那不是真正的节奏跑的节奏,我的first Ragnar and Bangs left.

Bangs has officially left Utah. I guess she had to get back to her husband and job or something silly like that. We had the best 72 hours together and I can’t wait until November when we get 1.5 weeks together. I will be spending Thanksgiving with her and then staying with her until the California International Marathon!

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We have a lot of fun together.

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Loved seeing the sunrise at the end of my run this morning.

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I had a tempo run on the schedule for today.

The first 2 miles and the last mile were supposed to be at 8:00 pace and the middle 5 at a 6:30 pace. My coach scheduled in a water break during the tempo miles which I took and loved but I also had to stop at a few stop lights to wait for cars (I was running on busy roads because it was dark outside). I feel like the few stops that I had (and was more than happy) to take turned it into more like mile repeats but whatever, every run cannot be perfect.

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The weather was perfect.

我回家,和我的爸爸和布鲁克做仰卧起坐. My dad couldn’t even do 1 a few weeks ago and now he is into 15 in a row. He really is amazing.

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One reason that my run may not have felt like butterflies and sunshine was because Bangs Friend and I ate popcorn with M&Ms mixed in late last night while watching Grey’s Anatomy. It sounded like a great idea last night. YOLO (yes, I did just write that).

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I may want to get my nutrition figured out if I really want that sub 3:)

And last fun fact of the day….I am running my FIRST RAGNAR!!!!! I am really excited about this but I am kind of nervous too because I have no idea what to expect. Running in the middle of the night? Running more than once in 24 hours? Eating junk food in a van full of friends? Okay…I am really excited about this.

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I need some RAGNAR tips! Who has done one before? Which one?

Any Grey’s Anatomy fans?

-Last night was the first time I have watched it in years.

Where are you spending Thanksgiving this year (I know…it is still two months away:)?

Popcorn: Kettle or butter? Do you add anything in to your popcorn?

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Ragnar = so much fun! You’ll love it. I can’t believe you haven’t ever done one! It’s a race made for you!

Thanksgiving – I don’t know where we’re spending it yet, but I intend on keeping my tradition of never cooking a turkey ever. So whatever achieves that goal!

Butter. No additives.

Also, how in the world did you get lucky enough to get access to all those amazing parts of LaVell Edwards Stadium? I’m a little envious!


Aw, I always hate saying goodbye to friends after a visit! Thanksgiving will be in DC, since I’ve already booked my ticket to Seattle for Christmas. Crazy how it’s already so close!!


I volunteered at a Ragnar once and right then decided it wasn’t for me. It’s the not showering. I’m a germaphobe. lol

I’ll be spending Thanksgiving here with my in-laws like we do every year :).

My friend’s mom used to make us popcorn with pretzels and m&ms when we were kids. It’s delicious! I don’t eat it that much now because I’m not supposed to have salt and how good can popcorn without salt be?


YEAH for Ragnar…it is literally the most.fun.ever!! I have run Ragnar Northwest Passage 5 years in a row and what I can tell you is, pack running outfits (DUH!) and pack one clean comfy outfit to wear between legs and REALLY warm stuff for cold night hours. You are going to have SO MUCH FUN!


你会爱莱格!我做了我的第一个7月west Passage and just realized that one of my teammates, Lauren replied to you also. I can’t wait for another one. Tips bring some real food. I was on an Ultra team, one van 6 runners, and we did not have time to stop for food much. I would bring some cheese sticks, and pasta salad with chicken next time. Baby wipes and brushing your teeth are an amazing way to feel clean. Have a great time!


kettle corn with butter! I like to mix in the Asian snack mix with the different types of salty/spicy rice crackers – so much salty goodness. I haven’t watched Greys in years but used to be a devoted fan!


I would LOVE to do a Ragnar someday. They seem like some of the most fun races I’ve seen out there especially if you do it with friends. I’m sure saying goodbye to bangs friend wasn’t easy but it makes it better knowing you have another reunion in sight. Plus, I think late night girl talk and TV watching required junk good, morning run or not!


I just did my first Ragnar last weekend in Norcal! I was an amazing experience, all the night running and junk food just makes it MORE fun. I read all of Sarah OUAL Ragnar posts and she has some great tips along with a killer packing list!


JEALOUS! I wanted to do a RAGNAR Chicago this year but couldn’t find enough crazy people to join me. Maybe next year.

I put freshly grated Parmesan cheese and pepper on my popcorn….its yummy.


I’m not sure what we’ll do for Thanksgiving this year — it’s so expensive to fly that we save going home to family for Christmas time. So most likely, it’ll just be the Mr & I — and our pup of course :)


How exciting! I have heard so many good things about Ragnar. I really want to do one! I want to do The So cal one or the one closer to home SF to Napa :)

Grey’s Anatomy lost my interest in the second season. meh.

Two thanksgivings. One with my parents at their place and the second at my MIL’s for hers.

Butter popcorn all the way. I can’t stand kettle.


I know someone who is getting a team together for the Ragnar here next year. I am considering it but can’t commit right now. We do air popped popcorn with a little sea salt. Throwing in some chocolate sounds like an excellent idea!


我做了莱格MD-DC我做ag)ain in 3 days! Happy to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to email! One good tip: pack each of your running outfits in separate plastic bags so that you aren’t rummaging around in your stuff for all the bits and pieces!


I’ll be there too Pam! My first one! :)


Awesome! Want to exchange details offline? I know there are a ton of teams, like 315 or so, but it would be cool to meet!


Sure! My email is[email protected].


I actually laughed out loud when I read your YOLO- that’s awesome! I did my first Ragnar in 2010 for the Wasatch Back. It was awesome and hard and painful and stinky and awesome some more. So excited for you!!!


Oh man, Ragnar is AWESOME. I did Ragnar Chicago last year and am hoping to do one with my family in 2015. You’ll have so much fun!!

Biggest tips? Bring baby wipes (in the very real chance you can’t get to a shower) and gallon-sized plastic ziploc bags to hold your icky, sweaty clothes after each of your legs. Don’t expect to get any sleep. And prepare to be best friends forever with the people in your van.

Ragnar is magical.


I am still faithful to Grey’s! I can’t help it, I love the drama! Thanksgiving will be in our new house, but we get to spend the weekend before with both our parents!


Grey’s Anatomy may be the most addicting show out there. I’m spending Thanksgiving in New York City this year. Very excited!


Ah I love love love Ragnar!! It’s actually how I started running in races and such and I was pulled into it w/less than 12 hours notice by my BOSS at the time.. I had NO IDEA it was going to be so intimate quarters with.. my boss! I’ve done the Wastach Back 3 or 4 times, San Diego, and Vegas.. I seriously LOVE them, and the midnight runs are my fav (esp Wasatch Back – they are SO PRETTY), Tips.. hm.. bring changes of clothes (obviously), make sure you get a roomy van, and seriously, the teammates are EVERYTHING! I’m so excited for you, and yes, I’m running Wasatch Back again this year. (next?)

我们住在SLC感恩节。我的家人我ives in FL and hubby’s lives in WA, and it’s not worth the astronomical flight fees at that time to fly somewhere to stay for a while 4 days.


莱格! !爱死它了。我已经多次和l运行它ast year did the wasatch back and vegas in the same year. So much fun!!! My advice is to pack your 3 running outfits in gallon size ziplock bags. One outfit per bag and label them run #1, run #2 and so on. This way they stay fresh and you can put the one you ran in in a bag so your other clothes don’t smell!! Yuck :). Also I would make sure and run a couple times a day a few times before your race. Have fun!!


I love Grey’s Anatomy! My favorite was the early seasons, but I still enjoy watching it. The latest episode made me cry though… so heart wrenching.

I’ll be spending Thanksgiving at my mom and dad’s house. And as soon as Thanksgiving dinner is over, we decorate for Christmas!!

I like kettle corn best. And I love putting M&M’s and Starburst in my popcorn. So yummy!


Ragnar. One the bucket list. Can’t wait to see your recap if it.


ahhh such exciting news about ragnar! i don’t have any advice because i’ve never done a race like that, but i know you’ll rock it! =)


I am super excited for thanksgiving! Mainly because it’s right around my birthday :-) and kettle corn all he way! Cheddar and caramel are a close second.


I want to run in a Ragnar!! That sounds like so much fun.

We always spend Thanksgiving at my sister’s with lots of family. Hubby and I also do Black Friday and this year we’re going to a 49ers game Thanksgiving weekend. Traffic should be awesome.

If my hubby is making kettlecorn, then I’m all over it. He makes it way better than anywhere else I’ve ever had it. Otherwise, it’s hot tamales in my popcorn, yum!


Woo! How exciting to be doing your first Ragnar Relay (I have yet to do it because… I’m scurred, hehe).
I love kettlecorn, but I surprisingly don’t like regular popcorn… unless it’s those caramel popcorn ones with peanuts in it.


Any kind of popcorn is yummy! I do like the Farmers Market Kettle corn, just the right amount of sweet and salt!

T=day I hope I’m downhill skiing at Lutsen in MN.. and if not, at our house with the family making a turkey dinner.

That Ragnar sounds like fun. Wish I had friends who could run.. at my age, not too many in their 40’s want to run. ;0(

Your mile times are so fast. What’s your heart rate while running a 6:30 minute mile.. for 8 miles?

I’m sure you’ll make the running goal of a sub 3! Can’t wait to hear how it all goes!



Love greys anatomy!


That is SO fun that you’re doing Ragnar! You’ll have a blast & do great, I am sure.

I love popcorn–but just the ones you can make at home, not the movie theatre kind. It’s way gross to me (prob b/c of a really bad yarfing incident when I was a kid).

Sad Bangs had to leave. She seems like an amazing person!


I’ve done 8 relays and they are a blast! Baby wipes and a good attitude will keep the experience positive. I’ll be in Vegas too! This is my third year there. The first year was a scorcher, the second we almost froze to death so who knows what this year will be! Hope you have a great time!


I had no idea what a RAGNAR was, so I went ahead and Googled it… Apparently, Ragnar was some Viking hero, buuuuuut I’m going to go ahead and assume that you’re talking about the overnight running relay ;) I’ve never done anything like that, but it sounds like fun in a terrifying/exciting way.

As for popcorn, usually with butter and salt… and dipped in honey if I’m feeling sassy.


I am running my first Ragnar this Friday and Saturday! I am filling in for an injured runner so I just found out I am doing it. I’m really nervous! I will def let you know how it goes. Running in the middle of the night should be interesting.

Popcorn and chocolate is an excellent combination!


That is awesome that you singed up for a Ragnar! I really want to do one sometime in the future!!

I haven’t watched Grey’s anatomy in a LONG LONG time! I kept up with the first few seasons but then it just got weird….

Thanksgiving is still up in the air. Most of the time we are still here and family comes to visit, but being that I don’t have a job….maybe we will get to go home this year if I am still unemployed them (fingers crossed I am not!!!)


I may have recently gone on a Netflix Grey’s Anatomy, candy corn and dark chocolate m&ms binge…so worth it.

I think we are spending Thanksgiving with my fiance’s brother and wife this year…but they don’t do a turkey!! They have a tradition of making turkey burgers instead – not sure how I feel about this yet.


I see nothing wrong with eating popcorn and M&Ms ;) Ohhh yay on the Ragnar! Sounds like it’s right up your alley :)


I did my first Ragnar in May and LOVED it! You will love it! The biggest advice I have is make sure you stretch before you hop back in the van, even if you guys are in a hurry! I stretched for at least 5 min after each of my legs and I wasn’t that sore the next day. Everyone told me the middle of the night run was by far the hardest, but I loved it , mine was so peaceful I just soaked up every minute of it!


We used to put Raisinettes in our popcorn at the movies. They were made for one another.


How exciting for you to be running in the Ragnar! I’ll tell you a secret~~I have been watching Grey’s Anatomy (on Netflix) from the very beginning for the past couple of months”) Right now I am watching season 6. I read somewhere that this is Yang’s last season~boo. Many times while watching I make some air popped popcorn and have root beer too.


I want to run a RAGNAR someday! You know, when I can run more than a few miles. Ha!
For the first time in four years, I will be spending it with my large extended family at my uncle’s farm. I cannot wait!!
I like all sorts of popcorn. Love movie theater popcorn with extra butter. At home, I tend to make kettle. Kettle is even better at a festival!


Congratulations to your dad! That is so awesome that he’s working on his sit ups and fitness! I have always wanted to do a Ragnar but have never bit the bullet – looking forward to how it goes! I’ll be in Tampa for Thanksgiving.


I am not a popcorn lover but if I do eat it, I love the combo of m&ms and popcorn! Salty and sweet is the best…whenever my best friend would come to visit or I would go to Florida to see her (she moved to Florida from NY when we were 15) we would both be so upset that we couldn’t snap back into routine or talk to our other friends for days. So fun to have them visit but sad when they go. Glad you are going to see her again so soon!


Wow! That IS perfect running weather! I am swooning right now just imagining it haha!

I literally eat popcorn every night before bed and am heartbroken because Costco stopped carrying my 100 calories packs! I am about to go broke buying the smaller packs when my stash runs out!


That sounds so much fun! I had heard of Ragnar before, but wasn’t quite sure what it was until just now ;)

I sort of love Grey’s Anatomy! I still haven’t seen the latest episode though.

I don’t know about Thanksgiving yet. I *think* this year I’m going to cook!

I usually just eat regular popcorn, but my husband and I had a movie marathon last week and we may have over indulged in popcorn with milk duds, m&ms, and whoppers thrown in. Not sorry :D


从来没有运行RAGNAR比赛但是我做罩- coat which is basically the same thing. The running was fantastic-my 3 am run was by far my favorite of the 3. When else do you get to run at that time on a dark forest road?! The only thing that killed was the lack of sleep. I went into it sleep deprived and then didn’t sleep at all during it. That took me a few days to recover from. Oh yes, and going DOWN stairs for a couple of days afterwards was almost impossible. :) You’ll have fun though!


I LOVE popcorn – especially that disgusting movie theater popcorn with the fake butter. Kettlecorn is good too, but I’m more of a salty person than a sweets person. Never done a ragnar before but they definitely look fun!


I read this and now I have to question why I don’t write YOLO more…


Hmmm…you’ll be out here for a while. There will have to be an #AWESOMEBLOGGYMEETUPWITHFROYO! Say yes!

I always have a tough time with goodbyes. It’s a carryover from one of my past lives.

Never done a Ragnar but have done Hood to Coast. So much fun! Who’s on your team? Ultra or regular?


Popcorn + M&Ms = one of the best possible combinations ever. Especially if it’s deliciously buttery movie theatre popcorn!


How exciting! I can’t wait to hear about your experience with your Ragnar.

Iluuuurvepopcorn w/ m&m’s. #nomnomnom I also really like kettle corn, but I think I like butter popcorn w/ m&m’s better. Especially when the m&m’s get all melty. Oh gosh. I’ve gotta stop now. :P


I love Ragnars! I’ve done Del Sol, SoCal, Wasatch Back three times, and this year will be my fourth Vegas. I’m kind of addicted, can you tell? ;) Most people have given pretty good advice so far, but I would say to make sure you bring some warm running clothes. Vegas was really, really windy last year and it was way colder than usual, we got snowed on at the start! It would not have been that bad (okay, the wind really sucked!) except that nobody was prepared for the cold.

You are going to have a great time!


You are going to LOVE Ragnar!! I’ve done 4… with my last one being Ragnar Adirondacks this past weekend. It is such a unique and crazy adventure… exhausting but SO.MUCH.FUN. Everyone is so nice and the support from your teammates and other runners on the course make it all worth it! Can’t wait to read your recap… the Vegas one is on my bucket list.
Your gonna rock it.


I LOVE Ragnar!! I have done 3 so far and am planning to do Cape Cod next year. I love my Ragnar team like family! you are going to bond a lot with these people :) Running at night is a little scary until you remember that your team is waiting for you and it doesn’t hurt to see other runners. My tip: pack light….those vans get squishy fast


One time I added chocolate chips and peanuts + butter and salt (of course) to my popcorn and it literally blew my mind. Try it, you’ll thank me :)

Good luck on your first Ragnar, that’s amazing! Can’t wait to hear all about it.

Our Thanksgiving in Canada is in just a couple of weeks and its the first one we have ever spent away from home (we moved to BC earlier this year from Ontario) and we’re going to cook a huge thanksgiving feast and have a movie marathon, its going to be awesome.


Kettle corn is from heaven itself, I swear. LOVE it. I think mixing in the M&Ms was an excellent idea, as well. A Ragnar sounds so cool! Never heard of them before now! And I live in Sacramento, and we go to the CIM and cheer on the sidelines every year :) We’ll be looking and hoping to see you!!!



Thanksgiving is booked – Honolulu to Los Angeles to Atlanta to Panama City, Florida! Trying to find a couple more time zones to hang out in ;)

I usually go for kettle corn, but sometimes plain old butter hits the spot!


Cheese popcorn really is amazing, but I will take regular popcorn, too ;) I will be spending Thanksgiving with both my husband’s and my family :) Ragner relay.. how awesome!! I can’t wait to hear all about it! :) LOVE grey’s! nearly in tears the other day watching it!


I just ran my first Ragnar in August, it was a phenomenal experience! I wrote a little about it on my blog. I would definitely recommend checking out their website for tips and suggested packing items, there were things I never would have thought to pack that I’m glad I did because I read their site.


I’ve never done a Ragnar but they sound like so much fun! Thanksgiving this year will be in Florida at my in-laws (they just got a house down there) so I am excited to get away from the cold for a weekend!


Ragnar is THE BEST. It’s how I got into running. Be sure to pack an outfit in Ziploc baggies for each leg, and bring lots of water! Layers, layers, layers — you will be sweaty and it will be cold at night. Also be sure to stretch as much as possible! Being cramped up in a van isn’t quite the best recovery for your muscles ;) HAVE FUN!!


I’m doing Ragnar for the first time end of October – Chattanooga to Nashville one on a mixed ultra team. I’m SO excited! Training going well, except for the doubles. It’s so hard to find time for that second run when you’re afternoon is filled with the mouths, feet, and voices of three little ones!


Good luck at the Ragnar! You will do amazingly well :)


Ragnar – I’ve done Great River 5 times. It’s so much fun.
Be in the first van. Seriously. No one else said that one. Wait until Saturday morning when you’re done running and can eat junk food and watch everyone else run their 3rd leg and you’ll understand.
-Bring your own headlight. No matter if the rules say you only need a couple per van. When you head to the port-o-potty at 3am, you’ll be glad you can see the seat.
-bring a pillow for the van
-Gummy Bears
Have fun!


I did the Ragnar NW Passage this past July. It was an experience I’ll never forget! I was runner 12 in van 2. It wasn’t bad at all. Ziplock bags, shower towel, and moleskin would be my top 3 items to have beyond your normal gear. Pack light space is usually an issue.


Oh and I’ve been a Grey’s fan from season 1 and even as ridiculous as it’s gotten I’m in it to the end.
Real butter on my popcorn with a sprinkle of salt. I ate waaaaaay too much kettle corn once and I can’t eat it anymore.


I love Grey’s…

I am not the biggest popcorn fan, but I wish I was. It is one of those foods that made me sick once and I just can’t stomach anymore.


Yay for the Ragnar! I started my blog to organize my ragnar teams – head to my
Blog for my tips and planning advice :).http://runningaragnar.blogspot.com/p/planning-ragnar-relay.html?m=1


Ooh, who are you running Ragnar with? I’m so jealous! And for Thanksgiving this year, I’m running a half marathon that morning, then just hanging out with my mom.


I haven’t run a Ragnar, but I ran the Blue Ridge Relay in the beginning of September. I have a couple recaps on my blog if you wanna read…it was really nervous but excited too because I had no idea what to expect! But running in the middle of the night is actually really fun…and barely sleeping…and eating all the time in between legs…and passing people (mean, I know)…and talking and laughing with the team. I wish I was running another one right now!

And I watched Gray’s last Thursday with some friends when we were on a beach trip. I love it and hate it. I feel like it is going downhill, but I can’t stop watching. :)


Ragnar sounds fab!


I would loooooooove to do Ragnar. I’ve done a 60 mile relay but that’s it.

I eat my popcorn with milk–like cereal. Only you have to put the milk in the bowl and throw a handful of popcorn on it and eat it and then add more or it gets soggy too quick.


Ooooo I want to do Ragnar some day! But I’m not gonna lie, i’m kinda freaked about running alone at night. :/
Popcorn – The Hus got me hooked on putting lemon pepper on my popcorn and it’s just not complete without it!
Grey’s – I had to stop watching that years ago because it got waaaay too gory for me! I can’t handle all that blood!


Can’t wait to hear about Ragnar… i’ve wanted to do one for a while now :)


So jealous about Ragnar, I’m dying to do one.

我们订了一间小屋Tahoe for Thanksgiving last week. I’m excited already!


Relays are so much fun! You will love it! I have done Hood to Coast twice and had a blast both times!


Relays are SOOOO much fun! You will literally be addicted, I promise!! Remember pb&j and deodorant (not together) are your best friends! :)


I am running Ragnar Las Vegas also!
What is the name of your team? I’d love to meet you there!
I will be on team. NUUN !


I just finished Ragnar Adirondacks last weekend and it was crazy! So much fun, but very challenging to run on very little sleep and I had some tummy troubles which made it difficult to eat. Bring some kind of comfy sleeping pad, I had only a yoga mat and really was not able to sleep more than 45 min. the hole trip. Running at night was not something I was used to, so I actually wore the head lamp and carried a flash light and was so happy that I did! Good luck-bring lots of extra clothes and don’t forget your toothbrush-it felt like such a luxury to brush my hairy teeth!! Gus and gels make for some gross teeth!


I used to LOVEEEEE Grey’s back in the day. Its funny you bring it up because I just watched it the other night for the first time in years, too. It’s still good! I think I may start watching again.

I like Kettle Corn. and have no self control around popcorn- I feel like its so light that you can just shovel it in your mouth without a thought…yikes..YOLO haha


I just talked about RAgnar with a friend last night! We are working on getting a group together for next year. I am pumped!! Thanksgiving will be spent in South Florida with my fiance’s family :)


Thanksgiving/ Birthday Weekend in Florida this year
Doing the Space Coast Half Marathon :)

Popcorn dipped in southwestern mustard
Never heard of a Ragnar until reading this, sounds interesting…


I want to do a Ragnar so bad! They look so fun! Thankgiving is always at a lot of places… divorced parents! First to Step G&G’s, then to my house, then to Grandma Bonnie’s! I get my fill for the day:)


I love buttered popcorn, but I also love the flavoured ones like white cheese or dill pickle. all time favourite is Chicago style.

I love that you said YOLO. that made me laugh out loud.


So glad you have plans to spend time with Bangs during Thanksgiving-good friends always help us through hard times. And prayers…lots of prayers.

You will have so much fun doing Ragnar. I was supposed to do one in 2011 but something came up and I had to defer my spot on the team. But I’m hoping next June I can do the Madison to Chicago Ragnar with my Army unit. :)

Sending warm thoughts your way <3


So excited for you to do a Ragnar!!!!!!! I just did the Napa Valley Ragnar a week ago and it was so much fun! It was the first race I’d ever done, so I was a little nervous to say the least. I thought running at 3am was going to be SO hard, but that’s the leg that I ended up having my fastest time on :) Good luck! Can’t wait to hear how you like it!

~ Emily


我非常喜欢印第安纳的巧克力和爆米花Peanut Butter popcorn at the holidays. We hoard those bags in our house.
I am so proud of your daddy! It’s just amazing to see people change their lives for the better without needing to do something drastic like The Biggest Loser. It’s ALL his effort!


Ah, Ragnar so exciting!! You should look into the one that goes from Logan to Park City – it’s awesome!

What app do you use for running? I know the answer is going to be super simple haha but it looks really helpful!


Hey there!

My friend is a Race Director for Ragnar and lives out in SLC. If you have any questions (or ever want to do a Ragnar run for Free!) let me know and I can get you in contact with her :)

Have a great day!


you are so lucky to know a race director!!!


I did Ragnar So Cal and Vegas in 2012. Vegas was a great experience for me.
The weather was cold and sometimes windy but I had a good group of people (mostly strangers) in my van.

There is nothing like running in the middle of the night in the Nevada desert- it was one of those – holy cow it’s freezing but dang this is awesome – take it all in kind moments.


Ragnar was a fun adventure. I ran the Wasatch Back in 2011.
The two things for me that were 10x’s hard than the running was sitting in the van for long periods of time and sleep, but that is because I am a terrible napper and cannot sleep or cat nap in a car. We had a large van, so space wasn’t an issue… it was just uncomfortable.
Baby wipes and ziplock bags are essential! You get used to smells and really don’t smell each other. It wasn’t bad at all.
Funny enough, running was the easiest part. I looked forward to my running legs, just so I could get up and do something. To keep costs down we all threw in money to fill up a cooler with healthy snacks, turkey sandwiches, water, Gatorade etc…
Lastly, running in the middle of the night is really cool and was my favorite part!
I think you will have a blast!


You will LOVE Ragnar! Your middle of the night run will be your favorite when it’s all said and done! I’m thinking about finding a team for Vegas. If I do, I’ll let you know! Have so much fun!


Butter popcorn with hot tamales candy…soooo good!


I just did my first Ragnar (captained 2 teams for Napa Valley) and it was a blast! I can’t wait to do another one :)


I am Canadian but spending American Thanksgiving in NYC for my 40TH BIRTHDAY!!! My bday is the 30th of November but I figured, if I get there on the 27th, I get the Macy’s parade on the 28th and I leave after the big Rockefeller tree is lit. Oh and as an added bonus, we have Thanksgiving in a couple weeks. :)


You will LOVE the relay! I have done three of them now, serious relay addict here. I did a whole series on how to prepare on my blog, feel free to tweet or email me with any questions!!!


I’m doing Ragnar Vegas also!!! Would love love love to meet you in person. I’ve only ever done one relay (Hood to Coast) and it was so much fun so I hope you enjoy your first relay. Again, would love if we could meet and of course snap a picture together!


I’ve dont several Ragnars, Wasatch Back, Florida Keys and Southern Cal. I’ve always wanted to do Las Vegas too! Maybe next year…

Advice? Plan on getting ZERO hours of sleep. That way, if you actually get any sleep you’ll be happy about that! Don’t eat too much. The first time I did it I didn’t stop eating. That and a combination of no sleep made me sick.

Good luck!


I watch Grey’s and can’t wait to see the new one…it’s saved on my DVR.


Ragnar advice: don’t take anything said or or done between the hours of 1 am and 6 am personal. After an hour of sleep and a breakfast stop, everyone will be happy again and you can forever laugh about the girl fight that happened on that Ragnar.


YAY!!!! I am so glad you’re running a Ragnar! I just did Napa last weekend…it was amazing. I did SoCal last year (while nursing! Ah!) They are a blast. I can’t wait until my next one :)


Never done a Ragnar but it sounds super fun!

Thanksgiving is tricky b/c we aren’t eating gluten or anything processed- so that makes eating with the rest of the family tricky. We may do our own thing this year.

Popcorn…we have a jiffy pop- stovetop popper. We pop with canola oil or coconut oil. The hubby just adds salt to his. But I add a little melted coconut oil, nutritional yeast and some organic cheddar popcorn seasoning!

http://expertbrand.com-where I get all my running gear!


Glad that you could visit with Bangs friend. That’s sweet that she could come.

LOVE Ragnar! It’s the “Christmas” of running for me. I’ve done Wasatch Back 3 x’s, and Vegas once. My friend and I are signed up for the Del Sol in Arizona in February. Want to join us? I think there’s one spot left ;).

Thanksgiving is with my parents this year- my mom is an awesome cook, and I can’t wait!

I like Kettle corn more, but usually have butter on mine.


LOVE running relays. I’ve done 6.

You’ve got to watch this video which pretty much sums it up:


cannot wait for you to run RAGNAR!! we’ve done 4 of them and were all geared up to do #5 later this month when my dr suggested I NOT do anything crazy like that before the baby arrives. sigh. next year. instead i’ll live vicariously through you! have SO much fun! my recommendations–don’t expect to sleep (esp if you’re running an ultra…we do it with 9 ppl so we run 4 times and sleep is very minimal!), but know you’ll survive on adrenaline. eat a LOT, but stay away from ice cream and salads until AFTER the race (i learned the hard way), and candy corn/swedish fish/etc. make seriously good running fuel, esp at 2 am! :) have so much fun!


Yay for Ragnar!! I’ve run and organized 3 teams in the past year & also became an ambassador for the series. I think most of the comments covered it pretty well – this will be the most amazing experience & you will have so many memories after it!! The one thing I didn’t see others recommend is bringing a blanket to wrap up in – useful for the cooler nights and when you’re jumping in and out of the van to cheer your other teammates on. Other than that, I would reinforce the ziplock bag and baby wipes suggestions!! Oh and make sure you spend time on You Tube looking at team videos, it will totally pump you up for the crazy fun you’ll be having!!

Run, Eat, Sleep? Repeat! (Last year’s Ragnar theme, but seriously accurate.).


I’ve done 2 Ragnar’s! Biggest tip: pack each change of running clothes in giant ziplock bags with dryer sheets. It keeps the smell at bay in the van and less potent when you finally get home to do laundry! Have a blast!


I’m late to this party. I was sick all last week….but, I had to comment anyway because I am soooo excited that you’re doing Ragnar Las Vegas! Las Vegas will be my second Ragnar (Wasatch Back this past June was my first).


This may be a little after-the-fact, but have you ever tried popcorn with m&m’s AND Funyuns??? YUM.

And ragnars are fun. I’m excited to read about your adventure.


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