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The Hungry Runner Girl

Our Glenwood Springs and Eagle Day!

We decided when we woke up to get out and run together. We ran on a gorgeous path next to the Colorado River. 6 miles @ 8:36 pace. Andrew can go months without running and then boom… just go for a run. After breakfast it was straight to Glenwood Springs Hot Springs. This is where …dota2雷竞技

Family Reunioning + The 1st One Back Hurts

(bra, shorts, shoes) I took two weeks off from speed work because of my allergies and decided it was time to try it out again. The workout was a 3 mile tempo (6:07 average but it included more down than up), a 1.1 mile climb (472 ft up) and 1 MTC downhill mile @ 5:31. …dota2雷竞技

The time we ran her to the hospital to have her baby + pictures from my phone.

(短裤、鞋子、助教nk) Yesterday was one of my new favorite run memories. We ran Lauren to the hospital to have her baby. She is amazing. She will take ten weeks off after having the baby, but I love that she could run to the hospital and invited us to join her. Her husband met us …dota2雷竞技

Makes sense now + weekend recap!

(top, shorts, shoes) I wanted to get in a long run but didn’t want to throw in any speed, so I had 15 miles of chatting with friends, and it was just what I needed. The trail was washed out right when we needed to turn. My friend Sarah (next to me) was in town, …dota2雷竞技

Silentish Saturday!

(shorts, shoes, socks, tank, bra) SO MUCH POLLEN! Needed! When you forgot to take your bandaid off before your spray tan. Went to our two of our favorite places: Stopped by to see the remodel my sis is doing on her bathroom! Soccer game. Dinner eat outside. We love these. Was going to race today …dota2雷竞技

I did not expect this result at my appointment + Friday Favorites!

(tank, shorts, socks) My current life quote that especially helps with workouts–> The more you look for the good, the more good you find! It’s so easy to find everything negative possible during a workout, but it is a lot more fun when you see all the good parts of the situation. Peloton ride + …dota2雷竞技

Is it okay to be happy if you aren’t getting faster? + catch-up.

(tank, shorts, shoes) I wore my speed shoes to play it by ear with how I was feeling but decided to skip a Wednesday speed workout and keep it easy. I had to stop taking allergy medications because I’ll be tested today at my appointment, and my face felt awful (it started swelling up a …dota2雷竞技