The Placebo Effect

Bangs Friend is training for her first half marathon and she is rocking it. I love running with her because we get to talk and talk and talk and it is extra fun to be there with her when she accomplishes new personal distance records. Yesterday’s distance record for her was the 7 miles that we did together at an average of an 8:06 pace.


After our run I came home and made Billy do my8分钟武器视频with me. I wanted to show off to him that I can do 30 seconds worth of push-ups on my knees. Why is running so much more fun than any other form of exercise?

Webster’s Dictionary defines going to brunch as: ‘The greatest thing in the whole wide world and the foods you will eat at brunch will be your favorite foods because they involve all sorts of sweet carbs.’

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We drove on over to Palo Alto to go to a little place called Tootsies.

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Our brunching best buddies. Remember the day when I flew to California, Billy started law school, we werestaying at some friend’s housebecause we didn’t have an apartment, I went into labor and then I had Brooke the next day?

We were staying with this good friend during that crazy time of our life!

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Brooke could not take her eyes off of Ernie. He really is the best dog. PS in Provo (where I am from) there is now a business where you can rent a puppy for an hour!?! If I can’t get a puppy yet you better believe I will be asking to rent Ernie all of the time.

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I hung out with Brooke while Billy went in and ordered and all I told him was that I wanted pancakes but he obviously went above and beyond my request…

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And my ricotta pancakes. I don’t know if it was just the placebo effect but just knowing that these had a special ingredient like ricotta in them made them taste like the best pancakes ever. I also had some eggs and potatoes.

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Afterwards we went to the mall to walk around for a little bit because we really wanted be in the same building as the rest of Northern California…. Memorial Day sales brought everyone to the mall.

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Billy will be taking the patent bar this summer so he still has to study even though it is summer (that should be illegal) but once he got home we dug out ourchow meinleftovers and watched movies. My kind of day.


What is your personal distance record?

Favorite brunch foods?

Does your significant other (or past significant others) ever work out with you? How often?

What breed of puppies do you think are the absolute cutest?

-Golden Retrievers.

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kids LOVE dogs. It’s too funny! my personal record would be 16 miles! I don’t work with the hubs or else we’d kill each other ;)


oops meant to saw workout with the hubs… he’d want to go faster and I’d be screaming slow down!


Brunch is my FAVOURITE!!!! We just finished a smaller version of a Sunday brunch too :). My PDR is a half marathon – good luck to bangs!!! And yes, golden retrievers are adorable! I have two labrador retrievers and they are the cutest :)


personal distance record is 26.2 — although it is probably 27.2 if you count the 1 mile warm up to the start line at the Marine Corps Marathon!! (which I do count…!) haha

Granola pancakes!! specifically— Arapahoe Cafe in Dillion, CO (we go there every time we go skiing!! amazing!)

Baby German Shepard’s!!


Ahhh Palo Alto always reminds me of Felicity :)


My personal record distance is 26.2. My husband recently started running. We have ran together but don’t do it on a regular basis. We are out there at the same time and I get really excited when our paths cross. I love that he’s running!


My distance record would be 13.1 miles after my half :) My fiance never works out with me, which is such a bummer because I love it!!


Australian cattle dogs are my favorite puppy… mine runs with me daily!


PDR is 26.2 & not an inch more! I love to workout with my hubby but it’s harder to coordinate with two kids. Vizsla puppies are adorable…of course we’re biased b/c our four-legged boy is a V. Brunch food is the best!


My personal distance record is 26.2 miles and I so wish you could by my trainer! Cutest dog ever is the Coton de Tulear! The ricotta pancakes look fabulous. I actually have a ricotta pancake recipe on my blog, you should check them out. ;)


my brother’s yellow lab “retrieved” V around the neck when he was 1 yr old. I freaked out on the dog, and my brother thought I overreacted. V still doesn’t like dogs


My PD is the marathon I did almost a year ago. I don’t know if I’ll ever get that distance again, and I’m almost certain I’ll never go beyond that.
Ricotta pancakes do sound incredible. I’m sure there’s a recipe online for ones…breakfast tomorrow morning?
Couldn’t agree more about Goldens; however, I am partial because I have two of them. They are so good around kids, and my younger one loves babies. This is great because I am due with my first kid in two weeks :)


I just love your questions every blog– great conversation starters!

My PDR is 13.1, a half-marathon. Not sure when or if I’ll do more than that…my friends and I are now at the point where we stay in half-marathon shape all year round; it keeps us running regularly but is a reasonable running schedule for us all to keep up with.

I love eggs in pretty much every form. If I go out for brunch, I’ll usually order an omelet, but if I’m home, I’ll make a breakfast bowl with tots, scrambled eggs, sausage, veggies, and cheese.

I’ve never had a significant other who ran with me, but I have a great group of friends to run with regularly.

I love small dogs, especially pugs, puggles, and Boston terriers.


My PDR is 13.1 miles. My husband doesn’t run with me (somebody has to watch the kids), but we want to start weightlifting together.

I love brunch! Such a great combination of foods—sugar, carbs and fruit :)

We have a yellow lab, I think she’s gorgeous.


26.2 is my personal distance record! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an ugly puppy :)


Golden Retrievers FTW! But that’s probably because I have one :-)
PDR 13.5 and my husband and I used to sometimes workout together before kids, but now we usually have to take turns going on arun or to the gym. Now I’m hungry for brunch. My favorite is pancakes and cinnamon rolls.

Your Saturday looks perfect!


looks like a fun day! I think ALL puppies are cute, but the long-haired breeds are especially fuzzy and cute.


My PDR is only about 4.5 miles. That is going to change very soon!!


My past significant others used to work out with me all the time. We would hike almost everyday. Occasionally we would run down a mountain after hiking up. But that was the only time we would run together. We would also hit the gym together. He would usually lift while I took yoga or Pilates.

I think English bulldogs are the absolute cutest puppies ever! And they are hilarious to watch!


My PDR is 26.5 miles and I LOVE golden retrievers – both in puppy and adult form! I also love bulldog puppies. so. freaking. cute.


I get so hungry reading your blog.. all the delicious foods! I think that I too can eat all and not get fat.. It’s just not the case with me. You obviously can stop eating after just one.. me, I buy cookies and keep eating them till they are all gone!

That’s super fast to run all those miles at an 8 Min per mile pace! I just started running outside and lost all.. I was at a 10 min per mile.. ugh!!! I should have kept running all winter! I did cross training instead and its just not the same as running. I’ll have to change that next fall.. when I’m back indoors again. Ugh! I need to move to CA to run outside all winter long!


Those pancakes look FABULOUS. I love any kind of breakfast food, so brunch is always good in my book…although it just ends up being breakfast anyways. My personal distance record is 13.1 miles. ;) Hopefully it’ll be even more one day!


Favorite brunch foods: french toast and mimosas!! I never work out with my husband but we drive to our running trails together!

I am dog obsessed so I honestly cannot pick just one kind as the cutest. Since I have a basset hound/beagle blend I guess I’ll say that for now!


Personal distance record: 8 miles. And that was about a year a half ago! Clearly, not doing the distances I used to.

Favourite brunch foods: crepes, Belgian Waffles and peameal (Canadian) bacon.

I will jump for joy and do a cartwheel the day Eric works out with me…he considers the fact that we have a second floor walk up to be his daily exercise ;-)

Breed: Pugs. Obsessed. And now I have a pug puppy and I can confirm that they are the cutest dogs in the universe!


Goo Bangs! Woohoo! My record is 13.1. Someday I will do a marathon! I love every brunch food. French toast, pancakes, waffles, eggs, the only thing I don’t like is potatoes. or bacon. Sounds like a perfect Saturday!! :)


I just finished my half and seeing the pictures of your food are making me literally drool. I’m starving. My PDR is 16 miles. Hoping to get into the 18 mile range this summer! I really want some pancakes. Now.


My personal distance record is 27.2 … yep, I got lost during a marathon and ran an extra mile!


whoever doesn’t love brunch, doesn’t have a soul. or tastebuds. fav brunch food = scones or muffins or any sugary sweet carb:)


Ha! I love this! And I agree , brunch haters are soulless.


Pancakes win at ANY meal, especially with chocolate and peanut butter chips :-)
I think any puppy is cute, I don’t believe I could pick a favorite! They’re all just so tiny and innocent!


Yes for pancakes! Anytime!


I wish I could figure out how to email you a picture of my golden retriever puppy (named Spaghetti). She is the best thing in the whole world!


I will email you and then you send me a picture!


I sent you 3 because she’s just so stinking adorable I couldn’t just pick one. I hope they made your and Brooke’s Sunday!


13.1 is my personal best-that’s a half right? That gets blown out of the water pretty soon! My husband and I sort of run together on weekends, on long runs we start together and he waits at the end. I love knowing he’s there at the end.


My PR is a little over the marathon distance. I am thinking about signing up for a 24 hour adventure race , though. You cycle the 10-mile, 20 obstacle race in 24 hours. The team that completes the most rounds wins big cash!!
My husband will occasionally take some of my group-ex classes.
I think my (bad) chocolate lab is the most beautiful breed of dog. He has the clearest, greenest eyes. Truly gorgeous.


Bangs Friend IS rocking it! 8:07 pace, dang! I wish I rocked that kind of pace for my first half training– I was lucky to just make it out alive ;-)


Haha I know what you mean! I felt like I was dying the last couple miles of my half, definitely not an impressive pace during that race! :P


Congrats to “Bangs Friend” for her new distance record! I love running with my friends and helping them accomplish new DR’s!

My hubby and I run together all of the time. He’s a marathoner, too. My personal distance record is 50 miles. I ran the JFK 50-Miler several years ago. It was really cool!

I would get a medium sized dog. I think the white Scotty looking dogs are so cute!


50 miles. Holy cow!!


My personal distance record is 13.1! :)
I seriously need to come to Cali and try all these amazing food joints!!!


Yessss! She makes all these places look so yummy!


Yum, looks delicious. My husband works out with me quite a lot. We run together at least once or twice a week and life weights as well. Makes it much more fun :)


6.2! I ran a 10k a while ago and that was the farthest I’ve gone lol (without walk breaks) my husband and I will strength train together but he hates running, so that’s just me, myself, and I. I grew up with a golden retriever so i am biased, they’re my favorite!!!


14 miles on a training run for a half. And then I did about 14.5 during the Disney half because I was sick and kept detouring to use the facilities.
Anything with cinnamon. Rolls, buns, bread, muffins, etc.
We do NOT work out together but will go for walks and hikes occasionally.

The Kidless Kronicles


14 miles. I’d love to do a marathon one day, so I need to up that distance quite a bit!

我和我的丈夫一起用于运行,但是我们有n’t done that for ages now. I always try to get him to do workouts with me when we’re staying in hotels but he prefers to sleep more than exercise!

我不能决定哪个小狗我认为中国将削减t, but I just saw a Saint Bernard puppy yesterday. Really cute!


I’m about to going for my post injury PDR (with my new Garmin!!!!) right now! I’m nervous and excited. And now I’m hungry for pancakes ;)
I can never get anyone to workout with me! Trying to figure out how to find some good running/gym buddies.


Cute photos of Brooke and Ernie, I love how excited she is about him.

Cutest puppy would be a Pembroke welsh corgi.. Maybe I am biased as I have two of them, but they are super adorable as puppies. I also think beagle and basset hound puppies are very cute too, something about those floppy ears and soulful eyes that melt my heart.

My PDR is 15.5 miles.

I love brunch but don’t have it often as it has a lot of the foods that I limit… Like sugary carbs… But I love cinnamon sticky buns..and really good French toast. The ricotta pancakes sound delicious…


Chris and I did an adventure run once that was 16 miles, but since you had to stop at certain miles and stamp this card thing, I have trouble counting it, does that make me weird? So other than that 13.1.

Where are some of your favorite places to get that chunk type necklace you are wearing?


Hey gorgeous! That totally counts!!!! I am loving j crews necklaces right now!


My PDR is 9 miles! I haven’t ran in over a month though because ummmmm injuries suck


My personal distance record is 10 miles. I never thought I’d be able to run that far EVER in my lifetime. But I did, and I’m very proud of myself.

Drew doesn’t work out. He is a toothpick. His working out consists of fork to mouth motions…thats about it.


Mines is 10miles as well. I felt the same. Like never would I have ever imagined that one day I’d run 10 miles!


I want a dog so badly! That company would be perfect for me! I really love Boxers and German Shepards. I tried to convince my boyfriend that instead of a dog (since we aren’t allowed one in our place) we should get a turtle… but then I found out they live for 30-40 years! (Isn’t that crazy?)

My personal distance record is my half marathon 2 years ago. I haven’t done much more than 10k since but I’m training for my second half starting this summer.

My boyfriend and I work out quite a bit together – our first few dates were running dates! And he used to work as a personal trainer and we had opposite schedules so when we first started dating I would go to the gym to work out with him while he was at work.

Happy Sunday!


I just love all puppies. Cute cute cuteeeee. I love that you can rent one for an hour?! Um, genius. Also, brunch food really is the best!!! I love french toast with lots of powdered sugar and strawberries on top! And mimosas. Yummy! :) We made the mistake of going to the mall yesterday, too. It was NUTS! Happy weekend!! :)




I love brunch! I just had French toast and strawberries :-).

My hubby and I will play tennis together and have done some Insanity…but I can’t get him to yoga or run much.

I love dogs…mine is a rescue and she is a boxer mix :-).


I love cinnamon rolls. If you like them, then you really must make this giant one….

I do not have a sig-o, but I used to work-out at the same time as a man every night at the gym. So it was the ideal relationship: we could work-out together but never had any drama.

Yellow Labrador Retriever. You need to get one for your family! They shed less than Golden Labs, and yellow labs love to run. They are also very smart and kind to small children.


my bf and bestie would love that giant cinnamon roll!! It looks awesome!


Oh man–I love your blog. Cinnamon rolls + squats = the Best buns.


Those pancakes look divine!!!! My pdr is 10 miles! Favorite brunch foods is hands down pancakes!! I’m a pancake fiend!! Pastries are good too! My bf and I work out together when he is here (we r long distance) I’m the one that’s into fitness so I always make him do stuff with me lol.


I just love that shirt you are wearing!


Yes, studying right after finals is just MEAN. My boyfriend Joe just graduated yesterday from SCU law… and all everyone was talking about was being behind on their Bar studies. That’s just mean.


My personal distance record is 6 miles but I want to start training for a half so I hope to change that soon if my hip injury doesn’t come back. My favorite brunch foods if fresh fruit and mom’s blueberry coffee cake. I hope that if I ever get married my husband will run with me. That’s so cute when couples do that. I ran a 5k a couple of weeks ago and it was so cute seeing this one couple talk each other through it! I think that Golden Retriever puppies are the absolute cutest too! I want one!


Personal distance record for me is 13.1 miles, my half marathon last summer. :) Favorite brunch foods are definitely any sort of carby pastry thing. Aka pancakes, waffles, crepes, the works! And I of course LOVE quiche. And as for dogs, I love brittany spaniels and english springer spaniels (my two dogs of course :P) and golden retrievers are also super adorable! I’ve never tried ricotta pancakes, only greek yogurt ones, I will have to find a recipe and try it sometime!




I LOVE brunch! My favorites are pancakes and Belgian waffles. Yum!!


My farthest is the half marathon and I’ve only done it once. However I have ran the 10 mile distance plenty of times.
I love cinnamon buns, homefries with peppers and onions, omelets….all of it! I think husky puppies are sooooo cute! Ernie looks like a super calm pup. I love that Brooke is always so happy in your photos!


Brunch is my absolute favorite meal. I love waffles, pancakes, crepes, egg soufflé, home fries, fruit, cinnamon buns, stuffed French toast, mimosas…..I could go on.

My husband works out with me occasionally. He will ride his bike alongside while I do my longest runs. That’s my favorite.

My PDR is 13.1. I’m hoping to make it to at least 15 miles at least once this summer.

The cutest kind of puppy is the puppy kind. I can’t decide!


Oh my goodness, can you do the 8-minute arms video without laughing?! All that spandex takes me back to the 80s. When he pulled out the soup cans to do this chest flys, I lost it.


Those ricotta pancakes sound delicious. Really you can’t go wrong with ricotta in anything.

Ernie is absolutely adorable. I think Beagle puppies are the cutest.


The farthest I’ve ever run is 5.61 miles
I love pancakes and eggs!
Black Labs are the cutest dogs ever


I’ve nenver understood how people can talk and run at the same time.. I always feel like I’m out of breath as soon as I start moving. :(


Brunch is the best, and mainly because you have it on days where you are not in a hurry for anything.
我距离记录是一个马拉松——我不认为will ever be going beyond that!


13.1 YESTERDAY !!!!! Yay :D Did it at the Ottawa Half Marathon and it was lots of fun:) Next challenge is now to get faster and faster !


I love running with my hubby, but don’t get to very often – since each of us has to take turn on kid duty…so when we get to – it’s extra special!


I love your blog! Your blog has been very motivational for me with running! I am a beginner, but am enjoying reading about your journey with running. Thank you!

On a side note, I love your shirt in these pictures! Where did you get it?


Thank you so much or your comment! Keep on running!!! The top is from gap!


我在偷看你做视频,因为I have been wanting a quick/effective arms video. It might just be the ticket because I will probably have a smile on my face and be giggling the whole time looking at the dude in the striped outfit!! Workout gear really has changed (for the better). haha!
PS, your workouts are inspiring… 8:00 min miles are my 5K race pace… whew!! you rock :)


Really nice info aboutthe placebo effect


I love brunch! And ricotta pancakes – I made lemon ricotta pancakes before and they were delicious!


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