Merry Christmas to Me

Wanna see my new jacket? Too bad, you have to anyway.


Merry Christmas Janae. You deserve this. Remember how I saved $225 through coupons and by becoming friends with the store employee?

Now I can focus on other peoples presents I guess.

Today was a rest day from exercise….that only means one thing. I have too much energy all day to just sit still so I put my energy into baking.

Right when we got back from church we started making dinner and dessert for our fam.


Crockpot BBQ chicken, beans, corn, cillantro and a whole wheat tortilla down at the bottom.

Per mis bro-in-law request. My bread using thisrecipe


Garlic on the left and cinnamon sugar on the right.

And to finish off the night some homemade snickerdoodle cupcakes. Yes, they were that good.


配方from Martha Stewart.

The rest of the night will be spent catching up on your blogs and I can’t wait!

Do you enjoy cooking for other people?

-I DO!!! I love trying to make other people fat. I always add extra butter to their food.

How many days of work/school do you have this week?

-I only have two, wahoo!

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Cracking up at "I love trying to make other people fat. I always add extra butter to their food." LOL

3 days of regular work and 4 at part time job. Volunteered for a shift on black friday at a department store!! I must be nuts!


哈!我就知道!我知道你很棒的厨师out there purposely put more butter in my food just to make me fat! :) I don't love cooking but I can cook. I do love preparing and decorating for Thanksgiving dinner though. My hubby does most of the cooking for Thanksgiving so I can pay attention to more of the prep work. p.s I think I get fat just reading your blogs because of all the yummy food!


I love cooking for other people!! It gives me an excuse to take a break from the regular kid-friendly menus and try something fun! My 4yr old is busy sticking rice to her thumb and acting like it's a person. Saying, mommy, say hi to rice finger! These antics don't happen when other people are here. It's really a win-win.

I work 2.5 days this week. About 2.25 hours more than I feel like working.

That. Jacket. Is. Hot.


cute jacket!!! BBQ chicken salad is one of my favs. I have food envy! Yours looks soo good.


You look AWESOME in the new jacket! And I love your honesty!! Totally butter up your good for others! ha ha!


The salad looks awesome! And I would eat all of the bread, too. I can always entice my boyfriend to eat desserts–tonight it was banana cake. He ate half of mine, too. dammit.


Love the jacket! Now you need some uber cool aviators and you'll be set :p


love the jacket too! and i'm totally going to make those cupcakes this week! kids are out of school starting wednesday – that'd be a fun treat to make together!


so yummy…love your outfit…

"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it."
-Oprah Winfrey ~smartwool


Love the jacket! That bread looks amazing too. I only have to work two days this week and I may cut it to 1.5, I'm ready for a long weekend!


That whole meal looks to die for! Yum! Only 2 days of class this week – hallelujah!

p.s. Love the new jacket!


Two days left of school for me!!!

New jacket = awesome.


2 1/2 :) love the jacket!


I LOVE that jacket! And I'm jealous because I want it.

I love cooking for other people – I think it's the Italian in me – I like sharing delicious food and making sure people enjoy it and have a good time.

2.5 days of work this week THANK GAWD


I've been staring at the homemade snickerdoodle cupcakes realizing how hungry I am. They look awesome. Cupcakes and cake are my weak spots.


your snickerdoodles are making me droooooool


I love cooking and baking for others! I almost always will cook things I don't really like so I know I won't be eating them, but it is so fun to do it anyways! Your cupcakes look so fancy, mine never come out that sophisticated, ha!

I only have 2 days this week, SO excited!


love the jacket and the bread looks fantastic!


“我爱试图让其他不太和谐le fat. I always add extra butter to their food" LOL!!!
I love to cook for "adult" company. Not so much for my family. My husband hates when I decide I'm going to drop a couple pounds because I make junk all the time for everyone else in this house since I can't eat it! I figure if he was a couple pounds fatter, I would look a couple pounds thinner-ha!

That bread looks amazing! I think I'm going to make it this morning!

I am beyond jealous of that jacket. You look adorable in it besides! I'm also jealous of your hair…

Have a great Monday!


LOVE the jacket. so cute!
Snickerdoodle cupcakes?? Those sound really really good!


Yummy looking food as always!! Actually cooking for others stresses me out! I'm always afraid they won't like it.


"I love to make people fat.." hahaha
ME TOO! Can't wait to cook on Thanksgiving and your cupcakes look so professional. Also, love the leather jacket!!!


Love the jacket and those cupcakes look delish. What would that be for the whole pan, an extra 10lbs of fat to my already jiggly bootie? Oh well, it would be worth it.


way too cute of a jacket. i think you should send it to me ;)

well i hate cooking in general but there's a great satisfaction in doing for others so i guess i like cooking for others? hahah


I have 3 days of work… just biding my time.

Dude. How'd you get your cupcake icing so pretty? I'm impressed.


Shhh! You are not supposed to tell everyone you are secretly trying to make them all fat. But I have to admit that with my two skinny sisters (who do not workout like I do), I am sometimes tempted to given them extra fattening treats so I'm not the "big" sister. heehee

Those cupcakes look yummy. But today I am having a big salad with chicken. Yours looked wonderful!


You are so skinny and I love your jacket.

I want to karate chop you.


1 day of class and two days of work for me! Heading home tomorrow night!

I would like some of that bread…


great jacket, enjoy your time off!


Love the jacket!!! Man, that bread looks awesome!!!

I LOVE to cook for other people! Can't wait for Thanksgiving, i'm doing the majority of the cooking this year.



Your bread looks so amazing! I'm off to check out the recipe.


I have to work three days so it's not too bad! That food looks gooooood!


woohoo! looking hot girl! =)


i cracked up when i read about how you try to make other people fat. my husband eats a breakfast burrito every morning consisting of bacon, egg, brown rice and cheese. i just started using the bacon grease to cook the egg in. he loves it, although secretly thinks i am trying to kill him… but if i was to stop cooking with a bit of bacon grease he'd wonder if i was trying to starve him. i guess there's no winning =)


I always get hungry when I read your blog! That salad looks awesome, I am a salad addict! I work from home Thursday and Friday, meaning no extra days off for me, boo!!! My husband is super skinny and eats a ton, so I always do the "extra butter for him", never works, still skinny. Good thing I like skinny!


Dang! That jacket is hot I love it! That salad looks amazing as well.



Love the jacket and your blog always cracks me up. I just recently found you and glad I did! Ive been meaning to shoot you an email. Ive got a few questions to ask and hope you dont mind answering them.


Those snickerdoodle cupcakes have always tempted me, but I'm not so sure about the frosting…perhaps I need to make them soon!

I love cooking for other people because it means I don't have to eat alone! Meals are meant to be shared….especially if they take awhile to make!

Normal three day (12 hour shift…) week for me…including working on Thursday and Friday…bye bye Thanksgiving and Black Friday…hello time and a half?


Where’s the jacket from? So cute! I think I need one =)


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