The best $35 I have ever spent.

如果我告诉你,对于你35美元你可以买sands of hours of happiness?

-That is what happened to me yesterday.

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The local zoo is just $35 for a year pass. They have rides, animals, a splash pad, a huge big toy and a petting zoo.

You would think that at 9.5 months old Brooke would be too young to really enjoy the zoo but nope… she was in heaven plus all of her bf’s have zoo passes too so this will be a 2-5 times a week activity for us.

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Her favorite exhibit:

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(Do you see Brooke’s birth mark on the back of her neck?)

Okay, so she didn’t love the petting zoo part so much but eventually I think she will.

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I had Billy a total of 24 minutes yesterday so I knew I had to make it a good 24 minutes by making him tacos for dinner.

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Apparently Brooke doesn’t like my cooking: (Please ignore my baby talk voice:)

And after Billy left, Brooke and I decided to bake. We had ripe bananas and I was going to make mysister’s healthy banana blueberry muffinsbut I didn’t have any almond flour so I made myfavorite crumb banana muffinsinstead.

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Turns out that Brooke likes my baking, just not my cooking.


Do you have a birth mark?

Tell me two things you are most excited about today!

How far are you running today?

What animal are you most afraid of?




A zoo membership… Good idea! I have a not tan spot on my back ad Gentry has a tan spot in the same place!
Brooke = cutest as always


I have a birthmark on the bottom of my left foot! I might run for 3 miles today, we’ll see how the studying goes!


I’m on a 2 week no run streak. I know, depressing. It’s only day 3 and I’m already itching to run. I’ll live vicariously through everyone else for the next 11 days. I remember being terrified of the petting zoo too when I was Brooke’s age. She’ll grow to love it :)


How fun! We love the zoo! Not really an animal but I am deathly scared of roaches. They are so gross…


Oh my gosh me too! Especially the flying ones from back home in Laredo!


That’s a well spent $35! What a fun zoo! I use to have a large birthmark on my left hip/waist. It started fading in college and now it’s gone?! I am teaching 8 different types of group ex classes today! My body and brain will be drained by 7pm!


Aww, Brooke is so precious! Your baby voice is cute! We got season passes to the zoo too, Izzy loves riding the train over and over again. This weekend I’m hoping to meet another blogger for the first time:) She is driving past my town son were gonna have lunch at Panera and go to the park. I’m afraid of Lions!


Love the video – Brooke is so cute. I think “no” was the first thing my niece learned!
I am running 8 miles today – it will be my longest distance outside!


When we lived in San Diego, we had a park pass for- the SD Zoo, the Wild Animal Park, and another. It was expensive back in the day (especially on a JO’s salary), but we lived there. There are books of pictures of my sis at the Wild Animal Park, so yeah… money well spent.

I’m not sure if we’ll run or hike today. It all depends on what the weather and family life does. Yep, pure flexibility.

I’m excited to work on a few projects, make some granola (or maple oat cookies), and just be with my hub and daughter. It might sound queso-y, but I’m just grateful to live the life I/we do and I intend on savoring it!


No Birth mark for me.
I have a 16mile bike and 2 mile run on the schedule for me today.

Zoo passes are the best. Also-check into the perks. Usually they can be used at other zoos around the US. So, if your traveling you can visit other zoos for free. We have always had zoo passes and museum memberships. So worth the money. You dont feel like you have to see EVERYTHING when you go.


One my of kids (my 11 year old daughter) has the same birth mark, in the same spot :-)

Those muffins look fabulous!

I ran 30 minutes today (per my half-marathon training), averaging an 11:39 mile. (That’s only slightly slow for me – you’d run laps around me if we were together!!!!)


That video is so cute! What a doll!


Oh my gosh, her head shaking “No” is too cute!! Made my morning :)


The zoo pass is such a great idea and for $35 you can’t go wrong! I’m most afraid of spiders. I have a birthmark behind one of my ears, it’s nice that I really don’t ever see it. I am most excited that it is already Thursday!!!


I have a slight birth mark on my forehead. It’s faded over the years but it comes out when I’m emotional so my fiancé will always say “uh oh, your mark is showing. What’s wrong?” Haha I have a lot of work today so the most exciting thing is that I already got my workout in this morning!


I love that Brooke is smiling while shaking her head “no.”

When I run out in the country before sunup I’m nervous about running into a mountain lion. I would just die, even if it didn’t want to bother me!


We have an 8 month old boy and got a zoo membership this year too. So excited. We’ve already been twice and love it.

One birth mark on my right thigh. Just a small white spot.


I was always a bigger fan of my mom’s baking then her cooking as well… But I think most of that comes down to the fact that I’ve always had a huge sweet tooth, and only eat other foods because I figure it wouldn’t be a good idea to survive solely off sugar ;) And snakes are the bane of my existence… I’m pretty sure I’d be terrified if I ever came across some kind of wild cat or bear, but snakes just give me the heebie jeebies no matter what.


最害怕的蛇,它们很恐怖我不even like looking at them in cages…gross


I have two tan spots for birth marks. One on my arm, one on my ankle. I have two pretty big things to be excited about today! I have two long awaited packages coming today, and an interview for Dick’s Sporting Goods. Fingers crossed!
After 4 days of running consecutively and recovering from runner’s knee, today was a cross train day. 35 mins of HIIT on the spin bike.
And I am pretty terrified of large fish with teeth. The only thing I ever seem to watch anymore is River Monsters, and it is making me never want to go in water other than pools again!


Ahh that video is SO cute!! I used to have a birth mark on my forehead/hairline. my mom loved it when i was little because she said it reduced my chances of being kidnapped (harder for kidnappers to change your appearance if you have a mark) but i eventually had it removed when i was 18 so it didn’t turn cancerous. the zoo will be such a fun summer activity!!


Brooke is too cute!! If she’s anything like this Brooke, she’ll love tacos in no time ;)


I ran two miles this morning with no IT Band pain! HAha success. And definitely take Brooke to the zoo, ALL the time! I LOVED the zoo growing up, haha I still do!


The head shake “NO” at 9.5 months is telling – you are going to have a headstrong, independent woman on your hands with Brookers!


That zoo sounds awesome. I don’t even think we have one around here. We do, however, have a couple of awesome aquariums.

No running for me today. Taking some more time off. Boo!


I did six miles plus the eight minute ab video you suggested! Come on gang!


Hahahahaha I love that video


I have been doing the video as well and I started to the legs and arms! I always say “Come on Gang” now! Haha


She is the cutest! She should be a baby model!


I don’t have a birth mark but my twin sister does (in the same spot as Brooke’s birth mark). It was the only way my parents could tell us apart until we got older. LOL. I really don’t like snakes!! They give me the creeps. Have a great day.


多么可爱的是布鲁克的视频,哈哈!不要worry I’m sure she will grow to love your cooking, jk. The zoo is a great idea! I wish there was one close to where we live.. The animal I’m most afraid of is sharks…and snakes…and eels…basically mean, slithery things. haha

No running today but we have a one planned tomorrow, probably 13km or so. Have a great Thursday!


Not really, a few small ones here and there but that is all.
Lunch out with co-workers and the gym tonight, its been a crazy week and my first time there since Sunday!
Probably bears in the wild, or maybe alligators – not that there are alligators where I live.


Birthmark on my leg, yes. I am most excited about…..I don’t know really.

I didn’t run today. Will run Fri and Sat so today was bike.

Sharks. Definitely.

The Kidless Kronicles


I have a very light birthmark on my chest and it’s only visible when I’m really tan. When I was a baby my mom thought it was dirt and tried to scrub it off in the bath tub.

Ran 5 this morning on a group run.

I’m afraid of sharks and big spiders.


I had to come back and edit my reply- I didn’t have anything exciting go on today, but then just checked my email and saw I got accepted into the 2013 NYC Marathon!!! YAY!


Ahhhhhhhhhh huge congrats!!!!!!!


Hahahahaha love the shot of you holding Brooke above the goat. During the summer as a kid, my family and I would go to the zoo once every other week or so–I looked forward to it every single time. And whenever we travel to a new city, we HAVE to go to its zoo!


There is an awesome kids museum where I live that I fully intend on becoming a member at when we have kids. I feel like the price we’d pay would be completely worth it in the long run.

I love seeing giraffes and monkeys :)


The zoo membership sounds like a great idea! I’m not a big fan of the reptile exhibits at the zoo!

Haha that video is so cute!! I’m sure if she actually tasted the tacos she wouldn’t be able to say no again :P


运行可能7 - 8英里;这是我的第一个星期back! :) Then, lifting and core session at the gym. I have a birthmark on my forehead, called an “angel’s kiss.” It’s very hard to see, but when I cry (and if I have no make up on) you can see it! :) I am so very excited to hang out with a few of my close friends today!!


$35 for a year is a great deal! We took our son to the zoo for the first time last weekend, and even though he is only 7 months old, it was still a lot of fun. :)

The Grass Skirt


My daughter has a similar birth mark on the back of her neck on her hair line :). However, I think it has gotten a little lighter over time.

I don’t have a birth mark but I have plenty of “beauty marks”…AKA moles. LOL.

Exciting thing about today….I’m getting a pedicure with friends during my lunch break :).

I love Subway…esp the chocolate chip cookies they have.


I make my husband go to the zoo with me a lot. I love it! I have a birthmark on my leg… And ran zero miles today!


No birthmark but tons of chicken pox scars all over! I had them BAD!

that video is so cute.


She is super cute & looks like she had a ton of fun!


I have a birth mark on my nostril. Somedays it’s really red, some days its not noticeable. When it’s noticeable, people always tell me that I have food on my face. The doctor offered to surgically remove it after I was born because my mom was freaking out about me being “perfect, except for this blemish” but she didn’t remove it and I’m glad because it’s unique!

I only ran 4 miles today because I was achy and it started to rain. Excuses, excuses.

I am terrified of horses.


I have a birth mark on the back of my leg. Brooke is too cute! I’m excited to run today and go to 7 peaks, we got a pass and we’ll be going there a lot this summer too!

I”m not sure how long I’ll run today, I’m thinking 5 miles, we’ll see.


I’m excited about starting marathon training today! Run was just an easy 6 this morning. Love the video. Too cute!


I am on vacation visiting my cousin and we are going to hang out with her brother, my other cousin. I am super excited to see him again even though we hung out this past weekend – he’s a super cool dude.

I ran 3.5 easy this morning at altitude. This plains girl is definitely NOT used to it.

I’m terrified of snakes! Just the thought of them sends a chill down my spine!


I love the zoo. One of the many perks of being a nanny is taking the kids to the zoo. I love it! I ran 6 miles this morning and might do another 3 with a running group tonight if I can get out of work early.


她是如此的可爱!我女儿有胎记the base of her neck too. I think she was 4 or 5 when it went away. I thought it would stay forever but it didn’t. I love to take Mt family to the zoo, ours is so much more than $35.


can you do my hair like brooke’s please? so dang cute.


That video is so cute! I have 2 birthmarks, one on backside of my arm and the other on my side. Today my husband is off work early and I am excited for put-putting tonight! I plan to run an easy 4-5 miles! I am just like Brooke and I am not a fan of the petting zoo. I like animals, just not petting them!


I had a birthmark on my right hand (my friend called it the poop stain lol) but they had to remove it to avoid cancer cells or something. I have a little scar to remember it by though:) Rest day from running but doing Spinning and an Insanity workout. Not a fan of snakes and bears.


She probably just has a sweet tooth :)
I had two strawberries when I was born, still have a little of one.
Running 6-8 miles today :D!!
I’m scared to death of spiders and snakes!! Paralyzed with fear.


great use of the $35! We did that one year and managed to use our pass at another zoo as well because they had a partnership. Worked out great.

Don’t think I will get in a run in today, ran last 2 days in a row. So thinking again tomorrow and Saturday for sure.


How awesome that your zoo has a carousel! And what a great deal at $35 for annual pass! I bet Brooke will love the petting zoo when she’s a little older. We took our girls to the Honolulu Zoo, and my oldest is still talking about the goat that tried to eat her dress in the petting zoo! Brutal track workout this morning. It was so darn hot, even first thing in the morning. I have a really unique birthmark on my left ear. It’s a little hole (hard to explain) at the top of my ear. My dad, sister, and brother have it too. Neither of my girls got it.


Aww she looks like she’s loving the zoo! (minus actually touching anything). All of my body markers (birthmarks, moles) are in really weird spots. One on my chest, one between my toes, one in my armpit and one on my eyelid, A little weird.


My daughter, who is now 24 years old, had the same birthmark on the back of her head right below her hairline. It has almost disappeared over the years. Your daughter is adorable!! I miss that age.


Today I went for a quick 3.29 miles. But I went outside!! Yes, it was still a little chilly but man it felt good.
I am most excited 1) to get LOTS done at work today and 2) the start of a weekly Harry Potter party with my friends to watch all the movies! Nerdy? Yes. Fun? Absolutely.
haha oh Brooke. So cute! That really is too old to know the word no!


I am excited to be heading to Niagara Falls this weekend with my BFF to run in the women’s 1/2 marathon; and I am also excited to be heading to Chicago next week!


I “puppy” talk to Elmo and it sounds absolutely ridiculous so you’re baby talk is perfectly acceptable to me! I don’t blame Brooke for liking baked goods only. Smart girl :-P

Two things: Doctor’s appointment (Nervous, too) and baking something with rotten bananas! Any day when baking is involved is a good day!


Awww that video is too cute! I use to have a birth mark but it went away. My mom says it was a snake looking mark on my tummy. Glad it went away. Not running today. On a hiatus until mid June! I’m afraid of snakes, spiders, all reptiles in general and bugs -__-


What a fun outing! Brooke is just too cute :) I don’t know if we’re counting reptiles as animals, but I’m definitely most afraid of snakes. I’m phobic!


Oh my gosh!! 35 dollars a year?? That is madness! I wish my local zoo was that cheap!

No birthmark but i’m awfully freckly :)

brooke is so cute! walkin around and standing and stuff

no run today because i had to catch up on sleep :( the boyfriend just left for europe (yes i’m very jealous) so i def see more running in my life now


Ohhh Brooke is soo cute!

I have the exact same birth mark as Brooke! And my twinner sis has the same too.

Easy 4-5 Miles on the schedule for today, am hoping this wind dies down!!


That’s so fun!! I like the zoo a lot–animals are so cool.

I think anyone likes my baking…my cooking? not so much. haha


I grew up being a member of the Oakland zoo! We went at least once a week & I loved it.


Too cute!

Two of my nephews and one of my nieces had/have preschool at our local zoo.

I have a birthmark on the back on my right knee.

I’m excited to be back home at traveling for work this week.


Aw that video is too cute! I also just decided I really need to go to the zoo because I haven’t been in forever and I love it! I already ran 5.15 miles today and I have plans to get in some yoga/stretching this evening! Hope you and Brookers enjoy your day :)


My daughter has the same birthmark! It has faded a tad in 3.5 years but you can still see it. I love it. My birthmark is between my eyes. HOT it only shows up when I work out hard or I’m really upset LOL

I wish our zoo membership was $35! Ours is over $100 for our family of 3.


I have a birth mark on my cheek (Marilyn Monroe type deal) and on the back of my knee.
I think I’m going to try and go to the track and do some speed work if the rain holds off today!


I have one on my arm, but it’s starting to blend in with my tan.. Awhh Brooke is going to have so many great memories at the zoo :)


I am terrified of snakes. And lizards. Pretty much anything with scales. You know how they say the animal is more afraid of you than you are of it? Yeah, I highly doubt that’s true.


$35!?!?! Yes please! And wouldn’t you know it, but my husband ate two of the three ripe bananas I was planning on turning into banana bread this morning. Sad making!


I’m scared of crocodiles… but good thing we don’t really get to see those in CA.
And I’m most excited about a track workout with my running group (it’s my first time attending… I’ve been wimping out of those for like 8 months, haha).


I have a birthmark on my stomach, it always seemed huge growing up but now I’ve actually forgot it was there. I think I must have grown into it haha
I’m excited to see the results from an experiment I’m running in the lab today.
I ran 3 miles this morning. I’m trying to prevent injury this week as my knee bothered me after my long run over the weekend :(


i think she was expecting swedish fish, right? ;-)


I DO have a birthmark on my right leg, but it’s hardly noticeable. I’m excited to 1) Go home after work and see my baby! And 2) See my husband when he comes home later! I’m hoping to run 6 or 7 miles today… we’ll see if I need to take my son with in the jogger or if my hubby can watch him. And I know a woodtick isn’t exactly an “animal”, but I’m most afraid of them. Nasty little things!

Love the zoo pictures – looks like your little girl had a blast! Definitely worth the cost to get in. Happy Thursday!


Technically I guess it would be a rodent but I’m TERRIFIED of bats!!!
Going to run 6 miles of hills tonight with some of our running group, provided the rain stays away.


Mines on my shoulder! Its a baby guy though and just a group of freckles. I like Bill’y effort to help, he sounded incredibly enthused : )


Awww the video!!! Brooke already knows “no!” haha “that’s too young!” ;)



Thats not a birthmark….thats a ‘stork bite’


Addie has a similar birthmark on the back of her neck. :) Glad Brooke loved the zoo!!


That is a great deal for a zoo pass. Our zoo pass costs $130 for the year, but it’s a great zoo with events year-round. We go almost once a week in the Summer.


Brooke’s hair do is adorable!
I took my daughter to the zoo when she was about two and the gorilla jumped right in front of the window she was looking through, so let’s just say.. she has never enjoyed the zoo since.


We have passes to the Honolulu Zoo. 3 lion cubs were born in December and we’ve loved watching them.

Ran 5 miles of intervals this morning. And saw my least favorite animal – a RAT!! Eeek! Those things are nasty!


GREAT INVESTMENT! If you and Brooke visit me in Omaha, the Omaha Henry Doorley Zoo is top of the line! And, I was born with a birthmark on my forehead that slowly faded, but the reason I have always had bangs! ;)


Brooke is too cute saying no! Hahahaha

I am running 3 miles today – I’m still working back up my mileage from being injured, and conveniently it’s a million degrees out so it’s not like I’ll be tempted to run more than that ;)


I used to have a birthmark like Brook’s above my lip (under my nose). It went away as I grew up.

Lovin’ your nail polish! What is it?


My oldest daughter had a birthmark in the exact same place…the nurse at the hospital where she was born said they are very common there in babies, and they called it a “stork bite” : ) It has since faded to the point where I really only see it if she is super hot for some reason.

Enjoy the zoo! We used to go a ton to the Milwaukee Zoo when my girls were younger but now they have to be convinced to go which makes me very sad.


I have the exact same birthmark as Brooke! :)


Ahh banana muffins are the best!!


Ohhh yum those muffins look delicious! And that video is so adorable!


STOP IT with the cuteness!!!
Brooke is so adorable!!!
Love it!!


Zoos are the BEST. I actually have a small, white birthmark on my hip, so I don’t show it off too much, but it’s pretty weird.


I have a birthmark that looks almost like a sun on my left shoulder, but I get so tan in the summer it is hard to notice

Running and working on footwork for soccer!

2 miles … it might seem wimpy but it is still an accomplishment for me

It’s a toss-up between snakes and spiders. Ugh


Janae- I love reading your blog. My little boy, Declan, is 18 months. He loved the video of Brooke today!! Today is my birthday so Decs and I ran 3 miles (he cruised in the ironman stroller!). I tried out my bday present a new Garmin watch!! Love IT! Thanks for all the great product recommendations!!


Ahhhhhhh happy happy birthday! Sounds like the perfect day and I am so happy you love your garmin!


what a great price for the zoo!

I use reverse psychology with V, I tell him not to eat them and he still eats it all up


Thanks for the recipe making those in the morning. I have a birthmark on my face…it’s faded as I’ve gotten older. When I was young a women told my mom that she needed to wash my face. Hello Idiot it’s a birthmark. Have a wonderful Saturday!


In Germany they call that type of birthmark a ‘stork’s bite’ as that’s where the stork would’ve held Brooke when he brought her to you! ;)


is that Victoria’s secret lip gloss you’re wearing in the first picture? What shade? I absolutely adore it!!


Aw what a fun day! You’ll have to come to DC sometime – all of the Smithsonian museums (and the zoo) are FREE all the time!


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