Halibut and so you think you can dance.

You know you are cool when you force the dog to take iphone self-photos with you. Poor thing is trying to get away from me and chase after rabbits.

Photo 3

3 main reasons I have been walking the dog multiple times a day.

1-To prove to Billy that I am responsible and would make a great future (this fall) pet owner. MyResponsibility Sticker Chartis almost all the way full.

2-Obviously to work off my ankle fat. (Before you make any comments, I am just kidding and making fun of the fact my ankles resemble chicken legs….my mom has the same ankles:).

3-Because Charlie is the best listener. He doesn’t get sick of me talking about how much I love running and about my latest ice cream flavor that I want to create. Rememberthese……

After my walk I came home to the smell of the grill. I LOVE how close Billy is to his parents!!

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What did they grill? FRESH HALIBUT (the neighbors just got back from deep sea fishing and brought us over some fish), roasted broccoli, juicy cantaloupe and rice!! Billy seasoned the halibut with olive oil, lemon and parsley.

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Whenever we do dishes Charlie ALWAYS jumps up to help out or try to drink the soapy water.

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He also jumped in on the pedicures. Coolest thing ever….the MIL and I now have matching BRIGHT PINK toes. We did this while watching ‘So You Think You Can Dance.’ SO SO SO GOOOOOOOD!!! It reminds me why I am a runner, no coordination in this girl.

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And to finish off the delicious food night we hadrice krispie treats.

‘If I can’t see you, you can’t see me.’

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当我输入这MIL蹭着她o the couch for a head massage from me and a foot massage from my BIL. I guess this means I should go now.

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What color are your toes right now? Do you get a pedicure or do you do it yourself?

-Pre-marriage I would go with my roommates every other week for lunch and a pedicure but now I spend my allowance on fro-yo and running shoes.

Do you watch So You Think You Can Dance? Who is your FAVORITE!?!?!

– I LOVE ROBERT AND MIRANDA, Caitlyn and Sasha!!!!

What is your favorite use of LEMON!?!

-On FISH and LEMON BREAD…..do I have a good recipe coming up for you!!!


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:) Your blog makes me smile! P.S. Billy’s wedding band looks super cool in that pic! Is it a special design or am I seeing things?


A giveaway?! Sweet! I am having one right now too :)

My toenails are blue! I had a pedicure after my marathon as my treat, and tend to go 3-4 times a year for them. I love the paraffin wax pedicures!

Lemon poppyseed muffins :)


Love Charlie! He’s so freaking cute!!

My toes right now are dark purple, my mom and I got pedicures a couple weeks ago. I’m going to have to repaint them for our three weeks of wedding bonanza coming up, though. Let’s how I do a good job!


I LOVE SYTYCD! Andddd robert and miranda are two of my faves as well. I used to love Ryan, but she needs to vary her expressions as she dances. too much smiling all the time.

..I should talk. ;)

p.s. I channeled my inner Janae today and did an early morning workout. Post coming in a few!


1.) toes are pink
2.)Used to watch so you think you can dance..
3.) lemon on fish! Really brings out the flavor


My toes are hot pink and I have to get the professionally done so the lady can scrape the 5 lbs of dead skin/callouses off my feet because running makes them ghastly (sorry for the visual).

I don’t watch SYTYCD only because we’re never home long enough to get attached to any shows except Modern Family! (Miss it so much)

I love a slice of lemon in my ice water or drizzled over SALMON :) :)


My toenails are pink in theory…but I haven’t gotten a pedi in weeks so they look like faded pink/white.

Don’t watch so you think you can dance but do watch The Voice. You should watch it! Javier Colon is amaaaazing!

Fave use of lemon? Muffins! Always muffins :-)


I havet seen the latest episode of sytycd, but I do love Caitlyn too.


I love walking my puppy several times a day! I always feel bad when my legs get tired from running/working out and I am too lazy to walk it. It is a good stress reducer :)
Halibut on the grill, that sounds amazing. I have been grilling salmon and Swai the past few nights.
I have had a hard time getting into Dancing With The Stars, some of those shows I feel like I have to watch from the start in order to really enjoy them!


Lemon pound cake is amazing.


My toes are currently a horrid month-old red…dull, chipped, receding from the cuticle. Wow, thanks for pointing that out for me!

I love SYTYCD! I have not watched last night’s performances yet, but Miranda is a definite favorite from last week. I can’t remember my other favorite’s names.

Lemon? I have no less than a 101 uses for lemon! I love it…in my water, in my homemade poppyseed dressing, over fish, over asparagus, cut up and shredded in my garbage disposal…


I try to get my dog to take photos with me all the time. He NEVER looks at the camera when we do it together but always when its just him…what a glory hog! What kind of dog are you looking to get in the Fall?


I made sea bass the other day. I love sea bass and halibut just because the texture is a little thicker than most other fish.

my toes are pink. I get a pedicure everyone once in a while but try to do most of them myself to save money

I love SYTYCD but I haven’t picked out a fav this year. I don’t like the tapper or Sasha but I haven’t decided on everyone else. I love the breakers – the Wadi guy and who’s the guy that makes the WOOOOO sound? I like him too…


Ohhh I want to win!!! Hope you get your sticker chart full so you can have a pet ;) You are so cute!


I don’t have any toenails… KIDDING, There is nothing on them right now though, my feet are so fugly right now I’m ashamed to even be wearing sandals ;)


I love your blog! You make me smile/laugh every time I read.

1) I love getting pedicures but, don’t get them as frequently since I had a baby. My husband loves getting them too. Toes are pink right now and in need of some TLC.
2) SYTYCD is one of the best shows on TV! I am loving Melanie and Tadd.
3) Lemon on popcorn shrimp is where it’s at!


OMG! I do my own pedicures now too. Before I was married my roomie and I would go on regular dates to get pedicures and have a glass of wine. It was the best! Now I too spend money on fro yo.
I don’t know if you have a preference of running shoes or gear but I think you should check into getting a sponsorship by a company. I run around the same times as you and Mizuno gives me shoes and gear. I haven’t paid for running gear in 3 years! I am not “sponosred” as in getting paid to run but they consider me an ambassador or running advertisement for them and the sport. You have the personality a company would love to represent them: you are pretty, approachable, promoting running, blogging and fast!
Just a suggestion!!


Aah, this is cute! I want a dog sooo much too – I work a lot from home and I get kinda lonely, it’d be so nice to have a pup to talk to here. My dog lives at my parents house; she can’t live with me cause no pets allowed in mine and the bf’s rented house. If we move house, though… :-)
Dude, there’s nothing like fresh just-caught fish on the grill is there…sooo yummy! :-) My toes are blue (the nails are i mean, my toes are surprisingly NOT blue from the cold weather here in England :-P), and I always do them myself. Pedicures and manicures are sooo much fun but are also soooo expensive, I just can’t afford to get them. The one time I did shell out was before yoga teacher training – you know, I could justify it because we were gonna be barefoot all the time :-) Lastly, LOVE lemon in water, on salads, on fish, and on steamed veggies. Yum! xyx


My toenails are a chipping light lavendar. And the one that’s black underneath the polish is oh so sexy. Good thing I’m living in flip flops now, so all can bask in the beauty.

And your responsibility sticker chart totally made me laugh.


I always paint my toes dark colors and my dad ALWAYS asks if I’ve dropped something on them cause they look bruised. :)


Mmmm that fish looks good!!! :D
My toes are sparkly pink!


1.clear polish at the moment. Dying for a pedicure but I have to get the boot(stress fracture) off first. LOVE OPI’s Strawberry Margarita.
2. Watch & vote for Melanie on SYTYCD!! My girls danced at the same studio!! She’s awesome!!
3. Lemon poppyseed muffins, lemon drops, lemons in water or sweet tea. Olive lemons!


For the pedicures- I go back and forth between doing them myself and having them done. There’s a great (cheap) place around the corner from my house so they usually win (my toes are currently “Cajun Shrimp” by OPI- it’s a bright coral color).
I usually watch SYTYCD, but missed it last night. Oops- I wasn’t feeling well so I opted for a movie and fell asleep.
For lemons- I have a lemon risotto recipe I adore! Seriously, so good!


I have ugly runner’s toes right now…I should really get on that and paint them up. You probably never want me to comment again that that one…sorry haha


you had me at sytycd. that’s all this post was about right? love miranda and sasha and tad and i love cat deeley. how cute is she? i haven’t watched last night’s episode yet, it’s dvr’ed for this afternoon. :) don’t tell me which dance was best…


Awe! That’s so sweet that you are so close to your in-laws! I love my in-laws!


My toes are HOT pink :). They are kind of obnoxious but I love it. So you think you can dance is amazing..I don’t have any favs yet though. So, you had recommended to me to do giveaways, and how should I go about that? How do you get things to actually give away? haha. Also, totally loving having my own domain :)


i hardly ever get pedicures – i’ve gotten quite a few this year (because i work at a spa), but i don’t indulge and go somewhere JUST for a pedicure, ya know? i do it myself most days. my polish colour is called “for audrey” by china glaze. it’s the blue colour of the tiffany boxes!

i don’t want so you think you can dance – although i did back in the earlier seasons. looooved twitch! hahaha.

lemon meringue pie – mmmm mmm. or hot lemon & ginger tea!


1. My toenails are hot pink for about a week now. However….I let my 4 and 6 yr old neices do the paint job because I can’t reach my toes. The paint they got on the skin around my nails? yep, still there. It looks really classy! haha!
2. I’ve never watched SYTYCD.
3. Lemon popppyseed muffins, for sure!!


yummmm that fresh halibet looks soooo good!

I try to do the pedicure myself to save money, but I go with a friend or my sister every once in a while!


I’m usually a DIY manicure kind of girl. Pedicures are expensive and they take so long (which is probably why they look so much better than the ones I do in 5 minutes). My toes are street walker red right now. :)


I love pedicures but I can’t justify spending the money anymore! hahaha but I LOVE OPI’s bright lights, so cute! I love to use lemon in a lemon chicken marinade (recipe coming soon!).


Never pay to get my nails done. I’m lucky if I have all my toenails from running! I have a tiffanys color blue on them right now :) lemon + pasta!


I haven’t had a pedicure in a year–my toes are so sad!
My family makes lemon frosting for cakes–just powdered sugar and lemon juice, so easy and tasty.
I was so jealous of your amazing rice pudding I made my own today—it was a baked White Chocolate Peanut Butter Rice Pudding. I totally thought of you!


Charlie is so cute! I absolutely love walking dogs. So relaxing and so fun.

Love so you think you can dance!! Love you and miss you friend. :)


I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance. Jordan is my favorite!


My husband does that “if I can’t see you, you can’t see me” thing ALL the time. Mostly when he doesn’t want to talk to me ;)

My toes are purply/pink and I totally get pedicures at least every 3-4 weeks in the summer. It’s my slurge :)


Haha I’m sure it’d be a dealbreaker if Billy wasn’t close to his family, since you’re so close to yours!

从海上哇大比目鱼的? ?怎么,刹e??

Oh, and what breed is Charlie?? He’s adorable and I’d love a dog like that :)

I’m not sure what her name is, but I love thatSYTYCD girl with short hair and always dances “sexily” lol.


lemon bread?! I’m waiting!!

I only get pedicures if I go with my momma…because then she pays :) Other than that I almost never paint my toes…I just let the nail polish grow out


I totally use lemon the most when adding it to my water. I am such a weirdo, and I don’t like the taste of plain water. It’s the only way I can force myself to drink regular water, otherwise I have to go for a gatorade


My toes are currently dark purple :) I get pedicures maybe once a year as a treat but I usually just do it myself though. Lemon cream cheese bars are my favorite with lemon meringue pie as a very close second!


我的女儿哄我买他们OPI Katy Perry color “Teen Age Dream”…pink with glitter all throughout. They wanted me to put it on my toes, and I was surprised how much I like it! Even put it on my finger nails! Pretty sad that I need a 6 and 3 year old to pick out my colors!


boo no money for pedicures:( poor college student over hereee. and um what is lemon bread? recipe needed asappp!!!
and i loveeee lemon on fish and eeven with olive oil and basil over shrimp pasta! yummm


I love pedicures! It always makes me smile :)


I love how close YOU are to Billy’s parents! :) It’s freaking adorable. And I can’t decide if you or Charlie is cuter ;) haha.



O-M-G! LOL I try to make my dog take self portraits with me and he hates it! LOL! Totally LOL’d at your pic :)
I am all about coral nail polish in the summer! Love!!
Hope you’re doing well!!


I love lemon on apples and in huge glasses of ice water!


I always do at home pedis, currently they are red. I 99% of the time have some shade of red… every once in a while I get crazy ;)


我开始跑步以来我买不起足疗,yet I need them more now! So confusing, but now I do them myself…my toe nails are “sonic boom”, it’s some sort of orangey/pink color, very bright and obnoxious (like me…well the obnoxious part anyway…).

I used to not watch any reality TV – this season I got sucked back into watching American Idol. Now I”m back on my no reality tv bandwagon, until AI comes on again.

Lemon – I LOVE LEMON! On fish, in tea, in sangria, etc…


Lemon on fish is a must for me!I love the pictures of Charlie! Spud sometimes tries to follow me in the bathroom if I am running a bubble bath so he can drink the water… dogs are strange! I thinks that’s why I love them!


My toes are a gross shade of 2/3rds chipped off tangerineish pink :) Really need a pedicure but I usually just do it myself.

And my favorite use of lemon is either lemon squares ( like brownies but lemon) or lemon in my hot tea :)

That halibut looks delish !!


我爱SYTYCD。我喜欢媚兰和马可和萨莎and Alexander (their dance was especially awesome last night!). Lemon you ask… um lemon bars of course!!


You’d be a great dog owner! Want to come and help take care of our Aussie Shepherd puppy? He’s a handful!


My toes are hot pink! I’d love to have a real pedicure every week, but I rarely justify spending that money! I’d rather buy Kombucha and blueberries. :) I love lemons on fish, too – it’s key ingredient in my tuna salad!


I miss those pre-marriage days of pizza factory, pedicures, and thanks for not mentioning the tanning part :) remember that time we went to cafe rio then to the mall, realized you had forgotten your credit card went back to cafe rio, back to the mall, left the mall realized i had forgotten my credit card, and then something else happened to?


I just got a pedicure today actually! they are a light gold. I waited 6 long months of marathon training for this pedicure, and 2 of my toe nails were black haha!


Hot pink, and almost always do it myself. My feet are too ugly to waste money on. Ha ha. :)


I LOVE SYTYCD!! I really like Melanie and Marco, last week’s episode was amazing for them!!! I thought it was so cute that Clarice likes Tadd!!


Good post. ;)
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Yay for SYTYCD! I am originally a dancer before a runner, so I love that show!


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