I don’t like sharing and an empty gym.

The first human being that I have ever shared my Blood Orange Chobani greek yogurt with:
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I opened it up and started eating it and then she asked for a bite and before I knew it she had slid it over and attacked it.

After breakfast we all jumped in the car (my mom babysits Curly during the day and the other two kiddos have school) to get to Trader Joe’s in Salt Lake City before the rest of the state did so we could make sure that everything was fully stocked.

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The customer in training carts are probably the cutest things in the world and I am positive in just a few years that Brooke will love them since we go there daily when we are in California.

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My mom’s first trip to TJ’s was a huge success. We share the same DNA obviously:

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Except for the fact that she doesn’t like peppermint (as you can tell I am a little upset by this because I have talked about it for the last two days) but I took a picture of it so I can remind myself to buy it the first chance I get home.

Order of importance of things to do when I get home: 1. Hang out with Billy. 2. Buy this cake. 3. Run at sea level so I don’t feel like death. 4. Pretend like there is no laundry/cleaning/productive thing that I should do until January when Billy goes back to school.

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What my mom purchased:

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A lot of them are gifts for neighbors and friends but a good chunk of it is for us to enjoy together for the last 4 days I am home. PS my mom said that their Honey Wheat Pretzel Sticks are the best pretzels she has ever had in her life.

After my sister got home I went to the gym with her and it turns out that 1 pm is a great time to go.

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I did 45 minutes with her on the elliptical and then ran two slow miles home. I am trying a new workout tonight and I am really afraid (it involves weights so I am guessing I will just be laying on the ground the whole time). Say a little prayer for me that I survive.


Is your gym usually crowded? Do you ever have a problem getting on one of the cardio machines? Is it ever empty like mine was today?

What was the last NEW TO YOU workout that you tried?

What brand of greek yogurt do you usually get?

What has your breakfast been lately?

-At my parents’ house I have been having a greek yogurt and cereal most mornings.

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So you’ve done 45 minutes + 2 miles and have another workout scheduled tonight? You are intense! :)


Haha it is a really short workout and I will probably just be laying on the ground the whole time.


Ahhh your new workout tonight is CrossFit w/ Ashley, isn’t it!? (I am so creepy – read about it on her blog haha) but so excited for you to try it! CrossFit is the BEST! :) GOOD LUCK


You got it!! I am scared to death! Give me some pointers…… I think I might die.


Is it Crossfit?


IT IS!!! I am so scared. Have you ever tried it?


You’re so funny. You won’t die! Pointer – keep your weight in your heels! (For squats, lifts, etc.) You’ll be great can’t wait to read all about it!


ooh I want to try Crossfit so bad! Pretty sure I won’t be able to move after 1 workout. But I just don’t have the guts to go do it yet. would love to have a buddy try it with me.


I will try to remember that, thank you Jamie! I know I won’t be able to move tomorrow Deana ha:)


I don’t know what the gym is like because I don’t go that often.
Most of the CrossFit workouts are new to me.
I don’t like yogurt. Breakfast has been muffins (half at a time) from Costco.

The Kidless Kronicles


I LOVE COSTCO MUFFINS with all of my heart! They are truly amazing.


Gym? Whats a gym? I get to stare at ugly curtains and drywall down in my basement on the treadmill. Yahoo! :)

Haven’t liked any greek yogurt yet. I have tried, really. But I am a fan of Dannon’s All Natural Vanilla. It has like 3 ingredients – Milk, sugar and vanilla. I heart it.

Breakfast has been some form of fruit and pumpkin walnut bread this week. Outside of this week is yogurt w/ granola and a banana.


I used to love Gold’s Gym when I was living in Texas! My gym now is my basement! It has a treadmill, stationary bike, and weights! Perfect for now =)

I hope you have a wonderful last few days with your family! xoxo


My gym gets super crowded…you have to be at spinning classes at least 45 mins before it starts to get a bike. It is sooo worth it though :) Blueberry chobani is my go-to breakfast lately.


I love an empty gym. Unfortunately, it is usually fairly crowded when I am there. I usually buy plain greek yogurt then load it with honey :) good luck with CrossFit!


Yay for a successful TJ’s trip!


I went to TJ’s last night. I got the peppermint Joe-Joe’s too, but I also grabbed the Joe-Joe’s where there are 4 different flavors. They are called something like, “Joe Joe and the astounding…something”. Anyway, they are delicious. I got one for my husband’s ‘secret santa’ person at work. I didn’t see that peppermint cake…it looks delicious!

I am so glad they opened up a TJ’s in SLC. If we move to Provo for my husband’s grad school, there will at least be on in the state. I thought I was going to have withdrawals, but not anymore!

I get Fage yogurt and it’s has to be 2% or full fat and my breakfast usually consists of breakfast tacos with salsa. I think I might go make it now since I had something else for bfast.

Enjoy your last few days with your family. You are so blessed to be so close to them!


I love Chobani or Kroger brand Greek yogurt! I’m glad you guys had a fun and successful trip to TJ’s. Can’t wait to get down there! Lately for breakfast I’ve been obsessed with egg, cheese, and turkey bacon on an English muffin. Ahhh yum!


i just tried a barre class for the first time this week! it was such a great change of pace from my normal routine. i am definitely sore today!

i normally get chobani or fage yogurt – yum!

我的breakfast lately has been peanut butter toast with banana!


I don’t even know what a barre class is… time for me to google it. I am glad that you loved it and you got a good workout. Your bfast sounds quite delicious!


Aw YES! I love that your mom went straight for the desserts! That’s what I always do too. Your mom got some good stuff judging by her load of stuff. Clearly has her priorities in order. I see now that you get your sweet tooth ;)
Have fun trying a new workout! Something tells me its crossfit based on all the other comments. Good luck! I’d be scared too haha


I will have to try those pretzels!


HEY SHAY!!! You seriously will absolutely love them… you have to try them. I want to send some to you!


I will! My girls love pretzels, especially the honey variety. They are on my list to pick up on our next trip there next weekend! I’m excited to finally have a Trader Joe’s close by.


I would so buy that cake with you, but I’d have to eat the center and you can have the cake part… so I have a feeling you wouldn’t love that deal. And my gym ALWAYS has people in it, but can be much less crowded in the middle of the day. At night though you usually have to wait for a treadmill


Chobani is my favorite Greek yogurt also. My breakfast is steel cut oats with raisins and a splash of milk. I managed to take the added sugar out of my breakfast. I’m glad your trip to TJs went well. I’m heading there after work tonight. There are now two TJs in Milwaukee. It is pretty exciting.


My gym is never crowded…but then I either run outside or on my treadmill. :)

Last new to me workout I tried was Jillian Micheals 30 day shred

I’ve been getting Oikos, it’s the cheapest.

The last couple of days, I’ve had 1/2 a bagel with peanut butter. But I also eat a lot of oatmeal.


Have you had TG Olive Oil popcorn?
I’m addicted when it’s in our house! LOVE that place. Also, the thin ginger cookies are amazing.


NOOOO I have never even seen it! I must try it asap!




I do crossfit with my husband. It is scary every time I do it, but I love it! It has really been helping me improve as a runner.


Awww curly and that cart! Cute!

Empty gym, whoa!
I get into moods on if I like it deserted and for it to be my own personal gym, or if I like the busyness for motivation.
So, depending on which, I’ll go at night (all MINE!) or around 6/7 where it’s busy but not uncomfortably so!


candy cane joe-joe’s are the BEST!!! I really hope your mom was keeping those ones for you to enjoy…i literally hoard boxes of them around the holidays, they go so fast!


Good to know!! They are for me:)


im dying to know…could you tell us what your favorites are from TJ? and what things to NOT GET?


YESSSS!!! I will do a full post on that next time I am at Trader Joe’s. Great idea!


Thank you! I always try to remember all the items you recommend and forget! Looking forward to your list!


Woo! Yogurt and cereal eaters unite! That’s pretty much been my breakfast for months now, and I have yet to get tired of it. I love adding applesauce to plain Oikos yogurt and eating that with FMW and almond butter. Soooo good. And I used to plan when I would go to the gym based on when it was the emptiest. Waiting for machines is just annoying, and more people = more chances to encounter stinky ones. Good luck on your workout tonight!


Fage 0% and TJ’s plain greek yogurt!! My go-tos. I’m also mildly obsessed with greek yogurt and it gets priceyyyy


New to me workout that I last tried – Pure Barre! It is tough and not my favorite but hey I tried it! I would like to try Crossfit also. One day.

You are making me want to go to TJ’s now…doesn’t help that I always read your afternoon posts when I’m about to leave work and I am hungry!!


我也要1或2点左右,treadmills to be free. Or I have to go really late, like 10:30pm…
That site of all those empty treadmills= beautiful!


Now that it is getting colder the gym is filling up. So far I haven’t had any problem getting in the cardio equipment but come January I probably will. I am able to go late morning and some evenings so I can usually fit it in between the two times.

I tired a sample yoga session and loved it. I will be checking outthe classes at the gym as soon as I get myself a matt.

I have tried just about all brands of greek yogurt and the brand that I like is the new yoplait.

My go to breakfast is oatmeal with strawberries or raspberries!


I usually go to the gym around 5:30 and it not uncommon to have to wait for a treadmill. The afternoons are pretty dead, but it is not often that I get to go at that time. (They have day care from 8-12 and 4-8). And even though I get a treadmill at 1PM, the people watching is not as good, so there IS a draw back ;)

I usually get Chobani yogurt or the big conatiners of the plain Kirkland brand. I like to eat it with fruit or put it in my oatmeal. I usually have chilled oatmeal for breakfast or a protein smoothie (with a bunch of spinach blended in).

The last new workout I tried was PiYo (a class they offer Wednesday mornings at my gym and it is a combo of pilates and yoga). I love it so much now that I look forward to the class each week. But that is all going to change tonight. I am seriously scared for my life. lol.


Your gym is huge! Good move on those golden chocolate coins.


I looooovveee TJ’s! I hope to go tomorrow in SLC! Have fun at CrossFit tonight! :)


Your mom seems like such a sweetie! Glad you get to spend so much time with her while you are home.


I’m interested to see what this workout is all about! I usually get Chobani Apple Cinnamon or Pomegranate. Their my favorites!


密苏里大学的矩形Center is one of the nicest in the country (so says some ranking) so it’s always PACKED. I try to avoid it as much as possible and stick to running/strength work I can do in my room.

I prefer plain yogurt to Greek yogurt because it’s a. cheaper, b. less filling, so I’m not stuffed after a few bites.


Your Ma is right… those pretzels are amazing.


My gym is always crowded in the afternoons after work. It is a little stressful. I broke my foot during thanksgiving and just found out today that it is going to be awhile before I can run again. :'( I decided I am going to try swimming out to keep up with my fitness so I still have a chance to run my half marathon in March. Haven’t started yet but it will be VERY new to me. Trying to be positive and say it will just help me train to do an iron man one day ;) I usually get chobani and my breakfast recently has been a banana and two clementines because I don’t have time before work for anything else.


I just went back to the gym a few weeks ago since my twins are in preschool now. I had been working out at home since they were born and forgot how much fun the gym is. I tried BodyPump and Zumba for the first time and love them both. My husband’s been making me a smoothie with spinach, kale, mixed berries, banana, and a scoop of PB for breakfast. First time trying kale and it’s actually pretty good! BTW, Brooke is seriously too cute for words!


The last workout I did was running with a stroller that got a flat tire halfway through the run, into the wind, while singing Elmo’s world to keep my son from crying and other runners from labeling me as a bad mom…


I am crazy jealous you went to trader joes!!
Ps. Curly is looking as cute as ever with her all pink outfit.


Is that breakfast pre or post run? I am having trouble with that much dairy before a run. My breakfast is always a point of needing to find the right thing. Still isn’t dialed in yet.

Nothing new in the workout department, maybe time to shake it up over Christmas break when i can go to some classes during the day.


I tried one of those VS Full-body workouts from Pinterest. 10 short minutes but I was breathing pretty good by the end! Now if only I can get something that awesome that really DOES work the whole body!


YUM!!! Can your mom ease buy me baked goods and treats?! DELICIOUS! I’m a Chobani girl but in Canada we don’t have all of those delicious flavours yet.


嗨Janae !我离开一个几天前ab发表评论out gppfit.com and how obsessed I am with it. Seriously, it’s amazing. The trainers know their stuff. But I forgot to warn you that it will make you very, VERY, VERY sore when you are first starting out. They recommend trying half the weight or half the workout. My absolute favorite part about their workouts is that they are 15-30 min. max and sooo effective.


My home is my gym, so not a lot of crowding issues. My last new to me workout was Zumba Sentao. It’s Zumba with chair exercises. It was really cool! We did pushups, triceps dips, lunges, and some more exercises with a folding chair. And there was also dancing, so it was fun too. I can’t wait to go back next week! I’m not a huge yogurt fan. I eat it occasionally, but I just haven’t got in the habit. Breakfast has mostly been cereal, but I’m going to be making some oatmeal cups (like muffins, except with oatmeal) soon that will take over my breakfast.


Sometimes your questions speak right to me… so here it goes! :)

Is your gym usually crowded?
Depends on the time…if I go after school yes…it starts getting busy…
Do you ever have a problem getting on one of the cardio machines? sometimes…grr!!
Is it ever empty like mine was today? The times I usually go are during the busy times… In the summer though, yes! Love it when no one is there!

What was the last NEW TO YOU workout that you tried?
PiYo (a mix of pilates and yoga) and I absolutely LOVED IT!

What brand of greek yogurt do you usually get?

What has your breakfast been lately?
chobani yogurt and trail mix or pumpkin spice waffle, ginger bread cream cheese, and trail mix… haha, I never said it was healthy! ;)


Joe Joes!!! I just bought some last night and I have already eaten half the box. I’m gonna be putting some miles in this weekend when I am back in Nashville but they are so worth it!!


Most of my breakfasts lately have consisted of cereal bowls with almond butter and banana slices on top!


Yoplait Greek yogurt all the way! Yoplait is made in my home town :)


Just got the trader joe’s chocolate disks with sprinkles. Everything I love- chocolate and food dye- for $2! I already ate half the bag…


I just wanted to stop in and say that I LOVE your blog – just was told about it a few weeks ago – and now am a HUGE fan!! Keep up the great work!!! :)


I am on week two of Insanity and I’m loving it! The workouts the first month are super short (40 min or less) so I thought I’d be able to run a few days a week also, but that hasn’t yet. It’s kicking my butt
I can’t wait to hear about Crossfit!
Same breakfast as always-breakfast sandwich with one egg, two egg whites, and half an avocado on toasted whole wheat.


I am loving cottage cheese with blueberries, chocolate protein powder and almonds for breakfast lately- yum!


We usually buy the big tubs of strawberry chobani. It’s so tasty.

I can’t remember the last time I tried a new work out. I did “pullups” and pushups with Mike for a while, but got bored and gave it up.


My gym is always pretty packed! I really enjoy seeing all the people working on their fitness…it motivates and inspires me! We have a lot of cardio equipment so I generally don’t have to wait to long to hop on!

New to me workout is Insanity….holy moses! I’m like you in that my heart is beating out of my chest during the warm up. I feel SO GOOD when I am done, and am already feeling stronger in my core and legs. I really like doing something different! Helps me stay motivated during the blah winter weather.

Chobani and Fage are my go to Greek yogurts…Blood Orange Chobani is the BEST EVA! Yuummmm!!

Current breakfast is a Thomas Hearty Muffing/Multi-Grain with almond butter. Going to try your overnight oats this weekend! :-)


I just went to the new TJ’s a couple of days ago, I am in love. Those candy cane joe joe’s… delicious!


Uh-oh, no Brooke pictures?

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