Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Peanut Sauce and the WINNER of the Brooks Running Outfit Giveaway.

Since we last talked a lot of stuff happened. Things like taking a nap with brooke, planning out my route for my long run this morning and visiting Bangs Friend at work. Talk about productivity.

You may have noticed that we really like chicken in our household. (PS no I did not just get back from a run…it is just really hot in our apartment;)

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When I was asked to create a recipe usingTyson® Grilled & Ready® Chicken Breast Strips I was stoked. I have seen these in the grocery store and I have always wanted to try them because it doesn’t get much easier than cooking with these (especially because I do not enjoy touching/cooking raw meet). Hello convenient.

Other things that I noticed first thing aboutTyson® Grilled & Ready® is that there are no preservatives and that they are all white meat. Also, I can think of about a million different recipes/meals that I could use with these…especially salads. Like my favoriteSummer Saladthat I make or the lunch that I eat every day of my life….chicken and sweet potatoes.

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Drum roll please for the recipe……

Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Peanut Sauce(I crave the PF Changs lettuce wraps at least once each day so I decided to make some lettuce wraps myself)

1 PackageTyson® Grilled & Ready® Chicken Breast Strips (in the refrigerated section!)

1 Yellow pepper

1 Red Pepper

6-8 mushrooms

Chop the chicken, peppers and mushrooms into cubes and stir fry veggies in a little bit of olive oil for 3-5 minutes. Add chicken to skillet and warm (Tyson® Grilled & Ready® are already fully cooked). Season with salt and pepper.

Wash and cut your romaine lettuce, iceburg lettuce or cabbage for the wraps.

Peanut Sauce:

1/2 c chicken broth

3 Tbsp soy sauce

1.5 Tbsp. fresh minced ginger

1 tsp minced garlic

1 Tbsp. honey

3 Tbsp. creamy peanut butter

1 tsp Sriracha Chili Sauce

Combine sauce ingredients and heat on stove (medium-low). Stir the sauce until smooth and warmed…once this happens it is ready to be poured all over your delicious Thai Chicken Lettuce Wrap.

Garnish with green onions, peanuts, carrot slivers and fresh lime juice.

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Not going to lie. They were really good. The chicken was super flavorful and tender. I am hooked on how easyTyson® Grilled & Ready® was to use and how incredible it tasted.

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我写这个post while participating in a blog tour conducted by Burst Media. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program, but my opinions are my own


For dessert I had RED VELVET CAKE ICE CREAM. Doesn’t get much better than that.

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I am sad that the Worst Running Outfit Giveaway from Brooks is over. I have had way too much fun getting your emails with pictures. The winner of the new top, bottoms and shoes is…………


“This is the outfit I wore for the Country Music Half Marathon. It was in the mid 40s and poured the entire time. The good news…when you dress like this, lots of people cheer for you!”

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PS I saw this on Instagram (hungryrunnergirl) and it made me happy!:



Tell me THREE things that you are going to spend your Saturday doing!

When was the last time you ate chicken….what did you have it with?

Ever ran a race in the pouring rain?

For your weekend run are you trying out a new route or sticking to your normal one?

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Brooke looks so cute in that pic, ha! Recipe looks great and…omg that ice cream.


Those chicken wraps sound yummy!

This Saturday, we are: running 5 miles, running errands and going to the pool with friends (weather permitting). If it rains, it’s a movie day inside! :)

I had chicken last night when we went out to a stir fry restaurant! It’s the best creation ever- they have everything you could want, and you put everything you want in your stir fry into a bowl, choose from about 20 different sauces (or mix them together and create your own!) and they cook it for you! I love stir fry, so it was cool going somewhere and having more options than normal!

Racing in pouring rain is not fun. Drizzle is welcome, but pouring rain is miserable… in my opinion!

My husband and I are running a 5 mile loop that we haven’t run in almost a year… so kind of both? It’s new in the sense that it will feel new, but we used to run it all the time together before we got gym memberships.


I race CIM last year, when it was raining sideways. Tip I got from experienced runners: just step into the puddles because your feet are going to get soaked anyways.
Three things I will do this Saturday: trail run, go to a youth pre-retreat rally in Palo Alto as a counselor, and sleep early!
Have a wonderful Saturday!


That outfit is superb. But the shoe pic is even better. Strap in your loved ones right? I love running in mist on a warmer day but not full fledge downpour please!
1. Long run
2. Eat chocolate Kashi cookies
3. Drink wine!


I have to try these Kashi cookies you keep raving about!


I love Tyson chicken. It’s my go-to food when I don’t like what my parents made for dinner or I’m too lazy to cook something on my own. It tastes fresh too! I LOVE red velvet cake ice cream. It might be one of my top 3 flavors. Especially the little cake bites or when it’s in the frozen yogurt machines.


Bike ride
Watching the Tour de France
Going out to dinner for our anniversary. (Husband and I each picked two restaurants and we are pulling the place out of a hat)


Ok now I’m hungry haha!

I love that race pic- clever idea with the bags & shower cap!


I eat chicken almost every day. Yesterday I made pasta with chicken, some salsa, canned tomatoes, ranch dressing, and Mexican spices. Sounds weird but it was really good. Even my 5 year old liked it.
I have 2 hours to run by myself today after my bf gets back from his run. It’s going to be hot but I may take a new route to switch things up a little. It’s not often I get to run by myself without a stroller or not on a treadmill!


Today I am going to spend the day cleaning the house, weeding my garden and going for a run with a friend! :)


That looks yummy! We had chicken earlier this week…I made baked chicken legs.
I am sticking to my normal route….but I need to come up with a few new ones for sure!
How was your long run?
1. My run
2. Making these awesome ice cream bars with the kids
3. laundry :)


今天和我的女儿有她的生日聚会we always do a make your own sundae bar for the girls! We picked out vanilla ice cream, but she also HAD to have that red velvet! You would love the make your own sundae party! Right up your alley! We set it up like a froyo place and everything!


Oh my goodness, sounds like the best bday party ever! Where was my invite;) tell her happy birthday for me!


You are always invited! There are rules though! You have to run with me, you have to stay at least a week so we can get to know you and Brooke and you have to teach us how to shop at Costco and Trader Joes!


I’m in!!!!


I love PF Chang’s lettuce wraps but haven’t had them for years. Sadly, I had an aversion to chicken breasts throughout my pregnancy, and even though I’m not pregnant anymore, they still freak me out (texture issue).
Today, I plan to 1) take a nap, 2) get froyo at Orange Leaf with a friend, and 3) relax on the couch with my husband and baby girl. Pretty rough day :)


Yum! Dinner and dessert look like perfection :-) actually when I ran 3:15 in January it was cold and drizzly! And I really hate running in rain! Normally we don’t get a ton of rain in tx though so I can’t complain too much!


three things this saturday: (1) taught spinning this morning (2) going to beach (3) cooking out

last time i ate chicken? on wednesday i made like mexican style pizza on tortillas with pulled chicken

never ran a race in pouring rain but imagine it would be fun? minus the rubbing of the foot in the shoes haha

normal route tomorrow for 7 miles…im boring.


I am going to 1. Wake up without an alarm (check!), 2. Go for a morning run because I can (summer vacation from teaching is finally here!), and 3. Have a fun day with some friends. That hasn’t happened in over a month!

的last race I ran was in an absolute downpour! It was ironic because it was the Run for Water 10k! I don’t usually mind it while I’m running; it actually really helps me focus most of the time. It’s just afterwards that I was super cold.

I just moved so for now I will probably do the same run as usual, but I am getting bored with this route and really need to switch it up soon. I also don’t like that my normal route takes me past raspberry and blueberry fields, and they have been spraying them with something that I don’t think I should be breathing in (hence the breather masks on the farmers) but can smell.


I love the shower cap she’s wearing :)
3 things I’m doing today: visiting the farmer’s market, working out (upper body weights + a short run), and going to the Twins game with my husband!


Three things for today: laundry (we just got a new washing machine yesterday), long run (12 miles) and food prep! Fun times, haha

For my long run it’s business as usual- same pre run fuel, same route, same everything!


的chicken wraps look great!
My Saturday:
1. Long walk with my 16 month old at 5:45 am! (The things this mama does so the husband can sleep in!)
2. Bouncy house bday party with my 4 year old.
3. Long run this evening followed by a bottle o’ wine!


Just finished my long run! I went on the same trail but ran towards downtown instead of towards the dam – I know daring!!

I ran that same race that Tonya ran…it poured! Running through huge puddles was interesting to say the least. The best part about it was that my son and daughter ran with me. Now we’re going to make that race a tradition so they can come home at the end of the semester and race with me.


I didn’t send in an outfit because I don’t think I had made any disastrous fashion choice while running, but now that I think about it, the trash bag I wore for the first half of the Country Music Half Marathon might qualify. It was my first half marathon and I’ll always remember it! I had never been that cold in my entire life and was stuck in the medical tent since I couldn’t stop shaking. Everyone who ran it deserves a special award!


I ran that Nashville half marathon too! It was not just raining, it was a freaking MONSOON. There were puddles about a foot deep the entire time and our clothes were completely stuck to us. The good news is, we didn’t stop the entire time…nothing like running in a terrible storm makes your adrenaline kick in like that!


I ran the Country Music Half Marathon in the ran too! It was very cold waiting to run in the rain, but once I got going it was fun to run in the rain! It wasn’t ideal condition, but I got a PR, you can read all about it here:


This morning I ran ten miles with my running group (on our usual trail), next I am going to train two clients, and later today I am going to work on the details for the ultramarathon that I’m hosting in two weeks. Woot woo!!!

I PR’ed in the absolute pouring rain (the entire race) at the Steamtown Marathon in Scranton, PA a few years ago. I certainly didn’t have to worry about overheating!

I love the buckled in running shoes! We’ve gotta keep our precious cargo safe! :-)


I can kill 2 of your questions with one answer?

What am I doing today and have I ever run a race in the ran? Yes….a 5k Epic Canadian Race run today in pour down rain. Check out the race recap at I have never run in so much rain!!!

I had chicken last night in a pasta and veggie dish that I ate knowing I had to run today.

Tomorrow is another 5k race for Lung Cancer and it is a race I do every year, so I guess my answer to your last question is a familiar route.


Three things I’m doing on this lovely Saturday:
1.) Laying outside with Elmo and getting some sun!
2.) Taking Elmo to Petco because he got sick on his new dog food. Poor little guy.
3.) Wegmans or Chipotle for dinner!!! Always a good day!

And the last time I had chicken (I think) was when I came home my junior year of college and had chicken ‘ala king; otherwise, it’s been a pescetarian life for me!

Have a great weekend, Janae!


I worked out, I’m on way to breakfast with an old roommate and then I’m off to Lagoon! In 100 degree weather. Pray for me.

I made breaded baked chicken this week and it was delicious!!


3 things I’m going to do on my Saturday: stay out of the heat (105 today :( ), go bowling with my kids, and plan a long run for tomorrow.
I’ve never run a race in the rain, just trained in it :)
的last time I had chicken was when the hubby bbq’d it last night and it was delicious!
For long runs, I like to stick to ground I know, and have bathrooms lined up. I love new routes for short runs.


I would love to try a new route for my weekend run but due to my work schedule I can’t! But I hope to get 6 miles in tomorrow!
And I hate running the rain! I don’t know why…just can’t stand it!


That shower cap kills me!!!! I ran CIM several years ago and it rained hard off and on the whole time. Not as bad as last year (I didn’t run but did spectate). We eat lots of roasted chicken here…usually with roasted veggies. The big plan for today is checking out an open house. Other than those 30 minutes, we are unscheduled. Have a great weekend and try to stay cool!


when I was pregnant with Liam, after we installed the car seat I used to put my cupcakes in it so they wouldn’t slide around. Priorities. ;)


What I’m doing this weekend: icing my ankle/foam rolling the heck out of my legs (I ran a 14-miler this morning….it wasn’t pretty but I finished). I’m also going to get breakfast followed by pedicures with a good friend. This afternoon, I plan to be lazy and eat a lot of good fruit.

I haven’t ran a race in the pouring rain although I’ve been caught in several ‘monsoon’ like downpours on training runs. Always fun times until you start to get worried that the Garmin can’t handle it anymore.

今天上午的路线是我做过的相同的路线the past two weekends….more or less….along the lakefront, I just varied it a bit so it wasn’t too monotonous


i ran the hyannis marathon this year in the pouring rain and BQ’d so maybe it was lucky? i haven’t had chicken in 6 months since becoming vegan!


Running, eating, shopping ! :)
I haven’t eaten chicken since 5th grade.. I became a vegetarian in 6th :)
I tried a new route this morning and it was awesomeeee, Can’t believe there were paths all along I had no idea about


Circuit Workout, Getting my hair done and then working. I hope to run about 6 miles tomorrow and don’t know the route yet as I am waiting for my running buddy to let me know if she can meet me. The long run by my house is killer with a ton of hills.


Long run, trimming my rose bushes I never knew we had (we just moved into a house about a month ago and these rose bushes are tucked on the side of our house), and spending time with Popeye.

Enjoy your weekend!


1. Cleaning my apartment with the boy
2. Spending time in this glorious sunshine- long weekend here in Canada!
3. Doing a makeup trial for the wedding I’m in this summer

Happy Saturday!


I’m having a chicken salad right now!! Your chicken wraps look delish….can’t wait to give them a try!


My Saturday so far has been spent taking a nice 5 mile walk and now I am cooking lunch, about to blog, and then head to the pool to swim some laps and soak up the sun!

I ate chicken last night in an awesomeee salad. It was cold quinoa, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, cilantro, and TJ cilantro dressing. YUM.

Have a good weekend!!


Somehow you are no longer in my feed. I was wondering why you haven’t updated, now I see I have a lot to catch up on


1) Got my long run in with my amazing running group. Love the camaraderie of runners.
2) Spent the day doing a lot of nothing – the first lazy Saturday I’ve had in a long time.
3) Going to celebrate America with BBQ, flag t-shirts, and fireworks – just the way the founding fathers intended.


I ran 3 miles this morning with no knee pain!! Running every other day seems to be my solution and I so need to stick with it and pace myself!! Of course I ran this am and I was drenched and out of breath the whole workout. The heat is killing me this summer, it was only 85 degrees and 80% humidity….

We are going to my friend’s party to welcome their new little girl they adopted from China and to celebrate her 2 big brothers.

I am making a fort kit for my daughter’s little friend’s birthday tomorrow.


的chicken wraps look yummy!
的worst running outfit? I died! That was awesome!
I love to mix up my long runs and try and find new places to run but after training for an Ironman I think I have used up every square inch of the state ;-) There isn’t a place I haven’t ran or ridden around here.


Three things- made pancakes for breakfast, REST day, and going to my bf’s soccer game. Congrats to the giveaway winner!!!


Ran 7 miles in the rain, very proud of myself that I kept going even though I was soaked. It was on a paved trail that I have not run on yet and the local Fleet Feet store offers a hydration station along the way. I will definitely run there again!!


I had chicken for lunch yesterday. I made a Dijon mustard/yogurt sauce, dipped the chicken in there, and then breaded it with minced onion and bread crumbs. Came out great for a new recipe! I’ve never run in the rain before, but with the temperature as miserable as it’s been, a little bit of rain sounds nice.


Three things today:
1. AM @ pool
2. Low humidity (yay!) Trail run while girls napping
3. Post-run smoothie. Yum!


Wow, I think Brooke looks so much like Billy’s mom in this photo! As I am writing that I feel a little bit like a creeper that I know that much about your extended family. Oh well! She’s a cutie!


Hahahah not a creeper at all! That makes me so happy!


Yes, I had a hot run as well… It was 96, but it actually felt nice! We had a cool front blow in here in Dallas and the humidity was very low and it felt great!!

Best food after a run?? Chocolate mill!! Perfect carb to protein ratio.

Advice for your friend… Cross-train and eat healthy. :)

Have a great Saturday!!


I meant chocolate milk.


Those chicken lettuce wraps look fabulous!!!! I can’t wait to try the recipe! I use a lot of chicken too- 100 ways to cook chicken……

I ran 10 miles on the paved trail with my kids biking beside me. We switch every 10 minutes for who gets to ride first next to Mom. The other two have to follow behind. It’s our summer tradition!


Those Thai chicken wraps look pretty good – I might have to try them out. You can’t go wrong with peanut sauce!


I am so lucky to have never had to run a race in the full rain, but someday, now that I’ve said this, I know I will.

Those wraps look fantastic. I do love the idea of convenience!

Wish I had more plans for this weekend, but I decided to take it easy. So easy to do when it’s so hot outside!


Oh, My.. I could eat Thai Chx Wraps All.Day.Long. Everyday.

My LR are usually around the harbor and downtown early Sunday morning, but I am trying a new 10 mile route on Coronado Island. Can’t Wait!!


Red Velvet Cake Ice cream?? England, you are letting me down!!!


的recipe looks great, and wow that red velvet ice cream looks awesome!


I ran my first half in rain/ sleet / snow. Only over my goal by 17 seconds too. One of my campers told me that there are red velvet pop tarts now. She showed me them today and they looked really good.

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