10 miles done and done before 7 a.m. (and a diet coke by 10 a.m.)

Heard this today and thought I would pass it on because I loved it so much:The past is to be learned from but not lived in.


Friends make track workouts 1,000,000 times more enjoyable. Track workouts with speedy friends will also make you go faster than you normally would go and you won’t even notice how tired your legs are until the end.

Today’s workout:


Our splits were:

400 m—> 1:25, 1:25

800 m—> 2:55, 2:50

200 m—-> all four were exactly 38 seconds

For our warm-ups/cool-downs/recovery jogs we take them really slow so that we can power out our fast intervals. I can actually say that I had a good time with this workout but that is probably because my runs with these girls turn into a big social hour and I kind of like being social even when it is 35 degrees outside. PS 35 degrees actually feels kind of good when you are doing speed work.

Nothing like 13 servings of vegetables in one bowl for lunch. There is just something so right about large salads.

IMG 2478

Right as I was leaving for lunch Brooke fell asleep so she napped at home while I got my lunch (good thing she can’t read my posts yet because she would probably be offended that I had ice cream without her). Some restaurants give you free mints as you are leaving… Jason’s Deli gives you free ice cream cones as you are leaving.

IMG 2479

Brooke already loves Target just as much as we all do. She runs around with her arms up in the air and I am sure there are a few of you out there that do the same thing.

Look at that stride.

IMG 2476

这里只是为了好玩是布鲁克的短片conversation with her dog this morning. This went on for about 10 minutes straight.

I would pay a lot of money to understand what she is telling him.


Today feels like a fill in the blank kind of day. Complete this sentence:

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to ___________ and I would eat __________ and my next run would be _________ miles.

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Oh my goodness I love that video of Brooke! I am getting all sorts of great speed workout ideas from you lately. Now that I am actually doing speed work I can actually put some of this to practice. Thanks!


Love the (once you are done) disclaimer! Big salads + ice cream = a win.
35 degrees already? I’m scared what January is like in Utah!


I would go to Figi to one of those glass bottom huts… And if I was really there I wouldn’t care what I was eating or how much I was running :-)


holy cow, she is the cutest!!! She’s so big!


That video of Brooke is just adorable! That little voice!

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Australia (because I’ve never been there) and I would eat good Mexican food (I don’t know if they have that in Australia, but we don’t have any good stuff here in WA and I miss it) and my next run would be a tough but awesome speed workout that I totally rock.


我不知道在佤邦你但我们have some great authentic Mexican restaurants in Seattle.


同意!我来自德克萨斯州和现在住在西雅图,一个d I approve of Seattle’s decent Mexican food. :)


There’s great Mexican food in Australia! Maybe not as much as somewhere like California, or Mexico (haha). Good choice on destination. I’m an Aussie living in England, and I miss it!

I’d love to visit WA though cos it always looks so pretty and green.


Oh boy I love little kids’ voices. So cute! The dog must have said something funny to her to get that giggle!

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Paris, France and I would eat cafe rio (I know they don’t have it in France, but gosh your blog makes me miss it!) and my next run would be 13.1 miles (I’ve never run that far in my life! I’ve come close though!)


If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I would obviously go to Target in Utah because that is where adorable little girls run around exuding cuteness, and I would eat a salad with a mound of ham cubes and snow peas, and my next run would be a million miles because then I could just never run again and it would be okay.


That video of Brooke just brightened my day :) If I could be anywhere in the world right now I would go to Disneyland and I would eat Chipotle and my next run would be 6 miles. :) Because I have never ran 6 miles and that is my current goal!!



如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to THE ALPS and I would eat GOURMET WAFFLES and my next run would be 32 miles WITH THE ALPS IN THE BACKGROUND and there would be GOATS cause I think it would be fun to run around a heard.


Can I come with? That sounds pretty perfect.


I love Jasons! The little mini muffins at the salad bar make me very happy :)

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Paris and I would eat lots of bread and my next run would be 50 miles. I’ve never run 50 miles but in this pretend scenario I might as well do something super awesome!


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to my parents house in upstate New York and I would eat anything my mom makes(especially venison pot roast) and my next run would be 10 miles through the gorgeous fall foliage in NY right now.


That sounds so nice…


Omg she is the cutest, I love baby talk. I always try not to talk like that in front of babies but I just do. I’m that person. haha

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Thailand and I would eat pad thai and my next run would be 8 miles.


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to ___North Carlina________ and I would eat _____Jason’s Deli!!!_____ and my next run would be ____3.1_____ miles.

我住在德国(空军)驻扎nd am pregnant and craving an enormous salad from Jason’s Deli, while visiting my family. They don’t do salads like that here!


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to _Colorado to ski or Ireland_______ and I would eat _a decadent dessert_________ and my next run would be ____8-9_____ miles.


I would go to Greece, I have never been there or home to Boston, to see my family and friends. I would eat the best pizza in either place. My next run will be 6 miles.


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Barcelona, Spain and I would drink wine and my next run would be 26.2 miles. ;)


That video is too precious!


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to San Francisco and I would eat chocolate and my next run would be 10 miles.



如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to the Californian coast near my brother (he has just moved really far away forevermore) and I would eat seafood and iced chocolate and kiwi smoothies and my next run would be 5 fast miles along the coast.

PS: Brooke is adorable, I bet shes telling him how happy she is to meet him


ok, brooke is the cutest thing ever in that video. And, Hudson did the exact same thing as Brooke yesterday at Target. Running around with his hands in the air is his new thing. Apparently Brooke and Hudson really are soul mates. I’m okay with that. ;)


When I was watching that video, my 2 year old came running over to see. At the end, when it shows all the related videos, she pointed at this one for us to watch:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI4yoXyb1_M#t=11
You have to watch it. Its so funny! I laughed like the whole time. Especially when the owner says he looked at snakes…hahaha. Now I’m going to spend the rest of my day looking at talking animal videos.


She is so cute! I am a speech therapist, and that is some great conversation she’s having!


That video of Brooke is the cutest thing ever! And that workout sounds so intense, I will definitely have to try it sometime soon :)

If I could plan my next run anywhere I would want to run a solid 15K, pain free, right where I am today: London. I have been waiting for this injury to pass for such a long time now.. but it seems to be getting better, so hopefully I will run those 15K along the Thames sometime soon!


The highs in Houston are still around 85-90 degrees…I can’t even imagine what 35 degree weather feels like right now. (When I go home to Ohio for Thanksgiving though, I’ll remember. :P) Brooke looks like she’s going to do a cartwheel in that picture!


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Stonington, Maine and I would eat a lobster club sandwich from Madelyn’s and my next run would be 4 easy miles along the beach. I like this game, let’s do another ;)


If I could go anywhere in the world right now it would be ITALY and I’d eat LOTS OF PIZZA AND NUTELLA CREPES and I’d run 5 miles!!!!


Free ice cream cones as you leave???AMAZING!!!

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to New York City, and I would eat Pizza from Two Boots, and my next run would be 5 miles through Central Park looking at all of the leaves that are changing color! :)


I LOVE THE VIDEO! So adorable! How can I love Brooke when I haven’t even met her?


Omg that video is just precious!


Where I want to go and where I want to run are different. I’m hoping I can still play :)

I would go to Paris and I would eat a crêpe with ham and cheese and egg and mushrooms because I never get to eat wheat and dairy and egg anymore so I’m totally digging this fantasy. Then I’d come home and run 10.3 miles…my favorite loop x3 plus the out and back along the creek. Then I’d go to Target with my kids and channel Brooke x5 by having us all run so joyfully up and down the aisles :)

She is adorable.


I would go to Italy and eat a pizza and my next run would be 15 miles.

Can you make that come true? :)

Brooke talking to the dog is crazy adorable. That is one sweet little girl.


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Hawaii and I would eat local food and my next run would be 5 miles- so I could get to the beach faster :).

I also saw this article and thought of you! I love golden oreos so I’m going to ignore what they say….



如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to St. Thomas and I would eat chocolate lava cake with homemade ice cream and my next run would be 26.2 miles so that I could be done with this marathon!

Brooke is adorable! She loves her puppy :)


I would be in Hawaii eating strawberry mochi with my BF :)


That picture of Brooke in Target is too darn cute, and while I’m no baby whisperer, I’m pretty sure she was reassuring her dog that his nose is just fine and he doesn’t need to get any work done ;)


It goes without saying, but I feel impelled to say it given the level of cuteness that is Brooke – she’s just gorgeous!
I have to date shyed away from doing speed intervals – you could also say cowered away – but I think I’ll give it a go this week.
如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Hawaii and I would eat an amazing paw paw, mango and pineapple salad and my next run would be any number of miles (I’ve been sick and looking forward to running anything possible!)


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to North Carolina and I would eat P.F. Changs and my next run would be 10 slow enjoyable miles.

这些事情发生的很快,3but hey a girl can dream! :)


I would go to some Mexican beach and eat Mexican food-specifically right now chicken nachos. And if I could I would do a 10 mile run.

I just love all things about Brooke-her sweet voice, her crazy hair, her beautiful eyes, and her happy face! Man you hit the jackpot with her :)


Jason’s Deli pulls at my heartstrings… unlimited amount of vegetables and ice cream. I’ll take it all!

f I could be anywhere in the world right now I would go to Costa Rica and I would eat pineapple and an omelet from the amazing woman who KNEW her cooking stuff at the same resort we stayed at for our honeymoon and my next run would be 26.2 miles.


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Italy and I would eat pizza and cannolis and my next run would be 10 miles.


If I could be anywhere in the world right now I go to Jason’s Deli and eat SO MUCH SALAD AND ICE CREAM and my next run would be 26.2 miles (but really I have two more short runs before my very first marathon!!!!).


If I could go anywhere in the world right now, I would go to Thailand and eat chicken satay with peanut sauce and mango sticky rice. My next run would be 7 miles!


That picture of Brooke at Target is how I feel each time :)

I just ran my first marathon on Sunday (Chicago Marathon). Feeling better today than yesterday. I know I can do better than the time I got, kind of fell apart in the second half. Any fun marathon suggestions for my next attempt? I’d like to make a little trip out of it, either in fall 2014 or 2015.


I love this video!!!


I’d go to Honolulu for Kahula pig and mochi, and I’d run however long I could along the beach!


Janae! How can I find fast women to run with? Whenever I find a local running club (via online searches) and try running with them, I only meet a few fast dudes and fantastic but not-my-pace women. I live in SLC, so I’m sure they’re around! You seem to have so much fun with your running partners, and I’d love to have running buddies. Any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! (P.S. I’m the one who just ran 2:59 at St. George.)


2:59 is freaking awesome!! Just saying.


Ahh, your salad looks heavenly! There is nothing better than a huge ice cold salad with tons of different toppings! That must be so nice to have your 10 miles done before 7. I have to wake up at 4:30 if I want to workout before work, so running outside is totally out of the question since it’s super dark and I am not that brave. Also, I’d have to wake up even earlier if I wanted to do 10 miles on the treadmill!


I would go to a hammock on some beautiful, warm beach and eat froyo. Yup. That’s all. I think I’m pretty easy to please ;) Oh and my next run would be 8 miles. That sounds like a good number.
Speedy workout! Looks great! Also love the video of Brooke. So cute!


Brooke is so precious <3 Gosh that cute little kid voice!!! <3
I can't wait until my knees have healed and I can run that track workout – looks insane!


You should upload these videos to instagram so I can see them at work :( (Don’t tell anyone I read your blog at work shh).


oh my gosh. More Brooke videos, please! That is the cutest thing ever! You want to know what I wonder – what is my brother’s dog thinking? She is such a quirky golden retriever and is scared of the most random things but is really good at playing by herself. She’ll throw toys up the air and catch them and toss them around and I always want to know what is going through her mind…

P.S. AWESOME track workout!


Love this song and thought of you:

This is the most inspiring song/music video ever Overcomer by Mandisa


I need to say thank you.
You introduced me to Jason’s Deli, and hence my entire family. To say that we love it would be a vast understatement! Mmmmm

That is one intense track workout, I am super impressed! And I’m with you on the cooler temperatures, I love, love, love running in the cold!
The ice on my windshield, not so much :)


Brooke’s hair in the video… OMG. She is adorable! :)



I LOVE her. That video melts my heart. So sweet!
That track workout sounds awesome…wish we were closer so that we could run that together. I feel like we would have way too much fun though :D
Love you lady! XO


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Paris and I would eat cheese, red wine, dessert at Laduree, hot chocolate at cafe de Flore, a perfectly poached egg over sautéed asparagus, an omelet, and liters of champagne, and my next run would be 100 miles because french clothing stores don’t carry sizes over a US 8 or 10, french girls are very skinny.


Ahhhh Brooke is so adorable!

I totally walk around Target like that ;)

If I could be anywhere in the world right now I’d be in the hospital having my BABY! AHhhhhhhh. And then I’d eat sweet potato fries from guru’s. And then I’d run 0 miles. ;)


This is embarrassing…. I also run through Target waving my hands in the air. Don’t think I look quite as cute as Brooke though :)

Seriously, if I could be anywhere in the world I would be in Negril, Jamaica. But if I were running, I would like to run through some old southern town that has brick sidewalks and lots of orange and yellow leaved-trees. And I’d go 6-8 miles, because right now, that distance is just perfect for me.


I think I would want to be in Hawaii eating ice cream and my next run would be 10 miles along the water!


Love the video! I notice Brooke keeps her boots on, unlike she did with shoes.

I would love to be in Rome, eating lasagna and gelato, then of course I’d want to run the Rome Marathon!


That salad looks awesome!

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Paris and I would eat Gervita yogurt with a pain au chocolat and my next run would be 26.2 miles.


Could Brooke be any cuter?! And can I have a restaurant open up near me that gives you ice cream as you leave? I’d really enjoy that!


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to ____ST. GEORGE, UTAH (TO TRAIN ON MY IRONMAN COURSE)___ and I would eat __PROBABLY SOME OUTBACK AND THEN HAVE A CHICK-FIL-A MILKSHAKE (COOKIES AND CREAM OF COURSE)______ and my next run would be ___12____ miles.

P.s. Brooke has the cutest talking voice! My daughter never did that stuff.


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go somewhere warm to sit by a pool and I would eat Halloween Oreos and my next run would be 3 miles. (Just finished the Chicago Marathon on Sunday so 3 miles is more than enough for me right now…I’ll save that for later this week though.)


I love her hair in that video! To cute


She was completely talking about him, I could hear “eyes”

And if I could be anywhere.. it would be to meet up with you and Brooke in Disneyworld..which of course means you have to be there too ;)


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to…sydney…and I would eat…an Aussie meat pie…and my next run would be…20 miles…


Look at those speedy times! Girl, you are rocking it!! :) Brooke is the cutest ever! I’m glad she got her own puppy for now.


If I could go anywhere in the world right now, I would go to Paris, and I would run 10 miles around Luxembourg Gardens, and then I would eat 9 crepes at Creperie des Canettes. And I would have some hot chocolate from Angelina. And then a baguette covered with camembert.


I saw the picture of the salad before the caption and thought it looked like Jason’s Deli and then I scrolled down and it was… I have an undying love for their salad bar!


If I could go anywhere I would go to Augusta,GA, because that’s where my parents are and I would love to see them. I would eat old fashioned oatmeal cookies, the ones we made when I was a child, I haven’t had them that good in a very long time. I would run 10 miles, because long runs help me think and work things out.


Brooke’s conversation is adorable. I met she is sharing some real knowledge with that pup :)


Boy, you salad looks good!


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to the French Riviera and I would eat gelato and my next run would be 7 miles. :)


Brooke’s morning hair always cracks me up. I wish I could sleep half as hard as it looks like she sleeps.


So I’ve been following your blog, thinking I have no excuses and I don’t run half as much as you! But I saw something on the NBC Today show (today haha) that I thought – I should ask Janae! They showed a sports bra to hold your phone, and I realized most of the time I leave mine at home. Then I realized that probably isn’t safe – in case of an emergency, and there are some crazies out there. At least they can locate you with your phone GPS! I was going to ask if you carry your phone, if so how/where? Where? I know in the winter just stick it in a pocket. But on those hot summer days. Keys are easy, tie to the shoe laces…There are all kinds of bras/pants/bands. This is where they talk about it on the today show and some other products too. Just wanted to talk to a pro!


Hi Claudia,

I usually run on my own (my friends aren’t really into running!) so I always have my phone with me. I’ve got one of the arm wallet things like this one and it’s always been fine. Don’t know about a sports bra holding your phone though!



The wallet idea does seem way better than a sweaty sports bra! Seriously, too bad your friends aren’t into running! I have just started getting back into it. Seems like most of the moms in my area aren’t into it. I am going back to my single friends, or newly married friends with no kids – trying to make running fun with all the half marathons – like the Halloween half marathons wearing tutus!


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Cougar Mountain (trail heaven!) and I would eat chicken pot pie and my next run would be billions of miles with no end because I am so so so happy that my injury has healed!!!!


I wrote about the controversial Maria Kang photo today and linked to your post about why working out makes you a better mom. Just wanted to let you know :)


I blogged about he controversial Maria Kang photo today and linked to your post about why working out makes you a better mom. Just wanted to let you know :)http://www.whattheschneck.blogspot.com/


Oh my gosh, that video of Brooke talking to her dog just melts my heart. What a cutie!


That video is so sweet! She looks like Curly! She’s super adorable Janae!


Hawai’i, Hawai’ian shaved ice, 10 miles.
Super cute video, btw!


Ummm, 2 things: 1)Brooke’s boots make me want a pair of Uggs, they’re so cute! and 2) That video makes me want to become a nanny (not quite ready for my own yet! LOL)


Thanks so much for sharing that track session. As Summer is fast approaching here I am hanging out for track season, I just need to figure out a way to fit it in with my triathlon training. In answer to your questions…

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Bali_and I would eat _a big bowl of coconut rice and a cold watermelon shake_ and my next run would be __15km (I don’t know miles)


Washington DC (to visit my college roommate’s new baby!)
Chipotle (I, she, and her older son all looooove it!)
~10 miles (maybe more, if I’m on a gorgeous trail with crunchy leaves underfoot!)


Awesome workout!

I’m tapering for my 2nd marathon this weekend so I may have to stop reading your blog for a few days. I don’t even like speed work and I all of a sudden I have the urge to go run 800 repeats! :)


anywhere warm
froyo with all the toppings
5 miles along the waterfront


Brooke is adorable! It’s funny, she and I do the same thing when we are in Target :p Does she also feel the same way about Costco?
If I go go anywhere in the world today I would go to YELLOWSTONE (I love it there, it’s amazing and it’s a very spiritual place for me), I would eat anything (not too picky about that) and I would run 10 MILES because I would want to soak up all of the scenery :)
Karen @karenlovestorun


I love a big giant endless bowl of salad! Especially my salad from The Cheesecake Factory – nothing beats those crispy onions on top!


I would be in a gorgeous, picture postcard type of British village with long, meandering roads through the countryside where I’d run for about 6 miles then go have a huuuuge homemade toasted scone with so much whipped cream you can hardly see the scone! I am so British! lol


Free ice cream?! Yes!! I really like that track workout. Might have to steal it!


THAT SALAD LOOKS AMAZING….YOu always make me jealous with your delightful looking meals. Do you deliver to massachusetts? Just kidding!

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go outside on this beautiful morning and run like 20 miles and then I would eat a Buffalo Chicken Greek Salad ((because that is my fave salad)).

Have an awesome day!


That video is too cute!

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to a tropical island and I would eat fruit and my next run would be 10 miles on the beach.


It’s already 35 degrees there?? It’s 60 here and I turned on the heat because the house felt freezing!

Brooke is adorable. She loves her stuffed dog!


That video is TOO cute! What a sweet little voice!


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go lay on my couch (because the weather is nasty today) and I would eat some Blue Bell Crazy Colors ice cream and my next run would be 8 miles to work off the ice cream. :)


Oh my gosh Brooke is too adorable.

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to the countryside of England and I would eat scones and my next run would be 6 miles around said countryside. :-)


Brooke’s bed head in that video is awesome!


That is like the cutest thing ever. I adore her!

如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Paradise Island and I would eat conch fritters and chips and my next run would be 15 miles (my absolute favorite distance).


On one of my runs last week I came across an advertisement for the most glorious invention – a poptart ice cream sandwich. I took a picture because I immediately thought of your blog, but now I can’t figure out how to send you a photo. So, please just picture a big scoop of ice cream between two warm poptarts. I definitely ran a little faster after seeing it. And, I do plan on making my own after my next double digit run!


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to Sedona, AZ and I would be eating a chicken wrap with Avocado Ranch dressing from Chick-fil-a (if they have one out there) and my next run would be 7 miles (haven’t gone more than 6.2 miles at once).


If I could be anywhere I would be in Europe, with a perfect late and savory crepe, and have a 6 mile run. That sounds wonderful.

And that video — I love it! Little Brook has SO much to say!


Oh my that video lights up a gloomy day…. kids are so cute with their blabbering.

Lets see I would go to somewhere warm (clearly not picky) and eat all the deep dish Chicago style pizza and run 15 miles because I miss being able to run more than 25 minutes.


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld stay in NYC and I would eat pizza with extra cheese and one of those cupcakes from your previous post and my next run would be 26.2 miles on Nov 3rd (too bad I still have to finish this hard week of training+2 weeks of tapering).


Awwww. I love the video of Brooke. I wish I had videos of my daughter from that age. Too cute.
If I could eat anywhere I would go to Italy and eat pizza! My next run is going to be 4 miles.


That video is too cute! No one makes bed-head look as cute as her!


New York, Pizza, and 10 miles!


I love the video of Brooke! I wish she had said “doggie”!


如果我能在世界任何地方现在我卧室uld go to to Ireland and I would eat fish and chips and my next run would be 6 miles.

Need new running gear for fall/winter? Check outhttp://expertbrand.com


I would go to Hawaii and eat Hawaiian pizza and run 6 miles….

Way too cute video of Brooke. I have a pic of my then 2yr old daughter laying on Target floor with a pillow, she was testing them out for her new bed


I would go to Punta Cana and eat tres leches cake and run on the beach without counting the miles.


Awesome! I’ve done this and savored every moment of that gorgeous view.


After the week I’ve had, I would stay home with my cat, curled up in my warm, fluffy blanket, reading a book or watching one of the Twilight movies.


Awwww. I love the video of Brooke. I wish I had videos of my daughter from that age. Too cute.
If I could eat anywhere I would go to Italy and eat pizza! My next run is going to be 4 miles.

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