Hope you are having a happy Saturday!

Just wanted to pop in with a picture of Brooke wearing my favorite color (and also some polka dot shorts which make me extremely happy) and palm trees!

DSC 2927

So far I had a run with a friend (without pushing the stroller…that felt good), some amazing pancakes and now I am watching some Friends while on the couch. I think that is the recipe for a pretty good Saturday, actually I need to add to that equation some watermelon eating while watching Friends. Hope you are having a great day and I’ll see you in the morning!

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Cutie pa tootie!


Our girls really need to play together someday…. I feel like you will need to escape the heat and humidity this summer and come stay with us:)


Sounds like a plan to me! I would TOTALLY do that in a heart beat!!! :)


Have a great weekend!


Looks like fun! I miss palm trees and sunshine…


Do you watch Friends on your computer? Where can I find it on the internet? Thanks. Have a great weekend.


Hey!!!! I bought the season DVDs a long time ago! I haven’t been able to find them on tv:( hope you are having a great day!


Aww, she is too cute! Glad you’re having a great day!


SO cute!! lovin purple too!! I may or may of bought everything purple at lulu today…
Miss you!!


I MISS YOU!!! Ummmm why can’t we go on shopping sprees together at Lulu?!?!


sounds like a perfect saturday! hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend =)


Sounds AND looks like the perfect Saturday to me!! Especially after you mentioned watermelon! ;) I hope you have a great weekend! :)


I just posted something a friend told me the other day about Friends: in real time, Ross’s son Ben would be 18 years old this year, and Emma would be 11!!! What?!?!


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! The show can’t possibly be that old!!!


Well that little fact makes me feel old.


Sounds like a good morning! Hoping for some sunshine here asap!


Can’t go wrong with pancakes! I had them for breakfast and savored every bite.


That is a good morning! My long run without a stroller (finally), too, and WOW is it freeing :) I love running with my baby, but it definitely adds to the workout!


Love the polka dot shorts. Adorable! Have a great weekend!


She’s getting so big! So cute, love the polka dots


I maaaaay have bought Brooke a bday present today :-/ I was shopping and I should never look at baby clothes at gap-it is dangerous. Lol. If I can’t get prego and buy cute clothes for my baby, might as well be buying them for someone else! Ha!

I have had a fabulous day-glad you have too. And friends never gets old. Never. I still have a crush on Chandler when I watch it. Not Matthew Perry. Chandler. There is a difference ;)


OH MY GOODNESS…. you did not! Seriously, who are you!?!?! HAHAHA I thought Chandler was his real name.


Ok, where do you get Brooke’s clothes? They are so cute! I have a 10 month old girl and I seriously can’t hold back when it comes to buying her clothes. I’m obsessed :)


Target Target Target. I cannot stop the addiction either…. girls clothes are just the best!


It’s been a really relaxing Saturday. I started with a cold and running made me feel soooo much better! Love that.


I wish our weather was as nice as it looks there!! Soon enough, I suppose! :)
I’m glad you’ve had such a wonderful Saturday! Friends is my still my favourite show. I finally stopped procrastinating and created a blog for myself.. Now I am going to watch some Glee and eat a chocolate peanut butter drumstick… Yea, it’s as terrible as it sounds… ;) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!


Sounds like an AMAZING Saturday to me! Happy weekend!


Yay! Pancakes AND Friends? Sounds like a nice way to recharge on a Saturday :)


OMG. We have the same idea of a perfect Saturday! I sat on the couch eating watermelon and watching Friends yesterday :) until I had to keep packing to move…


Awww her shorts! Pancakes always make for a great Saturday :)


To re-hydrate yesterday after my run, I dug into the watermelon…soooo yummy!

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