I exaggerate a lot and you HAVE to make these cookies.

I know you think I exaggerate a lot, and I do but I think I did find one of my favorite cookies ever. If you ever take any advice from me it has to be this advice, make these cookies for yourself and all of your favorite people.

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Karenrecommended makingTHESE热巧克力饼干和我看到的第二个e picture I knew that they were the perfect cookie for me. My love for hot chocolate runs deep and what could be better than making hot chocolate in the form of cookies?

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For the first time in my life I was early to a party. I thought that it started at 7 but it really started at 7:30, it is a good thing I was early so that I could get the perfect spot/view/place for optimal cookie/treat grabbing.

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Can you believe that gorgeous spread? I just have to do a close-up on the sugar cookie tree tower, such a great idea.

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My plate to take home to be eaten when Brooke wakes up at her normal 4:30 a.m. snack time.

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Everything that I have tried so far is amazing. This should be a weekly thing.

Brooke really is quite the party animal but she can only party for so long (usually about 48 minutes) before she falls into a deep sleep. I do not know why I hold my phone so strange when I take a picture.

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All of the girls.

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Actually, now that I think about it… how about we all do a huge cookie exchange? Everyone just send your favorite cookies to me and I will distribute them evenly to everyone;)


Do you ever drink hot chocolate? How often? Marshmallows, whipped cream or just straight up hot chocolate?

Deep dish or thin crust?

What type of cookie do you reach for first?

Did this week go by fast or slow for you?

-I really actually don’t believe that it is Friday, that is how fast it went for me.

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What a great cookie party! And the hot chocolate cookies sound perfect! Glad it was such a success. Happy Friday hun!


That cookie making looks like a blast!
I drink hot chocolate daily when it’s cold out I love it! Deep dish for sure with chocolate chip cookies…I agree this week went by super fast.
Y’all have a great weekend :-)


Karen is the smartest! I saw those on her blog and made them too and I agree, everyone HAS to make them!!


I saw that recipe yesterday, too! Cookie parties are seriously a brilliant idea.
I love hot chocolate, no whip, but plenty of marshmallows! My favourite coffee place sells divine candy cane hot chocolate at this time of year, which I drink as often as possible since it’s seasonal!


This freezing weather is making me crave hot choc like no other- love the sound of those cookies!!


Oh my gosh all those cookies look delicious!!!

I forgot it was Friday…i am not sure if it’s because the week went by fast or I am trying to avoid its Friday because we have company coming tomorrow and our house is a mess and we have shopping and baking/cooking to do.


Hot chocolate cookies? They look AMAZING! :D


Whipped cream in hot chocolate? You are genius! I have only ever had marshmallows.
Thin crust
Sugar. That sugar cookie tower? I could eat that whole thing without blinking an eye.
Went slow, but that is good because I have to work all weekend :(
The cookies you made look great!


That picture of Brooke conked out is too freaking cute.

I prefer a happy medium between thin crust and deep dish.

I don’t usually drink hot chocolate, but over the past week I’ve had two of the most delicious hot chocolates ever and now that’s all I want.


I drink hot chocolate when I think of it.
Thin crust. Not at all a fan of the deep dish.
Anything that looks like it has peanut butter in it!
The week actually went by really fast. I have made some amazing progress on my holiday projects!

The Kidless Kronicles


I am so happy you liked them! I have made three batches this week haha Aren’t cookie exchanges the best?!


mexican hot chocolate with fluff. BOOM BABY.

and slooooooooow, oh so slow. tgif! =] happy, happy weekend!


I like just plain hot chocolate. But do not drink it enough! But today we are having a hot chocolate bar at work so I will have some :)
Thin crust
Anything with ginger or chocolate.
SO fast!


Those cookies all look amazing! I’ve got to figure out Gluten-Free baking so I can start to enjoy Christmas cookies!


Those cookies look so yummy! And I am super impressed with that Christmas tree cookie tower!


YUM. I made my Aunt J’s Miracle Bars the other day, yesterday I ate four of them :)

Hot chocolate with whipped cream, AND a candy cane!

Brooke is such a sweetie pie!


I love hot chocolate! The manfriend and I are making some and bundling up for a Christmas light walk with hot chocolate tonight :)

我不是一个巨大的crust fan in the first place but I do love some stuffed crust from pizza hut!

I like alll cookies. Last night the boyfriend and his best friend and I made a cookie cake: a 9×13″ cookie, icing, another 9×13″ cookie then some decorated icing on top.

This week went so quick…hallelujah!


Hot chocolate is my favorite drink so obviously those look amazing to me!!! So jealous of you and your friends and awesome cookie parties! It looks like you had so much fun, and trust me, I hold my phone so weirdly. I’m terrified of dropping it!


Obviously I drink hot chcolate. I like the marshamallow kind so it is still acceptable to have whip cream on it;) I have never tried deep dish t


I LOVE hot chocolate, but I rarely drink it, usually if I’m at someone’s house and they’ve made it!


I love hot chocolate. I drink it a lot, especially when it is cold out. Lately I’ve been putting a little bit of caramel in my hot chocolate. A little goes a long way, but it gives the hot chocolate a little extra goodness. I like thick crust pizza. I enjoy a thin crust pizza occasionally. I definitely go for chocolate chip cookies first. This week has been sloooooooow for me.


Man I wish I was a part of that shin-dig!


Hot chocolate YUM! No marshmallows though, but whipped cream is awesome if available.

I honestly can not pick my favorite between Deep Dish/Thin Crust or hand tossed. All are awesome. If Deep Dish, it has to be Chicago deep dish – as in – IN Chicago. So Good.

I love a good sugar cookie! I can’t eat anyone else’s chocolate chip, because I swear my mom and I have the best ones ever.

Need to get myself on the treadmill today!! So much to do beforehand though : (


That cookie tree tower is absolutely adorable! What a cute idea!

I am definitely a thin crust kinda’ girl.. I wouldn’t have liked that deep dish either! I guess there are some things that come out of Costco that aren’t meant for me to eat.. what is this world coming to? ;)


I agree about the Christmas tree tower! Such a great idea!


This week CRAWLED by because it was finals week and I had an exam on Tuesday and then my last one this morning at 7:30 a.m…you can imagine how slow things went! I get to go home for winter break tomorrow and couldn’t be more excited :D


I love marshmallows in my hot cocoa!
And I always grab the sugar cookies first…especially if they are loaded with icing.
I do not like deep dish pizzas bc it’s always way too much dough and cheese.

I love the cookie party idea. Sounds like alot of fun. I might have to organize one next year :)


I am not even a sweets person, nor really a chocolate person, BUT, I am going to make those cookies. They spoke to me!


Oh.wow. those hot chocolate cookies really do look amazing. And I think I need to convince a friend to have a cookie party, either that or host one myself. I mean, it’s great to enjoy an entire batch of a single type of cookie, but variety is the spice of life :D


What an awesome spread! I typically reach for a sugar cookie, but your hot chocolate cookies look pretty tempting!


My mom makes thirteen different cookies and four types of sweet bread and fudge every year for Christmas. She puts them on a three tiered cookie tray (cookies on the bottom, breads in the middle, fudge and candy on top) and we eat them all Christmas season. Now that my parents live in Vermont and I live in Maryland I usually just get a box with a sampling, but they are SO yummy. Every type of cookie imaginable. My favorite are candy cane cookies (http://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/candy-cane-cookies/93832e29-3b4f-4977-ae5a-9820053b254c) – they take a bit of time to make but are so yummy.

How did you meet so many new people in California already? I’ve lived in Maryland for years now and I haven’t met half as many people as you have!


This week definitely went by fast. It feels like Tuesday, not Friday. And I always reach for straight-up chocolate chip cookies. They’re the heavenly classic. Anything else that’s chocolatey, though, I’m all about.


SLOWEST.WEEK.EVER!!! (for every elementary school teacher in the nation, I’ll betcha! :)


当涉及到披萨我爱这一切。当我是我ittle whenever my family got deep dish I would scrape all the sauce off and pretty much just eat cheesy bread. Not gonna lie, it was pretty delicious.

And I have been going through a huge hot chocolate phase lately! I don’t go the marshmallow route, but I think I’m probably in the wrong there. Because marshmallows are ALWAYS the correct choice.


I’m making gingerbread houses with some friends tomorrow. I’m also making sugar cookies, choco chip cookies, brownies and some sort of truffles to get ready.


Usually, it’s thin crust… but once in a very while, when it’s a deep dish specialty place, I’ll take the plunge.


I used to like a thicker pizza crust. Now we are a serious budget so when we get pizza it is the thinnest, cardboardiest pizza out there and I gotta say I really like it. As for cookies, I love them all. Seriously. I love cookies. I’ve had homemade cookies in our apartment since Thanksgiving. We have been eating a ridiculous amount of cookies. It’s kind of gross actually.


I LOVE your HUGE cookie exchange idea! :) hehe

I can’t wait to try the hot chocolate cookies! Your party looks so fun! I wish I could’ve been there with you! :) hehe

Have a great Friday!


I can attest of the amazingness of the hot chocolate cookies . . . I had one and it was SO good :)


Deep dish! I know thin crust is more sophisticated or whatever, but any time I get to eat more bread and more cheese I’ll take it.


Aaaaaaaand…..your plate of cookies looks amazing. The spread. Wow. Can I have some? I’ll trade you for some of the Linzer and Mexican Wedding cookies I’m making this weekend :)

I only had deep dish maybe once or twice, and that was a while ago so I don’t really remember. I guess it was good? I LOVE cheese sooooo I guess it was good. Ha. I think one of the places was Uno’s Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizzeria.

I can’t have hot chocolate wihtout marshmallows. It’s like criminal. lol. Whipped cream is just a fun extra, but I won’t complain if it’s not there.


The pic of Brooke sleeping on you is so sweet!


You HAVE to try the Costco thin crust frozen cheese pizzas, Kirkland brand, I think they come three pizzas in a pack. They’re hands down the best frozen pizzas I’ve ever tried, Trader Joes included. We cover them in sauteed onions and broccoli to make them seem almost homemade.


Those cookies look delicious! Such a great idea. Your group of girlfriends is beautiful and you always have so much fun :) This week has flown by for me too. Enjoy your weekend with Billy and Brooke! She gets cuter by the day.


Those cookies look amazing and you look absolutely beautiful in that red sweater. Seriously Janae you are gorgeous and glowing. Motherhood looks good on you. :)

Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the sunshine.


hahahha I exaggerate to my parents a lot..it makes life more fun that way ;)

all those cookies! so nice!
This week actually felt like it dragged a bit for me. Hmph!


Those cookies look delicious! This week had its challenges, but I think it did go by pretty fast in retrospect. Now if next week goes just as fast, I’ll be one happy camper because after that I’m on vacation for a week!


I remember you posting about making your own pizza with TJ crust. After homemade pizza with really good crust it’s probably hard to enjoy something else.
My boys are LOVING hot chocolate right now… they often put whipped cream AND marshmallows on it (sugar high anyone?).
Those cookies look delish! Glad you shared the recipe because I think I’ll have to make those soon.
My grandmother always used to overdo it at cookie exchanges and she would make a plate for everyone with twelve different types of cookies on it. It was cute because the whole purpose of the cookie exchange is that you don’t have to do that!!


What a fun cookie party! THe ones you brought do look amazing!


That looks like a great time!

I love following your blog! I have nominated you for a Liebster Award.http://operationdetermination.blogspot.com/2012/12/liebster-award-nomination.html


Yumm! Cookies are my ultimate weakness during the holidays! I would love to participate in an exchange!!! Milk drunk Brooke-love!


Janae! Those cookies look amazing. When I read your blog, it always makes my day with your optimism and love of running, your family and food! Thank you for making this college student’s last semester of finals that much better to get through.


I thought of you at the gym today because I was on an elliptical and this one two machines down from me was so squeaky!! In a weird way too like sq-SQUEAK, pause, SQUEAK SQUEAK then repeat. So obnoxious and it wasn’t even in time to my music! rude.

Also I had a scrumptious piece of german chocolate cake… delicious.


Those cookies look AMAZING! My mom has a kit to make those sugar cookie Christmas trees and we used to make them all the time at Christmas!


So funny.. I bookmarked that same recipe last week!! Planning on making them soon :)


That looks like SUCH a rockin’ cookie/treat party. Those will be the best midnight snacks!


Hot Chocolate year-round…preferably with whipped cream or cool whip.

When surrounded by cookies, I typically go for anything with chocolate or coconut. I am not picky as long as I avoid raisins. Frosting is also a plus!

This week was probably the fastest week ever. I have been going non-stop in preparation for my trip. So much to do before tomorrow afternoon!


i’m like brooke. LAsting about an hour. But feed me those cookies and i might last longer.


I agree– THIN crust, please! And we are keeping Swiss Miss stock prices up single-handed with our families consumption of that stuff. Our girls are chocolate milk fanatics, but they are also freezing in the morning. So that 2 cups of hot chocolate per kid, per day, plus Mr J and myself. That’s a lot! We go through a family sized nearly every week! I tried adding Mint Chocolate flavor and Ruby told me it was yucky. I think I died a little right then.


Mmm, that cookie party looks amazing!!


I made the hot cocoa cookies for dinner tonight. They were just okay, not super sweet, but I decided to add a couple candy canes in what I had in the remaining batter and that made them AWESOME! Im pretty sure both will All get eaten after dinner.
Keep up the inspiring (both running & food eating) blogging!


Going to make these cookies, hope they are as amazing as you claim! :)

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