Running is hard sometimes (ehhh a lot). A donut as tall as our children is amazing.

They convinced me that staying home and hanging out Saturday morning was a better idea than going out for a run. They were right.

By the time I got out for my run it was much later than usual. Luckily the weather was beautiful and the rough spot of the run only lasted between miles 3-11;) Okay, I have had much ‘harder for me runs’ in the past but it definitely took some focus and a lot of effort to avoid not calling Andrew at the end of each mile to pick me up.

Isn’t it crazy that we are all hooked on this thing called running that is soooo hard to do. The benefits must really be the thing that keeps us doing it because some runs are rough.

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Eleven miles @ an 8:03 average. My freckles were out for the run too.

The combination of running 53 miles for the week, running later in the day than usual and just one of those days probably made the run feel rough but like usual, I’m happy to get right back at it tomorrow.

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When I got home from my run my sister called and told us that she had some football tickets for us to use. We made our way on over to where I went to college… Andrew was at BYU at the same time I was and I’m sure we must have seen each other at some point on campus (I mean they only have something like 35,000 students at a time there).

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I was also thrilled because my sister gave tickets to Niki (she is pretty much a sister) so we got to sit and catch up.

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When I go to football games I go for the company and the food.

CUPBOP (Korrean bbq—> lettuce, noodles, rice, chicken and a hot sauce I topped it with after the picture).

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And these donuts. The three of us shared this amazing maple bar, it was amazing. I don’t think I could go to a game without one of these.

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My sister gave us pretty great seats which made Andrew very happy.

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For dinner we had a lot of wedding food.

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Andrew’s cousin got married so we hung out at the reception for a bit.

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Knox showed off his sweet tricks for everyone too.

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And Brooke has had an amazing time with her dad and I cannot wait to see her today. I’ve sure missed her sweet smile, cuddles, animal impersonations and my singing in the car partner.

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What is your Sunday going to consist of?

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Sunday is for climbing (yay!) and grocery shopping (boo!). I don’t know why I hate grocery shopping so much, but I do. I’ll put it off until our fridge is practically empty except for the basics.


I’m right there with you… unless it is Costco or Trader Joe’s I really don’t love it anymore either. I do the same thing as you haha! Hopefully it went well for you today!


Look a like a Saturday well spent!

Today is my 2nd marathon and the hubs’ first!




HOW DID IT GO? Congrats on another marathon and congrats to your husband on his first!


It was a really rough day. The race started an hour and 10 min late so it was really hot at the finish and I’m pretty sure my pacer went out way too fast. I was hoping for a 3:38 and we were set to finish at 3:26 until about mile 15. I absolutely died at mile 19. But I still PR’d from my first by 11 min and I’m glad I was able to finish with no injuries! (Minus a toe nail!)


AN HOUR AND TEN MINUTES LATE… that is crazy! I am so so sorry. BUT HUGE CONGRATS on your 11 minute pr and no injuries (your poor toe… I get it)! Seriously amazing job and I’m so sorry about the pacer and the late start. You are a trooper!


Teaching spin this morning! First time back teaching in 6 weeks since my hip surgery. I was up early this morning because I CANNOT WAIT. Then meal prepping and finishing some work for the week.


Oh Megan, that is SO exciting! I hope it was a blast and that your hips felt great!


Looks like a nice relaxing weekend for you guys! I hope you get to spend lots of time this week with Brooke!

Today is a rest day and a nice quiet day at work for me :-)


Ugh, I hear ya with the “running is hard” thing! I guess that’s why it is called a labor of love :) That donut brought a tear to my eye btw, such a beaut!

Sunday consists of work, family, and pancakes-have a great one!


I’m in the mood for hills this morning…strange, I know haha Grocery shopping this afternoon and family diner tonight. Weather is warmer than usual around here: running in the sun feels easier to me ;-)


I’m heading out to spend some time with family and just relaxing most of the day! It’s always my cleaning and laundry day too :) No running for me :( Unfortunately, at 37 weeks I had to give it up, but that’s okay! I can’t wait to run again postpartum.


Rock n roll 10k in Vegas tonight!




I second that!! I LOVE RnR Vegas, have an excellent race Martha!


I love that Cup of Bibimbop!

We make Bibimbop at my house pretty regularly! Whatever leftovers are in the fridge go on into a huge bowl of rice and veggies. YUM!


That maple bar!!! I need one!

Got in an early bike ride today (I was awake at 5:00 so I had to wait for the sun to come up.)

Big day at church – we are celebrating our pastor and his wife. They have been our pastor for 35 years this month! They are awesome people that bring so much to the lives of so many.


I’ve been visiting a friend in North Carolina but leaving shortly to drive back up to New York City. So my Sunday will be in the car mostly. :)


I am so happy you also had a great weekend while Brooke was away. It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy!


我应该跑马拉松昨天但锅e up with a high fever:( Has anyone else had to miss a big race due to sickness?! I am hoping I feel well enough to last minute run the Philadelphia marathon next weekend!


Oh Robyn!!! I am so so so sorry about your fever! That breaks my heart. I really hope you are feeling better by next weekend, please keep me updated! I have missed races for all sorts of different reasons before and it is not fun but right now the focus is on getting you feeling healthy again!


So sorry to read that! It happened to me last September. Trained all summer for a marathon and woke up with a bad sinus infection a few days before. It is heartbreaking! Hope your plan b will work! Sending good vibes your way!


Your life looks so happy and peaceful. Love peeking in at it!

I got my long run in, and my track team is having a meeting at my house. And then I have….a date….*bites fingernails.* ;)


Meal prep, Broncos, and bowling!


我们刚刚回家从长weekend in Sioux Falls, SD. We were there for the Nike XC Regional meet. Our girls had fun and did ok…no trophies were brought home this time but, the weather was perfect and we knew many that did bring home the hardware. Plus, 2 girls in our section (that we run many races against) made top 5 so they advance to Nationals!! Very exciting stuff!!


My Sunday consisted of watching football with my hubby and getting in a five mile run on the treadmill. I am working really hard to drop my pace and running on the treadmill has actually been helping a lot!


OMG, I thought that doughnut was a big soft pretzel at first!!!!!! (I’d much rather it be a doughnut though! :)


I actually enjoy grocery shopping … when it isn’t crowded. I hate when I have to squeeze in and out of the aisles if there are a lot of people there. I have started going early in the morning and that makes it much more pleasant.




I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a very long time but where did you get your tank top with the track on it (first picture)? I’ve searched everywhere for it or something similar and haven’t had any luck. Oiselle has one but only in x-lg :(


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