For the first time in the history of our friendship….

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Bangs Friend and I did something other than eat large amounts of sugar together. After she got done with work yesterday she texted me to see if I wanted to work out with her. Ummmmmm YES!

We did Jillian’s 30 Day Shred Level 3 and let me tell you something, it is way more fun to do that workout with a friend. There is just something magical about working out with other people.

Billy came home from school and Brooke told him all about our day.

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And then I made Billy take a picture of us posing with Jillian Michaels.

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APinterestinspired dinner. Those paninis have pesto, mozzarella cheese, tomatoes and bacon. Nailed it.

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I shared a few of those strawberries in the background with Billy but only a couple. I could eat a crate of those at a time.

The night ended with a little Bachelor watching party. We are getting close to the end…


I have an EARLY wake up call…. 6 a.m. to go to something really fun…. I will tell you all about it later! After that I am hoping for a donut because I think it should be mandatory to eat a donut for your birthday breakfast.

I saw this onEMZ’sinstagram and it made me happy. I hope you feel like you are flying on your next treadmill run:)

Screen Shot 2013 02 12 at 8 50 17 PM


What time did you get up this morning?

What would you have for your bday breakfast?

Bachelor fans: Were you happy with who went home?

What Pinterest recipes have you tried?

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生日快乐!!!!!!! I hope you have a fabulous day! I woke up at 6 too, but just because I went to sleep early and I was ready to get up! Probably pancakes for my birthday breakfast! I LOVE pinterest recipes, I have tried a bunch, and some turn out good, others were fails!


Workout buddies are the best! I didn’t have to wake up too early today, luckily. Only about ten minutes ago, actually!


love the pic with you and friend with jillian!


Hope you have fun today :) I saw that pic on instagram too. I wish I loved the treadmill as much as you two do :)

Happy Birthday x


Birthday breakfast would be chocolate chip pancakes or donuts! I’m pretty sure they make heart shaped ones right now :-) we slept in today until 7! Those paninis look like heaven. I had one yesterday with cinnamon cream cheese… It was so good!


生日快乐!!! Brooke is becoming cuter and cuter everyday!! Her smile her face expressions brighten everyone’s day even someone like me who reads your blog faithfully everyday!! Treat yourself to your favorite sweet today!!


Can’t wait to find out what you are doing! And yes, i do hope you get your birthday donut :D
生日快乐sweet friend, enjoy every minute of your day!! Xo


Happy Birthday!

My husband’s sister believes that your birthday doesn’t end until you eat cake. So if you want another birthday breakfast donut, you might skip cake today!

I prefer fruit salad or my dad’s from-scratch waffles for my birthday breakfast!


Happy Birthday (Itsa your birthday <- as said in I Love Lucy) Enjoy that bear claw, and every other treat you have today.


Woke up at 3:30 am to run at 4:30. Got in 8 miles this morning. Have tried quite a few pinterest recipes. Blueberry breakfast bake is delicious. Hope you have a great birthday!


生日快乐!!! Hope you are having a very fun morning filled with donuts. On my bday I always want chocolate chip pancakes or waffles and a big glass of chocolate milk. Then throughout the day I eat as many red velvet cupcakes as humanly possible :)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY pretty lady! can’t tell you what a joy it is to read your blog, and watch Brooke grow :) My bday was last week and I treated myself to starbucks, and some peanut butter banana oatmeal!


Happy Birthday to my good friend who doesn’t realize she’s my friend and also doesn’t realize how much she brightens my days because I never comment and because I exceed the age requirement on here by 104 years……INHALE….so yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HRG!!


生日快乐!!! I woke up at 5:15 to meet a friend for running. For my birthday breakfast I had a whoopie pie (after a run with my friend :) ) my favorite Pinterest recipe is a cheesy vegetable chowder. Have a great birthday!


I slept through my alarm this morning & slept until 6:30! It has made for some awesome hair today.

My favorite Pinterest recipe so far is baked boneless chicken bites. I also really love the buffalo chicken roll that I found.


生日快乐!! You should eat a donut for each year of your life;)


I woke at 5 am, I would have eggs Benedict with sautéed spinach, I’ve tried a ton of recipes on Pinterest:)


生日快乐!我等不及要听听你/do this morning! Working out with friends is definitely way better. And donuts or cinnamon rolls or a stack of diner pancakes are definitely necessary for a birthday breakfast.
I hope you do so many fun things today!!!!


Slightly excited with who went home! ;) I woke up at 4:30 this morning, which is normal for me…yikes! For my b-day breakfast, I’ll take chocolate chip pancakes. Hope your day is super special!!


生日快乐! I read every day but seldom comment since I am not a runner (yet!!) but on your birthday you definitely deserve a shout-out! Love all your inspiration, tips, and down-to-earthness! Hope you have a great b-day!!


Oh and last night I made cheddar tailgating bread (or blooming onion bread, however you call it) that I’ve seen all over pinterest and it was incredible! I have a “to try” board and then once I make them I switch them over to my “recipes I’ve tried w success” board! So far doing well w trying them out!


Happy Birthday! It’s my birthday today too. :). I just found your blog recently and now I look forward to reading it every day. I just started running a few months ago, so you are a great source of fun, inspiration and great information. Thank you!


生日快乐! !

I hope you have a wonderful day.



I hope you have a simply amazing day!!


Janae生日快乐!! Brooke looks so old/different in that picture of you and Bangs in front of the TV- shes so adorable!!


Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!


i get up at 4:30 every morning lol i would go for pancakes!!! they are my favorite. hope you have a great birthday!!! :)


Got up at 6am. No breakfast yet.
I have tried quite a few things from Pinterest. A pizza pasta in the crockpot, meatball bubbles. I am getting ready to try Pad Thai.

The Kidless Kronicles




Happy Birthday!!

I got up this morning at 7. I should have been up earlier, but all I want to do is sleep when it’s so cold and snowy out.

For my birthday breakfast, we made overnight oats in the crockpot. They were amazing!!


生日快乐!!!!! :):)


Happy Birthday!! :)


Happy Birthday, Janae! I hope that you have a wonderful and special day!!
Last year on my 30th birthday, I got half a dozen Dunkin Donuts…for myself :)


Happy Birthday.
Enjoy every single bit(e)!


The TM is like death to me. I really hate it!
I get up at 6am everyday for work. I really just want to be a stay at home… gf. I think I should make that happen.



生日快乐to you! Hope your entire month is awesome.


Happy Happy Birthday! I hope you get to eat dessert all day long :)


I would probably like Jilian workouts a lot more if I had a buddy to do them with. That’s fun. I woke up at 3:45 this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. That’s annoying.


Happy Birthday! I’ve been getting up at 5:25 to workout. I’m thinking of taking tomorrow off though, i’ve been doing double workouts and my body is tired!

For my bday breakfast I like the best pancakes ever that my boyfriend makes!!! They basically have everything but the kitchen sink, raspberries, blueberries, bananas, walnuts, chocolate chips and FAKE maple syrup! And butter!

Hope you have the best birthday ever!!!


生日快乐! !My family has 3 people who had birthdays yesterday! That picture of you guys with Jillian Michaels is great! Look at Brooke’s pose-it’s fantastic.

It’s a beautiful day today-hope you enjoy it.


Happy Birthday!

I get up at 6:00 AM every weekday to get my girls off to school.

I would have banana chocolate chip pancakes for me birthday breakfast.


Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is so good! I mad my boyfriend do the video with me and he died!!
I made spaghetti squash for the first time the other day. I found a step by step how to prepare it on Pinterest and I’m loving it! So tasty and so good for you!

PS –


happy birthday!!!! hope you have a great, wonderful, awesome, silly, exciting day!


生日快乐!! Hope you have an amaaaaazing day and get to eat as many donuts as your heart desires!


生日快乐!! Have a wonderful day. Eat lots of cake!!!

Good morning…I was up at 4.30 am…jet lag!!! Ugh. Still, better than the 3am of the past few days!!! If it were light, I’d be able to go for a run but it’s still dark dark dark!!! I’m going to do Jillian to celebrate with you!


I think its great doing Jillian Michael’s with friends! Her voice and encouragement is so obnoxious it is great to have some one to laugh through the pain and annoyance with! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

As for your questions! I woke up at 6am today. Bday breakfast… probs some paleo pancakes with an aggressive amount of syrup. I was in love with Lesley so I am sad she left. I have NEVER tried a pinterest recipe. In general I just don’t like recipes, they get in the way of my creative juices and usually make me spend money to buy things I don’t have laying around the house.


6am, my internal alarm clock is set to this time!
Pumpkin pancakes for sure!
I have tried too many Pinterest recipes to list. Last night we tried brie, turkey and spinach paninis – a total win.
生日快乐!! Hope you have a great day.


Happy Birthday! Have an amazing day!!


Happy Birthday! I got up at 5:15am but was still late because I mosyed around. And I’m SO glad Tierra is gone!


happy birthday, janae!!!! have a WONDERFUL day!!!
i got up at 5:12 a.m. hot yoga + TM run = fun!!!
we used to have donuts fro bday bfast when we were little – family tradition!


生日快乐, friend!!!! Hope it is WONDERFUL!


Happy Birthday sweet girl! Can’t wait to hear what fun stuff you get to do today!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANAE!!! Had to shout it because you are far from me. Chocolate cake for breakfast on your birthday is a must! And maybe the day after too. Hope you have an awesome and wonderful day!!!


Happy Birthday!! Enjoy!!


Janae生日快乐!! :)


Happy Happy Birthday!!!


Happy Birthday, JANAE!!!

Pancakes with chocolate chips/peanut butter chips/banana with marshmallow whipped cream and chocolate sauce on top would be a wonderful birthday breakfast!


Bahahaha! I love that Brooke is rockin the flexed arm and the Jillian face!


Happy Birthday! I woke up at 4:4o this morning to make it to my Wed. 5:30am spin class :) Enjoy your birthday!


I adore breakfast food, so I think my perfect birthday would be breakfast food all day.

But I’d definitely kick things off with a big bowl of fatty, unhealthy granola (the kind I usually just reserve for sprinkling half a handful of over my raisin bran).

[Lunch would be pancakes or waffles, and Dinner would be an omelet stuffed with mushrooms & cheddar, plus a side of homefries. Just in case you were wondering…]


Happy bday


Happy happy birthday!!! I hope you have an absolutely fabulous day =)
I woke up at 530 this morning for work. I’m so lame and will probably just have cereal on my birthday (next week! I LOVE cereal!) My favorite recipe from Pinterest so far is crock pot pot roast! Yum!


I love breakfast any day of the week and twice on Sunday! :) I would prob have a huge omelette for my b-day with lots of fruit on the side. I got up at 4:20am to get in a 4 mile speed work session this morning.

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!


Yum! Those paninis look delicious! We just had mozzarella, pesto, and tomato paninis last week, but I love the addition of bacon. Bacon makes everything better, right?! ;)

生日快乐!Hope it’s a great day girl!


生日快乐!!!! Have an awesome day celebrating with billy brooke and food!!! :)


Happy Birthday!! I hope you have an awesome day and I hope you get a doughnut for breakfast!
I had strawberry cake for my birthday breakfast. Its a tradition, gotta love strawberry cake.

I just finished my TM run and I did fly. It felt great! I was happy too when I saw that picture.


Happy Happy Birthday Janae, dear. Happy days will come to you all year. If I had a wish, then it would be – a happy happy birthday to you from me! I hope you can picture me singing this song to you and that it is stuck in your head all day.

That treadmill pic is awesome. I finally got to run today (I got up at 5:35) and I practically pushed someone off the treadmill so I could use it . I did speedwork and it was amazing!

I have probably made at least 50 meals/desserts from pinterest. No joke. Some great, some…not so great.

I would eat my fave chilled oatmeal from Corner Bakery for my bday breakfast. Enjoy your donut!

I can’t believe we are already to hometown dates. I have mixed feelings about who went home. I mean, come on, Tierra is GOOD tv. lol. I think DC Barbie would have stayed if she would have actually told him how she felt. And I think LesLee (who spells their name like that??) has a tad bit of crazy in her. I don’t get his interest in Wedding Dress. They just make out. It is like Emily and Arie’s relationship and I don’t think theirs will last either. Can I fly in to go to your finale party?


Happy Birthday! Hope your early wake up call is worth it!


Happy bday! I always go to Denny’s for my birthday breakfast bc it’s free!!! And unlimited coffee is awesome too.

BTW I ordered some compression socks with your discount! I’m very excited to test them out :).


Janae生日快乐!我希望你的一天是with Brooke snuggles, froyo, donuts, chocolate, running and lasagna!

I’m a Bachelor fan. I am happy with the final four. Definitely didn’t expect him to send Tierra home that way but I was relieved it finally happened. However, I don’t know how we will cope with no drama! That argument was tv gold. Seriously, the one liners she threw out were so ridiculous. But, no one will ever steal her sparkle so watch out!


生日快乐!!! Hope you have the best day EVER! :)

And Brooke’s face in that picture with Billy.. I died. So cute.


生日快乐to you happy birthday to you!!!!!! I woke up at 3am today to get the coffee ready pre-4:30 am. run. Yep….4 hours is really all I need right now in my life. it was 23 degrees and felt like July. Yahoo!!!
I was so so happy Tierra went home. She did indeed provide for good drama but pretty much was over her from the get go.
An entire box of FMW or TJ’s PB Puffins would do me just fine for a b-day breakfast!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday and eat LOTS of sweet treats!!!!


生日快乐!!!! friends that workout together stay together :)


Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day! I would go with chocolate chip pancakes for my birthday breakfast. I’ve tried several pinterest recipes. Most have turned out really well. We’ve had a few “eh” recipes where we just didn’t care for it. I really love a few that became pretty common like peanut butter granola, oatmeal muffing cups, pizza crescent rollups, a probably a few others that I can’t think of right now. Hope you have lots of fun today!


Confession: I don’t have Pinterest!


Happy Birthay! I hope you have an awesome day!

Pancakes with tons of maple syrup for a birthday breakfast.


First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love, love birthdays, so I hope you just have the best day ever!

I would have Kneaders french toast for my birthday breakfast! Best french toast around!!

I think all of America was happy with who went home this week haha I was a little surprised about the second person that went home. and completely baffled at that one girl crying after the rose ceremony (keeping it vague for our friends who haven’t watched yet). Anyway, I love home towns! Can’t wait for Monday!

oh, and Happy Birthday :)


I always havr donuts for my birthday breakfast! Now I want a donut :-( my birthday isn’t for 4 more months.


Nine o’clock – and fruit, bread and jam, cake and champagne!


That dinner looks delicious! I always love working out with friends :)


I used to do the Jillian Michel’s Shred videos with my hubby. He fought it for so long but when he actually did one, he realized it was no joke. It was so nice to actually look forward to working out when you get to do it with someone you love.


Omg that picture of you guys and Jillian is great! I love working out with friends, too.


Birthday girl.

You are just amazing.
Must meet up one day.
You’re so freaking inspiring!


Today is my hubby’s birthday too! Hope this is a great one for you!


生日快乐! !我上午7点半醒来。我的生日breakfast would include anything w/ nutella and cookie butter–I cant believe there hasnt been a post about it :”(
Regarding the bachelor–SOOOOO HAPPPY!!!! YESSSS :) well sorta sad for one of them actually I really liked her. But SOO HAPPY about the other one. Could NOT stand her.


happy birthday!!! hope it’s the best one yet!!


Happy Birthday!!

I hope you got that donut :)


Happy Birthday, hun! Squee! Hope you have an amazing day and get that donut that you’re hoping for :D





Hope the 6 am wakeup call was worth it–now I am super curious! ;)



I got up at 6:15 this morning.

I don’t know if I ever have anything different for my bday breakfast than on a normal day. Usually 2 waffles with pb.

SO happy Tierra went home! She should have gone a long time ago. I really like everyone who is left, though I probably would have sent Lindsay home before Lesley.

I don’t know if I’ve ever tried Pinterest recipes. I usually save a bunch of stuff and then forget about it.


Happy Birthday! I celebrated your birthday by sleeping in until 7 this morning. It’s was amazing!


Love your blog! You always make me laugh! Hope you are having a great birthday!!!


Happy Happy Birthday Janae!!! I hope you have the best day ever! Our birthday’s are almost exactly 1 month apart from each other :)



It looks like you and Bangs’ Friend had a good time hanging out with Jillian. I agree that it’s always easier to work out with someone. It looks like you lucked out with an awesome Pinterest recipe. I feel like I’ve had 50/50 luck with getting good and bad recipes from Pinterest.

I hope you have an awesome, special day!


Happy Birthday!! Have a fabulous day!


生日快乐!!! I think mint chocolate chip ice cream would be the perfect birthday breakfast! Maybe I’ll try that in November. I overslept and woke up at 7:20, which made me 5 minutes late meeting my friend for our run.

Have a great time for the rest of your very special day!


I am way behind on the bachelor but plan on catching up tonight while on the treadmill. P.S. the bachelor is the best treadmill show.

You look so buff, Janae!


I was up at 4:15 this morning to fit in a 10 miler in the rain. Wasn’t the most fun I’ve had on a run… You should check out my “Recipe Resolution” page – I resolved to make one new recipe each week of the year and most of them have come from Pinterest!!


生日快乐gorgeous girl!


生日快乐! !


I was up at 4:45 this morning so I could get a run in before work. It’s early but it feels so good to have that run done!! Only 3.1 mi. but I’ll take it. Happy Birthday!!!




Happy Birthday!! I just got 30-day shred, I can’t wait to try it out! For my birthday breakfast, I would love to have donuts or fancy waffles…good thing it’s in 3 days!




I got up at 4:00 am – up for an early run before work.

It is hard to say what I would have for my birthday breakfast because there are so many things I love…

I would say a huge freshly made waffle with a layer of strawberry jam, a pound of fresh strawberries, topped with 1-2 cups of freshly whipped cream sprinkled with cinnamon and crushed walnuts and drizzled with strawberry sauce. That sounds good!!


HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JANAE! Hope you have the best birthday ever!


生日快乐! !! Too bad for your birthday you didn’t REALLY get your photo taken with Jillian ;)

I overslept and then RAN to work! (Okay, not literally, but it felt like it)

Birthday breakfast might be a large PB Chocolate protein shake MMmmm yum, or if it was a weekend I’d choose The Original Pancake house bc they make the most GINORMOUS omelets ever and so so fluffy.

Pinterest recipes are hit or miss! Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt, Cauliflower Cheese Sticks, .. and one I WANT to try are Philly Cheesesteak stuffed bell peppers? looks really easy!


I love that y’all did some JM together – working out is definitely better with a friend (unless they aren’t committed – then it’s annoying).

I wake up most days at 5:30 or 5:45, but usually stay in bed until 6. On Thursdays and Fridays I have to get up right at 5 to do my workout before going to school because I don’t have time those afternoons/evenings.

I’ve tried some pinterest recipes, but the only one I can remember at the moment is the “philly cheese steak” made inside a bell pepper. It was good!


Seriously that poster with the X-ed out girls makes me laugh so hard :)


生日快乐! I’m a quiet reader, but wanted to wish you happy birthday nonetheless! I hope it’s filled with all the good stuff!


Happy Birthdayyyyy!! Hope you have a great one :)


生日快乐最漂亮,善良,and speedy lady I know!!


Happy Birthday!


I get up every day at 4:30am to go workout! Today.. I worked out with a new client..

B-fast for my b-day would have to be Bran Muffins.. I did request them way back when I was 9.. and it sounds good to do it again this year!

I made Marshmallow fondant off Pintrest it was great!


Happy Birthday! Hope your day is amazing!


I woke up at 4:45 for a 5:15 yoga class with a friend. Thank goodness she was meeting me there or I easliy would have slept in. I wanted to hit the treadmill after, but am taking a forced day off as my calf injury is still healing.

Wishing you a very blessed birthday!


BIRTHDAYYYY快乐! !:)我希望你有很多birthday donuts for breakfast! I always get a birthday Starbucks- and it’s the best thing ever. Birthdays are the best.



Working out with a friend is the best! Super fun!

Those panini’s look delicious. I think that needs to be our dinner tonight. And probably my lunch too since I’m impatient.




生日快乐! !


Janae生日快乐!!! I woke up at 7 (probably not as early as you) because I had an 8 AM class…

I don’t know how I used to wake up at 6 for high school classes. I love sleep way too much nowadays.

My perfect breakfast would be yummy french toast or a giant omelette from Bill’s Cafe with my family. They really have the best brunch!


Happy happy birthday!!! I know billy will spoil you, have fun!


生日快乐! I’ve been reading your blog for so long, and was inspired to start my own :)


Janae生日快乐!I hope you get your donut. If you haven’t already tried them you should really look into Sweaty Bandz, they are my new favorite running accessory. They’ll keep your bangs and sweat out of your face (even though I know how much you love the sweat in your eyes workouts!) Have a great day!


I’ve never attempted level 3 of the 30 Day Shred. I’m too scared! Levels 1 and 2 are enough of a beating for me right now.




What time did you get up this morning?
6am, 1 hour before I need to head out the door to work….
What would you have for your bday breakfast?
home fries and scrambled eggs

What Pinterest recipes have you tried?
I normally follow running fashion on Pinterest but might look for food now


Happy Birthday Janae :) :)!!!


生日快乐! !I hope you have an awesome day :)


I woke up at 4:30 to do a speed workout with friends, then took a nap as soon as my kids were out the door for school.
I am terrible at following Pinterest ideas so I stay far away. I did discover a new website/blog that speaks to my heart (


Happy, happy birthday! And that Bachelor poster and that running picture are both too funny :D


Happy Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is filled with joy, happiness and donuts/chocolate/cake/FMW/and anything else which you desire:)


What a fantastic day! My friends and I now all live in the same building and we work out together in the morning. So fun to have a buddy!

I thought of you today, Janae!! I was lazing around (i was sick so i’ve taken a few days off running) and finally I just told myself “If you want this bad enough, then you will get up and do this.” and I did, I got up and went running! It was not pretty or a very good run but goshdarnit I did it. Thank you for the inspiration!


生日快乐Janae!! I hope it’s the best ever!!


I got up at 7:30 tis morning, late for me during the week!! For my birthday breakfast I would probably just eat cake.. I mean, why not? I’ve tried a lot of Pinterest recipes and have loved them all! I use a lot of the baking recipes (pumpkin oatmeal cookies are da bomb) and I used a cheesy spaghetti squash casserole recipe from there too. when it comes to actual meals, I’m not one to follow recipes to a T..I usually just use them as guidelines and wing it. It’s worked pretty well so far…

Have an AMAZING birthday! I hope Brooke has planned something special for your day ;)


Around 6:45 for me today.

My bday breakfast would probably be pancakes!

Boooooo Tierra!!!! So happy she went home!

I tried the brownie cookie dough Reeses bars… not that good.
Also a cinnamon roll bake… delish!
Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits… not quite there.

Have a great birthday! :)


It’s possible that this is my first comment ever on your blog (not really sure) BUT I just had to point out that your friend Bangs looks like a prettier version of Zoe on Parenthood (season..3? I think?). I know you are into Parenthood too, but you might not have gotten that far…when you do, you must tell me whether or not you agree!

Also happy birthday! Mine was just a week ago and I had oatmeal for my bday breakfast…Lame perhaps, but I had to save room for peanut butter cream pie :)


Happy Birthday(:


H a P p Y b I r T h D a Y j A n A e !!! !! !!

I sincerely hope you eat 27 desserts today :)


LITERALLY COULD NOT BE HAPPIER TO HAVE TIERRA GONE!! I do feel bad for her diminished “sparkle” though.

Your meals are always shockingly similar to mine! Tonight I’m doing TJ’s pesto tortellini with spinach and strawberry sweetheart nachos for dessert (cinnamon sugar pita chips, strawberries, drizzled with chocolate sauce.) I just now realize that you didnt actually ask what I was having for dinner, but I just love to share. :)


What a great idea, a workout buddy would be such good motivation for me!!


Workout buddies are the best! Happy birthday!!!!!!

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