About Me

Welcome to The Hungry Runner Girl! My name is Janae and I love to run. I started running when I was 12 years old with my older sister. We would run the same 3 mile loop a few times a week and chat about everything under the sun. During college I spent more time in the gym taking and teaching fitness classes and then jumped back into running in 2009. I was a high school health and PE teacher and decided to sign up for my first marathon! I crossed the finish line, told myself I was never going to do that again and found myself searching for my next marathon two days later. Ever since then I have ran 10 marathons (ranging from Boston to NYC Marathon to the St. George Marathon) and many half marathons. There have been injuries, personal records, highs and lows along the way but my love for running has remained a constant through it all. It keeps me sane, it is my ‘me’ time, it brings me strength, hope and I sure love those post-run endorphins.

In 2012 my world became a whole lot brighter when my little Brooke was born while living in California. Fast forward a few years (and a lot of loneliness) and I met the most amazing man, Andrew. He also had a little one (Knox–> he is just one month younger than Brooke) and Andrew and I fell in love quickly and were married on 7/8/2016. We are loving every second together and I feel so beyond lucky to have this little family of mine and to have found Andrew. We had Skye on 12/8/17 and she is the sweetest little thing! I finally reached my sub 3 goal that I have dreamed about for years 10/6/18–> 2:59:14

遵循一个long as I share my running experiences, family adventures, love for food, my family, the highs and lows of life and tell you each and every random thought that I have.

Feel free to find me onFacebook,TwitterandInstagram!

Please remember that I am not a nutritionist. I graduated with a Bachelors Degree in health education but by no means am I an expert. Do what is best for YOU and your dietary/exercise needs. Please turn to your doctor or professional for advice specific to your needs and body. I just want to share with you my life, experiences and what works for me. Hopefully, this blog offers you some tips, recipes or work-outs that you may want to incorporate into your life. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or concerns.
I do include affiliate links in some of my posts and my gear page.