I have 1,000,000 thoughts about today and I don’t really even know where to start but I do have one really important thing to say.

Thanks Sissy.

I saw her at mile 20.5 and just hugged her and cried for at least a minute telling her how I couldn’t finish (not because of my injury but for a few things I will tell you about later).

She looked at me and then said, ‘Let’s do this.’

She ran from 20.5-26.2 side by side with me. In flip flops and jeans.

My new favorite memory ever with her.

IMG 3196


See you soon Boston 2015.

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I got goosebumps reading your (new) recaps from the marathon.

I’ll be at Boston 2015 too, except I won’t be running it (I’m slow. I don’t like distance). But my husband, me, and his family will be there!!!

也许我能见到你# ImBeingCreepAgain #年代orry


This gave me the chills. BEAUTIFUL.


Congrats lady, this is amazing!


Man that moves me to tears. A sister who would do that is most certainly a treasure.


Aww….what an awesome sister you have! Congratulations!!


Oh my gosh congrats, girl!! And running in Boston will be lower elevation right?? Advantage: YOU! (Man that Utah elevation almost killed me at Blend!)


Awesome! Sisters are the best!


Oh my goodness, that makes me want to cry! Congrats on finishing! Your sister is quite awesome :-)


I just teared up. this is amazing. congratulations–what an amazing feat.


Just catching up on your marathon excitement!
This brought me to tears, what an amazing sister you have!
Karen @karenlovestorun


I won’t lie…sometimes I hate read your blog because I’m someone who runs but is not a runner in my heart so I’m jealous. But this brought me to tears. Sisters are the best


5.7 miles in flip-flops??? That’s Gangsta!!! She’s my Shero!!!


My SIL and I were just talking about this at Christmas! We both love this story – congrats on your big finish. And to your sister for her amazing supporting role!


Oh holy cats! I cried after reading this! The sweetest thing!!! What a special and heartfelt memory!~ love

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