Thumbs up, yogurtland giveaway winner and my favorite dessert recipe.

The winner of the Yogurtland Giftcard and two tickets to go see Breaking Dawn THIS Thursday is…….

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Email me and I will get you your movie tickets and gift card wahooooo!!!


You know you are a naturally cheesy person when all of your race photo’s from NYC include a thumbs up.

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I am pretty sure I ran at least 22 of of 26 miles with that exact same facial expression and hand signal. My thumbs are still sore.

Anyone want to donate a headband to me to help tame my lion’s mane?

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The other night my mom was so excited because she went out and bought all of the ingredients to make my favorite dessert in the whole wide world.

Only problem was that my mother hid the ingredients (so that I wouldn’t single handedly eat the entire bag of butterscotch chips) so well that it took her 20 minutes to find them. She checked every cabinet, closet, oven, microwave etc until she remembered they were in the pantry hidden behind all of the cereal (that would have taken me .5 seconds to find).

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Capris when it is freezing outside and mismatched socks (and different lengths of socks) are totally cool as long as when you go out in public you are wearing boots over them.

Please note, this is probably one of the healthiest desserts ever.

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Those 7 layer bars never saw the light of day.

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What is your workout today?

-I had a glorious 10 mile run yesterday along with WEIGHTS (I know, I can’t believe it myself) so I am just going to do an easy 30 minutes on the bike this a.m.

Do you like coconut? What is your favorite dish with coconut in it? (you could name anything from cupcakes to coconut encrusted halibut which is delicious by the way)

I know we still have 9 days until the BIG day (as you can tell Thanksgiving is kind of a big deal to me)….where will you be eating dinner that day (if you celebrate Thanksgiving)?

-We are going to my in-laws in Cali and I can’t wait.

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I ran 6 miles this morning at a 9:13 pace. Taking it east because I have a half on Sunday. I LOVE coconut. Shrimp, chicken, and any dessert!!! I am hosting Thanksgiving this year! So excited!


GREAT RUN and you are going to rock your half! I can’t wait to read all about it!


This is my first year that I can remember that my family is staying home. I am excited though because that means I get to cook, which is very exciting for me:)


My hubs and I are all alone with our 2 year old this year for Thanksgiving since we moved out of State, so we’re spending it at Cracker Barrel! We did it last year too and loved it. No cooking, no cleaning, and good food. They have the best pecan pumpkin pie.


Cracker Barrel is DELICIOUS and NO dishes…it doesn’t get better than that!


Going to do the elliptical and StairMaster after work :)
Love coconut! I had coconut gelato in Costa Rica and it was to date the best thing I have ever tasted! I have never made 7 layer cookie bars but always want to!
Canadian Thanksgiving already came and gone! Jealous of all the food & family time you guys get to enjoy now ;)


The stair master KILLS me, that thing is hardcore! Have fun. Oh my goodness, that coconut gelato sounds delicious. I will send you some pumpkin pie;)


Hahahahaha, I just have to say…. I make these amazing muffins and I put butterscotch chips in them and I have quiteee the sweet tooth! Anyways, last night my dad asks me to make them around 10pm, and I said “I would but I don’t have any butterscotch chips so they wouldn’t be as good!” and he goes.. “Yes you do, your mother has half a bag in her car….she hid them after last time you made them so you wouldn’t eat them all before we got to make more muffins”
HAHA! gotta’ love those chips!


I NEED that recipe!! That sounds delicious! BAHAHA your mom hides them from you too…we are a lot alike!


I completely trust your taste in desserts so i’m gonna have to try this out soon! i loveeeee coconut! favorite dish with coconut in it is macaroons! *swoon*

workout today was spinning class and 25 mins of weights, fun stuff.

this year we are spending thanksgiving with kevs family (we alternate years) but i’m majorly disappointed that it wont be a home cooked meal. blasphemy :(


You do trust my taste in desserts…..S’MORES!! I need to make some macaroons. YAY for spin AND weights…you are hardcore. Not home cooked….noooo! Come to Utah:)


Janae, I had a dream last night that you ran 119 miles and blogged about it…I remember thinking, “Man, she might be taking this a little too far…” HAHA! :) I must have read your blog right before bed…I’m not creepy, I swear… :)


Ashley… did you know?!?! I didn’t want to put it on the blog but I did run 119 miles….BAHAHAHAH!!! You made my day!


This morning, I went to my first ever early morning spinning class! I have been ridiculously pleased with myself all day! yay!

I love coconut. Favourites include coconut water (good for you, apparently), Malaysian prawn Laksa and those Tunnock Snowball cakes (look them up, they are seriously amazing!)


GREAT JOB going to your early morning spin class. Way to get your sweat on so early! I need to try coconut water and I WILL be trying those snowball cakes ASAP!


I did 30 Day Shred (love/hate you Jillian) and then ran 2.5 miles with a 7:36/mile pace!! THAT IS BEYOND MY FASTEST TIME EVER! Between that and my 8 mile run Sunday… I think I am turning into you. Aka my dream. LOVE YOU!

Coconut is my life. Bourbon coffee on 14th st makes these bars that are layered with graham cracker, chocolate chips, coffee powder, cinnamon, and coconut! Mmmm!

Turkey day will be spent in Upstate NY where I am from with my fam that I havent seen in weeks! I cannot wait :) :)


JEN….YOU ARE SO SPEEDY!! Way to go girl! 30 day shred KILLS ME. I need those bars so so badly….I must come back. You are going to have so much fun with your family!


I am so excited to know I’m not the only one who doubles her wardrobe by wearing capris in the winter – with boots. I tend to wear knee high socks /w the so no one is the wiser even /w the boots off :)

I also love that you gave the thumbs up in your race photo….I’ve got to master that


I am going to copy you on your knee socks thing…you are brilliant!


Interval training and upper body weights for me today!! I love coconut everything!!! The chocolate and coconut combination probably wins – cupcakes, cookies, coconut M&Ms…they all are amazing!

Thanksgiving passed for me last month!! I am so jealous that you get yours in 9 DAYS!! Maybe I’ll meet you in Cali?


You are my motivation to start interval training! Coconut M&M’s are INCREDIBLE!! Yes, come with us to Cali!


Coconut shavings are the best- especially on waffles! Do they sell Bounty chocolate in the US? It’s pretty fantastic! My workout included an upper body weights workout followed by 32 mins on the cross trainer! Way to go on the 10-miler :)


Not that I know of…I need to come visit you! Coconut shavings on waffles, you are BRILLIANT!! Great workout girl!


Seven layer bars are the best!!! When my mom bakes them, i steal half the pan to bring home with me.

Today is a rest day for me…I hate the taper.

We head to my in-laws for dinner. They live four miles away, so it’s not much of a trek.

p.s. if you want a headband, I’m having a sweet headband giveaway on my blog today! :)


ENJOY YOUR REST DAY!! Just take bungee on a fun walk. Done and done…I am on my way to enter!


Awesome outfit ;)
I LOVE coconut. Yesterday I encrusted acorn squash with it and baked it like onion rings which was pretty good. But coconut butter on oatmeal might be my favorite.
Just 3 miles today in prep for my half on Sunday!


Oh my goodness…..that made me drool! I haven’t tried coconut butter yet. I am STOKED for your half marathon, you are going to rock it!


Hahahaha I love that your mother hid the ingredients and then couldn’t find them. My mom likes to hide M&Ms to keep us from eating them. I am going HOME for thanksgiving and I CANNOT WAIT. I’m even skipping classes on Wednesday so I can leave early that morning! I haven’t been home since early August and I am getting homesick!!!


My mom hides her M&Ms too! I am so happy that you get to go home and be with your family! ENJOY EVERY SECOND!


That dessert looks SO good! Your mom is too funny!
I LOVE thanksgiving. It is my favorite holiday of the whole year. Ours is a little messed up this year and we’ll be celebrating with my family the Saturday afterwards. I can’t wait to see my sister and my nieces and nephew! Plus there’s pie. Lots of pie. Can’t go wrong with that!


WAHOOOO you get to see your sis and nieces and nephews! I am excited for you! Plus PIE…..that makes everything great!


I did an easy 1-hour ride on my bike trainer this morning. I love coconut, I can’t decide if coconut cream pie is better or Almond Joys…pie topped w/Almond Joys? This is my first time without a real Thanksgiving. We’re going to Bali for Thanksgiving, but I would rather be at home with my monster-sized family and two-day long cooking affair!


GREAT RIDE this morning. Um….how have I never had an almond joy pie?!?! BALI…that is AWESOME!!! You are going to have a blast!


haha you are so cute! i love the facial expression and thumbs up :)
and holy crap those bars look so dangerously delicious!


Thanks Jordan and I think you should make the bars!


Thanksgiving this year will suck =\ It’ll be my first thanksgiving ever without my mom, and without ANY family for that matter, and I’ll be working the good chunk of the day. So. not. looking forward to it.

我的训练仅仅最近由艾利ptical and weights. I decided I was going to give my knee 2 full weeks before I try to run again, in hopes that it’ll help with the pain.


Shannon, I am so sorry you won’t be with your family this year AND working….NOOOOO!!! Good for you to take time off when your body needs it!


I went to Brazil on a missions trip and you know what? They all give thumbs up there, it’s actually the cool thing to do. Really though, they do, for EVERYTHING! you just need to run a marathon there and you would ALL being giving thumbs up:)


I must be from Brazil then:) That is so cool you went there on a mission trip!


火车ner session this morning and it went fine. Which tells me I didn’t run hard enough in my half on Sunday. Oh well.
Chocolate dipped macaroons. Although the seven layer bars (with PB chips instead of butterscotch) are good too!
I cook dinner for my husband’s family.

The Kidless Kronicles


I need to try these macaroons you speak of! Also, I will just be adding pb chips along with the butterscotch chips to my next batch of 7 layer bars!


What is your workout today?
-Arc Trainer for 45 minutes this morning and then some stretching
Do you like coconut? What is your favorite dish with coconut in it?
-I’m allergic to coconut. :(
I know we still have 9 days until the BIG day (as you can tell Thanksgiving is kind of a big deal to me)….where will you be eating dinner that day (if you celebrate Thanksgiving)?
-OMG – really it’s in NINE DAYS?! Shoot me now! Eating at home, however we do not yet have a turkey.

-We are going to my in-laws in Cali and I can’t wait.


ALLERGIC to coconut….NOOOOO!!! Go get your turkey today;)


I really want to run when I get home today! and some weights and lunges.. I’ve been so busy at work with projects I have so much energy to burn!!

I love coconut I love these Fiber bars that are Caramel Coconut Fudge – YUM. Also, love Coconut Macaroons and YOUR FAV DESSERT! My roommate makes something similar it’s delish :)

Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday and right after my birthday so November is all good news… every other year we spend with my extended family and go to cabins and cook out and eat delicious foods and I play with all my cousins.. but this year I’m going to FL with the BF and it will be the first time I meet his Nana (I’ve met the rest of his family – she’s the last one!) and I think we’re going to run the Turkey Trot at his Nana’s Country Club yay! That just means more room for delicious mashed potatoes in my belly :)

Have fun in Cali!


Thanksgiving and your bday….WAHOOO!!! That is so so exciting! I need to make some coconut macaroons..that sounds so great. Have an amazing time in florida and running the turkey trot!


1 – i love your thumbs-up pics! totally cool, and you pull it off. dont let anyone tell you otherwise. :)
2 – seven-layer bars are definitely laced with crack. soooo yummyy, esp w a cold glass of milk to wash ’em down. mmmmm!!!!
3 – love your socks. again, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. :)
4 – i ran 7 miles yesterday and taught a bootcamp last night. my left knee has been a little sore (like something’s wrong inside) since the NYCM, and it’s starting to worry me. i think i’m going to lay off of it for a couple days. has your knee ever hurt on the inside after a marathon or long run? it’s been going on for a week now. the hypochondriac in me is starting to panic a little.


OH NO….BOO to knee pain! REST, ICE and REST:) My knee has hurt from body pump and doing to much weight on my squats but not from running. Remember you just ran a MARATHON a little over than a week ago so make sure you really let it recover!LOVE YOU!


I love the 7 layer bars. I get them about once every 3 years. I feel deprived :(


Workout today will consist of a 5 mile run w/ my friend Janelle tonight :)

LOVE coconut AND me & hubby both love 7 layer bars!!!

Tgiving will be spent quietly at home this year :)


Have fun on your run with Janelle tonight!! Yay for a quiet, RELAXING Thanksgiving!


I think I am going to test out the thumbs up in my pictures for Vegas. Maybe set a record for the most thumbs up pictures in a marathon or something.
I am not a fan of coconut at all but my mom makes these bars around Christmas and even though I don’t like coconut I still eat them because they really are that good!
This is so sad but I love canned cranberry sauce and can’t wait for Thanksgiving. I know I could go to the store and buy a can righ tnow but it means more on thanksgiving


Do we get to play together in VEGAS!?!?! PLEASE SAY YES! Ha, I love canned cranberry sauce and put it all over all of my thanksgiving food ha!


Oh course! We will set up a Vegas play date!


I have basically NO foot, so of course, I’m going to bodypump.

I love 5 cup salad, 7 layer bars, macaroons, and straight out of the bag.

I am cooking it and eating it all here in bklyn!


I am coming back this weekend, it is official. Hope you had fun at body pump and your toe still isn’t better….BOOOO!


Love, love, love coconut!!!


thanks for letting me know what I’m baking tonight!! :-D

haha. I love the thumbs up pics too – and you even knew where all the cameras were! I always miss them and I’m usually making a really awful face in my race pics lol.

Todays workout = 60 minutes on the bike at the same effort as a tempo run would be – and pain free!! And for thanksgiving, we’re at home, but my aunt, uncle, three cousins and their husbands/wives are all coming to visit…soooo many people in one little house lol!


Seven layer bars are my favorite dessert ever too!!! They are really good heated up and topped with ice cream and chocolate sauce. But hey, they are good plain. I’ve also used them as running fuel. :)


I HAVE TO TRY THEM HEATED UP WITH ICE CREAM and chocolate sauce, you are my hero!


Silly question about the recipe. I have to make these today. Is one “cube” of butter a half a cup or a stick of butter? Thanks.


HEY SUE!! I am so happy that you are going to make these today, they are amazing. Another thing is that we also add white chocolate chips and it is so good with them. For the butter it is one stick of butter which is also 1/2 cup. Let me know what you think of them!


I love, love coconut!!!!!! I’ve begun using coconut oil instead of olive oil.. I’m so addicted!


Today is a rest day for me! And boy do I need it. :) I’m not a big fan of coconut – it’s a texture thing. But I like the flavor. Very excited about Thanksgiving – good times with my family!


That dessert sounds amazing. I will not be tempted though! :) You have such a sweet mom, I love reading about your parents except it always makes me miss them and my hometown (Draper, Utah). I thought of you during my 10K Saturday with your name on your shirt. This race was lame because it really didn’t have any cheerleaders along the way, (except the water boys who happened to be Boy Scouts). I think I’m going to get some shirts made for my 1/2 marathon, but hopefully the music will be so loud I won’t even hear them.
I’m way excited about the bands they have playing throughout the race.

As for Thanksgiving, we are going to be here in Phoenix all by our lonesome (which I’m secretly excited about).


You are from UTAH…COME BACK:) Will you be here for Christmas?!?! I will…we should go running!! Congrats on your 10k…you are amazing and get shirts for your 1/2!!!


我只是现在弄清楚,你回答我的comments. :) No, I’ll be in St. George for Christmas or the day after. Yeah, running would be great. I may rent a house in Utah this summer so if I do I’ll let you know. My parents want to come out to Phoenix for the half in January (they live in TX). If they do, I’m totally going to get shirts made. Ha!


Love the thumbs up pictures…..adorable.

I don’t have a scheduled workout today….which means maybe just a little vanity lifting, dancing, or yoga.

A California holiday. Lucky you!


Enjoy your night of yoga, dancing or lifting!! What are your holiday plans?


You will be happy to know we do our own family Turkey Trot. Participants are ages 5-94.


I’m coconut OBSESSED. If something has coconut I’m already eating it, and usualllly loving it. Coconut bubble tea is one of my favorites, but my other favorites are always changing to whatever it is I’m eating… I say favorite a lot *thumbs up*


I need to try the coconut bubble tea. I can tell you too are a coconut lover and fully trust your opinion:)


Mmmm :) the blended ones are best !


I love 7 layer cookies! They’re so easy and so amazingly delicious!

I’m spending Thanksgiving with the in-laws in Sacramento. My mother-in-law is a fantastic cook and I cannot wait to face-dive into the stuffing she makes. I could eat that stuff every day. Can’t wait!


Have a blast in Sacramento and your MIL sounds amazing….stuffing is incredible!


I LOVE coconut. Coconut flavored anything! Ran on treadmill today :) I feel great! My inlaws are coming for Thanksgiving and we are all eating at a hotel buffet. My daughter is most excited about this because she thinks it is fancy :) (you know white table cloths and glass glasses lol)


We used to always eat at a hotel buffet too and it was the best….no dishes and delicious food. YOU guys ARE fancy:) Great job on your run!


Holy cow, so many desserts to make after reading your blog hahah :)

Today’s workout is some intervals on the treadmill until I get tired and hopefully weights too!

Also, I looooove coconut.. there are Mounds in my boss’ candy jar right now just calling my name…..


Go steal some mounts!! Good luck on your weights AND interval workout, you are going to rock it!


We always eat Tgiving dinner at my parent’s house. Then go to Travis’ parents house for dessert. Love that I married someone from my hometown!


Today I lifted legs and I am getting ready to head to a 90 minute stress buster yoga class soon! :) I can’t wait! Coconut is wonderful- my mom makes a great cookie that involves chocolate chips + butterscotch chips + coconut + pecans + oats and then all of the normal things that go into cookies! lol. As for Thanksgiving, my parents are divorced so I usually end up having to attend a zillion different functions. This year will be at my aunt’s house and then at my mom’s house.


I only count six layers on the recipe card…I assume the coconut is the 7th layer but it’s not listed on the recipe? They look delicious!!


HA….ooops!! That is strange, we will have to fix that. Thanks Linda!


im making the recipe right now and noticed the same thing! i just figured to throw it on somewhere and it’d make the 7th layer. so far so good, they’re baking right now.


I’m not sure what I’ll do for a workout–I was GOING to go for a bike ride but my tire went flat on my commute to class this morning. TOTAL bummer!

And I gotta say coconut ICE-CREAM!!


great pics! you look so happy haha which is awesome. usually i look like im about to die..prob bc i am. i loveeee coconut..just made coconut pumpkin muffins yesterday so good!!


Love your pictures and I always do the thumbs up thing too. Except I am always “faking” a smile and you actually look really happy. :)

So jelous you are going to cali for Thanksgiving. It should be gorgoues there. You better run outside a lot for me k? :)

Yogurtland date this week? I’m thinking Thursday or Friday. Let me know what works for you!


HAhaha love those pictures! I don’t remember a time where I actually MATCHED my socks? It’s normal not to match. So jealous that you will be in Cali, my favorite place ever!! I’m running a 5k then probably going to visit my grandma :) My workout today will be a run.. not sure how long yet I’m going to wing it!


I am hopefully running 5-6 miles when I get home, in the dark. eee I LOVE COCONUT and those bars look AWESOME. My husband hates it and yet I married him anyway. Can’t wait for Thanksgiving. We’re ditching the fam and hanging out at home. First Turkey Day in the house. :)


Super job on the 10 mile run!! I did a 50 minute cardio workout followed by squats and lunges, I HATE them but I got them done.
I love Thanksgiving too, so comforting to be around the family. Craig and I will be going back to his home to enjoy lots of good food!! I think I am more excited for the break from work :)


今天5.75英里,一个坚实的核心训练。我的腿are tiiirrreeeddd and I am so stinking happy its taper time. In fact I wish it was hiberante time. If I could just sleep til Vegas that would be perfect.

I love coconut. Oh it is soooo good!

Thanksgiving will be at my parents house! We all run the Oceanside Turkey Trot and then head home to cook. I cannot wait!!!


AHHH WE’RE UNDER ARMOUR SOCK TWINS!!! In our neck of the woods, we call those Magic Bars. Because they’re magical.


I call those “Hello Dollies” and I looooovvvve them. We really are twins separated at birth. And by ten years. It’s very scientifically plausible.


I LOVE coconut. On anything. You name it and I’ll eat it if it has coconut in it.

我今年举办的感恩节。我们生活我n New Zealand so far away from family. Instead we invited the 12 other Americans we know to our place for a feast.


NEW ZEALAND….WOW! That is awesome! I am sure your dinner is going to be amazing!


Hi Janae! I love your blog and have been reading it for quite awhile – you have inspired me to run more than I ever thought I could! I was wondering, how do you consume enough calories after long runs? I LOVE to eat and I have a very healthy diet, but I am having trouble consuming enough food! I never thought I would have to say that!


KARI!! Thank you so much for your sweet words!! Can you email me and we will talk more!


Anything with that many layers of dessert ingredients is bound to be amazing!


Hi girl…just got home last night…glad to be back. I haven’t been able to scan through 20 days of posts but CONGRATS on your NYC marathon! You look adorable – which is impossible for most people running a marathon! Looking forward to getting back to normal… You would be proud though….ran 53 miles on my 16 day cruise! It’s not easy crossing the Atlantic Ocean and running on a treadmill. lol
xoxo from Trinidad


7-Layer Bars are by far one of the GREATEST COOKIES EVER!!!
Also, coconut is one of my favorite things as well… I love putting it on my delicious chocolate oatmeal. OMG!!


Um can I hitch a ride with you to Cali? Then I can go see my family!! haha. We are having my BIL over and I am going to be cooking my FIRST TG dinner!! I am excited/nervous.

There used to be a restraunt in the town where I grew up that had beer battered coconut shrimp with the BEST dipping sauce ever. Drool!


Can you please send me the recipe for the seven layer bar? Thanks!


I love coconut!!! OMG I have a huge obssession with that food item! lol My favorite is macaroons (American style) or granola!! yum!
Congrats on your run!!


I love your thumbs up photo- you look SO happy :D
I’m so happy you were able to run the marathon…and you did AWESOME!!!!!
& YUM! Could you please mail me some of those bars?! I’ll trade you with Swedish fish ;)


They have this cake/bun in Australia called Boston Bun… it’s Australian though so don’t know why the name? Anyway- it’s a fruit bun and on top is thick creamy buttery frosting, and then its covered it coconut! Ah… I would love a slice right now!

My workout this morning was a 45 minute run but I was lethargic… after fueling up and a perfectly timed siesta (I am in mexico)… I am going to hit the gym tonight for some exercise bike and abs.


I love 7 layer cookies. We call them magic bars. I just made them last week and plan on eating the last one tonight!!!


Ran/Walked a little over 5 miles…it wasn’t pretty though because out of nowhere it was HOT and MUGGY today!!

I’m guilty of wearing my running leggings….reflective stripe on the back and all….with boots. It’s fine until the leggings ride up above my boots and you can see the reflective stripe!!!

I LOVE most things coconut. Macaroons are YUMMY, and I’m about to make a pumpkin cake that has coconut in it….and is GRAIN/GLUTEN free!!


so jealous that you’re going to Cali for Thanksgiving!!!!!! Next time you visit NY, I will take a tray of that dessert, thanks!!! =)


You need to write a letter to this cookbook. They are missing 2layers lol… grahams, chips, chips, sweet milk, and nuts…. where is everything else?!


I love Seven Layer Bars! My mom only makes them at Christmas time and they are one of my faves. Ben & Jerry’s ice cream shops have a Seven Layer Bar ice cream (there were so many comments so I’m not sure if anyone has already mentioned this) and it is pretty good. You can only get it at their shops though. :/ No exercise (aaahhh!) sick as a dog. :/ Seven layer bars might fix my illness though, great job on your run!!


You look so cute in those race photos! I am jealous of your Cali Thanksgiving. I was actually born in Cali and have only been back a few times since I moved from there to Texas. We will be going to Galveston with my husbands family for the holiday. Their Thanksgiving tradition is to rent a beach house every year and just relax, play games, go fishing, etc. It’s our year to be with them… we are excited !


omg those are my FAVORITE thing, too. i request them all the time…my mom loves to oblige, and i love to indulge! def best thing w/ coconut.
work-out: cycle plus…its spin for 30-40 min, then 15-20 min of strength stuff– kettle bell, abs, sprints, bosu, etc. fun class!
not sure about t-giving…have to work the next day and saturday, so missing time w/ my family most likely. not happy at all : (


你的博客。爱!我跑3.3英里——容易,密尔e @ 5K pace (9:08), easy mile (and a little). 5K on Sat that may get snowed out :(

Coconutness is next to godliness. I got an awesome recipe last year form the website for Coconut Wedding Cookies (sort of). Oh. Em. Gee. Haven’t met a coconut recipe I didn’t adore, unless it involved fishy meat. No can do.

Staying home in UT and hosting for DH’s entire family (4 of 5 siblings and kids and Grandma), total seats = 29. Love doing this, really.

Blog on!


Hey Alison! Thank you so much for the coconut recipe! I can’t wait to try it! Awesome run!


sorry I was too out of it to post the link last night.


oh yeah and for the record, you are not the only person who manages to have thumbs up in all your race pics :) I need a new gesture for my races with photogs!


I think I am going to test out the thumbs up in my pictures for Vegas. Maybe set a record for the most thumbs up pictures in a marathon or something.
I am not a fan of coconut at all but my mom makes these bars around Christmas and even though I don’t like coconut I still eat them because they really are that good!
This is so sad but I love canned cranberry sauce and can’t wait for Thanksgiving. I know I could go to the store and buy a can righ tnow but it means more on thanksgiving


You need to write a letter to this cookbook. They are missing 2layers lol… grahams, chips, chips, sweet milk, and nuts…. where is everything else?!

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