I hope your weekend was a good one. We took Skye to the doctor and she has a double ear infection and RSV bronchiolitis.

I’ll be back tomorrow but I would LOVE to hear how your weekend went? What were the highlights? Did you get any snow where you are at? Any gifts that were a hit? Best foods that were eaten? Give me and Skye the scoop for us to read on the couch together again today!

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Oh no! Poor Skye! Skye, I hope that you feel better soon. I know your mommy and daddy will give you SO many snuggles!

The big highlights for us were a light up dinosaur snuggly for my youngest, and a doll whose bangs grow for my oldest. It was the first time since Christmas 2019 that my whole family was together, so we had a lot to be thankful for!


Thank you Sara! Ummmm both of those gifts sound amazing! My kids would love those too. So happy you were all together Sara, that is so special. I hope you have the most beautiful day!


Good morning, Janae! What a bummer that Skye was sick for Christmas. Poor thing – hope she was able to enjoy the day a little bit anyway and is feeling like herself very soon.
Quiet Christmas with my dad unexpectedly with us for the holiday, which was nice.
Hope you get some good reading and movies in along with all those couch snuggles. Feel better, Skye!!


Thank you Janine, we are feeling very lucky that she is doing a bit better today. I am so happy that your dad was able to be with you on Christmas. Thank you friend, I hope your day is a great one!


Hope you feel better very soon Skye! I’m so glad you can have some cuddles with your mom on the couch! I hope you are feeling better very soon! It’s never fun to be sick, but especially around Christmas.

We had a great time with family over Christmas. My kids are getting older, and we had a Power Point night, where we all came up with our own topics and then presented PowerPoints. It was a lot of fun to see what everyone came up with. My topic was Weird Holiday Traditions from Around the World. We also had homemade clam chowder and a cheese soup with a variety of breads from kneaders. On Christmas Eve morning we saw Spider-Man and the evening before that some of saw West Side Story. Our Christmas party on my side of the family was cancelled due to some sick family members, but hopefully we’ll be able to visit in a few days.
Hang in there , Janae and Andrew! It’s hard have sick littles.


My heart goes out to you and Skye. Sending “get well soon” wishes from Tennessee. It’s 64 degreee at 8am (!!) so no snow here.


Lots of snuggles for Skye today! That combo sounds terrible, I hope she feels better soon. ❤️
The biggest hit for my kids were walkie talkies! They’re very loud! ?
We’ve had beautiful weather the past few days and have spent a ton of time outside. Today I’m cleaning up the Christmas decorations and all of the toys the kids have outgrown. I’m ready for a very clean decluttered house!


Sending get well wishes for sweet Skye. So sorry she was sick at Christmas! Give her lots of cuddles and love on the couch today.


Hi Janae! I hope Skye gets well soon! A double ear infection sounds super painful.
这个周末我们去公园城市峡谷ous! My husband wants to move here! Today he is at Snowbird and I’m going to enjoy the weather from indoors ;)


Merry Belated Christmas! I am so sorry about Skye. That is rough. I hope she is on the mend soon. Here is something funny to share with her if she hasn’t heard it before. We here in Jersey add a lot of “extras” to the Rudolph song. After “They wouldn’t let poor Rudolph, join in any reindeer games”…we would add any game we could think of ! The most popular “Like Monopoly!” Also after “had a very shiny nose”, we would add “Like a lightbulb” and after “used to laugh and call him names…like a traffic light!” Do other people do this?


Oh poor Skye! Please tell her that I hope that she feels better soon! Little sickies are no fun.
It was our first Christmas with our little boy who is now about seven months old, which was a blast! It warmed my heart how my husband’s family really included him in all the Christmas traditions, and he got so spoiled by his grandparents! His very favorite thing that he got was a plush Abominable Snowman from the old Rudolf movie; he won’t stop chewing on it! The sound of all the wrapping paper ripping scared him a little bit though. All in all, it was a lovely Christmas. I really hope that all your kiddos are on the mend! You guys are overdue for a good long health streak!


Oh poor Skye! I hope she’s feeling better soon. Sending you all lots of love and hugs.
We hosted Christmas Eve and Christmas morning and Christmas day. 11 people total, and it was so much fun. Lots of great food, card games, lots of laughs and love. We’ve been having a lot of rain and cold (for us) temps, so it really felt like Christmas too.
Take care with lots of snuggles on the couch!


Poor Skye! I hope she feels better soon.

We did get a bunch of snow here which is unusual. Today and tomorrow are also statutory holidays here and so just enjoying the extra down time. I got to go out snowshoeing a few times with friends and it was gorgeous. We will hopefully go out a few more times during this holiday season. We had turkey and it snowed Christmas day and it was so peaceful watching the snow fall.

Have a good day a Janae !


Aww poor Skye :( I hope she feels better soon!


Sorry to hear about Skye! Hopefully the worst has passed for her.
We have no snow but had a thunderstorm last night. So strange for this time of year.
We had illness dampen our Christmas plans to (not my second or husband but other family). We still had a great small Christmas.


Oh nooooooo! That must have been a rough Christmas. Poor Skye (and poor you and Andrew.) I hope she’s feeling better today. We also had a different Christmas…. my son and I both got Covid. We were super sick Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but started feeling better yesterday. Being sick on Christmas is no fun! But, there’s lots of holiday left. Tell Skye to hang in there! Things will be better soon.


哦我的天啊希望尽快斯凯感觉更好!我讨厌when my baby got sick the worst!! We are actually celebrating Christmas today as my baby (20 years old) had covid and we wanted to wait for him. Sending y’all healing vibes and prayers. ??❤️??❤️


Poor Skye! I hope she gets to feeling better soon. Sounds like she needs all of her favorite movies and lots of snuggles!

No snow here at as it’s in the 70s…didn’t really feel much like Christmas but we still made the most of it! I hope y’all had a great Christmas weekend!


I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, Skye! Hope you’re back to your spunky, smiling self really soon!

We had a great Christmas at home, just the two of us. Lots of calls/texts with family. Lots of good food – pistachio pancakes for the win! And I made my own peppermint malts (ice cream, malt powder, crushed peppermint candies + peppermint bark.) No snow, but lots of rain here, which we definitely need.


Aw, Skye, I hope you get lots of cuddles today and feel better soon! And holy canoli do we have snow! We’ve had about 8-9 feet of snow in the last week. We weren’t able to visit family for Christmas because of the storm, but hopefully family will come to us once the road opens again so they can go skiing and sledding. My arms feel like they will fall off from all the shoveling but on the bright side I may have the teeniest muscles showing up, wahoo!


Skye-I hope you feel better! Here in Germany we say “Gute besserung” which sounds like goota besser ung. We had an easy Christmas. My kiddos all met via Zoom and had an ugly Christmas sweater contest. My youngest forgot so a few minutes before the call I gave him one of my forest green sweaters and he took ornaments and lights off the tree (we use lights that look like candles). Silly boy! We had lots of yummy food but our favorite treats have been little christmas cookies called “plaetzchen” pronounced “plotchen.” You can google it and see the different kinds. Whenever your mom blogs about those yummy sugar cookies you have in Utah I am so jealous. That being said, as a nurse I always tell people that have colds/ear infections that tea and cookies have magic healing powers! My favorite is a yummy chocolate chip cookie. Feel better soon and snuggle up!

PS-we have a black lab puppy and she wore reindeer ears and a candy cane headband and kept it on for Christmas Eve! We think she rather liked having them on and felt extra special.


Such a bummer! Sending healing thoughts your way!
Christmas was amazing…..Spending quality time with my mom, husband, and brother best gift of all. also face timing with far away relatives


Merry Christmas! Some of my favorite treats this weekend were homemade hot chocolate with marshmallows, stirred with peppermint candy spoons, and eggnog in my morning coffee. I also roasted chestnuts in the oven last night and they were so good!


Skye I hope you feel better soon! Would you like to hear a silly story? My son Elijah bought a present for his older brother Ethan and as soon as Ethan opened the present Elijah started playing with it and he didn’t even want to find opening presents because he wanted to play with his brothers toy!
I hope Beck didn’t try and steal your presents!!
Tell your mom to hang in there! It’s so hard on moms when their kids are sick!


We got 8″ of snow here in the Northwest and it’s only going to be a high of 20 today, so we have Utah weather I guess!

Poor Skye. I don’t have anything for you to read but maybe she can watch some funny Golden Retriever videos. Bailey is hilarious, one of my favorite YouTube animal channels.



Oh no! I am so sorry! I hope she and all of you were still able to enjoy Christmas! Sending get well thoughts! We are at our home between Heber and Kamas and it has NOT stopped snowing ?. My boys’ ski instructor even said today would not be a good day for them to go out! They are currently swimming…in the snow!! ❄️


So sorry to hear Skye is not feeling well! Honestly having sick little ones is the hardest things to deal with. So hard to see them sick and know you have zero control.. ugh!
Praying she recovers quickly and no one else gets sick ?
这样一个困难的事情当你年长的导航kids who benefit from being out and about doing things, visiting family and younger ones who you are exposing to all sorts of germs and viruses . Good news is that their immune systems will be strong by the time they are 5 .. speaking from experience. I have kids 4 – 7 years apart. My youngest had not missed one day of secondary school or high school until Covid . His immune system was rock solid because of his exposure as a toddler to all !


Awww Skye! I hope you feel better soon & enjoy all the snuggles.

I got a surprise follower on peloton over the weekend (your mama!). The weekend was fairly quiet. My kids started their time with dad on Christmas Eve. We spent the 23rd as our Christmas. I have an 8 year old girl & a 5 year old boy. They got LOL dolls & joinks (wooden sticks to build with). We spent the day playing music, going outside & watching movies. Hope this put a smile on your face :)



man you have so much going on…..I actually feel bad about complaining about a little bit of frost bite…I just think it made me feel a little bad ass……..other than a couple of short runs, just watched a youtube vid about the late great Gabe Grunewald…so, a good weekend of running, Christmas was quiet, and a good cry….


They were given joinks and ROFL dolls as gifts (wooden sticks to build with). We spent the day listening to music, hanging around in the fresh air, and watching movies. I really hope that reading this made you crack a grin.

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