The World’s Best……

It is the most amazingest (spell check says that is in fact a word), selfless, beautiful, talented, incredible woman’s birthday. My best friend is turning 60 (even though she looks 30) today and I hope she has the best day ever.

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We celebrated her birthday with the family last night and we even had some special guests come all the way from Arizona; my brother, his wife and their two adorable kids. Not going to lie….being around this 3 month old all night made me even 1,000,000 times more excited for August 24th to come around.

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My Mom wanted cheeseburgers for her birthday dinner even though secretly I think she requested that for me because I can’t get enough lately.

We had salad with ranch, fruit, jello with cool whip and chips along with our burgers. There is a hamburger patty with some pepper jack cheese hanging out under that head of lettuce.

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My nephew is brilliant and came up with the great idea to dip chips into my sister’s cool whip.

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My mom really has the best taste buds in the world because she wanted the Costco 14 layer chocolate cake with ice cream and sugarfied strawberries for dessert.

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I have had many food comas throughout my life but last night might have topped the charts. That cake is so rich that you are forced to keep adding more and more ice cream on top of it in order to get through it. I conquered it like a champ.


How old are your parents? How many years apart are they? How far apart are you and your significant other?

-My parents are only 1 month and 2 days apart! Billy and I are 4 months and 24 days.

What is your favorite berry? What fruit is in season where you are at?

-Raspberries win.

Who else has a March birthday? You will be attacked with birthday love in the comments:)

Did you have a Sunday night dessert?

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Happy Birthday Janae’s Mama!!! Best wishes from Shanghai!;-)


Thank you, she reads the comments and will love reading this:)


Happy Birthday to Janae’s Mom!!! Looks like she had a very special 60th b-day.

My parents are 1 year, 2 months and 2 days apart (62 and 63) my mom is older. My husband and I are 5 years, 2 months and 25 days apart–dh is 34 and I am 29–although I act older than he does;-)

Man w/everyone being pg and the baby pictures, I am getting baby fever;-) Your nieces and nephews are adorable!


Thanks Becky!!! HAHAHA I love that you added that you act older than he does:) Uh oh….baby fever… hits hard doesn’t? Have an amazing day Becky!


Janae–Its my birthday today too!!! Let me just tell you–You will love that baby more than anything in the whole entire world. I am so excited for you. Treasure each moment and I hope your mom has a wonderful day! Hugs and Love–E


AHHHH HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELIZABETH! I hope you have the best day ever and you eat lots of cake:) Thank you so much for your comment!


You and your mom are adorable!! Happy birthday to her:) You are so lucky to have a best friend that is your mom – my mom and I are pretty darn close too, and she only lives like 3 miles away, yay! My hubs and I are 10 and a half years apart!
I would agree, raspberries are the best and I think I’ve had that chocolate cake – we have Sam’s club here, like costco, but not as good;-) and they have this amazing chocolate cake – so good!
Happy Monday! Have a great day:)


Thanks so much Katie. I love that you and your mom are close too and 3 miles away…I am jealous, my mom is 8 miles away:) 10.5 years apart, that is awesome! Seriously..the cake is to die for. Have an amazing day!


Happy birthday to your madre- hope she has the best day! Your Sunday night dessert would have definitely hit the spot for me last night…I had granola with yogurt and fruit which was pretty lame: left me craving more dessert than I initially was!


THANK YOU!!! I can send you some leftover dessert….it might take a week to get there ha. Your dessert was my breakfast ha!


Happy Birthday to your mom!!! My 22nd b-day is tomorrow :)
My parents are 2 years apart in age (Dad is older) and their age is very close to your parents- I don’t think my mom wants me posting her age…lol. Love love love strawberries. And no, I did not have dessert last night because I’m saving those calories for tomorrow night; we’re going out for gelato!!!


HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW BRITTANY!! I hope you have the best day ever and that you get to eat a lot of dessert:) Ha….I forgot to ask my mom if I could post her age…oops. Enjoy your gelato!


Happy Birthday to your mom! My mom is a week older than my dad! Also, my sister’s birthday is two weeks before that so… lots of cake February/March! not complaining though…. :)


Thanks Abbey. February and March are the best for you…..lots of celebrations and lots of cake and ice cream:) Have an amazing day!


They are just a few months apart but for some reason I can’t remember how old. Mid 60’s. Michael and I are 2 yrs, 2 months apart.
I don’t think I had any dessert last night!

The Kidless Kronicles


No dessert on a Sunday night?!?!


Aww Happy Birthday to your mom!! Looks like such a fun time! My parents were actually 12 years apart, but they divorced when I was really young. Brandon and I are only a month apart … and I’m older than him! I’m such a cougar. ;)


One month apart….that makes me so happy you cougar. I would hold that against him all the time if I were you…you are older and therefore wiser:)


Happy Birthday to HRG Mom!

Your family makes some gorgeous kids. The baby looks just like her cousin who is holding her in the photo.


Thanks so much Lisa!! They really do look alike, you are right!


My parents are exactly 3 days apart, and got married exactly 3 days once they met. I just love how our parents never give up!!


Wait….they got married three days after meeting each other. WOW, that is so cool!! I love it.


Happy Birthday to your mom! She is so beautiful!
My dad and step-mom are 4 years and 1 day apart!
Danny and I are three years and 24 days apart.


Thanks so much Heather, you are the best!! LOVE the karate and froyo pictures:)


Happy Birthday to your Mom!
My Mom will be 53 this July. My Dad is 5 years older than her. Me and my husband are 1 year and 4 months apart, he is older than me.
The raspberries we had from Costco last week were so good! But I think blueberries are my favorite.
I didn’t have dessert, too full but I did snag a bit of my hubby’s chocolate cupcake :)


Thanks so much Lindsey! Wahoo…1 year and 4 months! You are right blueberries are incredible and the combo of those with raspberries are to die for!


1. My parents are 52 and 53. My dad is about 11 months older than my mom. I’m 11 months older than my boyfriend. :)

2. I love ALL berries, especially raspberries and blueberries. They have “kiwiberries” at Sam’s Club right now, but I can’t bring myself to pay the $5 to try them to figure out what in the world they are. Anyone know?!

3. I did have a March birthday! March 1! Even though I turned 26, I threw a fit because of leap year. My birthday is SUPPOSED to be the day after February 28. That extra day…UGH!

4. I had Irish Mist apples for dessert last night! My boyfriend’s parents were in town and his mom made an Irish feast for us last night (corned beef, mashed potatoes, soda bread!). She also made these baked apples that you eat with cream…. I can totally get behind that!


Um….your dinner and dessert are making me drool…got any leftovers?!?! WHAT…I must try these kiwi berries, they sound incredible. HAPPY HAPPY BDAY on March 1st and boo to that extra day hahahah! We are the same age!


Gosh, all the best people in the world were born on March 19th:) Me, too! Happy 60th birthday to your Mama, Janae! I hope her day is wonderful!

[I agree – there is NO WAY she is 60 – she looks fabulous!]


CHRISSY!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you are having the best bday ever! Have any fun plans?!?!


HOLY MOLY! That’s the youngest 60 year old ever!

This past weekend 2 of my friends got engaged and one had her baby…
good weekend for LOVE all around! <3


I know right?!?! WOW, what an awesome weekend for you and your close friends….gotta love it:) Have a great day!


My birthday was last Friday!

My boyfriend and I are 21 days apart – pretty crazy.

PS. I absolutely LOVE your blog. :)


Oh Alyssa thank you! 21 days apart…that is so cool!! HAPPY HAPPY 24th bday last friday! The homemade marshmallows on your blog look incredible! You take incredible photos!


My birthday is on the 31st of March – and I’ll be 30! Eek! My Dad is about 10 months older than my Mom, and my husband is about 8 months older than me. I love strawberries and blueberries…about equally as much. We had a chocolate fudge cake with touchdown sunday ice cream last night. It was so incredibly good! My sister and I were both craving chocolate, so we decided to act on it. Not so good for our diets, but it was good for our souls :)


AHHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the 31st…that is so so exciting! Um…do you have any leftover cake, you are making me drool! Yes, chocolate IS good for the soul:)


my parents are 10 years apart! My mom is actually 10 years older than my dad. Torrance is about 8 months older than me so not a huge difference!


Really…that is so cool!!!!


Happy birthday to your mom but let me just say, Costco has the best cake ever. I once joined Costco just for the cake. It was my birthday present. It was the only time I visited Costco all year. Best cake ever.


I knew I liked you….I totally would get the membership just for the cake too!


This is the sweetest post – happy birthday to your lovely mama! Today must be a lucky day- it’s my baby sister’s birthday too :)

My boyfriend and I are 18 months apart – I am therefore much more youthful and vibrant :)


AHHH tell your little sister happy bday! You are definitely more youthful and vibrant hahaha!


Last night was angel food cake with choco whipped frosting – yum! My parents are 5 year & 2 months apart. The SO and I are 1 year and 9 days apart (June 28th & July 6th).

I love all berries – can’t decide!


Meghan, your dessert sounds AMAZING! I bet there is a lot of fun packed into those two weeks of both of your brays!


Happy Bday to your mom!!! My parents are 4 months apart and both turned 60 this year. My husband and I are 11 days apart!! No dessert or berries for me!! Have a good day back at work. .


Thanks Colleen!! 11 days apart…that is so fun! Hope you are having a great day at work too!


happy birthday mom!!!


Thanks Kelsey, she reads all of the comments:)


I love family dinners. I am bummed that I don’t get to go to my parentals every Sunday. I will be there next Sunday though when we bless my niece though. Yessss for brunch food :)

My dad will be 62 in May & my mom is 58 – they are 3 & 1/2 years apart. My hubby and I are 2 years and 4 months apart. To the date. His birthday is on the 25th, so is mine and so is my sons…my poor daughter got hosed and hers is in the 17th.

Strawberries are my all time fave. I eat them almost every day and will even pay up the wazoo to keep them in my fridge all year round.


OH GOOD….glad you will be with your fam next Sunday! The little one above is also getting blessed and we will be doing a brunch too! It is amazing how much I will pay for berries too ha!


yay happy birthday to your mom!!!

my parents are the same age, turning 50 this year. they are only 8 months apart :) me and kev have a 6 year age difference…i like to tease him that he’s my grandpa, lol.

favorite berry = strawberries!

i dont have a march bday but i have alot of friends/family that do. my sister, my best friend, and now kevins new nephew :)

dessert last night was inspired by YOU…crumb donettes!


所以很开心你有碎屑donettes…他们不是the BEST!?! Ha I love that you tease kevin about being a grandpa.


Happy Birthday Janae’s mom!! I hope I look as young as you do at 60!

My husband and I are 1 day apart, but he is one year behind me in school…something about boys and being held back a year for sports :) The first 5 digits of our social security number are the same too!

My daughter turned 5 in March!!

I like all berries!! Last night’s dessert was moose tracks ice cream (and a peanut butter cookie on the side)


I know…I am hoping I got all of her non-aging genes:) ONE DAY APART…that is so fun and you have the same 5 digits of your ss#….coolest thing ever! You were meant to be. Happy bday to your daughter! Moose tracks is the best!


Janae, Your nieces and nephews are seriously the best looking kids ever!! I cannot wait to see how beautiful your baby is going to be.

My Sunday night dessert was Praline froyo with lots of candy on top. I think my favorite was the twix bar though.

Happy birthday to your wonderful mom!


Thanks so much Lauren!! You are so sweet! YUM…I am so happy you had delicious froyo last night…good call on the TWIX, best decision ever.


Happy Birthday to your mom! My parents are three years apart, and they’re in their early 50s. My husband and I are 12 days apart- I’m older. On my birthday every year he jokes about being into “older women” ;)

I don’t know if I could choose between strawberries and raspberries. I love them both so much!!


Happy birthday to your Mom! My parents are 4 years apart. I am 4 months older than my hubby.
My daughter is turning 2 on Thursday! Birthday shopping for my kids is so much fun! I wish Thursday was today so I could give her presents!
We had peanut m&m’s for dessert.
I love blueberries! Those are definitely my favorite.


Happy Birthday to your momma! And I DID have Sunday night dessert …. I never do! But I went to go visit my parents – and there was a plate of cookies :) Parents rock haha


祝你妈妈生日快乐!My parents are only a couple of years apart but me and Deano are 8 years apart!! I know you would never know it because he still looks pretty young for his age!

Your family is the cutest. I love Billy’s face in the background of that picture. He is looking at your nephew with such a happy glow. You are going to make such amazing parents :)


Thanks so much Christina….that picture made me super happy too! 8 years apart, he does look young. I love learning more about you two!


happy bday janaes mommmaa! :)
my parents are 50, my mom is 5 months older than my dad… john and i are 7 years apart, actually 6 years and 364 days.. his bday is the day after mine :)

喜欢的浆果是草莓!实际上我喜欢blueberries the same.

my dessert last night was a healthy protein cake!

MY BDAY IS MARCH 29TH!!!!!! :)


when I was pregnant, i ate more cheeseburgers than you can possibly imagine. A RIDICULOUS amount. If you cut E in half, he is half burger and half baked good.

Last night I had peanut butter no bakes with toffee chips.


Happy birthday to mama!

Sounds like a fabulous day…that dessert looks great! Yesterday I had a skinny ice cream sandwich for dessert – yours sounds better! Oh and I’m all about nonstop dance parties!!

My birthday is in April…haha.

Love strawberries!

My dad and mom are 2 yrs and me and my boyfriend are 5 years apart!! My boo is an old man :)

Have a great week sweet girl!!



I think my dad is 57 and my mom 56…I’m not exactly sure, though. I’m clearly a terrible daughter.

My brother’s birthday was yesterday.

For dessert yesterday I had homemade pb cups. They were amazing!


looks like a fun time with lots of yummy eats! happy birthday HRG mom! :) my birthday is march 4th – holla for march birthdays!!


My birthday is the 4th too!

Happy birthday to your mom Janae, March is the best birthday month – I pretty much know someone (or a even a few people) celebrating each day!

My mom is a year older than my dad (both in September) but my dad is 10 years older than my step-mom (March)


My Mom is 62, my birthday is in July..a ways off yet.


Happy Birthday to your Mom!!!! :)

That chocolate cake + ice cream + strawberries combo looks amazing!

My parents are 55/56, they are 11 months apart. My husband is 26 and 350 days younger than me.

We had lots of dessert this weekend, but nothing on Sunday. I guess I was over my limit by then.


祝你妈妈生日快乐!多么甜蜜的拉dy. My mom is also turning 60 this year, hard to believe! My dad turning 62. My husband and I are 359 days apart (had to do some math there!).


My mother turned 61 March the 5th! :) My father is just over 2 years older than my mother.

My favorite berry right now is cherries…love them!


Happy birthday to your adorable mom!!!

My parents are both 52 right now – but my mom’s bday is in a couple of weeks. She is five months older than my dad. Daniel is 4 years and 2 months older than me.

I love berries!!! Raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries are my favorite, except for when strawberries are in season, then they win.


Happy Birthday Janae’s mom! I splurged last night and got a Shamrock Shake from McDonald’s for dessert. I figure since they only sell them this time of the year, I HAD to get one! YUMMY!!


No way — my dad turned 60 on Saturday! Sadly I didn’t get to be there cause my whole family still lives back in Chicago while I’m out here in Utah…

My Mom is exactly 1 year and 2 weeks younger than my dad. My hubby is 4 months and 1 day older than me.

Sunday night dessert was twizzlers and airheads. Dessert of champions.


Happy Birthday to your mom! It is also my Great Grandmother’s Birthday and my parents Anniversary. My mom is 53 and my dad is 50. They are young! Adam celebrates his birthday on Wednesday! We are only 15 days apart.
I love strawberries and raspberries. Yesterday we went to Costco to stock up on produce and I bought strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. I made a bowl of mixed berries for dessert last night. The raspberries were my favorite part. I could eat the entire carton in one sitting. I had a March birthday on March 6th.


I heart all berries, but blueberry if you make me pick.
I am 1 year 4 months older than my husband. He has the wisdom of a 50 year old and the fun factor of a 25 year old. I am lucky to be married to someone so responsible and adult…..but yet to be around!


My parents are actually 10 years apart! And the most interesting part is that my dad was born in ’47, my mom was born in ’57 and I was born in ’87, which means that I always know how old they are based on my age. For example, I turned 24 this year, which means my mom turned 54 and my dad turned 64! Although my mother still claims she turned 24… again.


Awww my Mom just turned 60 last week too!! (a.k.a best friend + also looks 30!)… Happy Birthday mama hungry runner girl! :)


哦我的天啊我刚Goosie-bumps看着the cute lil baby and knowing that you will have one soon!! :) eeeek I am so excited for you!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend J!!
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your beautiful mama!!


Happy Birthday to HRM (Hungry Runner Mom)!! She can only have that name for a few more months and then that is going to be you!! HAHA!!


You are so right:) Love it!


I love how you love your mom – it’s very parallel to my own relationship with my mother. She’s my best friend and I love her to death! My parents are three years and one week apart in age, which makes it nice to be able to celebrate their birthdays around the same time.

Right now my favorite berry is the blue berry. Love the flavor and adding it to my oatmeal. And last night, I had Sunday Night Dessert (SND) and it was Angel Food Cake with strawberries!!!


Happy Birthday to your mom!

My parents are only a couple of months apart, same with my in-laws…and my sister-in-law and brother-in-law…but my husband and I are 10 years and 1 month apart! There is the same age difference between my husband and my mom (15 years), as there is between my husband’s sister and me!

Last night I was craving froyo way too late, so my husband brought my a huge variety platter of icecream to me in bed for us to share. It was amazing! :)


Your mama is a very cute sweet lady, from the 45 seconds I met her. Happy Birthday to you ♪♫Happy Birthday to you♫ Happy Birthday dear Janae’s MOOOOOOMMMMMM♫♪ Happy birthday to Youuuuuu♪
My parents are in their early 70’s and also had me in March. The 31st to be exact:)


这是一个神奇的照片,你和你的妈妈!Happy Birthday to her! It is my birthday tomorrow, and my best friend is coming all the way from DC to spend the day with me. My parents are 3 years apart (52 and 55), so pretty young still. My husband and I are so far apart that I haven’t even met him yet:)


And it’s going to be the best birthday ever!!!

My parents are 4 years apart. My husband and I are 2.5 years apart. Strawberries are the best thing ever. And I made a key lime pie last night.

Most importantly: It’s my bestie’s birthday tomorrow!!!


Thanks Jessie and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! I love that your best friend is coming down to visit you! Bahahah you are far apart;)

Wait Valori….are you the bestie going to visit Jessie tomorrow?!?!


I am said bestie!


That is so fun…have a blast girls and I want to hear all about it!


Happy birthday to your dear mom! Those plates look super yummy and all your desserts you post make me SO ready for lent to be over ;) haha… it’s been tough giving up all sweets! I want cake!


aw, Happy birthday Hungry Runner Mom! Now I want a cheeseburger… and cake.
My parents are a year and one month apart- dad is 59, mom is 58.
The husband is almost 4 years older than me. 3 years and 10 months to be more accurate.
I love marionberries- which aren’t that common outside of the Pacific Northwest. I miss that.


How old are your parents? How many years apart are they? How far apart are you and your significant other?
My mother is 50 and her husband is 38! Ha. Me and my SO are 8 months apart.

What is your favorite berry? What fruit is in season where you are at?

Blackberries! We have a bunch of blackberry brambles in the yard and my mom makes jam from them.


Did you have a Sunday night dessert?
Yup. Mangos and Cool whip


My mom and stepdad are 3 years apart, my dad and stepmom are 8 years apart. The boy and I are 6 years apart.

Strawberries forever <3

I was boring last night and had Special K (plain) for dessert.


Aww! She’s so nice to request cheeseburgers, knowing you would totally enjoy them… or perhaps knowing that her GRANDCHILD is requesting them :).
My older brother’s birthday is this Wednesday!
My parents were both born in 1950, so my dad turned 63 in February, and my mom will soon be following in July. We are about 38 years apart!


Happy birthday to your mom.

My parents are 1 day apart. My mom just turned 58 on Thursday and my dad turned 58 on Friday. My husband is 3 years and 2 months older than me.


Aww, happy birthday to your mom!! She is a gorgeous woman…and doesn’t look anywhere near 60. Chris and I are about 10 months apart. I did not have a dessert this weekend, but I think I shall have some fro-yo here in the next couple of days :).


Happy happy birthday to your mom! It makes my heart smile to see that the two of you and best buds!


Happy Birthday to your mom!!!!!

She is gorgeous (especially for age 60!)


Happy birthday Janae’s mom!!!!!! You look beautiful.

It is my birthday in 2 days….March 21!!!!!!

yay for spring!



looks like a great time!


I just realized we may have to call you that soon Janae ;)


Happy Birthday to your Mom!!
I’ve had dessert every day for like a week now… Frozen yogurt and gelato!
I love raspberries too! They are the best!
I’m four months OLDER than my boyfriend!
I think my parents are six years apart??


Happy Birthday to your Mom!!! Wow she is absolutely beautiful and so are you! I think the gorgeous gene runs in the family. :)

What a fun fun day and I ate myself into a food coma yesterday as well so you are not alone my friend.


happy birthday to your mom!!! also, i just tried cottage cheese for the first time yesterday and i am OBSESSED… it is SO GOOD. Speaking of birthdays… if your baby comes at the due date, we will have the same birthday!! :)


Happy Birthday to your momma!

My son was born this year on March 5.

Its a toss up between raspberries and strawberries when it comes to my favorite berry.


Happy Birthday to your mama! My mom is turning 60 in November, & we’re planning some sort of a fun girls trip at the end of the summer. Can’t wait!


awww HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your lovely mom!!! looks like you guys had such a fun party too :)

my dad turns 60 this year, too! and my mum is 4 years younger than he is. oddly enough, my hubby is also 4 years older than me!! 4 years is a special number in our fam, i guess;)

i used to really not like raspberries (or blackberries, or any berries with those little seeds in them- besides strawberries) but now i can’t get enough of raspberries! i love them in cereal, granola, yogurt, plain. yummm!


My parents are just under 3 weeks apart, but one is in Dec and the other in Jan so it seems like they are further apart since they have different birth years.

My hubby and I are only 6 days apart :)


My husband and I share a birthday.
Month, date and year.
Although, it sounded great while we were dating at first (and it’s the reason that we met).
Fast forward to many years later and it is not fun.
Who plans for the fun birthday day?
Who makes the cake or orders it?
We celebrated our 30th last year and I really wanted to have a surprise party for him BUT I did not want to plan one for him on my birthday.
Needless to say, it’s not as great as I thought.
Although, he will never forget my birthday (I just don’t usually get a gift).


Happy Birthday Janae’s mom! She shares a birthday with my husband, so she must be fantastic! It seems like most of my family is born in April. I’m April 2, my daughter (turning 1 in two weeks!) is April 4th, my grandpa was April 5th, my dad is the 7th, my twin nephews are the 19th, and my B-I-L is the end of April.

OMG that cake. I am obsessed with the regular Costco sheet cake, but I am a huge chocolate freak so I must try the 14 layer cake…I hope you are not exaggerating about the amount of layers!


祝你妈妈生日快乐!That cake looks DELICIOUS!!! I love Costco cakes!

这不是我的生日,但是下个星期是我忙ite gym instructor’s birthday and a huge group of us are planning to surprise him after class – complete with homemade cupcakes, a huge card signed by everybody at the gym (literally EVERYONE loves him), and balloons! Oh, AND we got him a gift certificate for a sports massage (with a man who has magic hands, I kid you not!) – he did a half-ironman race yesterday and will probably need it!! I’m so excited to surprise him!


Happy Birthday to your Mom!! 60 is a BIG birthday :D & it looks like she had the perfect birthday, although I agree, she doesn’t look a day over 30 :)
你能给我一些蛋糕吗? ?它看起来s SO good with the strawberries on it. YUM. Makes me want some right now!!
Isn’t Billy FREEZING with no sleeves on?? BRR! Looks cold!!


Happy Birthday to your mom!

My parents are 16 months apart. My husband and I are 6.5yrs apart.

My favorite berries right now are blackberries. I love strawberries too.

My birthday is in March (this coming Sunday).


My mom and my sister share March 19 as a birthday! Happy Birthday to your mom! Your dinner (and DESSERT) look delicious..


Wow that cake looks so delicious! Especially because strawberries are my favorite fruit! Families are so fun! I love birthdays that get everyone together! Hope your mom had a great birthday! My dad’s is on the 27th! He is a March baby as well!! :)


Hey! My parents are also two days apart! 8 years apart though. But, it’s so fun to celebrate their birthdays together!

No fruits are in season yet here in Vermont but my favorite fruit of the moment is pear!


Happy Birthday to your momma! The cake looks massive and yummy!

My parents are one year and 20 days apart. Mom is 51 and Dad is 50. Almost birthday time for them though. Hubby and I are 7 years apart. He’s 37 and I’m 30. I like being the younger one in the relationship.

Love berries. I think raspberries are my favorite, but I’ve been loving the blueberries this year too.


My bday was March 1– finally 30!

I’ve been on a raspberry kick lately too– just made a raspberry chocolate cheesecake that was tasty!


Happy Birthday to your sweet Mum…she looks like a nice lady!


Awww happy birthday to your lovely Mumma!

Crazy age gaps in my family! My parents are 64, my sister – the oldest child – is 44, and I – the youngest, am 24! We like 20 year gaps apparently :)
My parents are only 5 months apart, and when I was a little kid I was CERTAIN that you ‘weren’t allowed’ to marry somebody who wasn’t the same age as you… I figured you just had to pick someone from your grade at school!
Maybe that’s why I’ve gone on to have a boyfriend whose birthday is less than a month after mine! ;)

震惊和恐惧我实际上不是一个巨大的浆果/son… but I like them all in desserts/with ice cream :D At the moment, PEARS and GRAPES are amazing here. Apples are coming in to season, along with rhubarb and figs. I love autumn fruit, so I’m pretty excited!

EVERYONE in my office is born in March except me! We joke that all these Pisces people gang up on me… the only Virgo! Lucky your bubba will be joining me (better not come early!!) in this prestigious club ;)

My Sunday night dessert was HOT CROSS BUN ICE CREAM, topped with a scary amount of Nutella :D


Awwww what a cute and wonderful post!!!


Happy birthday!

My parents are 2 years apart, my mom is older.

And my birthday is NEXT WEEK (March 28). Not sure why I’m excited, because nothing special will happen, but, hey, 23 is an awesome number. And 22 has sucked.


Happy Birthday Janae’s mom! Whoa 60 that’s amazing! Hope you had a fantastic party with that lovely family of yours and delicious food :)


Your madre looks fabulous! Happy birthday to her :) And I agree, raspberries win for sure!


Happy birthday to your beautiful Mom!

My (almost) two year old and I both have March birthdays! I always tell him he was my best gift ever. March is just a great month :)


Happy Birthday to your mom!

My fav is strawberries! :)

Myself and Bruce are 4 years 2 months apart!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA RUNNER!!! She looks so young!

My fiance and I are 7 years apart- but it works so well, ya know since guys mature [much] later than girls :P

Fave berry: bloobs or straws!


Happy birthday to Janae’s mom!!!! :) My amazing mother is 60 this year too. We are lucky to have such wonderful mothers!!

My fave is strawberries :)


Awe, happy birthday to your beautiful mom! She does not look anywhere close to 60; great genes! ;)

I don’t know my mother so not sure of the age difference there. My husband is about 7 months older than I am. ;)

Your nieces and nephews are so cute! Your niece looks so much like you!

I love strawberries! Except right now, I’ve been hooked on the Cara Cara oranges that Courtney, from Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life raved about. Luckily, they carry them at Costco. ;)

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