Since you and I last hung out together…. and a treadmill hill workout to try.

I am warning you that the picture quality in this post is especially low… I don’t know what happened but let’s just go with it.

First, I wanted to share with you my up (hence why I am pointing up) workout. Starting my ‘Owning All Of The Hills in 2016’ off right.

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Here is what I did and it kicked my trash. Those 4 minutes @ 4% incline were dang tough for me (but maybe it isn’t for you if you have been good with your hill work these days). I think the biggest key to enjoying the treadmill is to switch things up. Playing around with the incline and speed over the 60 minutes made it go by so fast. I rarely run at the same speed the whole time during a treadmill run. Keeping my brain thinking about what’s next and my body challenged with the workout keeps me from getting bored.


Let’s talk about some of the most important parts from Monday and Tuesday.

-We stayed at a hotel right next to LAX because LA traffic scares me and I didn’t want to miss our flight. As you can tell we slept really well;) and we still looked half asleep even after we changed into running clothes.

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-They had one treadmill at this hotel that barely worked but it did the job. I think because Brooke has seen me run on the treadmill since day 1 of her life she just thinks it is normal for her to sit and play/color/snack/watch a show while I run for a bit. Either that or she really likes a mama full of endorphins and she is willing to put up with the whole situation.

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-We got to the airport and then found out our flight was delayed. Turns out I have really bad luck when it comes to flying so maybe don’t ever fly with me. We went and grabbed some food and I ordered a salad… it was a fun surprise when I got the check to find out this very plain salad was $18!?!?! Airports get me every time.

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-We finally got on the plane and Brooke did her usual ‘sprint down the jetway at a 5 minute mile pace’ thing.

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-When we got back to Utah we put our luggage in the house and went STRAIGHT TO COSTCO. My body was craving all sorts of nutrients after a week of chips and salsa.

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-Once Brooke went to bed I turned on an episode of Parenthood, heated up an apple with cinnamon and fell asleep on the couch.

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-PS she thinks she is so funny when I try to take a selfie and she blocks me out of the picture. Okay, she is really funny.

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-Tuesday night we were in PJs playing ponies by 6:20 pm.

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-My mom made a surprise visit and dropped off a cup full of my favorite gas station froyo and we caught up on the couch for a bit.

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-Once I got into bed I put away the social media and grabbedthis bookthat my mom gave me for Christmas! It made me miss my running girls real bad. I think I get a run with Josse again real soon though!

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And that guy that I like a whole lot gets back into town today so that is really exciting news. I’m glad I feel the need to tell you every thought but it just happens.


Have any fun/exciting/good news to share?

Treadmill runners—> how do you beat boredom?

What are you reading right now?

Where do you grocery shop the most?

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A treadmill hill run sounds kind of horrible to me! But I’m sort of a baby with the treadmill! I split my grocery shopping mostly between shoprite and stop and shop – nothing fancy :)


The only fun/exciting/scary news I have is that my fiance and I are starting to look at houses! We got an agent who’s going to start taking us around, and in the meantime we’re going to open houses every weekend. It’s a lot of fun but a really intimidating process!

I grocery shop a lot at Trader Joe’s and at Giant Eagle (all of my fellow Yinzers out there know what I’m talking about!)


That’s so exciting! I love looking at houses! Some are pretty interesting…


I’m half tempted to go to a $$$ open house this’s down the street from a house that’s actually in my price range, so it might be fun to see how the other half lives :)


I’m not going to discourage that at all! I will always take all the design/layout/decorating ideas I can anyway!


Love Giant Eagle!!


I jut have to say how much I cannot stand Giant Eagle. Even the big nice Market District ones. The fact that they’re so popular is one of the things I like least about Pittsburgh. In fact, when I’m out of town I usually stock up on things I know I would have to buy at GE otherwise. Wow, that sounds really sad now that it’s typed out…


I agree!! I used to LOVE Wegman’s when I was at Penn State. Miss it so much! Giant Eagle is the worst, so I try to go to TJ’s as much as possible. I need to try out Aldi as well..


LOVE Wegmans.

Aldi is so inexpensive compared to everywhere else I feel. Hard to get everything you need there unless you eat very simply, but still a great place. TJs & Aldi are actually descendants of brothers who had a fight & separated the family business, resulting in 2 different grocery stores.

Biggest tip to remember if you try Aldi…if the packaging looks like a brand you know, it’s produced by a brand you know.


If I ever run on the treadmill I have to switch things up like crazy and be listening to a podcast! I’m so sorry your flights didn’t go so smoothly. I’ve never had the perfect flight experience either and I about fell out of my chair at an $18 salad thats crazy!

I’m watching the last season of Parenthood right now too! I’m just going to die when I finish it!

Grocery shopping is one of my top hobbies and I love Sprouts! I love Whole Foods too but it’s not realistic for this broke girl! I talked about today on my blog how I usually have to go to two stores and I love going to Costco too!


As long as I have a good show to watch on the treadmill, I’m good to go. I like watching cooking shows like Chopped and Cutthroat Kitchen. Oh, and the Bachelor because I like all the drama. It makes my life seem so simple! :)

I am currently reading See Me and Better Than Before. I am usually reading two books at the same time.

Nothing wrong with PJs at 6:20 (or earlier!). I know its a good day when I’m in my PJs that early!


I haven’t run on the treadmill in a few months now, which is pretty crazy to think about since over the summer I did all of my long runs on the ‘mill. I like having things to watch – Hulu, Netflix and YouTube are my BFFs for long runs on the treadmill!

I’m not reading anything right now except news about Making a Murderer, haha!

Enjoy seeing your guy today :)


Your mom is so awesome :) . Appreciate every minute with her! (My mom passed away 10 years ago and was my very best friend – miss her so much!!)


I just did a treadmill hill workout as well! But i started at 4.5% only for 2 minutes, then a minute at 3.0%, and then a 2 minute breather. 4x plus warm up and cooldown miles. It really did make those 40 minutes go by faster!!


I mapped out a new year, new treadmill routine and wrote it out on a little sheet of paper to take with me…. Then I forgot it. I had a blast just making up my own intervals though! Sometimes no plan is nice :)


I’ve just learned to accept the treadmill over the years. I do prefer doing workouts but sometimes it’s nice to just mentally check out on the treadmill since normally my running requires me to be very alert and aware at 4:00 AM!


I woke up to -20/frozen roads yesterday and decided to use the treadmill for the first time in over a year. 8 x 400m intervals and IPod helped make time pass quickly ;-) I just received Lauren Fleshman’s Believe Running Journal : can’t wait to read the tips. I’m sure it’s going to help with the New Years resolutions ;-)


Have any fun/exciting/good news to share? well it’s not super exciting but just got an email that our local running store is doing $5 5Ks once a month that will be professionally timed — i am stoked because i hate running in the dark alone and this should bring out alot of people for a group run !

Treadmill runners—> how do you beat boredom? i people watch at the gym – keeps me plenty busy :) at home i listen to music and zone out…….

What are you reading right now? Gone Girl (well, i downloaded it to my Kindle and it’s waiting on me)

Where do you grocery shop the most? typically at Kroger – our closest TJs is about 40mins away and I don’t make it there often


OK, I just finished Parenthood last night. Oy vey. That show is SO good.

I shop at Tom Thumb and Kroger a lot. I used to live near a Trader Joe’s, but now I don’t have one close to me. It’s a sad situation. :(


Welcome home!

I beat the boredom on the treadmill by distracting myself with either (1) really good podcasts or (2) Netflix / Hulu. So long as I’m distracted, I’m fine.

Right now I’m reading “I’ll Drink to That”, a memoir by Betty Halbreich, a legendary NYC personal shopper at Bergdorf Goodman. I’m in such a memoir phase right now!

I do most of my shopping at Trader Joe’s and a local produce market. I’ll do one big haul from time to time at Target or Walmart to get the basics (paper towels, cereal, etc.)


I did treadmill hill repeats on Monday and it was such a hard workout! I split my shopping between Fred Meyer to save money and a local organic market for meats. One of the first things I did after being away for Christmas and New Years was stop to buy healthy groceries.


I also have terrible luck with flying so maybe 2 wrongs make a right and we would be awesome flying buddies? I have to stay super close to the airport as well, because I don’t like to be stressed before a flight.

I just gave up my gym membership but I’m regretting it with how cold it’s been!


I’m excited to be off from tomorrow until Tuesday. Looking forward to winter running and walking with my pup.


I shop at Smith’s the most. My boyfriend lives just around the corner from a Smith’s, so we often go there in the evenings to pick up the trappings for dinner. I love it because we just walk there, pick up a few things, and walk back. It’s a fun little ritual. :)


I’m reading the runners brain right now, it’s pretty interesting. I hate how expensive airport food it!


I have that book! It’s awesome, you’ll love it :)


I ran for the first time since Thanksgiving last night! It was just one super easy slow mile to see how I felt but, I RAN!!! I have missed it oh so much!
I have wanted to read that book, keep us informed!!


I make a weekly run to Sam’s Club and an embarrassing amount of ShopRite runs because I forget everything/can’t ever decide what I’m in the mood for…. I don’t think I’ve ever been to an airport that is fancy and has a real restaurant, but I swear airport food (okay, everything at an airport..) is so much money!! It’s ridiculous.


I usually can stay distracted on the treadmill by watching a good show on my ipad. I just up the speed and incline a bit too, but not drastically unless I am in a rush. I love costco! When we moved, we realized there was not one near us so we cancelled our membership… next house we buy is going to be near a Costco ;) … I shop at Kroger and it does the job.


My news isn’t good news, I quit a job yesterday that I didn’t love, and got laid off from one I did love today. On the job hunt and trying to study for exams isn’t great. I feel like it might be the kick up the butt that i need though!! Love how Brooke will just sit there while you run!!


Hi Janae, I just started training for my second marathon :) and this weekend I finished the super-inspiring “Marathon Woman”, Kathrine Switzer’s autobiography, which is brilliant! I highly recommend it.


Flight delays are no fun! And an $18 salad? That’s just crazy but they know they can get you.
I do what you do on the treadmill and mix it up quite a bit with speed, intervals, and incline. You’re right, it does fly by!
I shop at Woodmans- its a huge store but it has everything and great prices.


Ugh I’m a whole foods junkie. This is why I have to work and we can’t live off my husband’s salary. To fund my whole foods addiction. I’m reading Killing Reagan. It’s so good! Nancy Reagan is and fellow alumna so I can’t wait to learn more about her!


I’m not a big fan of the treadmill. It makes me feel like a hamster but sometimes you just have no other option and it gets the job done. I shop at Sprouts but I’m not sure if this y have those in Utah?


I never listen to music when I run outdoors, but on the treadmill it is a must!

We always stay at a hotel when flying out of LAX – LA traffic is just too insane.


I love that Brooke will just sit there while you run. I had to strap my 2 year old in a stroller and bribe my 4 year old with snacks when I did that.

I’m not a fan of the treadmill but that’s the only way I run in the winter. So I change speed and incline a lot too. I also make sure I’ve got good music or a good show to watch.


I’ve been hitting the treadmill quite a bit because it’s cold here (for me) and the best time for me to run is super early and dark in the morning. Anyway, I change up my music and my runs quite a bit and sometimes I’ll have the TV on (muted).

I am about 4/5’s of the way through the Jack Reacher series. The books are fairly predictable but they’re fun and mindless and sometimes that’s all I need after work!

I grocery shop at Costco and Winco the most. I <3 Costco.


It’s pretty much treadmill for me 5 days a week at my house, but I have a big TV in front of it, so I enjoy running on in and can catch up on all of my shows and movies! I don’t vary the incline much, but I do need to. I’ll have to give that hill workout a try!

I frequent Meijer and Sam’s Club way too much! Do celebrity mags count as reading?? If so, I’m pretty deep into those right now….


HATE airport food prices. Completely absurd!

I’ve been running on the treadmill a lot lately. The only thing that keeps it tolerable are speed workouts and knowing that running outside would be A LOT worse.

Book I (will) be reading soon: Hoda Kotb’s new book “Where We Belong.” Premise of the book is that different paths/choices we make in life lead us to happiness. I love all those self-help/inspirational books!


Good news: I get to run while it snows this afternoon! Treadmill: Not a big fan but, when I have to: Increase the pace for the first 30 minutes (5 minutes, then every 2.5 minutes for 5 minutes, then every 2 minutes for 10 minutes, then every minute for 10 minutes). Then I decrease the pace for the next 30 minutes (or less if I’m running less) reversing the plan. I have no idea if this is even a good thing to do. It just helps me not be bored. That and music. Right now I’m reading Ashes and it’s just okay. And I usually shop at Whole Foods or Hy-Vee.


Can you share your heated apple with cinnamon technique? I feel like I always try this and mine NEVER turn out right…
I seriously need to try that hill workout since it so flat here in Texas.
I just found out that my cousin is running his first 1/2 marathon in March, which is the same time I’m running my first 1/2 marathon (we didn’t even coordinate that either). It feels so good to have someone else in the family interested in running! Everyone always asks me “What’s chasing you?” after I tell them that I like to run…
Right now I’m reading Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide by Hal Higdon. I usually do my grocery shopping at Kroger because I can get fuel points and get cheaper gas.


teaching brooke the ways of a hotel gym, I like it! it is always hit or miss with hotel gyms, i try to stay in the same brand when i travel to get a little more consistency but even then its hit or miss. i watch musicals or Glee on the treadmill. the pops of music keep me going and stop me from staring at the time ticker and thinking “I’ve only been on here for 5 minutes!”


I’m currently reading the Maze Runner series. I love it and hate it at the same time! I try and plan my day when I’m on the treadmill it kills a little bit of time!


I used to not get bored on the treadmill AT ALL. I would turn on some sports, or ESPN. I once ran a whole HM on a treadmill the week before my REAL first HM, just so I knew I could do it (Boy have I come a long way since then, haha) But now I get bored so quickly.

I do most of my shopping at Aldi & pick up odds & ends at TJ’s & Giant Eagle (but only if I have to)

Exciting news!? I booked a trip to Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro & Italy last night! I’ll be flying solo. No one was willing to go with me, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I am SO SO SO excited!


Go Aldi!


Yes!! Cinnamon apple!
We shop at Aldi. It’s simple, it’s inexpensive and the essentials. If I need something fancy or out-of-the-ordinary, I’ll go to Cub or something. Aldi sells things seasonally, so if you are looking for something all-year-round, then that poses a problem, otherwise it the best!


$18 for that salad?? I just about threw up my breakfast. That puts our Midway salad to shame and that is saying something. I am so glad you are back!


Lately I’ve been listening to books on the treadmill while I run. I don’t have your skill of reading and running. :) I do like to mix it up and keep doing intervals or change the incline while on the treadmill. We recently bought a sound bar so that we can finally hear the TV over the noise of the treadmill in our garage gym!


The treadmill, on which I spend much of my winters, is totally bearable with the right TV show (Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Sons of Anarchy – these have been my last 3 winters).

And definitely workouts, like that hill one you did, where you’re always switching things up, HELP A LOT!!!

Also, when there’s a windchill of -20F outside, that also helps me stay on the treadmill! lol

I shop at a number of different grocery stores…might take longer, but I actually really love grocery shopping! :)


I read about 3 books at a time. I read for work and/or training, one for bed (to quiet my brain before sleeping) and one for fun. Training: Mind Gym, Bed: Bed of Roses, Fun: The Scam.

I do speed and hill pyramids on the treadmill. When it’s really icy out I’ll do my long run there if I need to. I put a movie on so I don’t lose my mind. (and since I’m in my house there’s a bathroom, nutrition and endless water supply).

I mostly shop at Stop n Shop, the farmers market and Trader Joe’s. I’ll trek to Whole Foods on occasion as well, but there isn’t one close by.


Treadmills are so tough! I listen to podcasts or watch the news or a good show to keep me occupied. If it’s early enough in the morning I don’t even realize what I’m doing- so that helps pass the time! It definitely got colder up here in Boston, so I’ll be on the treadmill a lot this week!


This hill workout looks great!! I am about to start incorporating more hill workouts into my running routine since I am doing a mud run in June that is at a ski resort. So i;ll be running up ski hills??? Yeah OK. We’ll see how that goes!

布鲁克是如此可爱。我希望我的孩子day will realize my love for running and sit willingly next to the treadmill while i run! :)


Where did you get your sweatshirt from the fro-yo couch pic? It looks adorable!


Hey Dana!! It is my favorite and I love all of their clothes:

Have a great day!


Give me netflix and I can spend a couple hours on the treadmill! Sometimes I skip the roads just because I want to watch TV. I am awful.
My sister teaches at a running studio in NYC and in class Saturday we did hills in the beginning 2 sets, 2 mins at each 4/6/8% then 6/8/10% at MP. Needless to say, it was awful.


Smart Idea…
netflix + treadmill = success!


I am reading Lord of the flies. I am planning to read 100 books this year and I’m getting a little nervous that I haven’t finished a single book yet and we’re on day 6. Hoping to finish it today so I can move to a non-fiction. I am going to alternate fiction and non-fiction so I can entertain and learn all year ?
I’m totally a Trader Joes girl.


what an excellent goal….


I was actually thinking of you last night, while I was on the treadmill, because I barely made it through my easy 3 miler. I don’t get how you rock the ‘mill! I’m going to try again today with my tempo run…


I just finished “The Girl On the Train” in ONE night. It was super good, I couldn’t put it down!


Reading Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance. Humor about dating along with some sociology. Enjoying it!


well, you are the 3rd person to say Parenthood is great so I will start it on Netflix (I tend to completely neglect everything when I get started on series, so my poor family !)

Treadmills are hard….if you can do any TM time, you are a boss.

Costco is my thing. Everything there is pretty wonderful.


我不绝对讨厌在跑步机上运行s long as the gym is crowded – I “compete” with the people running next to me. But if it’s empty, 20 minutes feels like an hour!


Airport food is crazy! It’s cus they know they have you trapped. So not right. We grocery shop at Costco and Trader Joe’s mostly. The best!!



I am totally doing that treadmill hill workout, it’s looks so good and hard! I just got the green light to run after a little treadmill accident so I’m so happy to be running again. I like to mixup treadmill workouts with intervals and speed training, it makes the time zip by. I just started watching the new episodes of “New Girl” on Netflix this morning and it seriously had me laughing out loud. I love shopping at Harmons, and I’m certain I spend about 95% of my paycheck there. Happy running!


Love that you’re working toward hill endurance! I smell a sub-3 coming your way. ;)

Right now, I’m reading three books! A Tale of Two Cities (working slowly through this one), Brave New World, and I’m currently re-reading the novel I wrote myself in the hopes of figuring out a plot malfunction!


No news :( but life is good. I like doing a “fast for a song/easy for a song” workout on the treadmill. It helps if the songs I’m listening to alternate fast beat/slow beat, but that doesn’t always work out. I’m in grad school, so I’ve been reading a lot of text books lately and always. I live in upstate, NY, so WEGMANS is like a home away from home for me! If you haven’t been, you MUST visit one someday. It’s grocery paradise.


是的,完全同意关于跑步机!令人惊异的what variety can do :)


I’m so glad that your man is getting back into town. :) When I am on the treadmill I like to mix up the pace too. I also distract myself with music and Netflix. It works like a charm. ;)


I want to try that hill workout but I’m a little nervous about it. It sounds tough so good job!!

唯一一次我看电视时我在treadmill at my parents’ house…it’s a great distraction. I have friends who watch movies or TV shows on their iPads while treadmill running, too. I’ve read a couple times, but it’s hard for me to keep my eyes focused.


My goal is to train my future children to know to sit and entertain themselves near a treadmill while I’m on it :) That picture is so sweet!


When I run on the treadmill I usually start at 6.0 mph and increase it by 0.1 mph every 30 seconds. I can get to about 10 mph before I fall in a heap, but it stops me getting bored..


我看事物在我的iPad不烦得the treadmill. One of my favs is the Amazing Race…kind of makes me want to run faster because it’s a fast paced show. I have to tell you that you have inspired me and last month I ran a marathon on my treadmill!! I remember when I first starting reading your blog a few years ago and seeing your post about you doing that I could not believe you did that! I thought it was incredible! It’s always been back in my mind since I read that as something to check off my list :) well I decided to just go for it. Didn’t tell anyone…not even my husband just in case I couldn’t do it. I woke up at 2:30 am!! And started running at 3 just so I could finish before he left for work! When he woke up and left for the gym around 5:45 he was amazed I had already ran 18 miles! He said “are you doing a marathon” and I just smiled! :) When I was almost done he got the kids out there in the garage and they all cheered me on! It was so awesome and I finished it strong!! Still can’t believe I did that! Thanks for inspiring me Janae! :)


I grocery shop at Wal-Mart. Sad times ?. We left the good grocery shopping behind when we moved.

I wish my three year old would sit and play while I run on the treadmill. He would jump on it and destroy everything that’s not tied down.


Oh my gosh, Janae – I just finished the treadmill workout you posted. WOW its a killer. I will say I think the workout seems faster when you are watching the minutes versus the miles. I’ll be trying this one again!


Brooke is too cute! And thanks for reminding me I have so many books I’ve been planning on reading, need to actually do it!


OMG…we had indoor track practice the other day and we had a pretty simple workout: 60 mins at steady 7:50 pace…and the speakers were broken! Nobody brings headphones anymore because we all just listen to music on the big speaker but it was broken :(!!
If anybody gets the chance it would be amazing if you could check out my blog:


That book is actually on my amazon wishlist! Right now I am currently reading the Gratitude Diaries.


That hill workout was beastly! Thank you for sharing!


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