What has worked for you and one of those days.


The problem with your coach being at workouts is that you can’t slack off ha… he decided we needed some major climbing during the warm-up. Sadly, the picture below does not show how steep it was.

We also have a sports med doctor that runs with us, so we can’t slack on our form either.

At points it was lightly snowing, but we also got some fall views. We are just getting it all at once here.

I started this run with a low battery on my watch, and somehow it stayed alive for my entire run.

7.5-mile w/u (waited to start speed for a bit of light) and then 5 x 1k w/90-second rests followed by a cooldown. 1k intervals are my least favorite, so I don’t even look at my watch during them and try my best. It was just one of those days when I felt pretty flat!

Fourteen miles total (although Strava tells me 13.99, driving me crazy) and a 20-minute lower body workout afterward.

It’s that time of year I leave a blanket in my car.

They got in some biking.

Does anybody else run in the mornings and then think of ways to avoid taking more steps the rest of the day? When I unload dishes, I do it as efficiently as possible because those steps are not as fun as running steps.

Andrew made amazing Carne Asada tacos for us.

I could live off of guacamole.

And these.


Frozen soccer fingers.

The random topic of the day… Anyone else have/had Melasma spots on their face? Ever since I had Beck, I have had some areas above my upper lip (not noticeable with makeup on, but I hate wearing makeup)…

I’m currently tryingthis stuffand hoping it will work. I’d love to hear what has worked for others?!


Anything that you know of that works for Melasma?

You can only choose between salsa or guacamole for the rest of your life, which one?

Best chocolate combo-> chocolate/pb, chocolate/caramel, chocolate/mint, other?

Do you always stop at exactly .00 or .5?

-I’m pretty okay stopping at random .xx but not .99 (that is just cruel).

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My running group and I on long runs always make sure allll our watches hit our mileage to not leave anyone a bit short. Haha Do you have a link to the cozy looking top you are wearing in the guacamole pic?


Now that is friendship! Running friends are the best. Yes, here is the link and 30% off today wahoo. Have a beautiful day, April!



Skinceuticals C E FERULIC has done wonders for fading dark spots and improving my overall skin texture. Pricey, but it’s the one skincare product I won’t do without!


Thank you Allison! I. Need. This.

Have a beautiful day!


Yes, I use their discoloration defense serum as well and it has helped a ton! It takes time and isn’t 100% gone, but it is SO much better.


嗯……疯了,因为我在相同的黑斑place! It only came on in the couple of years and it drives me nuts. I’ve been using Bio-Oil and I’ve noticed some lightening, but it seems like it stopped helping after a while. I might give the product you mentioned a try. But Bio-Oil could also help, and it’s not super expensive; I get it at Walgreen’s for about $10. Hope we both find something that works for us! Happy Wednesday, Janae!


Mine drives me nuts too! Keep me updated, Emily. I’ll check out the Bio-Oil. Thank you and I hope you have a beautiful day!


Guac all day!
I started to make my guac with both lemon and lime juice.
And I’m putting a cozy blanket in my car tonight. I usually have my stiff hospital-gifted blanket in my trunk. Heck, may as well add some cozy socks and an eye mask just in case!


Both lemon and lime juice… that is brilliant. I’m copying you and enjoy the cozy blanket in your car. Also, adding in the cozy socks and eye mask for when Andrew is driving haha. Happy Wednesday, Molly.


Retinol cream!! I think I’ve suggested it before but Aklief, rx from your doc. It has seriously made my skin overall amazing (dark spots, wrinkles, smoothness, acne….it’s better than Botox imo —which I haven’t actually had yet lol). Caudalie vino perfect also does wonders and that’s at Sephora. ❤️


WHAT?! Okay, I’m getting this. I have had botox twice and loved it but cannot keep up with it so this sounds perfect. Thank you x a million!


i agree with Mollie! Go to your dermatologist and get an rx. Don’t mess around with over-the-counter options until you’ve gotten it under control with something stronger from your doc.


Definitely guacamole but avocados have been so expensive lately I haven’t bought any in a while. I did order mexican take out last Friday and guacamole was a must!
Tough choice between chocolate/pb and chocolate/mint for me but I think I’d have to go with chocolate/mint because I love mint so much!
Not running, but when I swim, I like to stop at an even 100m. This was a lot easier with the 50m pool in the summer since down and back was 100, but now I have to make sure it’s an even 100m while I swim in the 25m pool in winter so I make sure my laps are divisible by 4 (I count a lap whenever I turn around at a wall, so 25m is 1 lap for me). I do a lot of math in my head when I swim but hope it keeps my brain sharp.


I am with you, I need the avocado price to drop asap. I bet your take out was heavenly. Have you ever had chocolate brownies with mint frosting? Oh they are just so good. I can totally see why you have to do that in the pool and can you teach me how to swim?! It is the best workout. Hope your day is off to a great start. Thanks Alicia!


Yes chocolate brownies with mint frosting are so good!! Now I want some lol.


A blanket in the car… So smart!
I think it would be awesome to run with a coach and sports med doctor. But you are correct, no slacking anywhere! Ha
我也是好random.xx停止我的里程,but not .99. Actually not .9x. At that point I’m just too close to the next mile.
Have a good Wednesday!


I’m telling ya, the blanket in the car just makes it feel so cozy:) Haha we have to be on top of our running when they are there. Agreed, anything in the .9X is too close and maybe even .8X. Thanks friend, you too!


I had the same splotches on my face (mine were caused by aging + the sun). I put this on my face right when I get out of the shower every day, and it made the spots go away and prevented them (and any new ones) from coming back! It’s very expensive, but a bottle lasts about 3-4 months.


Going to Sephora today to get this. THANK YOU AUDREY!


Hi Janae! I’m here in the comments taking notes ;) I love how helpful everyone is here!
Guac for life for me. Happy hump day! Enjoy that accomplished feeling after a hard workout!


Seriously, anytime I have a question I know just who to ask. This community! Happy Wednesday to you too and I hope you get some guac soon!


I agree on the retinol comments. In addition, wear a mineral sunscreen with iron oxides – basically a mineral (not chemical) tinted sunscreen. Research shows that that does a good job of keeping melasma at bay. I use Australian gold tinted sunscreen SPF 55 and it makes my skin look lovely, plus it’s inexpensive!


I had NO idea that was a thing.. thank you Tina! That helps a lot. Grabbing that sunscreen!


Definitely team Guac for forever. It was actually my son’s first food, because he hated regular baby food. Can’t blame him baby food tastes gross. He was born loving all things with flavor and spice. I love chocolate and caramel as a combo but also chocolate and banana, especially as a milkshake.

As for stopping my runs, I am the same as you. I can stop on a random number but if it is high .8-.99 I will run in circle or do an extra amount just to make it over the next mile. I probably look crazy to non-runners, but fellow runners understand stopping your run, looking at your watch, and then running for a bit longer. ♀️ Blanket in the car is smart. While socal cold is not like your cold, we’re wimpy and accustomed to “cold” being in the 40’s and 50’s. But thankfully my current car has seat warmers and that’s the most fancy I’ll ever get, but I love them.


What a way to start a Tuesday, your work is really inspiring! Have you decided on your next race, I ma not sure if I missed you saying so.

I could live off guacamole, home made is the best but we always keep the little cups form Costco on hand for emergencies ;)

It’s so funny you have a car blanket, I don’t keep my own be we have them for the kids and I borrow them sometimes when they don’t want it.

I am looking forward to snow this year, I am not sure why….I will be wishing for spring soon!


Noooooo don’t make me choose salsa/ guac!!! I just cannot! ha!
Chocolate coconut for the win! or with pb/ almond butter yummm.
Haven’t commented in a bit, but still here :) fun fact, my son had “school photos” at daycare today so we got him all dressed up and they couldn’t take a single pic because he just screamed and cried. then when my mom got him he was all smiles of course ha! Have a great day, Janae!!!


salsa…homemade……i remember chocolate with hot peppers in it….I must have liked it because I still remember it, have never seen it again….I’m a morning person, I have to do anything I need to do before noon….but, with 3 run clubs to run, I have that to get my butt out the door 2 evenings every week..I have no choice, and it always turns out great, with usually coffee maybe beer, and food after….with friends


PB/Chocolate 100%, although chocolate and mint has it’s glory moments, too (frozen NY Peppermint patties!).

When Strava shows a wonky number like .97 I usually “correct distance” because likely it missed a few steps or something (I tell myself that).

How’s the fit on the madewell cozy shacket? Is thistle like a tan/cream?


Hey Kelly! I didn’t even think about doing that, I will be now correcting the distance. I hope you get some pb/chocolate asap. Now I need a frozen NY Peppermint though. So I have it in an XS like most things I get there but a small would be awesome too! So the color is like a maroon/brownish with the cream. It’s so different from anything I have and quite cozy so I’m wearing it again today ha. Hope your day is a beautiful one!


I have had the same problem-the dark spots are very tricky to get rid of, but one thing I’ve learned from an esthetician is that any heat makes it worse. So I wouldn’t wax your upper lip any more if that is something that you do. And I’d course wear sunblock but I know you already do that!


I use Koji C pads from Raquel Aesthetics (https://racquelaesthetics.com) The are pricey, but it has gotten rid of my pigmentation/melasma issues. I also use the Lux pads (weekly exfoliation). Racquel is based out of St.Louis. She also does free online skin consultations. I highly recommend her/her company.



I like to train at sunset to reduce sun exposure. It fits my diet schedule because I like to be ’empty’ when I train. I typically train at high intensity and can not have food in my system. Sunscreen is a must.

I wonder why so few competitive people in the running community do high intensity sprint intervals or compete in track events? When I first started running 5k road races, I had no knowledge of masters track competition, nor had no idea that even as a 50+ yr old, I could race unattached in college track meets (usually DIII). Anyway, it’s changed my life. As a competitor in events from 60m – 800m, primarily a 200/400 sprinter, I’ve raced in WMA masters world championships in France, Australia, Spain, S Korea, and Finland. It’s a great way to see the world. Also have raced in 50+ college meets – all after the age of 50, mostly 400m.

For a variety of health and wellness reasons, life long endurance running and training is not conducive to longevity as an athlete. Both orthopedically and for heart health. I’ve had 4 friends – life-long endurance athletes – develop heart issues in their late 50s from their training, one died suddenly. Low volume – high intensity is far better for your heart and body as you age. But, I do realize, it’s easier to run slow than run fast. (see the book ‘Haywire Heart’ – written by an endurance athlete who is also a cardiologist)


Ha, I remember that streamer tunnel from the 5k and I was like oh my word I hope I don’t fall. Glad you didn’t!!

I also loved your costume, so much fun. I might have missed it but did you decide against CIM? You could run Revel Big Bear out in California…I know a trek but you were just in Palm Springs…I am biased because I’m running the half and it would be fun to meet up.

Anyway, nice job on the half and glad you got what you wanted out of it.

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