S’mores Bars (AKA How to Win Friends and Influence People).

你知道,如果原料包括黄油、chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers you are going to have a good night.

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I have a brother that may be even more obsessed than I am with dessert. I know, that sounds crazy but it is true. He emailed my mom a ‘must try’ recipe and she didn’t even think twice about buying the ingredients to make it with me.

Sunday night dessert is a serious issue in our household, we don’t just ‘try’ anything or ‘trust’ anyone to make such a huge decision for us.

****Please note, if you do make this recipe, please whatever you do, triple the ammount of marshmallows for true happiness.

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That would be Billy in the background trying to do homework while listening to his wife talk with her mouth full about how amazing the dough is and that she would in fact marry it if she could.

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你曾经被粘太多饼干batter in your mouth at once….yeah, me niether. And in case that does happen to anyone, I am thinking that smaller more frequent bites with a tall glass of milk would solve your choking problems.

Plop that dough onto a crust of sugar, graham cracker and butter.

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Bake. If you overbake/burn such goodness, I will be mad at you and might not talk to you for a few days. This dessert must be a little gooey.

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More chocolate? Why not!

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And the finished product. All it was missing was a scoop of ice cream and some sort of sappy chick flick to watch while I eat it.

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FYI this made great night before running fuel. Since it isn’t possible for your body to digest that much glucose in just 8 hours, I had plenty of leftover sugar in my veins to energize me to RUN in the early a.m;)


Some mores (Smores) Bars

1 1/2 cups Graham Crackers (1 sleeve), crushed
1/3 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup shortening
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/4 cup mini marshmallows <—————-Seriously, the more the merrier with this one!
1 bag chocolate chipss <————-Next time we are going to only use 3/4ths of a bag and we used semi-sweet because the hershey bars are milk chocolate.
3 Hershey Bars

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix together the graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and sugar. Press into the bottom of a 13×9 in pan. Bake for 7 minutes. Allow to cool slightly.

Cream butter, shortening, sugar and brown sugar together. Blend in eggs and vanilla. Stir in flour, salt and baking soda. By hand mix in the chocolate chips and marshmallows.

Spread over the graham cracker crust. Bake for 10 minutes. Top with broken pieces of Hershey Bars. Return to oven and bake for 15 more minutes. Remove and allow to cool before cutting. Enjoy!


Training pageUPDATED!!!

What is the best part of the smore for you, the chocolate, graham cracker or marshmallow?Any extra ingredients that you would add to the smore?

-Lately I have had a weird obsession with marshmallows. If you have any good recipes with marshmallows please let me know. I have heard PB is a great addition but I have never tried it.

Who do you trust when it comes to DESSERT?

-#1 My sister (our brain DNA is identical), #2 My brother (David, had to clear that one up) and my mother #3. I trust Billy when it comes to normal foods but not so much dessert….he isn’t a fan of crazy rich food which is clearly my favorite.

How often do you bake? Do you enjoy baking or cooking more?

-BAKING for me. In the summer it is weekly but during the school year it is probably every three weeks…..this will be changing because I really enjoy creating something that I know people are going to love!

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Omg Janae, this looks like the best dessert on this planet! haha I so wish I had these ingredients on hand right now!


Those sound awesome! Thanks for the recipe!

I read these murder mysteries (murdershebaked.com) and our heroine owns a cookie shop and there are INCREDIBLE recipes in there. Every one I’ve made is just divine.


Those look amazing!
I definitely trust my mom when it comes to baking. I’ve stolen quite a few recipes from her over the years and have never found one I didn’t like. If I ever have a question I know I can ask her.
I bake every other weekend usually because I know how dangerous it is to have freshly baked cookies, muffins, brownies or other baked goods in the kitchen.


Haha the closest I’ve come to have a Smore is a Smores flavored Luna bar! :P I am DROOLING though cos those look AMAZING!! I am such a dessert person and baking chocolatey goods/eating cookie dough, is the best thing EVER!! :D


Oh my WOOOORRRD those look amazing.


YUM! I love graham cracker crust- it’s my favorite!
That recipe looks delicious, I CANNOT wait to try it…you better believe I’m going to :)


Oh my gosh! YUM, what an excellent idea/recipe. I need to get myself some marshmellows and make this quick!


That looks so good. I migh have to make it for a work potluck because it wouldn’t last long in my house.

我喜欢巧克力和全麦的smore best. I prefer it with dark chocolate and have heard that pb cups, rolos, and any flavor Ghirardelli squares are good on a smore, too.

I trust anyone with dessert, and like baking more than cooking (usually less pots, pans, etc. to clean after).


I hate to say OMG bc a few before used it as well, but who cares- O M G is that delicious. My mom made something similar over labor day weekend (minus the cookie dough, which i will tell her to now add) and I kid you not, when I came back to TN I was a solid 5lbs heavier- that mixed with all the other goodies I ate. It was SO.DELICIOUS i was debating on getting the recipe and sharing it on my blog, but then thought I would be so tempted to make them and have them constantly in my home- I can’t say no *sigh*.
I guess i’ll break down now and get my sugar high :)


THIS LOOKS CRAZY DELICOUS! I may just have to put off studying and go to the store to get the ingredients RIGHT NOW!!!! YUMMMY.


Heck yes, that is one great dessert recipe!
I think my favorite part is the chocolate – have you ever had Reese’s – it is the best!
My Mom, for sure, we have the exact same sweet tooth!
I love to bake more for sure. I usually bake once a week, more in the winter and WAY more the month before Christmas!


Those look delicious — I have no idea what part of a smore I like best — Jason’s Grandma makes these awesome smores bars with nutella inside — holy cow those are so good.

For desserts — I can go to just about any member of my family — my mom makes the best desserts and even made the dessert at our wedding!

Baking>cooking. Always.


Try smores with a reeses cup instead of or in addition to the chocolate! You can thank me later :)


THOSE.LOOK.AMAZING. I’m bookmarking this post.

I definitely love marshmallows/chocolate combination. I love dark chocolate covered mallows. YUMM-AY.

I don’t trust too many people with baking. I’m also a snob because I know sometimes people are like, “OH, IM SUCH A GOOD BAKER” and they use boxed mixes. Uhm, FRAUD?!?!?

And I just baked two things today because my fellow math majors know of my skills! I believe that answers that question. Hahaha.


I love to bake! Lately especially, I’ve been baking something different every few days. It becomes a problem though cause I live by myself and then I HAVE to eat it all by myself!! :)


Be still my heart, that looks so good. I have to have those in the very near future, thank you for sharing. S’mores are one of my favorite desserts ever. I used to not really like them but I’m a changed woman (and for the better). I definitely want to make these asap!


PB would be good. I’d be tempted to add SPRINKLES. I’d trust my dad with dessert. We are ice cream/fro yo loverssss!!!! I bake constantly. I’m making Kevin apple crisp riiiight now! :)


I would have to add something peanut butter to the s’more. I am obsessed with PB these days.
I trust my SISTER. She always finds the best recipes and websites. And of course shares them with me. She is more adventurous with flavors than I am.
I bake at least once a week but usually at least twice. I have a stack of recipes to be tried at any time.
The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


Why, oh why, did you do this to me!? This recipe is dangerous!


Yum !厨师在夏令营我工作使these for dessert once and a while, and one of the kids nicknamed them “diabetes bars.” They are awesome, and he drizzles a caramel sauce on top to make them even more sugary.


S ' mores严重我的两个最喜欢的甜s. The other is chocolate chip cookies. Not lying (http://tinyurl.com/3uqzr3w). This is the best of both worlds!

I love marshmallows. I’ve slathered them with peanut butter, caramel sauce (Trader Joe’s has an awesome one), and dipped in melted butterscotch chips. Love them.


Oh me oh my! These look magical!! I need an excuse to make these, perhaps I should get people to like me even more at work… Haha.


WOO WOOOO! This looks soooo stinking good. OH MY WORD I just keep scrolling up to look up at the pictures. Good post title, too. :)


Ahhh this sounds amazing! Your photos of the dough is making me drool on my keyboard…thanks a lot. ;) My favorite thing on traditional s’mores is the chocolate. However, I like to spice it up a bit and use a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup instead of chocolate on my s’mores sometimes…and THAT is definitely my favorite part. You’ll never go back after you try a Reese’s instead of chocolate. Smearing some peanut butter on the graham cracker never hurts either. ;)


You lost me at the baking part. I’d have eaten the whole bowl of dough before it ever saw an oven.


Janae! You’ve completed my life. Ohhhh my gawd look at this madness!

Eeeeeee making this immediately :)


I totally thought the dessert was going to be soe sort of frozen treat..when i saw the photo of all he batter on the spoon it sort of looks like a popsicle! How amazing would that be if you took the batter and formed it around popsicle sticks and dipped it in chocolate and then froze it????!!!!!!! Lightbulb, lightbulb!!!!


Yum. Just yum!!


WOW that looks super yummy!


Ok, I don’t even think that I can wait for the weekend to make this dessert. I’m going to try it out tomorrow and I’ll be sure to add extra marshmellows. I love marshmellows and think that would be my favorite part or smores. Have you ever had chocolate covered marshmellows? Dreamy! I trust Adam. He usually knows what I like. Then I would go with my best friends and then my mom. The only reason I put my mom last is because she tends to confuse which child likes what. My sister and I have completely different tastes. I love to bake! I don’t bake as often as I would like, but atleast every two weeks. During the holidays it is increased tremendously.


That looks mind blowing amazing!!! I had 3 smores last weekend at our campfire get together. YUM! I am definitely taking that to work next time we have a team lunch. I haven’t choked on cookie dough, but totally choked/gagged on putting too much PB in my mouth lol!! I cook something for dinner almost everyday, but I like baking better. Probably because I don’t do it very often, and I like to bake for people who are special to me. Like for birthdays or visiting family.


Yuum! Definitely on my next chocolate dessert bake list!


oh WOW. The chocolate part of S’mores is my favorite….BY far :)

My husband and I don’t eat a lot of desserts, but chocolate is definetely ‘our’ thing! heh.


My fav part of the smore is the cracker part, I know but too much chocolate makes my tummy hurt. I go through phases with my baking, sometimes I will go all out for a month or two and then get in a food rut…mostly it is when I have more free time, in the winter.


oh my lord THANK YOU FOR THIS RECIPEEEEE my boyfriend is GONNA LOVE ITT!!! i loveee smoresssss i make smore cookies but these look SO MUCH BETTER!
i am obsessed with the marshmallow melted goodness all covered all over the delicious mouth watering chocolate….with the added crunch of the graham….oh wait we had to pick on ingredient that is our fav….wayyy to harddd to choose!

totally am such a baker during the winter season…but the desire like disappears during the warmer months? i am too lazy i rather someone bring me desserts poolsideeee if ya know what i mean!
hahaha love you<3


Ohhhh yes!! This sounds incredible, and it’s why you and I would be best buds if we lived near each other, I’m sure of it. We’d run our little hearts out (once you’re healthy) and then drown ourselves in marshmallows. I think I’m going to do it anyway!


what are you doing to me!!!! …..going to make these, like 5 minutes ago :P lol

or maybe I’ll just grab a bowl of icecream and put marshmallows and chocolate chips in it.



holy YUM!


Hey Janae!!!
for more marshmallow recipes, check this outhttp://www.howsweeteats.com/2011/07/homemade-smashing-smores/

not sure if you read this blog, but if you look through the recipes theres a bunch of marshmallow related stuff!!!


Oh my goodness….that looks absolutely amazing! Thank you!


Yum !That looks amazing!
I think chocolate is my favorite part of a s’more. We’ve been using Nutella in our s’mores lately and that is delish too.
I enjoy baking more. I will go in spurts though. Sometimes I bake a lot. Sometimes not so much. You know, like when it’s 90 degrees in the kitchen. ;) I love baking in the fall though so I’m excited for that.


Okay, I will have to try this! I have a 12 mile run coming up this Sunday, so I could use these as fuel! I have a Mississippi mud cake recipe that is TO. DIE. FOR. It has chocolate and coconut and nuts and marshmallow and chocolate frosting. You bake the cake and when it’s still warm you spread the marshmallow and chocolate frosting on it. It is sooooo good!


Next time you make a s’more, use a reese’s cup instead of the hershey’s chocolate. You are welcome. :-)


Ahh that recipe looks delicious. It’s funny because so many blogs put recipes you know for like actual “big girl meal food,” and I always think to myself mmm that looks good. I’ll have to make that. But then the only recipes I actually end up making are the ones that are desserts. Telling? Most likely. Oh well. Variety is the spice of life–so it is necessary to VARY my DESSERTS.

What is the best part of the smore for you, the chocolate, graham cracker or marshmallow? Any extra ingredients that you would add to the smore?
-Chocolate. Most definitely. And I’ve also heard Peanut Butter is good. I like to add strawberry slices sometimes to my smore!

Who do you trust when it comes to DESSERT?
-Pretty much anyone. I’ll take any excuse possible to eat desserts. So if you tell me it’s good, well call me naive, I believe you. And I’ll just have to try it out. Everyone’s an expert on desserts in my opinion hahaha.

How often do you bake? Do you enjoy baking or cooking more?
-I probably only bake a couple of times a month, usually when I’m having a lazy day or stuck inside. Or if I go to a friends house on a rainy day! And I like baking much more!


Those look unbelieveable and I will be making them SOON for sure. Spent the whole day in the kitchen baking and licking the spatula of my home made mint chocolate almond butter.


FINALLY! A way to justify my sugar addiction! So basically I just have do run the morning after and it’s useful fuel, not just junk food :)


Whoa.. I seriously love smores. I think the roasty toasty mallow is my favorite party- and yes pb is an amazing addition.. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to make this.. this weekend..


This is sort of related to your post (graham crackers) but mostly not. My first year of teaching, age 22, my after school snack was graham crackers. the side of the box said 4 crackers = 120 calories. I proceeded to eat 8 long crackers for weeks, till I finally paid attention to detail and read the box 4 SECTIONS of each cracker = 120. I was eating 960 calories as an after school snack……..wooowzers.


If you love marshmallows then you HAVE to try these Fluffernutter Cupcakes. They are to die for. In fact, my dog ate the entire batch after I had only inhaled two of them. They’re easy and oh so delicious.



i am speechless. i am going to make these ASAP!


I don’t keep sugar or flour in my house to keep me following my eating plan, so last week when I was in charge of providing a birthday treat for a girl at work I decided to make this recipe for Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars:

They’re made with a cake mix so I didn’t have to buy very many ingredients.. I decided to splurge and eat one. It turned into 4. The birthday girl told me they were the best things she has EVER eaten, and I kinda have to agree… Nom, nom, nom… you HAVE to try these!!


PB and marshmallow fluff sandwhiches will change your life! They are my absolute favorite :)


ahhhh! must go to the store now to get these ingredients! thanks for sharing!


Thank goodness there are so many ingredients in the s’more recipe (I get distracted if there are more than 4-5)! Otherwise I would make 500 pounds of them and eat them all. And then I would be huge and probably have a very bad stomach ache. Both bad things.
And I can’t trust my husband with desserts either (I really love fruit based desserts), but you and my husband would be totally on the same page. He’s never said no to chocolate cake or brownies :)


why, Janae, WHY do you do this to me when I”m at work…this looks orgasmic…yes I said it and I know everyone else is thinking it too! I love baking but tend to cook more- with my sweet tooth, my waist line can’t afford frequent baking! What is it about melty marshmallows that hit the spot…it reminds me of being a Girl scout!


这些看起来很漂亮! !我喜欢创造的东西在e kitchen- baking is definitely a hobby, do it every week if I can!! Love blessing people with baked goodies :)


Oh my LIFE. I am getting the sugar shakes just from looking at those pictures… I need these in my life right now!!!!

I love baking but I try to limit myself to a bake-fest every other weekend otherwise we have too many cakes and cookies in our house and not enough room in the freezer for real food!


I don’t know about any-one else but I’m coming to tea…


I trust MYSELF when it comes to dessert! ;) Or my mom. Some people just worry to much about making a sophisticated or pretty dessert … forget that! I want something ooey, gooey, and ridiculously sweet! ;)


Drooool! That looks soo good. I haven’t had smores in forever but I love them! I like the chocolate part the best probably but I really just like it all together :)
I usually trust myself to make dessert because I’m the baker in the family, I love to bake!


Hehe. Love the title of this. You could certainly win me over with these!


My sister and I always make our smores with Heath bar…it will change your life!
Or with golden oreos instead of graham crackers…sounds weird, I know but sooo good. We’re very serious about our smores.
(Also, I made your bars last night and they were amazinggg…..THANK YOU) :)


you need to make this—smores ice cream pie, basically it combines your love of ice cream and marshmallows…and the toasty mallows are seriously the best part!!!http://www.thesweetslife.com/2011/05/smores-ice-cream-pie.html

…or combine your love of cereal and marshmallows and make THESEhttp://www.thesweetslife.com/2010/04/lucky-charms-treats.html



Girl, you know me TOO well…..I will be making both of those!


Okay Janae… I already loved you before but this is just too much. I’m definitely making this on the weekend… I’m drooling haha :)

I love the graham cracker crust best! I think it would be good to make this dessert around christmas & add in crushed up candy cane!

My younger sister is a great dessert-maker!

I like both baking and cooking when I have time and when I’m not super hungry… if I’m too hungry, I then get impatient and just want to go eat out.


Oh my gosh those looks amazing!!!


YUM!! i just recieved the shorts that I won. WOW!! those guys are right on top of it! Thanks again.


Wow, those bars seriously look awesome! And that dough batter looked insanely good too!


Oh my, that looks yummy!

My favorite part of the smore is the chocolate. I would have to amend my answer if the marshmallows in question were homemade. So much better!


Oh YUM! I have to make these this weekend!


Get in my belly! Nom nom nom!! :P

I have learned that (most of the time) if you overbake something, you can generally fix it by softening up a half-gallon of ice cream, putting the ice cream and broken up overbaked cookie/brownie/cake/bars/candy in a stand mixer and stirring it up.

Ice Cream is the Band-Aid for desserts!

(Lovin’ your blog, BTW!)


NICOLE, your comment made my day, thank you so so much! You are absolutely BRILLIANT about adding ice cream to the over baked desserts…I LOVE the way you think!


And YOUR comment made MY day!! (I like how this is working!!) :) :)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to bake, but unfortunately it doesn’t always work out well when I play around. One of my best ice creams was made with store-bought caramel ice cream and cookies with rolos baked into them. The cookies had turned into a sloppy gooey mess, but, like a band-aid – a little ice cream was able to remedy the entire situation!

Cold Stone ain’t got nuthin’! :D


oh. my. goodness. so good.


这看起来惊人的! !我们要是Grahams裂纹ers here in the UK!!
Oh….I had fro-yo in London and thought of you! It was my first time! loved it :-)


This recipe is officially in my computer “recipe box”! Sounds absolutely fantastic!


Your comment about “NOT” choking on too much dough made me laugh out loud–totally never happened to me neither but i will definitely take your advice if it happens to “someone around me” in the future…I love your blog–so uplifting and you can see how many ppl you inspire everyday, thanks Janae!
P.S. If for some reason law school takes you and Billy to the Bay Area, I know a pretty amazing ginormous salad place that you might love… :)



So…. If you are in the mood to bake or just look at pretty baked goods you have to check the above site out. She had lil cakes shaped like garfields today. So cute! And the best looking chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever seen!

Totally making the s’mores bars for football games this weekend! Happy Weekend!


Oh my goodness! I am now hooked on her blog!!! Thank you Kari! Let me know how the s’mores turn out!


I just finally made this s’mores dessert (and yes, it’s just for ME!) It is soooooooooo delicious!!!


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I made these for a cookie exchange and they were a huge hit! Now I have to make more for the family. Thank you!!

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