things* but experiences, like skiing, biking trips, etc). And when we sat down and looked at our finances, we knew adding a 3rd child would severely limit all of those things. But everyone is so different! My son’s teacher recently told me she’s never left this state and has never wanted to because she just loves home. That’s just who she is and that’s awesome that she is doing what makes her happy! I have an aunt who has 8 kids and they take massive family road trips in an RV every summer. So really, everyone should do what makes them happy :) for us, budgeting out our goals and knowing we could only achieve them with 2 was all the deciding factor we needed. But I’ll never stop having baby fever!


我哈ve five kids. When we had our twins (they were #3 & #4) we had four kids under the age of four. We. Were. DONE. I had a hard time getting pregnant with them so I kind of had in my mind that there was no chance I could get pregnant naturally. Well, when our twins were four, I was a week late with my period and I just knew I was pregnant. I was upset about it at first. We were so incredibly overwhelmed with the four kids that we had so close in age that I kept thinking “HOW are we going to handle a fifth?!!”. I did a lot of praying, lol. I’m telling you our number five was the best gift from God EVER! He 100% completes our family. Honestly, if I was younger when I had him (I was 39 when he was born), I could have had one more. I love having a big family. It’s something I always dreamed about as a child and I feel so incredibly blessed each day to be my kiddos mom.


After we had two babies, both very difficult and dangerous deliveries, I was advised to wait at least two years before potentially trying again. So we totally shelved the topic and I thought we were probably done. But after two years I started considering the question and had the very strong feeling that there was another little soul out there for our family. It took two heartbreaking miscarriages and two more years but we had our third beautiful baby when I was 40 and I (happily) had my tubes tied. DONE! I still love babies but have zero baby fever and am content to say goodbye to each baby stage. We’re grateful and happy as a family of five!


I’m feeling pretty lazy when it comes to baby food right now because he does so well with breastfeeding but I’ll start introducing more foods .


The kids grow to be 13 , 14 , 15 , and 16 ; there isn’t a thing for them to do . … I just spent 6 months in the Legislature of Minnesota where we were .

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