
I wore my speed shoes to play it by ear with how I was feeling but decided to skip a Wednesday speed workout and keep it easy.

我不得不停止服用过敏药物,因为我’ll be tested today at my appointment, and my face felt awful (it started swelling up a bit again!) yesterday, and I had no desire to push the pace but running this pace felt great.

And for a random tangent, I’ve been thinking a lot about–> Pep talk time (for myself and anyone else that might need it:)

Last year, I was addicted to the progression of my training and racing. With basically every race I ran, I hit a faster and faster course time compared to previous years. It was enjoyable to see the numbers drop, but it isn’t possible to always get faster…

This year between Boston and the recent half I ran, I have run slower than I did last year. My workout paces lately have been slower than last year too. But I’m still really happy and proud of them. I thought about this the other night–> If I knew I would never run another PR again, would I still train and race?! My answer is absolutely yes. I know I still have many PRs in me, but I also know that those don’t always happen, and that isn’t why I do this. It’s okay to have seasons where you slide backward in speed and endurance. It’s okay to race and try hard when you aren’t as fit as you’ve been in the past. Not every season is going to be our fastest, and we aren’t always going to feel our most motivated.

If you enjoy seeing what you can get out of yourself for the day, keep getting out there. If racing brings you joy, go for it regardless of your current fitness. Training is not linear, so don’t get discouraged if you aren’t always getting faster. Running does so much more for us than just PRs… My brain needs it more than anything. The challenge changes us, and that’s what I’m here for.

Now let us catch up with life!

I took Beck to the dinosaur museum; his facial expressions were the best.

Nobody loves acai bowls more than Brooke, so we went for those… Skye shared a big one with me.

Tracy told me aboutHello Beautiful,so I’m currently devouring this:

We take Spot It maybe a little too seriously.

We hadn’t had anyone over to work on the house for a few weeks, so I was overjoyed when the tile guys showed up yesterday. Hoping things will be done in another month or two.
Our new window seats are finished too… let’s hope that they are right about this material being super easy to clean because something will be spilled on this any minute, I am guessing.
We read plenty of Nancy Clancy together.

And some time outside with our chickens:

Is anyone else dealing with seasonal allergies right now? What helps you?

Catch me up with something new in your life!

How would you describe your current running season?

Have you done a speed workout this week, I’ll live through yours! Tell me what it was!

We will have FOUR winners today, so you will not want to miss out on entering this giveaway. Today’s post is sponsored by fairlife, makers of Core Power®; thank you for letting me share my passion for Core Power with you! ————————————————————————- Sometimes I look at my training and recovery like a giant puzzle. I work …dota2雷竞技

(shorts, shoes, tank, bra) We had our first ‘hot’ run of the year. So far, most mornings have felt pretty cool and breezy, but yesterday it was hot. It’s so easy to freak out and think we’ve lost all our fitness when we run in hot/humid weather, but please remember that isn’t true. Your fitness …dota2雷竞技

(Tank, shorts, shoes) Things started perfectly. We had a babysitter, a great night of sleep, fantastic weather and many new trails to explore in Payson Canyon. My body was feeling pretty tired from doing two weekends in a row of racing, so I thought the dirt with Andrew was exactly what I needed. Towards the …dota2雷竞技

(Shorts, tank, bra, shoes, socks) 10 miles @ 8:04 average. They used a bomb to break apart the bridge of ice and debris that formed from the avalanche. I bring the core power, Jenn brings the watermelon. Fun new nails. Airport day for these two. Bowls Superfoods for the best acai bowls ever. Cousins all …dota2雷竞技

(Bra, shorts) A 45 min HIIT and hills peloton class that almost didn’t happen because our internet was being lame… I took this as a sign to get back in bed, but it finally worked on my last try. I also took this class, and it’s incredible how in just 10 minutes, they can make …dota2雷竞技

(tank, shoes, socks) Gotta love a rainy run… Except for the fact that I should have worn a hat and put some on to prevent chafing on my legs (the shower hurt so bad after). It poured for most of the run, which made the morning feel more adventurous. I’ve never seen Utah so green. …dota2雷竞技