The cookies that made me like peanut butter again.

Curlydoesn’t always have good hair days;) She had some pretty sweet hair wings going on yesterday and did not want me to take her picture. She is a very proper child because she eats her chicken nuggets with a fork.

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I think I will be more than happy if every day of my summer involves going to the pool with nieces and nephews.

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I really don’t know what to even say about the below combination of grape juice, chips and turkey but I was craving it so bad after the pool.

Photo 6I kept my favoriteMonday night traditionand went to a power yoga class atTHE LAB. I am hooked to the feeling after yoga, I feel like my whole body had a massage and that my posture is a million times better. The teacher last night was so great and helped me to modify a lot of the different poses.

Before yoga we had dinner while watching my favorite show while eating dinner. For dinner I had bbq chicken and a baked potato.

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FYI wearing a swimsuit or workout clothes all day are the best maternity clothes ever.

After yoga I went over toAlex and Allison’shouse to watch The Bachelorette.

Did you guys think the scene with Jef and Emily playing with the marionette puppets in the library was beyond awkward too? Yes, this is the worst photo ever taken but I can’t find any of this scene online:

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Allison is a good good woman and telepathically knew to make cookies for us. Since I haven’t liked peanut butter for a long long time I was a little skeptical to try these again. They rekindled my deep passion for pb and I lost count of how many I ate after 15. They are way better than the classic no bake cookies.

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Peanut Butter No Bakes:

Bring to a boil:

2 cups sugar


1/2 cup butter

1/8 tsp salt

As soon as it boils allow it to boil for one minute and then add:

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup peanut butter

3 cups oatmeal


New HRG Baby post在这里!!!


I am writing this post past midnight and drifting off to sleep as I type so instead of a bunch of multi-colored questions how about you tell me the锻炼,PEOPLE,theACTIVITIESand theFOODthat would all be involved in your perfect summer day!!!

-For me: see above post.

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Ahhhh I love watching Wheel of Fortune during dinner, too! We actually found a youtube video last night with a montage of really embarrassing Wheel of Fortune answers….pretty funny.
Workout: Running AND swimming; People: My bf :); Activities: Definitely pool and or/a picnic; Food: PB, oatmeal, berry smoothies (none of which are really picnic food, but we could make it work!).
Happy Tuesday!


这样的夏天s you are having!!!! I bet your nieces and nephew are having a blast spending the days at the pool with you:-) They sure are going to miss you.

Perfect summer day: at the cabin, 10 mile run, the husband, daughter, swimming, fishing, reading, playing in the sand, ice cream (what we did this past weekend)

I am off to yoga this morning… your yoga kick must be rubbing off on me;-)


I think a perfect summer day would have to include waking up and running, hanging out with my fiance and my family, going to the pool and eating fro yo :)

I hopefullly think this will be my saturday :) I can’t wait for the weekend!


Wooo hooo for your rekindled pb love- thank goodness :)! I miss your questions I love thinking about my perfect summer day. It would consist of a 3-mile run (short & sweet) and then spent with my sister & bffs…fro yo would definitely be involved too!


Curly’s hair is so cute!
Ideal summer day? Workout and people: trail run with the hubby and dog.
Activities: read a the lake or ocean, and play in the water. Food: fresh seafood salad and delicious ice cream or nutella strawberry crepe!


I didn’t know there was another healthy living blogger who wasn’t a big fan of peanut butter! :) I’ll eat it in a cookie or on a pb&j, but overall, I really don’t like peanut butter!


O cute little Curly, I relate on the hair days. In fact, my hair looks like that most days.

And that’s my no-bake cookie recipe. It’s dangerous, I can’t stop eating them, but I tell myself they’re healthy because they have oatmeal in them…right!?

And to sound super creepy, you were in my dream last night. We were running some mini 1/2 marathon. Although we never actually ran…


I used to love starting my weekend days with a long run with my husband, in the sun but not too hot weather. I also love going to bike rides & picnics with him too. Since I love breakfast foods the most, after our workout we’d have brunch, something carby with smoothies and coffee on the side :)


I love no bake cookies! They are definitely my favorite and my milk consumption increases tenfold when I make them. In my recipe I add 3 tablespoons of cocoa to the milk/sugar/butter mix before boiling. I’m pretty sure I also only use 1/2 of PB, but I’m going to try a full cup next time and see if they come out well. So yummy.


When my gramps was in the hospital, my grams stayed with my parents and then at my sister’s and between my mom, sis, and myself…we got my grams hooked on reality television…especially The Bachelorette. This was 3 years ago and she watches every season of The Bachelor and Bachelorette and buys any tabloid magazine that has any article/picture related to it, lol. I actually stopped watching that show soon after I got her hooked. She gives me recaps though, lol! Glad your hubby is a good sport about watching it with you. My hubby would always make fun of the people/scenes as well. Oh…and those cookies look amazing and so do you! I hope when I’m preggos I look as good as you do, lol!


My mother loves wheel of fortune, we watched it right after dinner every night growing up, and she still watches it!


Those cookies look great!
My perfect summer day would be, waking up around 9 or 10 making pancakes and then laying out by my parent’s pool with my friends. We’d have a barbecue in the afternoon and get nice and tan :)


Those aren’t the classic no bake cookies?! Huh. Those are the ones I’ve known all my life. Now I’m curious what the others are like!


I think the normal ones have cocoa powder in them… At least that is what we had growing up!


Mike loves wheel of fortune, but the dinging drives Bungee insane, so we never watch it.

I wish I could spend my days at the pool…I don’t even know someone who has a pool that I could hang out at. My life is so hard.


shoot, i say workout clothes and/or a swimsuit is the best type of clothing to wear pregnant or not! :) always comfy! ohhhh my, those no bake peanut butter cookies are seriously the BEST! my mom and i love those things – a little too much i might add! ;)


i’m having a blast with the perfect summer days already…my perfect one includes a nice long run in the morning, sun, lots of BBQ and pool action…and there needs to be smores somewhere in there. As long as I have kev, nacho and my family/friends around, i’m in heaven.

i’m glad you are finally liking PB again…i used to get so amused over your posts with the giant costco sized Skippy PB jars!


This post had me smiling like crazy!! Nothing like kids to brighten your day :D And I don’t watch The Bachelorette, but now I sort of wish I did just for that scene.


Oh my gosh, there were so many ackward scenes last night on The Bachelorette. I could tell she wasn’t into John, and when they couldn’t get the locks on the gate, I couldn’t help but laugh. Chris was just a ball of insecurity and poor guy needs to show some more confidence. I don’t think Jef was ready to say I love you to Emily, but felt like he had to. My gut is that she ends up with Arie, but I think her final two will be Arie and Jef and Jef will be the next Bachelor. Ok, that was my little rant. Haha! Btw, I signed up for my first Half Marathon. It’s the Chosen Half Marathon that raises money for Adoption. So excited!


ah, the bachelorette! my guilty pleasure on monday nights! my friends and i always make it a girls night with cooking and wine involved. and yes… that puppet scene was horrible. i watched most of it through my fingers because i couldn’t stand to watch. :)


Ahhhh yoga! I need some more of that in my life. And stat! You look so cute in your workout clothes and prego belly. YAY!


aw she’s so cute:) and yess it was so awkward! i was so embarrassed for them! haha — and those cookies look D-LISH!


I need those PB cookies like NOW!!!! ;-)

Workout: 10+ mile run and some sit-ups/core work

People: Hands down my identical twin sister, who currently lives in NYC. Also my bf…we’ve been together 5 years!

Activities: Swimming…or water park…or amusement park…or tubing the river…or wine tasting at one of the many vineyards here in Central VA

Food: Oye this is hard. I have an addiction to Chick-Fil-A. But also maybe: turkey burgers, grilled kabobs and hummus, and FRO-YO!!!!


Peter has been pretty good about letting me watch The Bachelorette while he putzes around on the internet. Last night it was a no go from him! I will have to catch up today. I also need cookies now.


I am currently training for the Top of Utah Half Marathon in August but this darned heat is making me rethink that decision. Luckily, I have access to a treadmill and pounded out a rather quick 3 miler yesterday after work. Done and done.

As for the Bachelorette, any guy whose girlfriend doesn’t answer his call so he feels the need to call the prison NEEDS A NEW GIRLFRIEND.


So my ideal summer day would involve:

A long morning run when it was still cool.

A nice breakfast out of French Toast with the husband and the dude

A gentle, Dude-friendly hike round my favourite redwood forest

Lunch at Alice’s Restaurant on Skyline Blvd (try it when you move to the Bay Area)

A long nap on the bed with all my boys, inc the cat

Dinner on the balcony and then the Husband letting me watch the Sound of Music.


Uh oh… I have all the ingredients for those cookies on hand. That is not a good thing!


这是有史以来最好的饼干!我做一半批es (cause they always seem to come out better that way), and onlyyyy if there are tons of people in the kitchen, cause I could easily dominate an entire batch!


A lot of the dates on The Bachelorette are beyond awkward this season!!

No Bake Peanut Butter?! That sounds crazy to me! I think I’m going to have to try that one!


I’m seriously eyeing those peanut butter no-bake cookies. Can’t get enough no-bake recipes this time of year! Way too hot for the oven.


I think an awesome long, intense hike would be my perfect summer workout. i would want my boyfriend, daughter and sister on the hike. (My daughter is only 6 but does better than adults on hikes! She’s tough!).

PS – That Kirkland turkey breast is really good. My dad always buys it and I like to steal it when I go over. :-)


我爱no-bake饼干nd these look amazing! I’m glad they made you like peanut butter again :-)


I was watching that puppet scene as we were texting last night! And I must be an awkward person cause I was laughing the whole time and loved it. But let’s be honest, I’m weird. Jef is my fav and I want her to pick him. My perfect summer day would be with all my family, at the lake, boating, bbqiing, s’mores, and laughing and relaxing!


oh man, perfect summer day…
锻炼: a nice long walk on the beach [or anywhere sunshining inland]. PEOPLE: the fam and EP. ACTIVITIES: lounging + reading next to some sort of water, frolicking, sipping sangria, or having a movie marathon. FOOD: frozen yogurt (potentially for breakfast), caramel iced coffee, grilled veggie burger with cheese, strawberry shortcake.
:-) :-) i want to make this happen.


Reading magazines by the pool with a cocktail!


Looks like you had lots of yummy food and fun times with family and friends!


Every time I see one of your posts lately I get more and more jealous…we need a pool ASAP! ;)


I had close to a perfect summer day this past Sunday. It involved a bike ride, a run and a trip to the lake with my kids for some open water swimming. Only thing that would have made it better was if it all took place at the beach. Unfortunately I live in land-locked Albuquerque, so it takes about 12 hours to get to the beach!


One cup of peanut butter in the recipe= my kind of recipe. Glad you’re liking PB again :)


Oh man, no bake cookies are one of my all time favorites. We always made the chocolate ones WITH peanut butter but now i’m inspired to make just pb ones! Delish. And OMG that bachlorette scene went on forever with the puppets. It was incredibly dumb….hahha. I was blushing for them. I wonder how Jef feels about that watching it back…he lost 1o man points.


If you are back on the PB quick, then you should definitely try these flourless PB cookies. I have already made two batches and everyone loves them. I am addicted as well!


I love no bake cookies!!! My favorites are this recipe but I add in some cocoa powder so it’s a chocolate peanut butter no bake cookie. They’re AMAZING. I’m on vacay right now but as soon as I get home I’ll send you the recipe. :)


I finally tried these peanut butter no bakes. I grew up loving the chocolate ones but for the last 10 years or so, my taste buds must have changed because they never tasted as good to me. However, these peanut butter ones are awesome!!!
I was thinking about lining a mini-muffin pan, pouring the cookie in that instead of free form, sticking the tin in the freezer, popping it out and then dipping it in chocolate. Yum!!!


Brilliant! I want to try that too!!!! I’m so glad you liked them!


I’m seriously eyeing those peanut butter no-bake cookies. Can’t get enough no-bake recipes this time of year! Way too hot for the oven.

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