Bad Patches. Strong Opinions on This. Make This.

Thank you so much for your kind comments yesterday! They mean so much to us. We will be leaving on Friday to California.


The top viewed posts from last week were:

*Tuesday Tangents.. We are Not Normal.

*30 Miler. Friday Favorites.

*Where did my core go? How does FOOD affect your skin?

Wiggly teeth are a big deal around here at this time in our lives. Knox wants Andrew to pull out one of his teeth if it is slightly wiggly and Brooke refuses to let any of us near the tooth.

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Andrew had another shift so the kids jumped in bed with me for a little while yesterday morning.

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Skye is very upset with me whenever the big kids are playing outside without her. She says mama on repeat in her stern voice:

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We had church…

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We watched some videos from when Knox and Brooke were younger…

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Her favorite seat.

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For dinner I made theseChicken Burrito Bowlsand I will make them over and over again. The dressing on top won. I cooked my chicken in the crockpot rather than grilling it because the crockpot is so easy ha. My bowl didn’t look as good as hers:)

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Her tooth fell out while eating dinner. She is thrilled to be able to eat turkey sandwiches again (she said that turkey sandwiches hurt her when she had a wiggly tooth ha).

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Followed by graham crackers dipped in milk…

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Those bad patches.

Sometimes they last for 5 miles, sometimes 6 minutes or sometimes much longer than that. During my last marathon, miles 16-21 were a very rough patch for me because I was having a lot of cramping.

The bad patches happen to all of us but there is a part inDeena’s bookthat I always remember when I come across a bad patch.

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OUR JOB during a run or race is to get out of the hard parts (+ to remember that there will be good patches up ahead) and grasp on to the good ones .

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To get ourselves through those hard spots—> We just have to figure out different coping mechanisms to handle those rough miles! We might need to fuel up, drink up (or caffeine up) to help us to feel better. Maybe it means walking for a few minutes while giving ourselves a pep talk. We might choose to focus on our form to get through some hard miles. The hard spots might be the perfect time to refocus our energy on the moment we are in rather than wondering how we are going to go X amount more miles. Getting through those rough spots may involve finding someone to talk to during a race or focusing on the things that do not hurt.

During my 30 miler last week I was seriously wanting to quit from miles 13-17ish… I was so over it. It was windy and I was by myself and just wanting to be in bed. I thought about this part in the book above and focused on getting in my fuel, paying closer attention to the podcast I was listening to and thinking about how lucky I am that I get to run. I got through those really difficult miles and then I had a 12ish mile good patch. Those miles were still hard but I felt so much better mentally and physically. Running/races are a roller coaster of emotions for me and I am guessing I will probably have 200 different emotions during this ultra.

WE CAN DO HARD THINGS <— My favorite mantra ever.

Also, I’m now doing what I did before my goal marathon last fall (and it really did help me to get that sub 3). A lot of the physical training is done and now it is time to think myself there to my goals of this 50 miler.

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I’ve heard quite a few strong opinions about this on instagram (and from @manbunrun) but I wanted to ask here too (and I cropped the image for those that do not agree with men’s running tights;)…

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Men in running tights? What are your thoughts?

-Andrew wears them on the trails a lot in the winter (aka when it is 15 degrees or below, any warmer than that and he is in shorts) but I have heard from many others that do not agree with men in tights without shorts on over them or something!

How do you get through the bad patches of a race/run? Did you have one during your last race?

What was the last chocolatey item that you ate?

What workout this week are you most looking forward to?

哟u May Also Like



I have absolutely no problem with men in (running) tights. Here in the Netherlands it’s pretty common for runners and especially cyclists to wear them in winter. Some wear them with shorts, but that’s just more washing afterwards if you ask me. Wear whatever you’re happy with Andrew! Thinking of you and your family this week.


Can I come do a race in the Netherlands with you? I bet it gets so cold for you! I agree, the less wash the better!

Thanks Nicole!


哟u would be very welcome, we have some fantastic races! Temperature-wise it’s not so bad here. We haven’t really had a proper winter for about 25 years. We had 3 days of snow in January and that was it. It’s 15 degrees Celsius today, which is recordbreakingly hot for us in late February.


Men in running tights? What are your thoughts? I think its fine and I don’t understand why people have to always comment on things that don’t personally affect them :) I guess I’m old school and if I don’t have something nice to say, I don’t comment :)

How do you get through the bad patches of a race/run? Did you have one during your last race? Sometimes I have to change my music or change from a podcast to music, change it up however I can to distract myself

What was the last chocolatey item that you ate? Dark chocolate salted carmels

What workout this week are you most looking forward to? This weekends long run, it will be my longest run in over 6 years.


I think that is a great way to live life! Yes, it’s amazing how just changing up something simple like our music can help get us through the rough spots. And now I need some dark chocolate salted caramels. GOOD LUCK THIS WEEKEND and let me know how it goes afterwards. I’m cheering for you LIsa.


So sorry about Andrew’s grandpa, Janae. Praying for comfort and peace for your family.

I LOVE the WE CAN DO HARD THINGS mantra, and I constantly use it to encourage others as well as myself. Thank you for engraining that into my mind and heart. :) I also give myself little pep talks throughout hard runs/workouts and races. I remind myself that it’s only such a short time period compared to the rest of my life, and I can endure that pain for that short time. Sometimes the only way to grow and achieve great things is to become completely uncomfortable.


Thank you so much Natalie! Oh I love what you said in that last sentence… YES YES YES! I hope you have a wonderful day Natalie and keep me updated on the job stuff!


My five year old lost that same tooth a couple weeks ago!! It pooped out when she was eating her quesadilla :)


No way! Now that I think about it, I think that was Knox’s first tooth that he lost. Must be something about that spot. I hope you have a wonderful day and tell your 5 year old hi from Brooke and Knox:)


Men in tights is a lot of information. I had a running coach who wore red ones and you could see everything beneath. We were a female group (adults) and it was awkward.

I had a chocolate cupcake with Irish creme flavored frosting.


‘is a lot of information’ ha! Andrew’s tights are all thicker and black so luckily that isn’t a problem;) .
That cupcake sounds so good… at 7:13 am. Have a wonderful day Nina!


Men in tights ONLY with shorts over them. Ha!! :)

I have hot chocolate every night before bed.. so about 12 hours ago.

Happy start to the week!


I’m glad I cropped the photo for you then:) . I didn’t know you had hot chocolate every night! I should join you in that. Thanks Amanda, you too!


I wouldn’t want anyone telling me that I need to cover certain parts of my body when I’m just trying to be comfortable for a run and I would never tell anyone else what to wear either.


I want to like your comment:) . Have a great day Vanessa!


I am so sorry to hear about your grandad in law, but am glad you guys will have plenty of family around for support.
Men in running tights? Well, some women don’t feel comfortable in running tights and I think that is a disappointing result of society pressure, judgement, expectations. If men want to wear running tights, they should. If they feel more comfortable with shorts on top, they should do what feels right. My husband wears running looses (like tights but looser, not sure if there is a name for that), but will still wear a jacket that goes a little low for more coverage. To each his own!

Yes, during my last race I realized I forgot to take my inhaler prior to the race, nor bring it with me (again! I forgot it last month too! But the upside is I have needed it so infrequently during training that I think that is why my mind is blanking). So this time instead of pushing through (and ending up wheezing a quarter mile from the finish), I slowed down, was great fun for a quick circle back to the start on the course, detour to car, and grabbed the inhaler. Because I had already started race pace prior to using it, it took a puff every half a like before so felt normal again. But the mantra I Can Do Hard Things is one I live by.

I ate 8 chocolate chips on Saturday. We are out of anything chocolate besides that…

I am looking forward to all my workouts! Today is the first day of my Tenacious 10K training schedule and I am excited! Today is Interval work, which I haven’t done in years, so fingers crossed :)


Thank you so much. It will be good to all be together this weekend.
I’m right there with you, run in what makes you feel comfortable, warm enough and happy in:) . I am so glad you were able to get back to your car Tonya! I need to send you guys some chocolate:) . Super excited to hear about your interval work… you are going to do amazing!


I made it a personal goal within the past couple of years to try my best to not judge people for their appearance. That goes for men in tights too! :) It’s so easy to be judgmental towards someone for their size, clothing, hair, etc. so I told myself to be better than that.
So sorry to read about Andrew’s grandpa. Your family is in my thoughts!
I hope you enjoy your lighter running this week! I am so impressed by what you’ve done to train for this. You are a rockstar!


Oh I love that Rhiannon! Such a great way to live:)
Thank you so much Rhiannon, that means a lot. Have a beautiful Monday.


I think men’s running tights are absolutely fine. The tights serve a purpose and to think anything else says more about the person than the tights (if that makes sense).

I will take a walk break if I’m struggling and I have a mantra. Also I think that the quickest way to get the run over is to keep running. My mind always gives out before my body so I have to remind myself of that a LOT.

Chocolate truffles from trader joe’s

I like hill repeats. I don’t know if I necessarily look forward to them, but for a workout they are great. I’d prefer to run hill repeats than run on a treadmill!


Oh that is sooo true… we know our bodies have more to give! I need to try their chocolate truffles. I agree, hill repeats > treadmill for me too. Thanks Carol and have a wonderful Monday!


If a guy is comfortable wearing tights then let him. I don’t hear anyone complaining when women run around in a sports bra.


This is my exact thoughts!!!!! And if there is anyone, that is not okay!


I think one of the most attractive things a guy can do is to be confident. Rock those running tights! My husband loves to mountain bike so he wears thicker tights in the winter. He used to play rugby at a pretty high level so wore the shortest of shorts ;) He loves being active and wears what works for that sport. Not sure why anyone would have a problem with that … sounds like people are being judgmental and making fun of anyone’s outfit seems pretty juvenile … Wear them Andrew! They keep you warm and keep the chaffing down, its sort of a no-brainer.


Oh I love this comment ! Your husband sounds awesome and super active! Have a wonderful day Krista:)


I love the everything you said about bad patches! Sometimes I forget that others have them too :) I try to focus on form or I just concentrate on when I can have my next gel haha! Food motivates me!


Oh Stacy, you are not alone in the slightest! I am just like you… food gets me to the end of the run many times when it gets hard haha… especially thinking about a hamburger for some reason. Have a wonderful day.


My hubs wears tights all the time for cycling and running. Personally, I think it is even more annoying to see people in tights with shorts or a skirt over them. Why not wear one or the other? Or maybe some pants instead?

I’m not much of a feminist, but I get ragey when people sexualize exercise clothing. It’s basically an athlete’s uniform. I grew up in the hot, humid south. Once I popped into a convenience store wearing a skirt and tank. A lady commented on my attire as if I was wearing revealing clothing to teach or church or something. I didn’t criticize her for not being physically active, so I don’t know why she would choose to pick on me. Don’t get me started on catcalls, etc. Just wear what makes you comfortable is how I feel about it.

Prayers for peace and safe travels <3


SOMEONE COMMENTED ON YOUR CLOTHING AT A STORE?!?! I can’t even imagine thinking about someone else’s clothing when I am in a store ha… hopefully that never happens to you again.

Thank you Steph, I hope you have a wonderful week!


I think it looks totally silly when men wear shorts over their running tights. That’s all.


Plus it just means more wash;) . Have a great day Jackie!


早上好Janae !首先,请代我condolences to Andrew. I’m thinking and praying of you all today.

Secondly, thank you so so much for a timely post today on getting through the hard spots. My race day is Saturday anddd I’m trying to get rid of the doubts and remember I am strong enough to do this and have the mental tools in my toolbelt to choose from when it gets tough. I think I have fears because last race I literally had zero bad patches even though I was so mentally ready for them. So this time I know they will probably come, but my self reminders are “I know I can hit this pace,” “My weakness, His strength,” “GRIT,” and mental distractions such as naming beautiful things around me that I am grateful for, remembering times I pushed through in training, and pretending I’m running in an elite pack and drafting off the leaders…;)

My s/o wears tights, but wears shorts over them. I don’t have a problem with it either way though, I think people should be free to run in what they want! I don’t like people judging me when I wear just a sports bra and shorts on 80 degree Florida days, so no judgment here!

Last chocolatey item—>hot chocolate about 3 weeks ago, ha. I’m deprived.

本周锻炼——>我有6 x 400 @轻松hard, 200 recovery this morning, and I was most looking forward to that because I love quick taper workouts that get your legs feeling fresh. I went into it not feeling super confident because my hamstring has been bothering me but I went on effort and hit alot faster paces then I expected and felt great. So race day here I come!!!


Thank you so much Eleanor, he is at work again but he will definitely read the comments too.
周六,认为自己有好运!哟u’ve done the work and now you get to celebrate the training. You have nothing to be afraid of… you’ve hit rough spots/fatigue before and made it through, you can do it again! Please let me know how it goes afterwards. I love what you do in the tough spots. I need to send you some chocolate! Atta girl on your workout this morning and getting those legs completely ready for Saturday. I’m cheering for you!


Thanks Janae! I will remind myself of that!! Just got to work and flipped over my quote desk calendar for the day and todays quote is -> “There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties, or you alter yourself to meet them.” -Phyllis Bottome. SO COOL, that it went right along with your post today.


I will say the same thing about Andrew that I would say about women: Andrew should wear whatever the heck he wants. Whatever he is comfortable in. Whatever he likes. Do running tights show a lot? Sure. So do tight shirts on women. But we all have bodies. And body parts. So.. yeah. Seriously, if someone had made a comment about what a woman was wearing that person would have been eaten alive. No one has a right to tell a woman how she should dress, and the same goes for men.


男人在运动紧身衣。我不认为这是一个sue most of the time. I have more concern about men in short shorts! There’s a lot of skin – too much skin and bouncing; and then sometimes they don’t sit properly. They’re not thinking about their shorts. It’s not a good combination. With the tights things are covered up. So much better. Cold weather is better.

Hey, are you eating strawberries again? How nice.

Keeping Skye alive… Stayin’ Alive, Stayin’ Alive, ah ah ah. There’s a song to share with her stern voice. I can just hear it.


I think the idea that women can wear short shorts and tights, while men should only wear longer, looser bottoms is kinda discrimitory.

话虽这么说,我是一个女人和我个人我们r shorts or a longer top over my tights, though I don’t care that much what others wear.


probiotic chocolates from costco… healthy right? ;)


Everybody’s talking about my tight pants. Tight pants. I’ve got my tight pants on. I hope you know I couldn’t care less about Andrew’s tight pants and I just like to give him a hard time. It’s like the men in ballet who wear similar pants. If that is what you need to wear to move, feel comfortable and perform in your sport- go for it.

I love that you can refer to 12 miles as a “patch”. Haha. That is more like a very large field for me…a non ultra runner ;)

Anna was the same as Brooke with teeth pulling/being lose. A lot of Anna’s teeth ended up just falling out in their own becauae she would a wreck if we suggested pulling them. Evan, on the other hand, has pulled out every single one of of his teeth on his own. Lol.


Can I just say that I appreciate someone who appreciates that Will Ferrell/Jimmy Fallon/Christina Aguilera skit enough to work that into a blog comment or a real life conversation (because I actually did work that into a conversation with my kids the other day, lol). For reals. All the high fives!


I think any athlete goes through a bad patch. I liked your techniques and honestly I can’t even imagine running 30 miles. I go through bad patches in a 5k! Lol. I try and remind myself that they don’t last forever and we will make it through if we want too.


Oh wow! The chicken burrito bowl looks so good. I always go easy and make my chicken in a crock-pot too. :) I can do hard thigns is one of my favorite mantras too. When I go through a bad patch, I really just try to break the time/distance up — whether that is just keep going until the next song or keep going until the next mile. I try harder to make smaller moments into victories. xo, Ali


First, my condolences to Andrew and your family on his grandfather’s passing.
Men in running tights: when they’re running and not TOO tight, it’s fine. At the gym…not so much, without shorts over them.
I try to really focus on form and anything I can do to change my movement, even a bit: lift my knees higher for a few strides, spread out my toes inside my shoes for several paces, lower my shoulder blades, shake out my hands…etc.
My protein bar for this morning’s breakfast had a chocolate coating :)
Hope all your runs this week are relaxed and comfortable!


Hey Janae! I’m just catching up on your weekend posts. I’m so sorry about Andrew’s Grand Dad. I’m sending prayers of comfort and peace during this difficult time **hugs**

I have no problem with men in running tights. I’m cracking up at some of these comments! If women can wear them, so can men. I’m not a huge fan of tights for me because they are so hot and I feel like they are slipping down when I run haha
I wear compression socks a lot when it’s cold (instead of tights or capris) and I get some side eyes and comments about them but not from other runners :)

I really needed to read this post today. The bad patches are what make us better runners and better people in general. I like to tell myself that it’s a good thing that I was chosen to endure the bad patch because something really good is coming on the other side. I think I need to read Deena’s book again so I can work on this a little more.

I’m having half coffee and half hot chocolate this morning! I might love hot chocolate as much as you do!


我的想法是和你的家人。死亡并不是东亚峰会y, and when loved ones are far away–oof. Nothing can prepare you for how that feels, and no words are the right words.

As for men in running tights–whatever makes the person feel free to focus on the running instead of be self conscious about the people around them! I know that I have a hard time when people debate on what I should wear when I run/when I practice yoga/when I go from spin class to errands to brunch with friends to whatever, so I am in absolutely zero place to say what another person should wear (OR to have a say in what’s most appropriate for a person with different body parts to wear, so long as they’re covered/comfortable/wearing the right stuff to keep bad chafing at bay/ETC…).

As for chocolate, after my run yesterday I went to my favorite little smoothie shop, Frutta Bowls, and got chocolate whey/almond butter/banana/almond milk/nutella and it so totally hit the spot. I think though that I need to replicate that chicken bowl–or, at least, the sauce since I have shredded smoked pork on the meal prep menu for this week and that sauce would probably be BOMB over it (whether Tom would wrap it all up in a tortilla or I have it over greens for a salad and with lots of pico…).

我不知道锻炼我最看景d to, to be honest. I’m pretty exhausted and my whole body has been aching and sore. Sometimes in the last few weeks or so I think I have “backed off” of my schedule by sleeping instead of going to a morning class at the gym or taking a bit of a ‘break’ from running or whatever, but then that same week I’ll take on a sub class for someone else’s spin class or Body Flow class and I’m not really RESTING. It’s all work and it just looks different or happens at a different time of day. THAT SAID, though, this past weekend I ended the little break from running I had with a short loop around one of my favorite run spots and it felt REALLY GOOD. I wore my new pair of Ghost 11s (along with a new sports bra, because isn’t it fun when the feet AND the body both have something new to symbolize a ‘new perspective’ of sorts on an activity after a bit of a break? Or is that just me??), so I think I have to say that I am looking forward to my next run tomorrow morning. I have to decide, though, if I want to run a bit farther than I ran on Sunday in my new ghosts or if I want a nice short loop to begin breaking in my fresh pair of Launch 6s. I don’t know what would ‘spark joy’ more right now. ;)

Bad patches–those are tough. Your mental game is ALREADY strong, and it’s just gonna get stronger! I love that each training run helps build the mental game in a FINITE sort of a way–you focus on the mental game to get you through the run–but the entire training cycle, and the reading and self-talk and visualization you keep on doing THROUGHOUT your cycle–that’s just building the “bigger picture” mental game that lets you approach the start line and help you understand the kind of SHAPE you’re creating for the memory of your ultra so that the “inside the run” mental game has space to do its thing, like you have practiced over zillions and zillions of miles already.


I Can Do Hard Things has been my mantra lately as well. Just last night I saw the Jennifer Nettles just released a new song, “I Can Do Hard Things.” Go give it a listen! I love it – speaks such truth!!!


Ah, Skye is the best.

Last chocolate thing I ate – part of a chocolate hazelnut bar.

Most of my guy running friends won’t wear tights unless it is freezing out (case in point on our snowy trail run yesterday up in 3 feet of snow…one of the guys was still wearing shorts) ha. And most of them do wear shorts over their tights. To each their own I suppose.

Last bad patch during a race – well, it was like why I am doing this? I must be crazy. Also, will the finish line ever come. But you eventually get over it, or I did – because it was either going forward or being plucked off the course. Thinking about the sway (sometimes) but mostly a hot bath, food and reminding myself I paid to do this usually does it hahaha.

Most workout I am looking forward to – not sure yet, but yesterday’s trail run with my trail family was a lot of fun. It was only 11.5 miles but took a few hours because it was in the mountains and we hit 3 feet of snow, and it was beautiful even if it involved a lot of hiking and some tumbles. And of course the impromptu photo shoots.

Have a fantastic day Janae!


I think to each his/her own. Black tights are usually best though, ha!

I had brownies last night, and probably tonight, too! It’s my birthday week and race week, so the carbing up is on real strong here!

I have a 6-8 miler tomorrow that I am excited for because it will be up on the mountain where I don’t get to run very often. It’s so flooded downtown that lots of the paved trails are underwater. The river has been flooded basically since Christmas, and then this week Tennessee got 5 days in a row of rain and the river is even higher. Today is 2 or 3 easy, tomorrow 6-8, and Wednesday 3-4………..then a 5k warmup Saturday and my half marathon Sunday!

Thinking of you guys as you travel.


Thoughts are with your family during difficult time.

Men should absolutely wear running tights in the winter. With or without shorts over them, as long as they keep themselves warm.

Whenever I hit a bad patch, I give myself a tiny pep talk. I tell myself that I can do this run because I have done it before. Sometimes it helps to focus on my feet. Left foot. Right Foot. Left foot. Right foot. Until I forget that I am in not enjoying the run.


I had to re-read the question a couple of times to make sure I understood. I did not even realize there would be a problem with a man running in tights. (I mean I get it) But, really?

Bad patches: sometimes I remind myself I don’t feel good, but I don’t feel bad.


哟u got me thinking and unpacking some thoughts… always good for me so thank you!
So my newly updated thoughts on men in running tights. Just like with women in leggings or running tights- they should be well made enough that people around you can’t see through them. If they’re getting worn out and are becoming transparent someone who loves you should tell you so.
My old thoughts were that they were a fashion no without shorts on top. Unless you’re actually running outside in snow. (Which Andrew clearly is.) But… I unpacked it and decided I’m not ok with myself thinking that. So I changed my mind. I think the ones most of the guys here wear to the gym are more sheer compression tights that would need shorts over them no matter who was wearing them. (it’s Florida)
I’m hoping to finally (finally, for reals) get back to the gym tonight or tomorrow. I can’t wait!!


I love your approach to the rest of training! You’ve definitely proven that you’re physically ready now, and focusing on the mental side while staying active will be so beneficial. Visualizing makes such a difference for me–even on 3 mile runs or easy runs. It reminds me of what will happen–what I might see, where I’ll turn around, where I might get tired and need a pep talk.

YAY for losing teeth! I had a few teeth pulled when I was in first grade, but didn’t lose one on my own til third grade. Oh, the childhood trauma.

I just ate some nestle’s . . . but this weekend I made some pretty delicious brownies. :-)


Okay, first, on a very serious note, I didn’t get a chance to express my condolences to Andrew and the rest of you all/his family on his Grandfather’s passing. I am so sorry! As someone whose grandparents help to raise her, that always hits close to home for me when I hear of a grandparent passing away. Please know that all of you are in my thoughts, especially Andrew and his family.

接下来,在一种不严肃的注意,运动紧身衣on men…? Um, is this *seriously* a debate? Like, with everything happening in our world today, people are going to choose *this* thing to get worked up about? Alright, if that’s a thing, then let me tell you what fashion choice for men (and women) *I* get worked up about instead… ultra booty shorts that flap in the wind, with, quite literally, nothing on underneath. How about them apples? Oh yeah, I went there. There is a guy in my town I’ll call “Daryl” (I actually do not know his name but my 16 year old, whenever I am complaining about someone that we all know who the guilty party is but that person isn’t there, to keep things light, he’ll shout out to an imaginary “roommate” he’s dubbed “Daryl” to make us laugh stuff like, “Yeah Daryl, knock it off!” and “Why can’t you be more considerate of mom’s feelings Daryl, gosh! Get it together, man!” lol). Anyway… “Daryl” likes to run around our town anytime the temperature breaks 40, shirtless with THE tiniest and flappiest cross country style booty shorts EEEVVVVEEERRRR!!! I swear the first time my teenage daughter ever saw a grown man’s bare booty was “Daryl’s,” booking it down main street, in March, when it was probably 40.1 degrees outside. She turned about 22 shades of red and said, “Maybe one day I might like seeing a naked man’s butt, but today is not that day.” And the same goes the other way, ladies. I have three sons (one who is 21, but two teenage boys, okay?), and they FOR REALS hate seeing women in just their running bra and itty-bitty booty shorty shorts bibbidity-bobbing around town. So, I think “Daryl” and the ladies could maybe start a running club OFF Main Street of Small Town, Nowhere, USA perhaps? Good heavens…running tights any day, please. LOL!


Oh, and heeeeyyyy…. I just went back and read everyone’s comments and apparently I probably just offended half the humans on the planet because I made a comment about what women wear too. So yeah… I’ll just show myself out. *salutes everyone* *ducks and covers*


So glad to hear you are ready to crush it. Can’t wait to see how you and Andrew do when the time comes.

How do you get through the bad patches of a race/run? Did you have one during your last race?
I try to keep my mind positive, and to still finish strong. Yes, it was the nyc marathon and I had stomach issues – but I still finished strong so I was glad for that. When I got my poncho I promptly vomited all the gels. Felt much better!

What was the last chocolatey item that you ate?
S’mores with the kids this past weekend! S’mores around a winter campfire is still as pleasurable as around a summer campfire!

What workout this week are you most looking forward to?
Long run which I just did. It was a great run but we have high winds here (25-35 mph) and I lost my hat to the wind which I’m bummed about (ran back to look for it, but no luck) – Have been long running on Mondays and or Fridays bc skiing on the weekends!

男人在运动紧身衣——我绝对同意with majority posters here to wear whatever is comfortable. I see men and women of all shapes and sizes wearing running tights here in the park. Yes it at times leaves little to the imagination, however it is really the best tool to get the run done in colder temps so just avert the gaze if it’s uncomfortable to look…! Telling people what to wear rubs me the wrong way. No, just no. I also agree sexualizing exercise clothing needs to stop. Also I saw men and women of all shapes and sizes cross country ski this past week in tights. It’s not just running and cycling, but all kinds of activities. Not overdressing (or underdressing) for the activity or for the conditions is part of it too as efficiency in exerting energy can make or break the workout or race. In any case, I must go. But hope you are not discouraged by others’ ill informed comments …!!!


The only time I’ve ever objected to men in running tights is the guy who wore thin white ones and spent most of his half marathon right next to me. Thin + white + sweat = a lot of information. Thin + white + sweat + tossing water over himself = too much information. But…it was his race and his clothes choice so I didn’t say anything and just made sure to keep my eyes on the scenery (canyon during Moab Half…definitely worth looking at).


I ran for two different XC and Track team in college and ALL of the guys wore running tights without shorts. It was just how things were. I think when you live in a place that requires you to spend half of the year in tights, you just get used to it and don’t think twice about it. Maybe people living in more southern or western areas are more shocked by it but in Michigan we don’t even bat an eye!


Man here. I’m opposed to other men wearing tights with no shorts over them. It’s just more than the rest of us want to see. I guess I believe strongly in modesty because I don’t even like when guys run shirtless unless it’s like 90+ degrees. I run in Florida and I still keep my shirt on!

Today was a rougher run for me due to some stubborn tight muscles and a cold I’m still getting over but I basically got through it by just telling myself to stop complaining and keep going. Hoping to have a longer, less difficult run on Wednesday!

Yesterday I made some rosemary olive oil chocolate chunk shortbread. It sounds kinda weird (and I was skeptical of it honestly) but it’s really good!


I ran for two different XC and track teams in college and all of the guys wore running tights with NO shorts on overtop. I think when you live in a place that requires you to spend nearly half the year in tights you just get used to it. Maybe it’s off-putting for those who don’t experience a ton of cold weather because they aren’t as exposed to it. Here in Michigan, we keep out long tights out from October through April!


oops definitely posted twice! My Bad!


Men in tights-yes of course! With our without shorts, whatever is comfortable. Let’s face it, we all know what bodies have for parts so whether there’s A LOT of material or less, it’s not like it’s a surprise. Also, a lot of sports involve tights: speed skating, cycling, cross country skiing…..Here in europe men wear tights in the winter. Okay, maybe in the fall and spring too because I take it Europeans do NOT do chill. It’s just not a big deal to me and I hope the men in my life don’t feel pressure to dress differently and are uncomfortable.

The last chocolate thing was a limited edition Ritter Sport.

Bad patches are hard, but I’m convinced the further you go, the more opportunity to get past it for the good patches. I think a bad patch in a 5km race would be so hard because the recoup time is limited! although you do get to finish sooner….Anyway, I do the “You can do hard things” and “savor this moment” etc. I don’t have the best mental game so I do a lot of self talk. It’s pretty tiring. Also just trying something-if I am nervous to pick it up and go faster I tell myself to try it! COunting down aide stations is great, too! In your 50 miler you may have a lot of highs and lows-just like a day at home. You’ll feel hungry, tired, thirsty, frustrated, elated, sad, mad, happy, joyful, tearful, exhausted, exhilarated……ALL THE EMOTIONS! Let yourself feel them, and think “hmmm, what will be next.” I’m so excited for you!!!


I say to each is their own as far as men in tights! ;) As long as anyone is doing something that makes them feel comfortable, healthy and happy then go all in!

The last chocolatey thing I had was a chocolate chip cookie and it was FABULOUS! I need another one just typing this out. HAHA!

I use mantras to get through rough patches. I really like “I can do hard things.” and “This too shall pass!”

The one workout I’m most looking forward to this week is my 5 miler lined up for Wednesday! Woo hoo!

Have a great day Janae!!


I’m going to add more: this will surely show my age but I remember when tights first came out for general wear. They were Hind tights, kind of thin, and only came in maroon and navy. Women didn’t really know how to wear them so they wore shorts UNDERNEATH! so think dolphin split shorts under non compressive running tights. Some wore them over. Eventually things evened out and we went sans shorts. Now to the guys. They wore them, too. But, then Sporthill stirrup pants/tights came out. Google them. I bet if you go to any road race you’ll see a bearded 73 year old man in royal blue sporthill tights (we’d now call them pants). Anyway, tights have come a long way and from what I’ve seen, most male tights are pretty thick or even have a slim cut pant look. Wear what you feel good in! That being said, I still think it’s a bit odd to see men in a male version of a bikini in triathlons but again, wear what feels good.


I am a guy. I rock the tights during cold weather, which is forever where I live. My wife and oldest daughter constantly give me lip about it. But I refuse to wear shorts over my tights.


Guys in tights doesn’t bother me. My husband doesn’t wear shorts over his. I think he gets more comments about when he wears his capri tights which came from the male section. I can’t say a man running in tights has every distracted or bothered me on a run.

I have been using your advice to get through bad patches of runs…. take it one mile at a time. And lots of positive thinking. It definitely helped during a tempo run last week.

I just ate a snack size Hershey bar. Somebody at work left a whole bag sitting out to share and I rarely say no to chocolate bars.


Maybe it’s a cold weather state thing but I never see men wearing shorts over their tights here in Colorado and I don’t think they should have to.
I have FOR SURE had bad patches in races. In my last ironman I was so close to quitting during the bike that I thought about it for hours. I told myself that I couldn’t quit while going uphill, by the time I was going downhill I didn’t want to quit anymore, ha!

Happy Monday!


Okay, I absolutely LOVE what you did to get out of this bad patch during your Ironman. Can I share this?


Of course you can share! =) I think I heard someone say don’t make any decisions while going uphill in a documentary about the Western States 100, I wish I could reference it for you, but it stuck with me.


I just wanted to drop a comment and say I made your sisters giant chocolate chip cookie recipe this weekend and OMG!! They are officially my new favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. They are everything I’ve ever wanted in a cookie?? they remind me of CFA cookies o my better!


Ill be the stick in the mud and say I’m just happy my husband would never wear them. Maybe if he was running in the Olympics I’d be ok with it.


I’m totally cool with guys wearing running tights – they just better not put running shorts over the top of them because then they just look like a noob or a middle school XC runner. ?


The comment about keeping Skye alive is extremely insensitive to anyone who has ever suffered the loss of a child. Just saying!


I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve had family and really close friends lose a child, and I even lost my younger brother. I’m also a parent of a child who has a terminal, degenerative disease (incurable). It is a very difficult thing for the families who deal with the loss, especially the parents. I also know sometimes people have said things very innocently (myself included, and I have watched my own mother navigate that grief process, front row) and it has been an unknowing trigger to someone’s grief. People have said things to me, innocently (or maybe not, but I’d like to hope they just weren’t thinking) and it has triggered huge waves of grief and anger and frustration. I’m sure Janae would never, ever intentionally or unintentionally be flippant or hurtful about that, especially in light of the grief her husband and his family are going through right now. However, I do want you to know that my heart goes out to you and I am so, so sorry for the loss you’ve experienced. ❤️


Wow! Thank you for responding to my comment. That is really, really kind of you. I wasn’t implying that what Janae posted was to intentionally hurt anyone. It was more to inform that saying “Keeping a child alive” as a sarcastic pun is insensitive, which it is. I don’t think anyone could know that pain unless they have experienced it but to joke around about “keeping your child alive” with a private text to your Mom is one thing but to post it on her blog is completely insensitive. I think we all deal with grief differently but I don’t think it is a bad thing to help others become aware how sarcastic remarks like that can offend. I really do appreciate your heart and it is apparent that your care so thank you!




Libby, I am so incredibly sorry. I in no way meant to be insensitive and I truly cannot even imagine. I feel like I’m going to throw up now that I see how what I said could be so insensitive. Never again will I make this mistake. I am so so sorry.


谢谢Janae。我知道你不想伤害任意子e. Blessings


作为一个失去了孩子,从我自己的perspective, I know everyone is different, I don’t see anything wrong with it. You seem like a great person!

Also I run in tights all the time in the winter(I’m a guy), and bike in tights in the winter also. I see nothing wrong with it, but the other day I ran during my daughters dance class and after I normally throw jeans on over but was running late so at the end of class during parent share I went in with my tights on and got some looks from some of the moms. Some glares, some up-downs, made me uncomfortable and feel bad for woman who have to deal with that.

We do Yum Box so ate some chocolate from Italy, kids love it.


Last chocolatey thing I ate was a ‘birthday bar’. My Mom gets them from Schwan’s. She gets them for each of us on our birthday. They are an ice cream car, with caramel and peanuts on tops, all of it enclosed by chocolate. But we don’t know the real name, just birthday bars.
I’m not sure what the debate is over men running in tights. Do the same people have a problem with mens biking in the tight’s that are shorts too then? For me I don’t even acknowledge that it’s even a thing. I would have never known this was a ‘thing’ had I not heard it in your interview and read it here. So I guess my opinion is, it’s all good, men in tights, if they are more comfortable that way, whether running or biking.


haha I’ve never really stopped to think about men’s running tights! I guess I don’t really care one way or the other…..but the fact that you cropped off Andrew at the waist made me LOL!!!! hahaha


I didn’t know men in running tights was a big deal!? I see men in bike shorts all the time here in Florida.
For men and women – just check your tights and make sure they aren’t see through!


LOL I LEFT A COMMENT ON ANOTHER POST ABOUT THE TIGHTS! I can’t help it, I snigger to myself every time you post a picture of Andrew in running tights. Though it’s not so much that I have an issue with men in running tights – it’s okay as long as they are thick enough and SUPPORTIVE…. It’s really thinking back to that podcast you guys did with manbunrun that brings on the laughs. hahahaha. Your banter with Andrew was just hilarious.

To be honest, I don’t think I would have noticed if you guys hadn’t done the podcast. And now I can’t un-notice it.

But yeah, it’s okay – I’ve learnt to avert my eyes.


I’m a guy who doesn’t often run in running tights, but I use them *all the time* for hiking, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing when the temperature gets below about 40-45 degrees F. The reason is that they are about the same weight and warmth as a pair of long underwear bottoms, are slightly more socially acceptable, and MUCH easier to put on a pair of wind-and-rain pants over the top of (especially if those rain pants have full side zips—skis make that a necessity).
Of course there is a drawback for someone like me: I look like 5 pounds of potatoes in a 3 pound sack in running tights, but I’m also too old and curmudgeonly to care at age 59. As long as I can be comfortable, and get outdoors, I’m happy (and a lot easier to live with).
Oh, and I almost forgot…they also make the song from Mel Brooks Robin Hood movie rattle around in my head:
“We’re men…we’re men in tights…we go around the forest looking for fights…….”


I just made the pb cups from Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow… and of course had to lick the spoon. If they filed Shalane to a NYC win, they can fuel me to success in Boston!


Sorry about Andrew’s Grandfather ??.

I don’t even understand why wearing just tights is even a question. I think it is personal preference, what works best for them is all that matters. Compression helps the muscles and why add an extra layer/weight/bulk that can chafe the body or make it more uncomfortable? Women don’t want to be judged for wearing what works best for their bodies, why shouldn’t the same be applied for men. On that note, my husband wears compression pants for his muscles but isn’t comfortable wearing them by themselves. But, that’s ok because it works for him.


Hey Janae!

Super random question..I love the things you have on top of your green buffet in the pic with Andrew (the wood with the greenery). Do you remember where you got the wooden holder??

Thanks! I love reading your blog!

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