I don’t know why change freaks me out so much…

Back to summarizing my weekly workouts (from last week):

Every day I have been doing myglute exercisesand core work after my workouts.

Monday- 7 miles @ 8:20 pace on treadmill.

Tuesday- 8 miles with Jess on the roads @ 8:30ish average pace.

Wednesday- Stair climber and weights.

Thursday- 8 miles with Jess on the trails.

Friday- 15 minutes elliptical, 25 minutes stairs and 10 minutes rowing machine

Saturday- 10 miles @ 7:39 average pace

Sunday- OFF


For some reason my brain just does not handle change very well and so I was stressing out last week. I think it is because living at my parents during my divorce was so nice and it just felt so safe to be home and so the idea of moving out just the two of us for the first time ever started to worry me last week.

Other things I was worried about—> that the move would be hard on Brooke, I would have loud neighbors, my parents would never be able to stop crying because they would miss us so much and that I would be lonely every night after Brooke goes to bed at 8… so far none of those things have been a problem (I am pretty sure my parents have actually been throwing parties every night this last weekend;).

Our new home feels so so incredibly right/good/perfect for us. I don’t know why I worry so much about stuff like this because it always works out. Now that the move is over I am sure I will find something else to worry about;)

Brooke runs around from room to room giggling, jumping on things and whenever we have people come over she makes sure to show them around the our place. I think she even knows that this is a fresh new start for us and that we have a pretty great life just the two of us together.

Scenes from our Sunday:

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Brooke had been asking all day (and to everyone that she saw) for a cookie and so even though I still have 6 days left of the no treats thing I made some snicker doodles for my family.

I always use a family friend’s recipe for these and even my brother-in-law who normally doesn’t like snicker doodles loves these ones!

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My dessert x 3. My favorite part of Auguest/September:

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一个d then we ended the night by sitting around the table and coming up with names for my sister’s baby. I really think Janae Jr. has a nice ring to it.

Monday= Runday


Winner of the Oakley’s Giveaway!!!

Screen Shot 2014 08 10 at 11 07 37 PM


How many miles did you run last week?

-I got in 33.. my highest mileage week in forever!

Mom’s reading—> what side do you usually carry your kids?

-Mostly on my left, it feels weird on my right!

Who has an August birthday!?!?


Is change hard for you? Are you a worrier? What type of things do you worry about the most?

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Change is REALLY hard for me to, I feel you on that! But almost every change always ends up being for the best!

Monday Runday!! I overslept this morning so my supposed to be 4 miler turned into 2.5, oops! But I’m meeting a local running group for a 5 miler after work, so I’ll make up for it! Plus it’s supposed to be 103 today. SERIOUS SWEAT.


I’m exactly the same when it comes to change… I stress out about all kinds of things and in the end realise that it really wasn’t necessary. Perhaps one day I’ll learn, sigh… :)


I got in 40 something last week…I did Ragnar Colorado over the weekend so that bumped up my mileage.

Change is hard, but often we are happier, stronger and healthier for it.


Love Brooke’s window bench in her room!!!


I can completely relate Janae. I struggle with change a lot. When I moved across the country twice out of my comfort zone but once I settle into a routine I’m okay. Sadly tomorrow brings me a boat load of change.

It was my highest mileage week in a while last week too…Great minds think alike right? Happy early birthday to Brooke!


Change is hard for sure!

I carry Max on my right – I’m supposed to switch sides because my back is a been screwed up now because of it. But my massage therapist fixes that for me :-)


I always stress about everything too. I remind myself constantly “if it’s not okay, it’s not the end” because things always get better just like in your case with the new apartment (and everything else)!

You just got back to running and you ran almost the same number of miles as me! It feels so crazy that my first marathon is now less than 7 weeks away!! Yours is in October too, right?? Yay 26.2!


I ran 23 miles last week – starting to ramp up mileage for the NYC Marathon (my first marathon!)

I love this quote from the Wonder Years because it sums up exactly how I feel about change: “Change is never easy. You fight to hold on. You fight to let go.”


I love that quote and I LOVE the Wonder Years!!!! Fred Savage was my first celebrity crush!


My middle daughter will be 15 on August 20th!!! (Oldest is 17 and the boy is 11) Crazy how fast the time flies!!!


I’m glad things are going well for you and Brooke in your new place. Starting a new routine is always scary and stressful, but it sounds like all of these changes will be really good for the two of you. Also, you always have the best salads. Will you come to my house and be my salad chef? I am totally a worrier and there’s almost nothing that my brain won’t find some way to worry about. :) Have a great Monday!


I realized reading your post that I actually moved with my son five years ago today. Crazy to me, went so fast and I totally relate to everything you said! I worried a bit too but everything turned out great and we are really happy where we are. My son adjusted without issue. I feel like as long as we make it all fine, the kids are fine…I think I ran a bit over 40 miles last week. I should really pay attention lol.


I’m definitely a worrier. With our first baby set to arrive in just over a week, I have absolutely no concept of what life will be like once she’s here. While that’s exciting, the changes that are inevitably going to occur are admittedly a bit frightening. I totally understand your worry and hope our transition goes well like yours’ has.


Change is hard, but I’m so glad you’re not worrying anymore! It’ll be so nice to have your own space. And my birthday is August 23rd :) Dirty 30 this year…ah!


Last week’s miles: 24. Not crazy, but I had some intense cross training thrown in there, too!
Change used to be super hard on me and I worried all the time about everything. Then one day something clicked with Jesus and me, and I stopped worrying and started praying and placing all my worries into His hands. Change is inevitable, so I am slowly learning to go with the flow.
P.S. Those pancakes are a masterpiece in the making. Beautiful. AHHHH! WANT!


At times like these, it’s good to take a step back and look at the big picture:

You are moving on to better things. You are moving out to a house of your own. It’s going to be new.

一个d that’s it! Any other negative thoughts coming with it is just unneeded doubt and anxiety!


I got in 28 miles last week and my birthday is August 23rd! So, this is my birthday month. ;)


Change is always hard. It’s difficult to process and move on from things when you’re so comfortable with the way things currently are. Of course, change can be a good thing and that’s how we grow (even though it may be difficult). I don’t do well with change, but I know it’s a part of life!


After my husband left, my girls and I stayed with my in-laws for a year. I was really worried when we moved out, because they love their grandparents so much. It was hard on my older girl, but my baby (who is one month younger than your daughter!) thought the new place was awesome. And now, 8 months later, we are very much settled in and loving it.


Glad the change did not disappoint. I knew it wouldn’t, but sometimes harder for the person making the change to realize until they just do it!
22 miles last week.
I want to come over for pancakes!!
Do you remember where you bought Brooke’s crib from?


I think everyone freaks out a little bit when things change, but it sounds like you have things under control :) My husband and sister both have birthdays in August…and happy early birthday to Brooke!


I always waste so much energy worrying and things always have a way of working out :)

I have an August birthday! It was yesterday! I got to spend it with my 3 kids and hubby! It was a great day!


Last week was a cutback week for me… I only ran 20 miles! Plus a 50 mile charity bike ride. This week I’m back up to 45 ish running miles!

I’m DEFINITELY not great with change – I get you! Next week I’m moving back to my university for my 3rd year after spending the summer with my parents and family! I had been so excited but now that it’s actually time I am SO nervous and starting to dig in my heels! At least since it’s my 3rd year, I know it’ll be great when I get settled but the actual transition is always a little bit tough :)


I have a hard time with change, too. And I will always find something to worry about! Last week I ran 30 miles, which included 2 rest days and a 12 mile race.


worrying is so soul destroying, isn’t it? i’m glad you are settling into your new place. wishing you lots and lots of peace.


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I logged 24 miles last week. I’m tapering before my upcoming half marathon, so this was my lowest mileage week in several weeks.

I find the idea of change exciting and the actual change itself terrifying. I constantly worry that I’m not making the right decisions.


I’m an August Birthday (the 6th)! I love having a birthday in August. Congrats on the new place :)


Congrats on your new place, change is good! Brooke looks ver content in the new place, she is lucky to have great support and you to raise her! I have been reading about your glute exercises. I have has glute issues on my right side that constantly give me grieve every year.Always on the lookout for good exercises that are specific to glutes without using too much quads.(since these compensate) One I have been doing daily that I love is pistol squats. Place chair or workout bench behind u. Stand in front of chair, lift one leg and bring it forward in front of u. Bend and sit on chair but don’t place glut down completely. I love these cause u feel the flutes working immediately.


I am totally a worrier! Everything that I can possibly worry about… yup, I worry! ha. So glad that you and brooke are loving your new apartment! A fresh start is always good :)


Change is so hard! Especially when there are kids involved there is a lot to worry about! If you weren’t stressed out then THAT would be weird :) Glad you are settled in though and Brooke looks really happy.

My daughter’s birthday is Aug 14 on Thurs, is that Brooke’s?

I always carry my kids on the left, but I’m left handed so figured that’s why. I completely spaz out on the right :)


I think worrying when it comes to change is pretty normal. You’re going from something familiar to something unfamiliar.

Do you have any plans for Brooke’s birthday?


Last week, 26.3! Over a marathon! ;)
Longest amount of mileage since foot surgery in March of 2013. It’s been a slow recovery but totally worth it. I’m increasing very slowly. I’m hoping to run my first marathon next year.
I always loved moving into a new place. It is a new start!


Change is very hard for me. I worry too. And just like you said when it works out I find something else to worry about. I’m super sensitive and sentimental and grow attached to things way too easily. I am saying goodby to my beloved jeep after 12 years and know I am going to cry when I leave her at the dealership for the trade in.

Running has helped me so much with dealing with blips in my otherwise normal day to day. Janae jr! Now go find that on a coke can :)


I don’t have an August birthday, but my goldfish, Neville, turns 4 years old on the 16th! Oh… and my Mom’s and older brother’s bdays too… haha


1. The snicker doodles look amazing.
2. Your apartment looks awesome and it will be such an amazing home for the two of you to make so many memories in!
3. Congratulations on staying sweets-free!! How are you feeling?
4. I always carry my kids on my left, it leaves my right hand free to try and do 10 things at once!
5. I’m pretty good with change – there’s always an element of fear or anxiety, but mostly I get really excited.

Have a great Monday!!!


Congrats on your new place! And I have no idea how you have dodged sugar so many days.. I could not do that at all.

..not to mention if Brooke’s birthday is in four-days, I think I would have-to-have at least one slice of my daughter’s (if I had one) cake. …Maybe you can make it a week long celebration with multiple cakes so that you can have some.

Happy running!


I only ran 10 miles last week. :( Busy summer! This week will be better.

I carry Ava on the left; however, now it’s more centered! She is 4 and I need the weight more evenly distributed!

August is a great month for a birthday! Mine is tomorrow!

Yes, I’m a worrier. About anything and everything, but mostly about the unknown and what-ifs. The worse stuff to worry about, I think!


You have a beautiful life<3 Thank you for sharing it with us x


Miles=25. I run my first half in a week!

With my son I only carried on my left. Then I had twins…surprise! Good thing I have two hips!

我是一个常数发愁的人。就像每天一整天。一个d when I have nothing to worry about. I am worried I forgot to worry about something. Sad, but true.

So happy for your fresh start. I don’t always comment, but I’ve been thinking it. Great days are ahead for you.


Yay Snickerdoodle’s! I got to introduce them to my boyfriend’s family last Christmas (they’d never heard of them!)


I love the window seat built in to Brooke’s room! I love snickerdoodle cookies. I mean, they’re not my first choice, but I do love them if they are soft and chewy. My mom always made good ones when I was a kid.

No running here still. My kids are still on summer break and it’s like 500 degrees and humid here (south FL). Hopefully in the next month I can lace up again.

I usually carry little ones on my left also. I think because I need my dominant right hand to do all the tasks while I hold them?


I’m a worrier too but whenever I get to worrying I try to remember this awesome quote — “worry is a misuse of the imagination” -Dan Zadra.
Congrats on the new place!!!


Only 4 since I hurt my knee but hopefully I’ll be back soon…
Always left. Right does feel weird!!!
I am a worrier. I always say I got in from my mom since she is the same way?


Those snickerdoodles look so so good! I don’t know how you resisted!!


I don’t handle change well at all! I tend to freak out if something, even the smallest thing, changes.
I also worry A LOT! About every thing. I run through different scenarios in my head and get myself even more worked up. I was dreading Monday morning so it took me 3 hours to fall asleep. So far, so good though. I just wish I would learn to listen to people when they say its going to be ok and to just move on with it. One day, maybe.


Change is SO HARD for me too. I think it’s because I feel like things get out of control and that is so hard for me to deal with. I am going through a huge change right now – quitting my amazing job of 7 years to go back to nursing school full time. It is so scary because I am the breadwinner in the family (by a lot) so we have to take out a ton of loan money to live on and it’s going to be such a drastic change to go from working full time to studying full time. I am trying to stay calm through the entire process (this is my last month at work!!!) but I can feel so many of my old issues right on the surface of my soul (restricting my food, bulimia, over-exercising, cutting, etc.) and it is such an exercise in strength to keep them at bay. It is crazy how instability can really wreck havoc on our minds. Glad your move went so well and all your worrying was for nothing. I am hoping that is the case for me too and I don’t regret making the decision to go back to school.

一个d I carry my son on my left hip all the time – which I find weird because I’m right handed and I always thought my left arm was weaker. And maybe it was…until I started carrying 2o pounds around with my left arm!


you know I’m praying for you both and this new transition!! love you friend!


I do not do well with change either, it always gives me so much anxiety. I know that it’s good for us, though! If nothing ever changed, life would be pretty boring!


Yup, change is hard. My family has had a lot over the past 7 months (my husband’s dad died, my granny died, my husband moved from the area he grew up in to a town 3 hours away to be closer to the Canadian border, we got engaged and married, I got a different job). No matter if it’s hard changes or happy changes, it’s still all an adjustment and can cause stress. I find I need the people I love the most in those times, especially my close girlfriends, because they remind me of who I am and keep me grounded. You are doing an awesome thing for your family, Janae! It takes courage to step out on your own. :)


我总是带着我的儿子因为我左边not coordinated with my left hand so I need my right one free to do things. :) But now after doing that for 18 months my left arm is stronger than my right. I’m a worrier too when it comes to anything about my son. I think that is normal mom instinct though!! Way to go on 33 miles, that is awesome!!


Your new apartment looks so cute! I think it’s completely understandable that you would be worried and anxious. I’m glad it’s for naught.

I do worry. But I try to balance it out with the reassuring thoughts that really…God always takes care of us and the worst possible scenario is still survivable.

You have great strength to deny yourself the Snickerdoodles. Good job!


Brooke and I share the same birthday month except I am going to be 30!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO!!!!!


I love the pic of you and Brooke! Beautiful.

I ran about 25 miles last week, this week is a taper week!

I think I carry my kiddos on my left :0) They’re so big now, that I have to kind of wrap them around my body.

Change is super hard for me. It keeps me up at night, sometimes even good changes. I’m changing job locations for next school year and this is my dream location, yet I still have nightmares and stress about it. Silly.


I carry my kids on my left as well… It just doesn’t feel right on my right… If that makes sense…

I like change but I worry all of the time! I worry about money, the future, races, work… Lol, pretty much every scenario on life! No wonder why I can’t sleep at night!


Change is always hard for me. I have tried to resist it too on the past and it just ends up being worse. It’s best to try not to focus too much on it and more on all the opportunities it will open for you.


Janae Jr -我喜欢。)你的公寓看起来fabulous from what I’ve seen – and so do those cookies <3


这是你和布鲁克的一大步,但我杯子d things are going well with the move!


My little girl turns 1 next Sunday. I can’t believe how fast the first year goes!


I carry my daughter on my left too, but I thought it would be the opposite for us since we’re both lefties!! I try to switch her to my right hip sometimes – for balance AND because I need to use my left hand while cooking/stirring haha. Oh and I really thought my daughter was going to be a lefty like me (she sucks her left thumb), but he draws with the right one! It’s very interesting :)



I don’t mind change, but I am a worrier. The picture of you and Brooke is adorable! She is smiling ear to ear!!


I really struggle with change. I’m one of those people who has to really take time to ponder a decision and process a change.


I can be a pretty big worrier too. I graduate college in May and I’ll be stressed until I can find a secure job after graduation!

Brooke is adorable! Happy early birthday to her!


I ran 25 miles last week. That is pretty good for me considering the 90 degree days with 90% humidity!

我担心的东西,但不知何故一切顺利啊ut. I am glad my fiance can calm me down from a crazy worry-some state, and I can do the same for him. Sometimes we stress about things we don’t need to.

Have a great week!


I ran 0 miles last week. Took two weeks off after my last marathon before I started training for NYCM! I’m ready to run!

I am totally a worrier. I get it from my mom – she worries about EVERYTHING! I think I worry primarily about my family – their safety, happiness, etc. Most of it seems to relate to them, even though I have no real reason to worry about them!

I suppose it depends on what the change is. I think its always a bit frustrating at least – trying to figure out where you put things when you move, how change will affect your schedule, if the change is really for the best or if it’ll be a bad decision…hmm…maybe I do have a problem with change…. :)


I only got in 8.25 miles last week :( One 6 mile run + one 2.25 mile “I need to run before I kill someone” run. Luckily, the run helped and no people were harmed :)

I’m a horrible worrier/ stress ball, which is so weird bc I never used to be. I guess it’s that whole being an adult thing that makes people stressed out? Yeah, I’d really rather give up that whole adult thing and trade it for being a carefree teenager again.


Your new place just looks so adorable and Brooke’s room looks so comfy! Congrats on the big move! :)


I am a worrier, and lately, I’ve been worrying about getting everything paid for for the wedding. This effing wedding is turning me crazy!


I’m not so good at change either – I tend to overthink it and get anxious…but then it usually turns out the change was for the better!
On another note, I was so excited to find your blog – After a few years of signing up for marathons and then getting injured (ACL tear&reconstruction one year, broken mandible, cracked palate and 3 fake teeth another – thanks, girl who headed me in the face at rec. soccer) I’m running my first marathon in a few months, Chicago!! I’m always looking for more motivation, and I think your blog will be my new go-to when I’m feeling a bit discouraged or need a pick-me-up before a run!


AUGUST BIRTHDAY WOOT! Turning 27 in 2 weeks and definitely ready since I have already been telling people I’m 27 for about 8 months.

I ran a whopping 8-ish miles last week. I’m slowly coming back from an injury, and I was stoked to have those 8. I did get to run Saturday and Sunday this weekend, which was awesome.

I do worry about a lot of stuff, but change and moving isn’t usually one of them. I get stressed when I start a new job, but I’ve moved so many times that at this point I know it will all work out. I’ve moved to multiple new states, across the country twice, and I’ve lived in about 20 different houses/apartments. Once you’ve packed up and hauled your stuff to a new place that many times, it’s not as stressful.

So glad you’re liking your new place so far!


Those snickerdoodles.. perfection! Definitely going to save that one :) I think I only ran about 15 miles last week – I was stuck in the car for 4 of the last 7 days!


I hate change too! The good news is that change just becomes your new normal :) Good luck settling into your new place. Your hair looks amazing.


You two ladies look like you are doing just great in the new place :)

Maybe a house tour soon?


ahh happy almost birthday to brooke! :)


I got injured (fell on a rocky trail run) a week ago Saturday, so my mileage was pretty low for the week (7), but I was able to do a little upper body and core work and finally a few more miles of running this week.

I wanted to request a Brooker video of her talking if you get the chance! I know at this stage she probably is just yacking up a storm, so it would be fun to see/hear. New things and change can be terrifying and exciting at the same time. I’m on the verge of going back to school and leaving the traditional work force for a while and I’m pretty terrified even though I know the path it will lead me down is the right one.


Your apartment looks so cute! I totally agree with you on the whole change thing. It can be SO scary, but once you actually do it, most times you find it wasn’t nearly as awful as you thought it would be!


Change is always scary but good and exciting! I like this quote… “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”.


i cannot believe you made cookies without eating any-especially the batter! you are some sort of wonder woman. highly impressed.

so happy you are settling in and i’m a huge worrier so i totally identify with this. what a cute picture of brooke kicking her leg in her new bedroom-so sweet!


I ran 56.75 and had I known all I needed was .25 to make it an even 57, I would have ran that. :-/


I got 27 miles in last week and my longest long run EVER, 15 miles! This marathon thing is no joke, right now I can’t really wrap my head around running another 11.2 miles on top of that but it WILL happen! Thanks for being an inspiration Janae :)


Just a note to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. You inspired me to start writing my own, so thank you!!


Your apartment is so cute!!! Looks like you and Brooke have adjusted well!

I’ve got an August birthday too – mine is on the 19th. I’ll be a little bit older than Brooke though – I’m turning 37. ; ) Happy Birthday to her!!!


I hope you and Brooke enjoy your new home! Change can be scary and exciting at the time. I think the most scary thing about change is learning how to adjust and transition. Happy early birthday to Brooke! Can’t wait to see what kind of fun festivities you have planned for her! :)


Congrats on your new home :)


There is a quote, “Worry robs today of its strength.” I remind myself of that-a lot!
Happy early birthday, Brooke!


My son will be 3 on the 16th! Holy crap.

August is a busy month for family birthdays – besides my son,my sister in law, nephew, father in law, brother in law and best friend all have birthdays this month!


I ran 22 miles last week! It’s the most I’ve done since I was on the cross country team on high school. I’m looking to get up to 25 and keep it steady around there for a while.
I love hearing how happy you are in your new place! A fresh start is always wonderful, and you are so deserving of it.


I worry all the time, my dad always gives me a hard time about it, telling me to stop worrying about things that are out of my control. But it’s so hard!


4 days! I can’t believe she will be 2.

I need to come visit your new place and you! It looks so nice. It feels like years since I have seen you (I am not dramatic at all) Will you make me banana and blueberry pancakes if I come too? ;)

I ran 0 miles last week. Still just walking. It seems things are healing slower this time around. Which is uber lame. Patient is not a word that is often used to describe me.

My friend gave me a bag of peaches from her tree and I think I eat 3 in each sitting. They are so freakin delicious and I can’t get enough of them.


Fear of the unknown always makes change a bit scary, but change is good! I’m glad you are enjoying your new living situation — can’t wait to see an apartment tour once you’re all set up!


Brooke’s birthday is the day right between my MIL’s and daughter’s.

I’m sure it’s a huge change for you moving from a situation that feels very comfortable with tons of support (and babysitting!) But it’s probably a necessary step and I’m glad the transition seems easier than you expected.


Congrats on your new place – change freaks me out as well. I recently moved on my own too and it is the best – especially when you have a wonderful and supporting family close by!


I was so worried I had missed her birthday! So happy for this new chapter in your lives. I do love the windows seat in Brooke’s room.

顺便说一句…任何兴趣in used picture books? We cleaned out V’s and had 6 bags worth. I have been giving some away, but willing to send some to Brooke. These are the paper kind, not board books, not chapter books.


last week i ran 18 miles – not too shabby.
我的生日是8月和我有我的礼物ready from my hubby. Some Brooks.
I am a worrier but have learnt over the years that there is not point it always works out in the end. Easier said than done.
Pleased to hear you are getting sorted and setteled in your new home.


I am a total worrier. I plan everything ahead of time and continue to freak out that something will go wrong. Thank god my fiance is a fly by the seat of your pants kind of guy. He calms me down all the time. I’d be in the loony bin without him.


Change is so hard! I’m the same way – and then just like you said, and always seems to work out ok. Glad you are settled in :)


Just wanted to say that I enjoy your blog. At first I was thinking, this is mostly a woman’s club, which may be true, but my wife and I like food every bit as much as you, and besides your work ethic and especially your running times prove every day that your worth reading. I am impressed. It takes hard work, which you do not mind doing.

Lots of positive thinking in these blog posts also


Arelicts like this are an example of quick, helpful answers.

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