Mom’s Taco Soup Recipe!

Lots of family in town yesterday so we went on a mid-day walk. My brother-in-law held Brooke so that I could walk the dog (I like to walk Maggie because she literally pulls me up the hills… now to just train her to do that during a marathon).

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Brooke is just one of the gang.

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我妈妈让她美味的taco汤。I call this Fall in a Bowl Soup. I think she quadrupled the recipe because there were so many of us to feed yesterday.

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Fall in a Bowl:

1 lb. ground beef (I am sure you could do ground turkey or no meat at all if you wanted!)

1 large onion-chopped

28 oz. can crushed or chopped tomatoes

1 15-oz can tomato sauce

1 15-oz can corn, undrained

1 15-oz. can kidney beans, undrained

2 14-oz. cans pinto beans, undrained

1 envelope hidden valley ranch dressing mix

1 envelope dry taco seasoning (2 Tbsp)

1. Brown beef and onion in skilled. Drain.

2. Put all ingredients in slow cooker and cook on low for 4-6 hours

3. Garnish individual servings with tortilla chips and shredded cheese and sour cream.

Brooke took a three hour nap yesterday. Three hours. When she woke up she was the energizer bunny so we took her to the park (she was so busy she couldn’t even look up at the camera). I am taking full advantage of the good weather while we have it because it is going to be snowing like crazy before we know it.

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You know with ingredients like these you are going to have a delicious dessert (add marshmallows to the picture).

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THESE are amazing. They are incredibly sweet and they tasted like a big candy bar. If you like candy corn you should definitely try out theCandy Corn Peanut Mallow Bars.

As I was making these I gave Brooke a marshmallow to eat. She took the marshmallow and threw it on the ground and got back to eating her peas?!?! I still can’t even process the situation.

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Do you remember my friendBrittanyfrom Northern California?! She moved back up to Alaska and is visiting Utah for a little while so I get to have her for 24 hours! She got here last night and is sleeping here and this morning we are going on a run together. She brought Brooke a moose and a pumpkin and Brooke got straight to work eating the pumpkin.

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I have to show you Brittany’s dog Diego. He is actually the cutest dog I have ever seen


What was the last dessert you made?

How many cousins do you have?

Dog owners: What is your dogs name? (I love hearing dog names)

What are you most looking forward to this week?

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Last dessert I made are chocolate chip cookie cups topped with ice cream. It’s actually on my blog today and these are so easy and something that would be right up your alley!


I made Halloween cookies this weekend… just the kind already made and refrigerated though… Still counts to me!
I also bought some candy corn and peanuts…
I also Had chipotle for the first time!!! I really wanted to randomly comment and tell you that because I know it is a huge life event. It was just as amazing as I dreamed!
I will also have to try both recipes. I love candy corn!


That dog looks so much like my dog when she was a puppy.
So cute.
I’ve been all over the soups and chilis lately.


How Brooke doesn’t like marshmallows is beyond me. Those are my favorite sugary snack. I love going on walks with my family! This just made me so excited for our thanksgiving gathering. I hope you have a great run today!


The last dessert I made was a chocolate raspberry pavlova. I’m not going to lie – it was pretty good!

My step-mum’s dog is called Sassi because she’s so sassy. She’s so cute, I need a dog for myself! It’s my birthday today, so here’s hoping….. ;)

I have 16 cousins. And they are the best. We’re spread across the world, so we don’t get to see each other very much, but when we do it’s always amazing. Cousins are awesome.

Have a good Monday!!


And thanks for that soup recipe. It looks great, I am going to try it this weekend!


I love when family is around! I haven’t made dessert in forever : ( On the cousin front maybe a dozen if that? My dogs name is Sasha and she is a one year old german shepherd – flippin adorable. I am looking forward to starting a mini 5 week training plan to prep for my first post acl surgery race!


Hi!! I too am a runner and broke my tibia and tore the ACL, MCL, and LCL 3 weeks ago in an accident @ home–I soooo miss running and actually walking right now—do you have any suggestions for any exercise that I could do while sitting and recovering??? I read that you had ACL surgery. any comments will be appreciated. thanks


Hey Deb! My blog has a tonnn of posts on work outs after an ACL injury.

Between tearing the ACL and getting surgery (1 month) I was working out and here are some of the work outs:– in a nut shell there is a ton of rowing, biking, and core / upper body moves. I was also able to start squatting about a week after I tore it after the swelling went down.

Also before you can start running or any of that good stuff here is a list of exercises you can do:

我最大的技巧是静止的bike ASAP. It will really help your range of motion after surgery and bring your quad back to life. I remember the first time I was able to get a full flex out of it, I literally yelled to my roommate COME LOOK AT THIS!!

It get’s better I promise : ) Feel free to email me if you have any questions / need a friend!


The last dessert I made was brownies….in a cupcake pan! Lets just say that is not the ideal way to make brownies. Once they cool off, they won’t come out of the pan! :)
I have 5 cousins. More liek brothers and sisters sometimes. Cousins are fantastic.
My dogs’ name is Nancy. My fiance and I love the show Weeds and it was out 1st Netfliz marathon together so we knew as soon as we saw our puppy we would name her Nancy!
This week I’m most looking forward to getting back in the gym.


Peas over marshmallows? Yeaaaah I don’t get it either. I mean, peas are delicious and all, but the ooey, gooey goodness of mallows? Can’t be beat. That being said, I’d probably take peas over uncooked marshmallows, but one that’s been toasted to perfection? Swoooon. And yes, I just spent far too long talking about mallows. Totally normal.

And that Diego sure is cute. My pup’s name is Kaiah.


That soup recipe looks amazing and very similar to the chili my mom makes. SO comforting, isn’t it?


The last desert I made was – I can’t remember. I kind of suck at baking therefore I buy deserts or I eat what others make!
I have 38 first cousins…..haha pretty crazy! My mom’s mom had 16 kids!! and My dad’s mom had 8! So, I have a massive family. They should start a reality show haha
I only have a cat now but when I did have a dog his name was “Cookie”… yes, I really like cookies. hahaha!
I live in Canada so this weekend is our “Thanksgiving Day Weekend!” therefore, I am looking forward to the holiday and family time!


I have to say it again…the view in your pictures is amazing!!!! That is by far the cutest dog I have ever seen!!! I want one! Our dog’s name is Payton. She is part golden lab part golden retriever.
I am looking forward to do a bunch of fun fall things with my kids this week!!!!


I find it hilarious that Brooke threw the marshmellow on the floor, and weird too. She must really like those peas! Last dessert I made was Banana Bread Inspired Ice Cream, Ugh I need to make some more!!! I have 10, 8 of them are in their 30’s haha. My dog is named Dakota, and my old one that is no longer with us, her name is Daisy. We called her Crazy Daisy. I’m most looking forward to my counseling appointment and my boyfriend coming home :)


Our dog’s name was Sam!

The last desert I made was…desert crepes!


Hi! My two four-leg guys are Boris(miniature schnauzer) and Lenny (Vizsla).
我期待着与我的好朋友on friday for my last long run before NYC.
May I ask? Does that little guy’s t-shirt say Argentina? Have they been here?!


I’ve finally accepted that my hub needs dessert on a regular basis, so yesterday I made pumpkin spice muffins. It’s a super simple recipe.

*1 box of spice cake
*1 can of pumpkin

*Mix well together with an electric mixer.

*Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes depending on the size of your muffin tins.

(I use mini muffins and bake for 15 minutes. It nets about 36 or more mini muffins.)

You can sub any cake mix for spice. Chocolate + canned pumpkin= really moist chocolate muffins that taste great! They also freeze very, very well.

Next on the dessert menu this week is probably chocolate graham cookies or lemon pie.


I made these too! So yummy!


Thanks for this- I was looking for something similar that would be fast and easy!


THAT DOG!!! Almost as cute as Brooke! Almost.


Are you sure little Brookers is yours? Maybe the sweet tooth gene skipped a generation.


My dog’s name was Cindy. She was a toy poodle and I named her Cindy after Cindy on the Brady Bunch because they both had curly hair lol. I was 10 at the time, what can I say…That soup looks delish, I may make it this week for my taco soup loving friend.


Eddie Munster Kelly. He is a borgi (border collie mixed with corgi) looks just like a collie except he is short. We didn’t expect that when we got him :) love our goofy boy


I can’t imagine that dessert being anything less than the best thing I have ever heard of. I also made chili yesterday with a similar recipe.

My dog’s name is Molly.


I have 7 cousins, plus 5 “step cousins” since my grandmother got re-married when I was 6. And I would like those candy bars. Please.


I’m on Brooke’s side- plain marshmallows are kind of gross. They need chocolate & graham crackers to be good!

My dog’s name is Rodgy (like Aaron Rodgers- go Pack!). This week I’m really looking forward to Wednesday afternoon since it is my half day off!


Oh my goodness, that soup sounds incredible! I’ll definitely have to make it next week. I’m a huge sucker for slow cooker recipes. I really, really like being able to come home to a hot meal after work!


The last dessert I made was probably sugar cookies or brownies. :) I am looking forward to my brother’s wedding on Saturday!


That’s the taco soup recipe I use, but I leave out the ranch dressing. I’m thinking that would be a good idea to make tonight actually. Haven’t made dessert in awhile, but it’s usually brownies when I do.

Oh, and I’m jealous of the gorgeous views in your neighborhood! :)


My dogs name is Madison but we call her fluffy (fluffs for short) she is a husky mixed with a black lab :)


Diego doesn’t even look like a real dog! Too cute to not be fake.
I haven’t made dessert in awhile. My mom made it last night because we had dinner at her ouse. It was a fruit and jello thing topped with homemade whipped cream. I can’t eat jello. :-(
我有更多比我能数的近亲。事后他sly, that will take some thought.
At least forty. I come from a large family.
My dog is Stella. She’s an 11-month old boxer.


OH MY STINKING GOODNESS!!! That dog is so cute I can’t even remember what questions you asked!! More pics of Diego!!! Our dog (who we think is part human) is named Racer.


I made 2 ingredient pumpkin brownies yesterday and they were TOO good! Too good in that whole “I ate half a pan in the kitchen and gave each of kiddos who were over 1 brownie” way.

I have a Boston Terrier named Spenser. Bonus cool points for anyone who gets the name thing.


Spenser for Hire, of course!


:-) I watched the tv show as a kid and read all the novels as an adult.


My dog’s name is Sadie :) Also, I loveeee Dobermans, so I love when you have Maggie in your posts!

Random side note… I “dedicated” one of my 400m runs at CrossFit this morning to you. :) My version of dedicating miles, since 400m is about the most we run at a time haha. HAPPY MONDAY!


I have a one year old Teddy bear pup named Murphy. I most looking forward to the higher than normal temps this week and more outdoor running!


I only have three cousins – my mom has one sister and my dad was an only child.


Last desert I made was Turtle Bars….chocolately, carmelly goodness with pecans!
My dog’s name is Oscar…He’s a 1-1/2 yr old German Shepherd. Wouldn’t of necessarily been my name of choice for him at the time – the hubby insisted on it for whatever reason. I have know found it to suit his quirky, fun-loving personality. PS – He would totally love Brooke and her cousins, and Maggie too! He loves kids and new puppy playmates!


soo cute!! your friends dog looks like a stuffed animal! :) I agree…the CUTEST!!

looking forward to heading up North, with my family in tow, for my cousin’s wedding. the boys are going to be “mini groomsmen” for the wedding! speaking of cousins I have 9 cousins. happy Monday my gorgeous, speedy friend!!! have a great run with Brittany! :) xo


I love Brooke’s bangs!


Brooke prefers peas over candy? Are you sure she’s yours?

Your friend’s dog doesn’t even look real! He’s like a stuffed animal he’s so cute. I have a black lab named Bungee. She’s pretty much the best.

I have ten cousins.


Please, please, please tell me what kind of dog that is! My husband and I are looking to get our first dog and this one is the cutest I have ever seen :)


I actually had those bars this weekend at our family fall festival! And Noah used to do the same thing… Throw the good food I would give him back at me and want fruits and vegetables. I was like you are definitely not my kid!


Angel food cake for a co-workers birthday.
Are you ready for the cousin question?! ZERO. Both my parents are only kids.
I do not have a dog but my Mom does and his name is Oreo – black and white Border Collie.
It is Thanksgiving this weekend in Canada! So I am excited for turkey and pumpkin pie.


Diego is not real. I’m convinced he is a toy. SO cute. I’ve been on puppy overload this weekend, and every time I see another one, I want to go out and get myself a puppy so badly! I wish I had all the time in the world to take care of it…but since I don’t, I’ll be fawning over other people’s dogs for a little while longer.


My dog’s name is Kodiak. And I went to high school with Brittany, in Alaska! Small world.


I made chocolate chip cookies last night.

My dog’s name is Storm–she’s adorable, but Diego gives her a run for her money. What a cute dog!


The last dessert I made was pumpkin snickerdoodle cookies. I meant to make a pie, but got lazy.

I have 16 cousins and they are all amazing and I love them!

My dogs are named Malone (westie) and Wilson (cairn). We thought over those names long and hard…they are named after The Untouchables :)

This week I am looking forward to my FIRST 20 MILE RUN EVER! I am super pumped. I did 18 on Saturday and it felt amazing.


My mom has a little dog that looks just like that except she’s white with apricot colored ears… Her name is Molly. She was my replacement after I moved out of the house.

Last dessert would be reloading the pumpkin candy jar with candy corn and m&ms…been a bit too busy to bake, this needs to change asap.


I am cracking up about brooke and the marshmallow, she probably didn’t even think it was something to eat. We had apple pie for dessert. Your recipes sound great!


Red Velvet Cake Cookies…. when I make them I instantly become the best wife in the world all over again.
I need/want a dog- I feel like this may be something we have in common ;)


Wow, that dog really is the cutest thing ever! Your fall meals look amazing, it looks like you had a great weekend!

I am most looking forward to this weekend (I know, its only Monday…) but its Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend which means that I’m going to cook up a turkey feast and we have a long weekend, and then my birthday is the following week. :)


I have an australian shepherd/border collie mix named Indiana Jones (we call him Indy) and a border collie/lab mix that really looks more like a miniature lab, and his name is Cooper.


Thank you so much for linking to my recipe! I had a ton of traffic coming in from your blog and I had to come “check” you out :)


My dog’s name is Oogie (pronounced like Oogie Boogie – but that’s not where the name came from).


My Zoe is a mini schnauzer :)


Taco汤是我最喜欢的秋季/冬季食物!It’s so easy and delicious.

Last dessert I made… I made some chocolate chip pumpkin bread a couple days ago if that really counts as “dessert”. I still can’t decide. ;) But it had chocolate chips in it, so I guess it counts. It was gone in two days, no big deal.

Our dogs are Ryan (yellow lab) and Molly (chocolate lab). :) Love them to pieces! And they are amazing with Hunter! If you ever get a dog, get a lab…they’re so great with kids!


我期待着芝加哥Marath运行on on Sunday! It will be my first full marathon and so far I am just excited and not nervous. I might actually be a little bit more excited to meet Skinny Runner this weekend too. Wish you were running it too!

I have a pug named JJ which stands for Jack Johnson like the singer and we have a mixed breed named Boomer since we got him on the 4th of July. Oh and a cat name Mia and a turtle named Squiggy.


ohhh my goodness that dessert look beyond amazing!!!! i cannot wait to get back home in december to try that out (my husband and i are on a 50 city tour around north america doing workshops) and i miiiiiss baking. yum.

no dogs for me (yet) but that one is super duper sweet and stuffed moose animals are the cutest along with babies eating pumpkins.


I am obsessed with Diego…he is SO cute!! Can you find out what kind of dog he is? I need to get a twinner dog ASAP. My dog’s name was callie. She was a bichon frise, and the bestest puppy dog ever :-)


We used to have 2 boxers. They were our babies. Boy and a girl. The boy was Brinks (like the security system) and the girl Juno (for the Roman goddess of protection of women). I miss them. We hope to get a boxer again in a couple years.


Is Maggie a Doberman? From the angles I could not tell, but she looked thin like a Dobie. We used to have one named Bella. Now we have a dog named Nico. That Diego is so cute that it should be illegal. If my Brooke saw him, she would have to have it.

I am ashamed to say that I really don’t know the last dessert that I made. But I am going to make up for it my baking a pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing later this week!


My dog’s name is Dakota.


I can’t wait to try your fall in a bowl recipe! I’ve loved every recipe I’ve tried that you have posted! Our dogs name is Marley – totally separate from the movie, but she has done her best to live up to the name and she does it well!


My dogs name is duke. But a guy I used to live by had two dogs named Lunchbox and Buddy Lee. Kind of awesome


My dog’s name is Cooper. That Diego is soooo adorable! Eeek! The last dessert I made was oatmeal crispies cookies. It’s a Pioneer Woman recipe and one of our favorites. I add golden raisins to ours and it really enhances them. I have 17 cousins!


That dog is so cute!! What kind of dog is he? Our dogs are Roxy and Howard — when I was growing up we had Cocoa, Lucy, and Casey — my husband had Chief and Tinker growing up. I am making brownies this week for a dinner party – yum!! Those bars look great! :)


Her dog looks like a stuffed animal!! So cute!!


My last dog’s name was Brenda. My next one will be named Wanda. I like people names for dogs.

I have 45 cousins. 42 of which are on my Dad’s side of which I am number 42. My paternal grandmother had 9 children, 7 of them had children. The remaining two siblings who didn’t have children — one was a priest and the other a nun. Apparently the first time my Mom met my Dad’s family she brought a cheat sheet with the names of my Dad’s siblings and their respective children so she could keep everyone straight!


房子我就搬进了小狗命名Hudson and a dog that is visiting named Bean. They’re both pretty cute.
I have 40 cousins! and I’m the oldest one in the United States.
Yesterday my roommate and I made butterscotch, chocolate chip, oatmeal cookies. AWE-SOME!!


I have a Shih Tzu and his name is Bosco. He is super cute – check out my blog where I have 100000000 pictures (give or take) of him. :-)


Brooke and I would definitely get along. I love three hour naps and would choose peas over a marshmallow most days. :-D

我有很多亲戚在我妈妈的身边,三个故事sins on my dad’s side.

My dogs’ names are Moe and Milo.


My dog’s name is Cole, and he is precious :-) He is a cuddly big black lab.

That Candy Corn dessert looks AMAZING.

Most recently, we made a sweet Baked Apple Brie and 2 Ingredient Pumpkin Spice muffins. Both delicious.


Ted and Zoe.
Best dogs ever.
My dad was the youngest of 10 so some of my cousins have children my age.
On my moms side a few less but still a ton. Growing up was the best!


I love the soup season, sooo yummy!! I’m soaking up this nice weather too, it actually feels like fall!


The last dessert I made was Sally’s Skinny Pumpkin Cheesecake Fudge Brownies. They are so good considering they are ooey and gooey. Diego is so, SO cute. My dog’s name is Elmo :)


Our pups are named Halladay and Tugger (girl dogs names after make Phillies players)we picked out the names before the pups (rescues) and that dog is seriously the cutest!!!


Just wanted to say that photo of Diego is amazing. I totally want to cuddle with that dog.

I don’t even know how many cousins I have to tell you the truth. My dad was one of 13 kids and the family isn’t super close, so there are lots of cousins that I don’t really know.

I don’t have a dog now, but growing up my dog’s were Jaci and Savannah.


I sadly haven’t made dessert in a while, but will be making some dark chocolate chip cookies on this week.

I only have a small handful of first cousins, and only 2 that I actually know and talk to.. (old family drama). But we’re getting closer each year so it’s awesome.

I have a Jack Russell, Beagle, and Bassett hound mix named Hawkeye. He’s so goofy looking, poor guy.. but he’s fun. And he LOVES kids!


Here is the recipe for the last dessert made :) Apple Coffee Cake, so yummy so easy and everyone loved it, so I guess that makes it a triple threat? :)

It must have been so much fun and encouraging having so many family members around ~ more pictures please:) The picture of the kids looks like they are planning something fun.


What a cute dog!!! He’s like a little Teddy Bear! That just made my morning!


Oh my…that is one of the sweetest looking dogs EVER!!


That dog is super cute. The last dessert I made was pumpkin chip cake. I have a chocolate lab named Jameson. Looking forward to my last super long run before NYC!


Oh my goodness, Diego is TOO adorable!

The last dessert I made was … I have no idea! I prefer for other people to make the desserts while I simply eat them :) Haha


While Brooke is adorable, I now have to question her tastes a little. Peas over a marshmallow? Does not compute.
I haven’t baked a dessert in a while, but with my birthday, thanksgiving, halloween, and a bake sale that I’m contributing to all in the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be pretty much attached to my kitchen.


I honestly don’t know how many cousins I have cause we were never around them much growing up. It’s kind of sad thinking about it just now :/


looks like a fun fall weekend! i love the idea of taco soup. i can’t wait to use my crockpot when the temps get a bit cooler here (it was in the 90s this weekend in so cal – not that i’m complaining! i loved it).

ahhh diego is adorable :) he looks like a fluffy teddy bear. i have 2 dogs – a dachshund named ashton and a lab/hound mix puppy named archie. they’re the best <3

my grandpa on my mom's side was one of 14 kids, so i have a billion cousins on that side of the family. i only have one cousin on my dad's side, though.


Every time you post pictures of those mountains I get a little home sick. I love those views.

That soup sounds delicious! I need to make some soup, especially since it’s absolutely pouring rain outside right now.


Mmmmm, thanks for sharing the soup recipe! I don’t have any first cousins, but I’m so glad that my girls will have lots of cousins growing up. Right now I have 5 nephews and 1 niece and another niece on the way!


Looking forward to the Balitmore Running Festival 1/2 marathon & pumpkin dark chocolate cookies that i will be making to give my friend Laura to celebrate her first 1/2 !!


My jaw actually dropped at the cuteness that is Diego. On my.

I made the cookie dough PB cups you posted on the blog ages ago. They are so good!

I have 6 cousins.

No dog, but my cat is Merlin.

I think I’m looking forward to running my first marathon…


OMG… I am not a dog person at all but that dog is really stinking cute.

This week I am looking forward to actually sleeping in on Saturday (til like 7… yay?) and getting to spend some time with my husband and stepson. I have missed all of the kiddo’s soccer games this season because of my training schedule (wow I feel awful just writing that) and I will finally get to go to one because it’s a rest week. Then we are all going to a fall festival afterwards. :) I have a race on Sunday – a 5-miler – and I’m hoping the speed gods are with me so I can place in my AG… we’ll see!


Dessert would be pizookies :) It’s like pizza cookies.
I have several cousins, but I only see about 3 of them frequently. My kiddos get to see their 4 cousins pretty regularly.
My dog’s names are Sofie and Zipper (It used to be Zippe and Button) and our cat is named Dori. The kids named her.
I am most looking forward to homecoming being over with this Friday! And my last long run before 3 weekends of races.


Last desert I made was apple crisp!

I have a lot of cousins- like 15 I think.

My dogs name is Riley. She is a five year old Boxer-Black Lab.

I’m excited for fall temps and leaves changing colors this week! I get all my performance running apparel

Reply made these this weekend camping and they were unreal!
We just used chopped strawberries, bananas, choc. chips and mini marshmallows. Put them in a waffle cone and wrap in tin foil. Then you throw in fire (or oven)


Please warn us if you’re going to post a picture of Diego and Brooke together, I’m going to need to sit down.

The mountains are truly beautiful, definitely put it on the list of places to visit.


Hi All! I have a doggie that looks just like this :) Her name is Ruby and she is a CAVAPOO!!! It’s a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mixed with a Poodle. Literally the best combo ever. She’s smart and sassy like a Poodle but has the love, warmth, sensitivity, and heart of the Cavalier. BEST BREED EVER!


I didn’t exactly “make” this dessert, but I had some peanut butter Pop Tarts yesterday. Not too shabby, but I’m a PB addict… no, I’m not. I can give it up any time I want. ;) Candy corn hasn’t made it’s debut into my life yet this fall, so I might have to make those bars.

Our dog’s name is Zoe. Cutest mutt in the world.

Have a great day!


Thanks for the recipes….they both look amazing and I will be trying them for sure!

Our dog is named Rudy but called ~ Poopy, Snoopy, Toobooty, and just about any thing else that some what rhymes with Rudy~ no surprise if he doesn’t always come when called….he probably doesn’t know what name to answer to. ha!


Despite my parents having six siblings between the two of them, I only have three cousins (and they are either way younger or way older than me). Last dessert I made were pumpkin bars from a Trader Joe’s box!


Last dessert I made was banana bread.. I kind of failed at it because I thought I ran out of sugar and used honey instead.. I’ll save you from ever doing that .. it’s not the best texture. Luckily my husband will eat almost anything, and he liked it.

My doggy’s name is Sparky.. I adopted him and felt like he may have gone through enough, so I couldn’t change his name, too!

So far this week I’m most looking forward to finishing the first season of Breaking Bad.. yes this is the excitement of my life right now, but we started watching it and I’m hooked.

不用担心,我在玉米糖的事. .I’ve already printed out the recipe here at work. Clearly being productive.


1. Chocolate Chip Cookies
2. 30. My dad came from a big family. That is why I’m an only.
3. My GSP is Rosemary. She had two beagle sisters–Basil and Thyme. ‘Cuz you can do that to your dogs.
4. Nothing. Appears that it will be a boring week in the trenches. Hopefully it will be sunny and cool so that I can get in some nice runs. Yesterday’s run in the wind and drizzle was miserable!


Oh gosh… Those bars look ammmmaaazzing. What kind of dog is Diego?? He’s the cutest!


Our pup’s name is Gus — like GusGus from Cinderella. He definitely has the personality haha. Such a dope!


I am now about to make rasberry eton mess, with yoghurt not cream
My dog is called Alfie Bear
6 cousins
Ooh and I ran my first marathon on Sunday. I knew I wouldn’t make my A goal of sub 4 as my body hasn’t held out well, so tried for 4.15 but I persevered in the heat and got my B goal sub 4.30 with 4.29.21! So happy with that as it was really really hard! Don’t know how you go so fast! I got a prize of a shin splint, my left shin looks bruised ;-( doing the RICE but still happy I finished that Mara :-D


We have a beagle and her name in Columbo


Now i want taco soup. Ive never seen it with ranch seasoning. I will have to try that.
I cant believe those sugary bars you made…no wait I can. The last thing I made was chocolate chip cookies. Every sunday is called cookie sunday at our house. Its a little tradition I started with my kids to make sunday even sweeter. My 4 kids (ages 3-8) take turns helping me with the recipe. They really look forward to it. (So do I)
I did 8 minute arms In your honor this morning after jillian michaels kicked my bed in 30 day shred. (If u ever do that one do t believe her when she says its 60 mins, its more like 90 mins with warm up and cool down but its a good one.) My running day is tomorrow.
I love that you post 2x a day. Im kinda addicted, thanks!


I had peanut butter pie last night! I have a lot of cousins. 12 I think?! Plus many many more 2nd and 3rd cousins! I don’t have a dog but my cats names are: Kiki, Cleo, Malcolm, Jack, and … Poop. That’s his name :)


This weather is so amazing, I agree!

I think I’m going to have to make that taco soup asap! Thanks :)

Cute dog, for sure!


I made peanut butter blondies over the weekend- that candy corn recipe looks awesome! I still haven’t tried the peanut/candy corn combo yet.

I have 2 Scottish Terriers (one black one wheaton) Coco (Chanel) is the female and Ringo (Starr) is the male! That dog of your friends is so cute it looks fake!


Anything with candy corn (the other food group) is a must try in my book! This dog is so adorable! Looks like stuffed doggie doll! I have two beauties: Rummer (girl) and Jack (boy); they are my babies.

What am I looking forward to this week? Having the stitched in my foot removed! :D


Our dogs names are Hurley (after Hurley from lost) and Pepper (after Pepper Potts from Iron man) if you have never met my husband… He’s BIG into iron man. Like REALLY big. Has a good, homemade costume of Iron Man that he wears. :) so he was happy to name our dog pepper. :)


I made this caramel corn last night for dessert:

And I’ve had dogs named Jake & Sandy.


Awwww that dog really is the cutest dog EVER!!!! Ahhhh what breed is he?! I have been wanting to make chili for a few days now, and now seeing your pictures, it’s kind of pushed me over the edge. Chili it is! :)



Diego is so cute! That is a perfect photo <3
And Brooke is one smart cookie – veggies must be eaten before dessert! ;)


That dessert looks delicious! I made a pumpkin dip last weekend that was awesome!


Oh my gosh, Diego is too cute!

Your mom’s soup sounds so good! I think I’ll give it a try this week!


I made pumpkin muffins with a cream cheese filling yesterday. So yummy that I had to give them away so I wouldnt eat all 24!

I have 41 first cousins, and they have 8 kiddos of their own. Nothing beats time with lots of family on the weekends!

I’m really looking forward to a 3-day weekend approaching!!!


My dog / running parter is called Bourbon and he is the cutest thing :)

Does fruit with nutbutter count as dessert? Hey, I added cacao to the nutbutter and cut up the fruits :)

Looking forward to the fun racing on both weekend days 17 km on Saturday and half marathon on Sunday! But simply for fun, still on the excitement wave of my new marathon PR :D


Utah is just breathtaking!
Those treats look amaaainggg
That dog is cuter than a stuffed animal! OMG! I just want to snuggle it!


I haven’t made a dessert in forever! I’m the queen of buying store-bought! Our dogs’ names are Reyna and Nelli. We used to have a Daisy, too! I know it’s cliche, but I’m looking forward to Friday! My weekends just go by too fast!


Wow, I can’t think of the last time I made a dessert. I’m really good at buying them ready made though!

I have a huge family on my mom’s side-24 cousins!

My dogs are Gizmo and Pepper. My 2 year old calls them Dog and Dog. Totally not confusing for them;)


Te last desert I made was brownies. My dogs are Dillon and Gus, both Pembroke welsh corgis and about the cutest dogs ever :) I have a bunch of cousins but most live very far from us, I am totally looking forward to the weekend for other reason than I can sleep in and not to to work lol.

I love that Brooke would rather eat peas than marshmallows, she is a healthy girl :) and super cute to boot. Oh and I love how much she loves dogs and how much you do too… They really make life that much more fun…



We have an Alaskan Malamute called Mia and when she is naughty she is called by her full name Mia Paige!!!


I’m in the Brooke camp. I didn’t even think about liking marshmallows until I was about 40. And then ONLY in s’mores.


I have two dogs: Connor and Gracie. They are great running buddies.

I’m looking forward to running the Chicago Marathon on Sunday!


I have serious marathon brain! I’m running Chicago on Sunday to BQ and it’s all I can think about/not think about at the same time. Oh man, I am most looking forwar to being done who the marathon!

I have about 28 cousins and 7 second cousins.


I rarely comment, but I counted up my 1st cousins so I had to comment after all that work. . . ha ha I have 52 first cousins counting both sides of the fam.

My husband made cookies yesterday after conference, so I’m counting that as dessert!

I don’t have a dog. . . but someday!!

Friday I have OB appointment for my 3rd pregnancy and I’m super excited to hear this babies heartbeat again! :)


I need to know what kind of dog that is!! So precious! My dogs are Chloe and Sadie…other dogs in my extended family include Shadow, Emma, Sydney, Dakota, and Olive;)


I made apple cobbler with homemade whipping cream last night. It has more butter and sugar than should be allowed in a single dish. It was delicious!

Our dog’s name is Indiana. And, yes, we picked it because of the movie :)


Diego is adorable! Not as cute as Brooke!


I have the four most adorable furbabies ever:
Paisley Claire
Kinley Paris
Bentley Eva

Yes, they all have middle names except for Scotty. He is the only boy, and the only one we got as an adult. We named all the girls as puppies but couldn’t come up with a middle name for him. We also only call them by both names when they get in trouble, and he literally never gets in trouble, so it’s a non-issue.


Diego looks like a toy! He’s beautiful!


My yellow lab’s name is Kayle. She had a fur brother (unrelated) Kirby, but he passed away a few months ago. We lso have a kitty named Khleo (we like K names).

I made a cream cheese/cinnamon/danish type dessert last week. It was gone in one day. It is evil.

I am really looking forward to a half marathon this weekend to kick off race season! My son is doing the 100 yd dash at the same event and I know he is going to rock it!


OMG Diego!!!! What kind of dog is he?! I need one! He doesn’t even look real! I can’t get over his cuteness! Dogs are the best…. I have an American Bulldog named Bailey. She is our fur-child :)


Diego is so cute!! My dog’s name is Malcolm.


What an awesome looking dessert!
I made two batches of cookies on Sunday. Pumpkin Spice and Sugar. They were both amazing!


Ahh it’s been a while since I’ve made any type of dessert. Lately my favorite dessert has been Yogurtland’s New York Cheesecake. So delicious! I do want to make your s’mores bars recipe so that may be the next thing I make.

I have so many cousins I can’t even name them all. There are some I’ve never even met.

My dog’s name is Roco. He is a very energetic Pomeranian and I love him to pieces.

This week I’m looking forward to getting more miles in and hopefully finishing season 3 of The Walking Dead.


I’m going to assume that “280oz.” in the recipe actually means 28 oz? Because 280 oz. is A LOT..


Must try that soup! & Yay for the candy corn recipe :D

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