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Friend to Friend ==> Being Underweight + Amenorrhea.

I’ve gone from not fueling my activities, no period for a few years, injuries galore and terrible bone health… To 25-30 lbs heavier, having 2 babies, a regular period, healthy bones and my fastest race times. The road to get there was hard but more worth it than anything I’ve ever experienced. I have had …dota2雷竞技

Bad Patches. Strong Opinions on This. Make This.

Thank you so much for your kind comments yesterday! They mean so much to us. We will be leaving on Friday to California. ———————————————————————————————- The top viewed posts from last week were: *Tuesday Tangents.. We are Not Normal. *30 Miler. Friday Favorites. *Where did my core go? How does FOOD affect your skin? Wiggly teeth …dota2雷竞技