Cinnamon Rolls To Die For.

First of all THANK YOU for all of the love and support you sent today. I was blown away. I truly am so grateful for each and every one of you.

I am thinking we plan a big blog party/vacation for all of us where we go for a run, get pizza and ice cream after and have a big slumber party and paint each other’s nails, watch Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movies and talk about boys. Who’s in? Seriously.

Workout today was stellar:


25 minutes stair climber.

3 miles treadmill. Increased incline 1% for each mile starting at 2% but don’t slow down. Take advantage of the incline on the treadmill. You know there was sweat in my eyeballs.

Time for our Christmas Morning Cinnamon Rolls…. put a bib on, you don’t want to ruin your shirt with drool….I would know, I already have three times today.

Cinnamon Rolls To Die For.

Serving Size=at least 4 rolls throughout the day.

Calories: 8 per roll (adding more frosting actually burns more calories.)


3 1/2 cups warm water

3/4 cup sugar

1 cup oil

5 T. yeast

Combine above in large bowl and let rest 15 minutes.

10 1/2 cups flour (or more, if needed)

1 T. salt

3 eggs

Mix into the yeast mixture 5 cups of flour, eggs, and salt with an electric mixer until smooth. (This can be done by hand, but it’s easier with the mixer.) Beat in by hand the remaining flour. Pour out onto floured board and knead until smooth (about 7-10 minutes) adding flour as needed, be careful not to add too much. Let rest about 15 minutes. Divide dough in half and roll each half out to approximately 12” x 30”. Melt 1/2 cup butter and spread evenly over each rolled dough (1/4 cup on each). Sprinkle each with a generous amount of cinnamon and about 1/2 cup sugar. Roll up each half and slice into 20 rolls (40 rolls total)> Place on large cookie sheet and let rise about 20 minutes. Bake for 10 minutes (or until desired doneness) at 400 degrees.


Butter Cream Frosting

3 1/2-4 cups powdered sugar

1/3 cup butter

1 tsp vanilla

3-4 T. milk (enough to make it spreading consistency)

Beat together with electric mixer until smooth.


Dipping them in hot chocolate and then more frosting is recommended.


Feel free to use extra frosting on your cereal, toast, fruit and oatmeal for the next four days.

P.S. Going back to school today was A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Seriously, my students are the best and they laughed at all my jokes today….usually they just stare and tilt there head to the side.

Who is in for a blogger party?

If you had to choose to only be able to eat the roll or the frosting for the rest of your life what would you choose?

-You know I am a frosting girl. It makes everything better.

你喜欢你的烘焙食品更柔软的还是危机y? Are you an edge brownie person or center brownie person?

我所有关于ooey感伤的巧克力蛋糕,饼干pretty much everything. The sis and I usually cut the baking time in half. We have problems.

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I'm totally in for a blogger party… especially if these cinnamon rolls are served!


That blogger party does NOT sound fun to me. LOL. I will go if there are burgers ;)


those rolls look so good- I am going to have to try them out!


Mmm, those cinnamon rolls look amazing! The blogger party sounds fun!


They do look like they are to die for! I was just thinking yesterday how fun it would be to have a local Utah'n blog party of some sort. I'd be in!


I am so in for a blogger party, with cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate, of course!!

I like my baked goods to be ooey gooey too! But I am really not prejudice. That is why I have a few, or several, pounds to shed! ;)


yummy! looks sooo good!


I am SO in for the blogger party! I'm not even joking. I will fly/drive/walk/run/crawl to wherever it is! I will bring some GOEY baked cookies and brownies if you will make those cinnamon rolls for us!


Soft cookies are the best. And I like my brownies fudgy and damp.


I'll bring the Ben & Jerry's for the blogger party, and I bet I have some old Mary Kate & Ashley tapes from back in the day. Soft, chewy desserts are my favorite, or even better the cookie dough or brownie batter.


I made cinnamon rolls Christmas day and they looked nothing like that. I feel like I need a do-over!

I'm definitely a soft cookie, gooey brownie, roll kind of girl.


Darn you for posting those! I'm not bookmarking this page and it's killing. :) I'm all about undercooked baked goods. The softer the better! Heck, why bother even baking them half the time! :)

I would totally be in for a bloggy sleep over! How fun would that be!


I'm totally down for a blogger slumber party! Tell me when and I am down :)

I'll bring candy and cookies and my running shoes ;)

I'm more of the roll person than the frosting. I just love bread and any form of it ;)

I love my rolls from the center and gooey :)


Will you teach spinning while we are at the beach? I have never tried. While we are there we can also craft the most perfect workout mixes, share nail polish colors, and french brain hair….I am SO IN.


I'm in for a meet up. only on weekends, through. I just had some awesome cinnaomn rolls todays. No frosting for me.


Frosting and gooey and soft baked goods. I hate hate hate cookies that crunch when you bite into them. Hence, why I have to dunk oreos in milk :)


Name the time and the place!


so i know i've only de-lurked a handful of times but, i'm totally in. especially if only have to drive 30 minutes to happy valley!


Yes to the blogger party.


Gooey center.


You actually MADE those cinnamon rolls?!? Can we be friends? Gawd they look amazing! Would this be hard to make without a mixer? I only have a hand mixer.


I appreciated your last post- classy and honest. I would totally be down for a slumber party… if I lived in Utah!


I'm so in for the blogger party!

Frosting by far. Frosting makes everything better. Yum. And gooey is the way to go for all bakes goods. Ahhhh. Heaven.

I love the picture!


Blogger party – yes!

I would pick the roll over the frosting, but I would probably put peanut butter on top to make up for the lack of frosting :)

Oooey gooey baked goods all the way!


I'm glad i'm not the only twenty-something that still loves MKA movies! haha


AHhhhhh yum!! These look delicious, I want cinnamon buns STAT. Slash I am so up for a blogger slumber party, call me up! :)


p.s. Frosting all the way, and extra gooey. I always underbake my baked goods on purpose, I loooove doughy goodness!


I'm gonna be in SLC for a skiing trip this Christmas! Let's plan it!!

I love the edge of the brownies, but ooey gooey cookies rock.

I'm totally trying this recipe since I've never had cinnamon rolls turn out well.


I'm in for the slumber party! Maybe I should host it since I might be the oldest person there. I love the crust of bread and the corner of the brownie but this wasn't always the case! I used to like things gooier. But really, I like them both. I can't answer the icing vs cake question. I like a perfect ratio of both. Can I come be a guest speaker in your class? PLEASE?


I am SO down with a blogger slumber party! But I draw the line at the Olsen twins!

I am all about the gooey center of the brownie pan!!!


Drooling over here!!!! Those look amazing and I am so in for the slumber party : )


Pretty sure I will NOT be featuring those cinnamon rolls on my blog because they look too awesome to healthify. Guess I'll just secretly try them without posting :)

I'm down for a blog-over. Who wants to come to michigan?

Amen for soft and chewy. Although, I'll still eat the crunchy parts. I guess I don't discriminate.


I am an IN. ROLL. DOUGHY. EDGE. person!
Your cinnamon rolls look SUPER delicioso. I'll be making those for my brother's birthday this weekend.


"adding more frosting actually burns more calories" hahahaha! =D
A blogger party sounds awesome! Anyone want to come to brazil? =P


Happy Birthday to your baby! My son is 8 and I am constantly tnilleg him he will ALWAYS be my baby and of course the response I get is Mom I’m too big for that can I have a Iphone? . This post made me a tad teary eyed! Hope he enjoys his special day!!!


Um blog party here I come!!! I will ride in the car that provides water and snacks, when all your crazys run for 20 miles. I am pretty sure I would die. I want one of those cinnamon rolls so badly!!!! Must be something students ate over break because mine thought I was funny too, even my worst period!!! Christmas miracles do happen!


Definitely up for the blogger party.

I like gooey and the center, but do also like the edge at times!

Frosting all. the. way.


Those look sooo good! Love cinnamon rolls!!

Going back to school today was awesome – I was craving some routine. The only thing not awesome about it was getting up at 4:30 and having a sinus headache all day. Yuck!

But! I totally freaked my kids out and told them I adopted a baby. Then I proceeded to show them a picture of Charlie. They almost died.


blogger party sounds so fun. I gave up watching my MK and A movies, but i still have them ;) Those cinnamon rolls look awesome. I'm a frosting girl too and love the doughy/gooey stuff way more than crunchy. Have you tried making cookie dough cupcakes? they are THE best. Cupcake, plus cookie dough center, plus buttercream frosting….yummmmmm


Count me in for a blogger party!!
I'm a sucker for the edge brownies.
I dont think I could choose between the frosting and the roll so I choose BOTH…then I will lick the bowl that the frosting came out of. : )


i will be there for the run, pizza and ice cream. sleeping party only if you invite my entire family and make these c-rolls!!!

glad you are feeling better!


Wow I want one of those ASAP!! They look soooo good :)


Blogger party sounds awesome! Looks like I need to finally start the blog I've been wanting to write…could we watch "She's The Man" at said party as well?


I'm in for the blogger party as long as people don't make too much fun of me for still having a crush on Taylor Hanson.

I would definitely choose the frosting!! I love cinnamon roll frosting but not cake frosting. Weirdo, I know.

And I love edge brownies. MMM.


Let's do a meet-up this summer when you're in So-cal!


I'm in for the party as long as there are pj's and hot chocolate involved. Can we sing pop princess songs into the end of our hair brushes?

I'd eat just the frosting…better sugar kick. And baked goods are meant to be warm and gooey. :)


Middle of the brownie, and ooey chewy gooey, no crispy in my sweets.


those cinnamon rolls look amazing, but wow, that's a lot of flour! I don't think I'd have the patience to make them.
The blogger party sounds awesome to me!


I'd love any excuse to eat cinnamon rolls, watch cheesy movies and paint nails…if I stopped biting them and actually had nails…but you get the idea :)

How do you come up with a training plan? Make your own or follow someone else's?


Thank you so so so much for the recipe!! Reading your blog the other day made me want these so bad but had no recipe! Problem solved ;) Thanks! You da bomb!


Blogger party – I'm there. No seriously, if you need a friend to come visit you in Cali this summer…

Frosting > Roll and Doughy > Crispy. Duh!!


I'm in for a blogger party – but everyone will have to slow down a whole lot if I am going to participate in the running portion.

I love frosting.


Oh I am a frosting girl ALL THE WAY! I eat that stuff right out of the frig. My mom has to hide it from me. So good. And I like my baked good more doughy. This is the worst – now I am hungry and its almost my bedtime! ugg. And I am in for the blogger party. I need a vacation. Even though I just had 9 days off from work.


We teachers fight that break is over, but then are happy beinging back into the routine. I agree, the kids stroked my ego today by hanging on my every word.

I love bread so I would do the roll. For my b-day 2 years ago I requested we all had a bowl of cereal for dessert, this past year it was warm bread and butter. I am blessed that those who love me follow suit this these crazy requests.


Umm, some of my favorite things + Mary Kate & Ashley?! Yes please!! I'm in!!

On to more serious stuff…I love gooey chocolate chips cookies! I have the art of the crunchy outsides, with gooey insides! :-)

The cinnamon rolls=wow!


我必到博主党只要is chocolate. You can't expect me to come w/o chocolate or peanut butter, eh? If not…I'll sacrifice for that provided. :)

And I'm the cinnamon roll kind of person; i'll let you have my frosting. I go for the soft stuff…middle of the brownie pan is the besssst part. esp with chocolate chunks in there. nom nom.


我有to admit, I'm not much of a cinnamon bun fan… And I definitely like the edges of the brownies best :)




omg those look so delish! my mouth is watering! i'm in for a party like that… i wish you didnt live so far away!


I am so In…But I have never seen any Mary Kate and Ashley movies. I used to watch them on Full House when I was a kid!

I could just lay on the beach and be quiet though (while eating pizza and cinnamon rolls)

You look dangerous with a rolling pin! Watch out Billy!!!


BTW..Great song about ED (going off your last post) : "Courage" by Superchick. There are a few versions on youtube.


Also…so glad you had a good day back at school/work today. A little break helps those future mayors sometimes! =D


omg i'd probably piss my pants if we pulled off a blogger party. no joke.


Please read, I have a lot of experience in atcirle writing and actually offer it as a service, Is there any chance that I could do a guest post for your website? I am willing to write about any topic and it will be at least 600 words. The post will be 100% unique as I will have a member of my team write it for me. All i would like in return is one link at the bottom of the post (like a resource box when you submit to an atcirle site) If you are interested please use the email I have provided in this comment, as you can see it’s my main business email . I really look forward to your reply thanks a lot for taking the time to read this comment I know how long it can sometimes take to go through all the spam comments that people leave these days. Thanks again, Lee


(warn me so i can wear depends)


Blogger slumber party! yea-yeah!

FROSTING for me–you're a girl after my own heart. I request corner pieces of cake, so I can have more frosting…friends even scoop their extra onto my plate!

Happy normal week of school!


I'm definitely in, as long as we can make those :D


Uh, every part of that blogger party sounds phenomenal.

Including (actually, probably especially) the MK&A movies ;)


If I could just lick the spatula, I would be your friend forevah!!! My outlaws live in Draper, so next time we're there visiting, can I stay at your house so you can feed me? I promise to clean the dishes…with my tongue :)



I am a frosting girl through and through. And this weekend, cinnamon rolls are being made. I can't wait, thanks for the recipe!!!


I LOVE cinnamon rolls!! I want to make some. I will. That is the same frosting I used on my sugar cookies last week. I'd rather have cinnamon rolls!


the truth is, why bother baking? I'm all about unbaked/raw bread&dough products. sometimes i'll make cookie dough and not cook any of it. same with biscuits, bread and batter. rah rah rah for raw raw raw.

我从来没有见过MK&A……可能是因为我老了ough to be your mother. well, if i was a teen mom, that is. we'd probably have to have a Pride & Prejudice fest going on in one room for fogies like me, and we'd have our own little mini marathon which would ensure that all of us could run together, but just as far and as fast as we're individually able. Which means I'd probably run all the way to the corner and then cheer everybody on when they got back. Or I'd run to the kitchen for more cinnamon rolls. I'd have to bring my famous amazing toffee…you'd seriously die.

So there you have it. Some friday night girl party, with a saturday morning run for all of us to join in on. it'd be fun! ♥


Baked goods…FRESH and soft!
Brownies…go for the corners (bit of crunch and chew)

Rolls look awesome…light on the frosting please.
I am down to partay as well!


Party at my house in 5. I'll have brownies and cinnamon rolls.


mmmmm…. that's just not a fair question. there's no such thing as a cinnamon roll without frosting…

i'm down for the bloggy party! i think you'd be the best hostess ever! and i'm not just saying that cause those cinn rolls look delish.

and not to dwell on debbie downers that email – but as my husband would say – tell them to stop drinkin haterade…

you're awesome my friend!


Im totally down for this blogger party. I think I will be in Utah in March. I don't enjoy cooking or baking very much, but Im working on it. I can bake a mean red velvet cake w/ real cream cheese frosting though. In fact, the frosting would go good on those cinnamon rolls.


Yes to a bloggy party, cinnamon roll over frosting and totally an edge of the the brownies person. The rolls look delish!


YES bring on the blogger party! But I'm warning you, if you make cinnamon rolls, I will probably eat all the frosting off the tops before anyone else gets to them! :P I'm a frosting gal too all the way! :D And anything chewy+gooey rules in my book!

Oh, and I'm trying out my first spin class today! Thought you should know because it is YOU who is inspiring me to go! I don't think I'd ever really heard of spin before I started reading! Haha :P


Thank you for posting the recipe! I can't wait to make them. You ROCK!!


The soft centre bits are the best! Gooey brownies and soft cinnamonm rolls yum:)


我有Holiday in the Sun on DVD. You better believe I'll be there!!

Those cinnamon rolls look incredible. I'm all about doughy too!


I missed out on your blog for a few weeks since I was away for Christmas. Can I just say that I laughed so hard at the broccoli wrapped up on Christmas morning, and Billy shaking his booty for the candy cane tissue box? HAHAHAHA!! Love your posts, as always. Happy 2011!


I'd so be in for a blog party! i stalk your blog all the time after intro from SR. You are beautiful and at 32, and having been through lots in those years…what I have learned to embrace…is loving myself..and learning that my value isn't measured by how anyone else views me! While I love people, espeically my friends…after a HUGE blow up fight a year and half ago..with my group of besties…for speaking up and being ME…and ultimately loosing my best friend of adult life…I was devastated and it threw me into an awful spot…but I grew out of that and re-defined myself. I have always been upfront, honest, and loved big..I realized that even though I loved them, they were a season past of my life…I outgrew them and I wasn't able to let go. I feel like, if someone is being childish or mean to someone…they should be called on it..I had surrounded myself with people who didn't share my same values. for a while I wanted nothing more than for them to see the pain they caused. but what I finally learned was….I can ONLY take care of me, my thoughts and my actions! That is all god holds me responsible for! letting go and letting god lead me….made me a better me. So I ramble about that to say..
you are beautiful, your are dedicated to exercise all that you do…embrace it…because one day when you have kids and life happens it will get harder and harder to make it all happen! Enjoy being able to do it.
After all, those who matter don't mind, and those how mind…well, they don't matter-


omg I have been cravingggg cinnamon rolls! I need them now!



So, I've always loved gooey brownies and SOGGY cake. I know, weird. Like, I'll put a piece of cake in a shallow bowl and pour a little milk over it. It is so yummy. I do this with pumpkin bread, too. Oh well… more calcium for me?


Can't wait to try those! We did pizza on New Year's Eve because of you. I love the middle of the brownies and soft, soft cookies! YUM!


Yum these look beyond delicious. I would do a blogger party. I like soft pastries, but with nuts or something for crunch.


Gooey, the roll and now Im starving. Ugh. Brathead.
Im pretty much ready for you to be sending me snacks.
SO go ahead.

PS Blogger party yes, the Olsen twins- Id rather POKE MY EYES OUT.


Yes to party! But I need gluten free pizza:)
和耐嚼/半熟的,但我仍然喜欢br的边缘ownies better because when I make them they're chewy!


I'm in for the blogger party, if and only if you're truly serious about the mary-kate and ashley movies. Please tell me you weren't kidding and that we can be bffs and bond over our mka love? I mean, THEY even have "You're invited" videos!!


I like baked goods more doughy- I prefer chewing over crispiness. Which would explain why I like the center of the brownie pan… ;)


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I would suggest a Charles Shaw (Two Buck Chuck) Pinot Noir or Merlot. Unlike the others, I feel that a Zinfandel has too strong a body and will totally overpower the sandwich. The Pinot Noir should be served at cellar temperature (NOT chilled) and would compliment the turkey nicely. Sounds like a killer sandwich!


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With Christmas coming I’ve been in the baking mood. I saw this recipe and had to try it. I added a little vanilla powder to the cinnamon sugar mixture. I’ll let you know how they turn out for me. I can wait until they’re out of the oven! Thanks so much Janae!


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It is very delicious! Yummy! Yummy!

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