Best Ice Cream Dessert Ever

Staring at this face and trying to run is kind of hard because I was so tempted to jump off the treadmill, climb into her crib with her and cuddle the day away. I ended up doing 6 miles and I felt really good, turns out running feels a lot better when you aren’t holding a baby in your stomach.

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Yesterday when I went to the store I got ingredients for dessert. Randomly when I got home I started thinking about an ice cream dessert that I used to make and decided I needed to pack up Brooke and go back to the store to get the ingredients. The cashier (the same one from my first trip) was probably wondering what in the world I was doing buying another batch of dessert stuff 1.5 hours after the first round.

Here are the ingredients:

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All you do is mash up a bunch of oreos and mix with about 2 tbsp of butter. Pack it in the bottom of the pan and freeze it. Add a layer of hot fudge and freeze it. Soften up the ice cream a little and add it on top of the fudge, freeze it and finally put the cool whip on top with sprinkled oreos and fudge.

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And for the rest of the day I wore the perfect shirt for how I was feeling. Doing that silly Jillian 20 minute workout video yesterday has made my upper body feel like jello. At least I washed my hair, that is a step in the right direction.

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To support my need to be lazy today lunch was a few bowls of FMW and leftover salad from last night but since I have featured at least 45 pictures of FMW on the blog I think you know what it looks like.


Have you had a lazy day or a productive day or somewhere in between?

What did you have for lunch?

What are your Friday night plans?

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what? i am always up for a cereal shot. that’s the best shirt ever — where did you get it? story of my life.


My day has been somewhere in between. I was productive this morning and lazy this afternoon :)

And I really must try your dessert. It looks amazing.

There is nothing sweeter than watching a baby sleep…


Love that shirt!!! And it is totally acceptable to have jello-arms after Jilliam workouts. They’re hard!


Lunch was yummy leftovers (turkey, tomato, courgette and pasta bake). And my Friday evening has consisted of 2 hours on taibs, sausage and mash, half a glass if wine and half an hour of TV. In bed before 10pm! Bit exactly rock and roll! I wish I’d had your day – pretty baby to stare at, motivation to run (not my strong point), yummy ice cream dessert… :)


Ummm, that dessert sounds too perfect! :)


我跑一个公关(PRed每个距离11英里7-11miles along the way!!) — felt like I was running on clouds, so amazing!! I also got some school work done, but I’ve been procrastinating on finishing up my laundry (I’ll get there… haha).
I had a half peanut butter half almond butter banana sandwich with half a large mango and egg whites with almond butter after my run. SO YUMMY!!
My plans for Friday night are to make dinner and rest before going in to work for the overnight shift.
I love that you made that dessert. I someday aspire to be equally epic. :)


And here I was just repeating my Friday mantra ‘must eat better this wknd’ and you go and post that dessert pic…I’m doomed. :)

I can justify ice cream tonight knowing I have a 9.5 mile training run this wknd right? Ice cream is pre-run fuel, right?


She is just the CUTEST thing! And also, I’m moving in so we can eat ice cream EVERY day! :) lol



Your baby girl is the sweetest thing Janae!! Look at that face! I would have fallen off the treadmill staring at her..good on you for staying on. What a little doll she is. You and Billy must be beyond proud.


That dessert looks amazing, Brooke is adorable, and that shirt is exactly why I’m laying around this evening watching Grey’s Anatomy…8 mile training run tomorrow!


I’m excited for you to be back running, what a great set up for you to watch baby while on the treadmill and that the noise doesn’t wake her. It’s Saturday here so I’m off for a run to town then it’s lazy yum foods day;-)


That sounds amazing! It has been fairly productive today so far but I am hoping for a lazy night after a gym trip. Hopefully I can watch Glee tonight!


Brooke is so precious- I think I’d find it hard to not laze with her all day! My day at work was super productive and then we’re going out for dinner tonight for my hubby’s birthday. I plan on being very unproductive this weekend aside from a couple workouts!


Ross used to be a waiter at Tony Roma’s when we were dating and whenever it was slow he would make desserts that were very similar to that one to bring home and eat. They were good. I wish I could reach through my computer and eat that one…and while we were at it, I would hold Brooke too. Sleeping babies are the absolute cutest.

I have been very productive around the house today getting stuff done and cleaning, however, I have yet to exercise. I am still planning on it though. Let’s hope I follow through. Or perhaps I should just chalk it up to ‘tapering’. Some people say they go crazy during the taper, but I think I am going to be a pro at it :)

I am making tikki masala and naan tonight for dinner and perhaps hitting up the Old Navy sale. I know, right? I am super cool.


OMG that dessert! Must. Try. It! How long does that take to make, though? That’s a lot of steps of freezing things. ha! And I love your shirt! Exactly how I feel some days, too. I’m going out for dinner with a dear friend I haven’t seen in a few months!! I’m so excited :)


I had a very productive day to make up for the non-productive rest of the week.
I had eggs and an english muffin. No big plans for tonight. Marinated flank steak on the grill and watch a movie.

The Kidless Kronicles


OK that dessert sounds amazing! You are really sharpening your domesticated skills, lady!! ;)


I love your shirt!! :)


I can’t wait to remember what it’s like to run without a baby in my stomach! I ran today also, but I think everything is starting in my hips and such because I’m in so much pain now that I think the couch and I will be best friends tonight. 9 weeks to go and this baby’s out!!


Ditto for me! We are almost there!


I love your shirt-that is the BEST excuse ever. Brooke is adorable, and at first glimpse at all of the pics of her I think she looks like Curly! SO CUTE!!


I may have to make that dessert this weekend.


Yum, that dessert is right up my ally! Now I am craving it….

Good job running 6 miles! You are awesome!


not sure if it was a productive day, but consisted of errands, making calls 8miler and playing with my almost 7mo. old :)… all in all I am exhausted!

love your ice cream dessert… Ice cream cones have become a daily treat (soo not healthy) for the hubby and me. I figure if its low-fat frozen yogurt then it can’t be baddd.

lunch today was egg whites with leftover roasted veggies and a handful or two baked bbq chips from tjs soooo yummy!


Wow! That dessert sounds aaaaaamaaaazing! I wish you didn’t live on the other side of the country, otherwise, I’d be right over to your place to have some! ;)

我发誓,布鲁克看起来很像花(- the curls) every time you post a photo of her sleeping. She is such a cutie!


somewhere in between.
Lunch was the regular veggie dump salad with tuna on top and crushed potato chips.

Friday night plans,:took a bike ride, now we are going to make chicken taco bar…..then probably cash out.


Hahahahahaha I have to find that shirt!!!!

My night involves me trying to bribe my friends to bring me a diet lemonade becuase having a cold means people should bring you lemonade on demand when you bribe them with candy right? :)


Lunch was tuna with greens and banana peppers with popcorn for dessert.

My exciting Friday night is swim practice with 2 out of my 3 kids. Then Moe’s for tacos for dinner!


ahhh yes, so perfect! You are adorable and so is little brookie. Tell B to join you on the couch and have a great friday!


Yesterday was definitely a lazy day for me, I took the day off from work and I played couch potato most of my day and then headed out last night for an evening run…but I think my laziness was transported to today because I felt off all day and just not motivated.


I had a pretty lazy day, was at school late and didn’t get to bed until about midnight which put me in quite a productive mood when my alarm went off at 5:30 for work… Tonight in taking it easy, having dinner out with a girlfriend and doing a little cleaning… Crazy I know, I’m quite the party animal :)


It was a super long/busy (but productive) week so my Friday night plans are including catching up on blogs, reading, basically laying around being lazy and eating a bunch to prep for my long run tomorrow morning :)


why oh why do you tempt me so?? that ice cream concoction looks absolutely amazing! and here I am stuck in my dorm room drooling over the picture. oh well, I guess I’ll take some comfort in the fact that it’s FRIDAY :)


关上了大门!西夫韦的薄荷巧克力厨师ie Crumble is my latest and greatest ice cream obsession! The hubby and I have eaten it every weekend for the last 2 months, no lie. And I’m ashamed (and a bit proud) to admit we polish it off in one night between the two of us. You just inspired me though to kick it up a notch. Of course I need to add cookies, butter, fudge and whip cream. Duh!


I am experiencing major DOMS right now…I NEED that shirt!!


I had vegetarian chili for lunch. Bad idea bc it’s late at night and my heart burn is out of control! Doesn’t help that baby is moving and kicking me right now. :)

I had a pretty boring Friday night. My 2 yr old is sick but I did manage to walk the dog and watch the sunset.


Thank you for always making me smile! I’ve been blotto after a long run can I have you shirt?


Bless your soul, you posted the directions to the tastiest dessert in the world!! We miss you guys terribly!! Can’t wait to see you again one of these days!!!


I make this during the holidays with peppermint ice cream – so delicious!


We used to make this at 4-h camp when I went, SO yummy! Brooke is so cute!


YUM looks delicious!


You may want to try topping that dessert with grasshopper cookies with the oreos! Yum that is how my mom did it — she also schooped some of the filling and mixed in with the ice cream, and made super fine crumbles of the wafer parts of both cookies in the blender and mixed in the ice cream too.

Man. Okay. I may need to go to the store. I, also was just there.

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