Best Chocolate Chip CookIes

These don’t have any special secret ingredients. They aren’t from a fancy cookbook. I made them for my in-laws over Christmas Break and I scored more points with them. I think I am positive 234 points…..I lost a few points by eating the last juicy delicious pear and by breaking their bed.

I think these cookies are fabulous and anything fabulous should be shared with my bfbb (best friend blog babes).


Best-Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup butter or margarine, softened

3/4 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 cups flour

3/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 teaspoon baking soda

1 bag chocolate chips (I love to throw in some white chocolate chips too. Oh, and butterscotch would be yummy too…heck, just throw everything in)


Cream together butter, sugars, eggs, and vanilla. In a separate bowl sift together flour, salt, and baking soda. Add to creamed mixture and beat well. Stir in chocolate chips. Drop onto greased cookie sheet by heaping tablespoons. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 8-10 minutes until lightly browned.

Makes about 3 dozen (It only made 2 dozen for me…..1 dozen never even make it to the oven).


Enjoy with a huge glass of hot chocolate with whipped cream and some sprinkles on top. Sprinkles make everything better.


I woke up late this morning for my FAVORITE spin class. Boo. It must have been all lemon cake icing seeped into my brain last night, I never wake up late. So instead I did:

30 minutes stair climber

30 minutes elliptical

and I am off to go teach my Spin Class:) and maybe I will attempt lifting a weight or two.

Do you have a go-to cookie recipe? Mind sharing with me? You could even comment with the link if you really wanted too:)

Favorite beverage to drink while eating cookies?

-Hot chocolate and milk. Doesn’t get better than that.

What time do you wake up on weekday’s?

-Usually 5 but remember I am a granny and go to bed at 9:30.

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Mmmm. Those look super yummy!


Haha. Girl, you're killing me with all this sugary yumminess. Oh well…I knew what I got myself into since there's no doubt you loooovvveee that sugar. I'm just jealous. That's all.

You pretty much just described my idea of the perfect cookie. You're right..butterscotch would be awesome too!


Yes! Those look yummy! I do have a chocolate fudge cookie recipe I will have to find for you! I will send it as soon as I find it! =)

I agree with the Hot Chocolate and milk! Perfect! Now I want a cookie! =(

I wake up around 8. Thankfully my I don't have to see 5am anymore!


Homemade cookies are THE BEST. I need to make these!


Wow. Those look GREAT!
Yes, I drink beer while eating cookies. That's just how I roll…
This time of year I wake up at 6 but during the summer it's closer to 4:30. YUCK.
I have a feeling that your cookie recipe might be my new "go to." Usually, it's just the cookie recipe on the toll house bag…


Those cookies look very very good. I like a hot drink with my cookies…so by the time they get to my mouth after being dipped (probably into hot coffee) they are almost crumbling into my mouth and if there are any chocolate chips (which of course there must be!) they are already slightly melted when they touch my tongue.


I'm just getting ready to make peanut butter cookies. And milk all the way!
Try this one out: it's my very very favorite. And I say it's somewhat healthy because of all the oatmeal and peanut butter. Forget about the sugar and regular butter!!!


My favorite cookies are any soft cookies made by someone else. Alternatively, my bacon cookie recipe, but that's for special occasions only.


These are really similar to my go-to cookie recipe (complete with the white and dark chocolate chips – I call them racial unity cookies).

Can I offer one suggestion? Sub out half of the white flour for whole wheat. Seriously, they will blow your mind.


No I just look up stuff to make from time to time. We really don't eat too many cookies.

I like mine with hot coffee.

I get up at 6:30 :)


I don't discriminate – I love ALL cookies!! And I too go to sleep between 9:30 and 10 so I can wake up at 5 to work out. It's worth it :)


milk. hands down. unless it's a shortbread cookie then coffee/tea. yum

我喜欢燕麦品种。一致性是伟大的. my favorite is an oatmeal cookie with pb chips and chocolate chips. double yum

p.s. i'm really sorry but, even though i know how the bed was broken, my mind went to the gutter. i apologize a billion times over


Those cookies look AMAZING. My mouth is seriously watering right now. I might have to stop reading your blog because I feel the need to eat something sweet immediately after reading almost every time! : )
I like milk with my cookies…and usually dunk them in the milk until they almost fall apart. yum!
I get up at 5:45 on weekdays. I'm trying to make myself get up earlier to work out before school but so far it's not working. bummer.


Wow those cookies… and here I thought after Christmas I wouldn't be tempted by such things (I seriously ate a ton a sugar this past month) but those look amazing. You should go into a career photographing food woman!! you have a gift!

I like milk best.. not just any milk though – it has to be Horizon organic milk (the one with the cow on it in the red box). annnd I don't have a favorite recipe because I don't cook. annnd I usually wake up at 8am in bed by 12. :D


thanks this is a new one for me – best friend blogging babes. i don't think i quite live up to that title – genderly speaking. :)

i would be happy to eat the cookies though!


Those cookies look yummo!

我一定是牛奶当我吃饼干。Super cold milk. Yum! I LOVE oreos, but I have to eat them dipped in milk. If I just eat one adn don't have milk…not a fan. :)

On the weekdays I get up at either 5 or 5:10, depending on when my classes at the gym start.


The white chocolate chips make these look so tasty! My go-to recipe is classic chocolate chip. I've been baking them since I was like 5 with my mom. I had the recipe memorized by the time I was 10 haha. I made gingersnap cookies last night though, and they were really good and gone the next day.

Love bfbbs!


ahh those look so good. I don't really have a favorite cookie recipe, though Elie Krieger's kitchen sink cookies are seriously delicious.

I'm a granny too! In bed by 9:00 – 9:30, wake up by 5:30. And I like it :)


I saw that picture and immediately announced I must have some hot chocolate. So my co-worker looks at me and says, "Why? You know you're just going to be disappointed." I juts glared and said "Stop trying to ruin my fun."

Then I found -wait for it- SNICKERDOODLE hot cocoa mix. That's right. In the bottom of the 'hot drink mix' box.

Guess who else now is also having hot chocolate? Yup. Mr. Doubtful. :)


I love any and all cookies. And now, after reading this post, I'm craving the chocloate chip variety. I like milk, tea or coffee with cookies – depending on what flavor cookies I'm eating.
I wake up at 6:45 on weekdays and usually go to bed sometime between 10-11pm.


I love Chocolate Chip Shortbread

I wake up between 5:45 and 6:25 depending on the day and workout. I go to bed around 10.

I hate when I sleep through class!


I'm in the middle of a juice cleanse – Cannot. Read. This. Post! :) They look amazing!


Everything you make always looks soooooo good!! I don't make home made cookies because I'm lame and I don't know how to bake.

My favorite thing with cookies is milk, definitely.

On weekdays that I don't run, I get up at 7, on weekdays that I do run, I wake up about 5:30. I like sleep.


Last night I had 4 cookies, 2 reeses and 2 glasses of hot chocolate. It was so good! I love my moms chocolate chip cookies! She just has a way of making them so good!

I get up at 5am when I work out, otherwise between 545 and 6am depending on if I have to shower.


I like to wake up early. I'm a grandma too :)


Um I definitely have to try these. No workout I get up at 6 but depending on the workout and day it can be anywhere between 4:45-5. I also go to bed super early.


white chocolate makes everything better. You are so wise to add them. You've got bonus points in my book too! We wake up at 4:45am and go to bed by 10pm. Grannys gotta stick together.


white chocolate makes everything better. You are so wise to add them. You've got bonus points in my book too! We wake up at 4:45am and go to bed by 10pm. Grannys gotta stick together.


white chocolate makes everything better. You are so wise to add them. You've got bonus points in my book too! We wake up at 4:45am and go to bed by 10pm. Grannys gotta stick together.



My birthday is Sunday so you better get to baking. The mail/post office can take awhile.

You are welcome for the cookies that will change you LIFE. ANd I am welcome that you are making them for me.


Awesome cookies! Love the addition of the white chocolate chips.

I enjoy milk with my cookies and am up by 5:00 or 5:30.


Yummy! Love your blog….you are so dang funny :)


我会尽量把这个good use immedaitely.


Wow – those cookies look amazing! I cook, but I don't bake…seeing those make me wish I did, though! :)

Definitely coffee for me! And I'm up around 5 on days I workout in the a.m. If not, I'm up between 6:30 and 7:00. I'm a granny too. I feel like it's "really late" if I'm up past 10:00. :)


Here's my prize chocolate chip cookie recipe. The secret ingredient is vanilla pudding, it keeps them super moist and chewy!


Mmmm…nothing is better than hot chocolate with cookies.

I usually wake up between 5:30-6:30, depending on what kind of workout I have planned. I love going to bed as early as possible.


These cookies look great! The Husband loves the cookies I make and swears they are the best ever.

I wake up at 4:30 or 5:00 every morning!


This is a really good recipe, and i know you love your white chocolate chips.

我爱牛奶cookies, ever broken up the cookies and eaten them like cereal?

I get up at 5:45.


K so this is a totally late comment about your post on getting e-mails about your weight and eating habits. I think your response was perfect in that people need to understand that you are an elite athlete. I just finished reading Meb Keflezghi's book "Run to overcome" and he talks about how much he eats and exercises. To average people it is INSANE but it works for his lifestyle. You know you are healthy and happy and that is what matters. Everybody is different in their athletic abilities and the amount they can and should eat and exercise and you know what is best for you. Just keep doing what you are doing girl.You inspire me to eat more veggies :)


All right, HRG, you are going to turn me into Fat Runner Girl pretty soon with all these fantastic recipes!

I tried and loved the pizza and braided bread ones. Now, I'm dying to try the cinnamon rolls. And before I can even make those you've thrown the chocolate chip cookies ones at me too!

My family is loving my (your)cooking and can't wait to make the next recipe. Keep 'em coming!

Here's a question for you though…the cinnamon roll recipe is for 40 rolls. Can some of the rolls be frozen?


lol, I go to bed between 9-9:30 most nights.

On Tue-thur I wake up at 4:25. Monday, Friday, Saturday at 5 usually. Sunday I sleep in but that's usually only til 6


Those look like some good chipper! :D

My favorite drink with cookies is almond milk…coffee would be nice too. And, I get up at 4:45 on weekday mornings! I never would have imagined waking up that early a year or two ago! Now, I love it. Sleeping in makes me feel groggy and off balance.


Hah! I can't sleep so I go at midnight and am still up at 6. Super tired then though.

Favorite cookie is DEFINITELY the classic Chocolate-Chip Cookie of course! And oh my Lord – yours look AWESOME. I haven't put cookies on my blog yet – but I made "Smore's Graham Cracker Muffins" that could totally be cookies too :)


I wake up at 7, every single day, to the sounds of my little boy babbling in his crib.

My new, absolute favorite cookie are these Browned Butter Crinkles. To die for!


mmmm, now i'm ready for some cookies. and hot chocolate. my dad always buys us huge packages of hot chocolate from costco for christmas. the yummy flavored kind. mmmm, cinnamon is my unlikely favorite.


mmmmm I love love LOVE chocolate milk with cookies! SOOO tasty!


wake up at 7
fav cookie: oatmeal raisin fresh out of the oven


I wake up between 6:30 and 7 depending on if its a workout day or a rest day. Thankfully all 5 of my kiddos are sleeper-inners and dont wake until after 8am!
Fav cookie: probably the recipe on the back of the Nestle chocolate chip bag though I do love me some snickerdoodles too!
Fav thing to drink with cookies: I guess I am a purest when it comes to this. Only milk will do and it has to be really cold. =)


I agree hot chocolate is the best with cookies! In the winter anyway. I guess in the summer I'd say lemonade because why not? I wake up around 7:00 on weekdays. Billy and I stay up too late! It's his fault. He's a nightowl…and I just like to hang out with him. And eat cookies. :)


I love the picture of your cookies with hot chocolate….looks like it came out of a page from a cookbook. I love Neiman Marcus cookies…they are to die for, but you probably already have that recipe….I prefer milk choc chips over semi sweet and the recipe calls for shaved chocolate as well….double the chocolate with ground oatmeal. The best cookies ever! I can get the recipe for you if you don't have it…
Gotta be super cold milk w the cookies
I wake up about 4 everyday monday thru friday, about 5 on Sat, and I sleep in on Sundays..finally church starts at noon.


LOL… I used to think there was only one way to make Chocolate Chip Cookies… the recipe on the back of the Tollhouse Morsels bag. See? I mean it when I say that I am a dumb-bunny in the kitchen ;-)

Then I saw multiple recipes posted on a blog I started following. The one I like the most is a lot like yours… but I do 1/3 of the flour being whole wheat pastry flour and 2/3 being regular white flour… changes the texture a little (a bit chewier, I think). I think this is the link: she put out a couple of recipes, so this might not be The One. I haven't made them in a long time.


I love Chocolate Chip Cookies… these look delish!

I sleep late – I'm not a morning person! I usually get up around 8:20. Ah, the joys of being a business owner who works from home!


Chocolate crinkle cookies are my go to – they're SO easy and SO delicious. If you like brownies, I HIGHLY recommend these (and who doesn't like brownies?).


Gosh, 49 make that 50 comments on a post about cookies…you rock it girl! So many people (well, most of the 16 to 20ish commenters on my post) say that you are one of their favorite blogs. yay! Darn you for making me want to eat a pan of these cookies right now and I don't have anything like it in the house!! Do share what you learn about the cadence thing. Thanks for the comment. Um, okay, I'm still guessing about your boston plan…looks like maybe you combine the mileage you might run in say two days and do it all in one bigger run (your 11 miler the other day) and then you do cross training on the other days. hmmmm…'re a mystery to me….but a fun one! :) oh, and I should wake up before the kids like at 6 but I end up waking up with them at like 7ish and hit the ground running. I stay up until like 11 or 12 though.


Hot chocolate and cookies are a match made in heaven. You took it to the next level with the sprinkles. yum!!


And I thought I made good cookies! WOW! I have to drink water while I bake… sometimes I hope it will fill me up so that I will eat less cookie dough. It usually doesn't work! BAH!


YOU CAN'T GO WRONG W/ CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES! I think that's a rule somewhere…

How is the weight training going? Are you still doing it much? Hope you have a great night! I will try to be in bed before it's midnight :)




The BEST chocolate chip cookies are the ones made from the recipe on the back of the Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip bag! Okay, maybe these ones you just posted might be better…


ooo yum. So a new favorite that I made over Christmas was Sweet Potato and Praline cookies they were absolutely amazing.

Pics and recipe link are here on my blog


huh !!! i was expecting to read about running stuff but it turn out now to be a food blog !?!?! :) guess more eating mean more running huh ??!!

Happy New Year…


Burp! I just licked the screen :)



Those cookies look delicious.

I go with skim milk when I enjoy cookies. Nice cold skim milk.

I don't wake up until between 10-12. Maybe a little earlier if I have a class that starts at 9 or 10. But usually I enjoy sleeping in. Not looking forward till the days where I have to get up super early for work in the real world.


oh boy those cookies look yummy…..


I can't say I have a go to cookie beverage. I don't really like drinking milk. So I'd say water or coffee.

My work schedule is crazy so I wake up at different times each day.
Monday: 7 am
Tuesday: 4:30am
Wednesday: 7 am
Thursday: 4:30 am
Friday: 5:30 am


here's my chocolate chip cookie recipe:

I wake up at 6 on weekdays to either walk the dog a couple miles or get a run in.


Those cookies look DELISH.. My favorite cookies are snickerdoodles and you are so not a grannie. I am the grannie with a 845pm bed time. I have to DVR everything late night and watch it the next day. Get up at 415am and out the door by 515


i'm late to this game. darn it. ironically, i was going to post some cookie recipes before i read your awesome post. they're up now. i see i'm not the first to LOVE the peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip recipe. so good!

i posted it on mooretolove(dot)blogspot(dot)com. (i found if leave the full address i get seriously annoying spam comments. anyone know how to avoid this?

thanks for the inspiration!


I like oatmeal butterscotch cookies – recipe off the bag of the butterscotch chips. Except I usually substitute in half or 1/3 wheat flour instead of all all-purpose flour.

I'm impressed that you can make yourself go to bed by 9:30! I want to be more of a morning person, but have a hard time making myself get ready for bed before 11 unless I'm deathly ill. I usually wake up around 7 on weekdays… 7:30 if I'm really lazy and tired and accept that I will be running late…and as early as 6:30 if I've got a faculty meeting before work. Back when it was still light out in the morning, I found it much easier to wake up early at 6:15ish and squeezed in an outdoor run before getting ready for work.


I love the sprinkles on the hot chocolate. Great idea. I get up at 5:30 am most days.


I;m old fashioni. I love dunking cc cookies in milk!


I love using brown sugar in chocolate chip cookies — it makes them chewier! Here is my favorite recipe — you can substitute other items for the M&Ms… I also like white chocolate chips and walnuts. :-)


Yummmy cookies.. Ive been wanting to bake some recently.. might just have gotten the motivation to do it!


None can doubt the veracity of this alrtice.




that is my exact cookie recipe!!


5am? You are crazy! I get up around 7am and I go to bed between 11:30 and 12:30… Hahaha. I guess I'm still a student so I still keep funky hours.

Speaking of spin… I see there are classes at the Y, which I have decided to get a membership to. I have NEVER done spin. I am SOOOO EXCITED to try it!


oh my! You are my new best friend and my girls' new best friend….these cookies are SOOOOOOOOOO freakin' good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


granny here too–bed by 9:30 would be my ideal, but instead i'm usually happy with 10. still up around 5am though..lovely. your treats are killing me! gonna have to modify some recipes so i can eat them too!


I make a mean hot chocolate chocolate chip cookie. All you do is add a packet of hot chocolate mix (or 1/4 cup homemade hot chocolate mix like I do) to your cookie recipe (which is the one I use as well) and there you have it!…Hot chocolate and cookies all together!


those look yummy! maybe I'll modify them and try them. I've been really into white chocolate chips lately. I may have just eaten frozen waffles (yay Trader Joe's wheat free waffles!) with chocolate + white chocolate chips on them for dinner. And now I'm hungry again so I'm eating miso soup.

5AM is EARLY! I want to be a morning exerciser, I actually prefer it, but I haven't been able to keep up that early wakeup time for more than a week. I just really love sleeping. I still go to bed around 10.


I am back for more of these yummy things! What are you doing to me Janae! But gosh, I couldn't go to the beach house without some Janae cookies! I have these on my fb page and so many people I know have tried them out.


Hey there! I just wanted to let you know that I made these cookies for my friends baby shower over the weekend ( and they were a HUGE hit! They are actually my “go-to” cookie to make because everyone always raves about them! Your little one is adorable, btw:)


A bit delayed but I actually just tried this cookie recipe last week and wanted to say it’s AMAZING!! Pretty much added equal amounts of chocolate chips to cookie dough, the best way to have it!


What kind of butter do you use? They look amazing!


Hi– I recently made this cookie recipe and they taste great but they didn’t spread out and get crispy like how yours look. What do you think I did wrong? Or do you have a secret?

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