The most amazing caramel sticky rolls recipe for you to make!

The most pinned item on my entire blog ismy brother’s S’mores Bar Recipe. He is quite the chef and baker.

This last summer when I went out to Kentucky he made me his famous caramel sticky rolls and I died and went to heaven.

These would be perfect to make on Christmas morning, Thanksgiving morning (post-turkey trot or pre-turkey trot if you like living on the edge), special days like birthdays, when you really want to impress someone or when you simply just need caramel carbohydrates to make you happy.

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All of the good stuff is under the rolls when you bake it…

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And when they are all done, you flip them on over!

My sister told me the other day that she has reoccurring dreams about these rolls ever since she had them at my brother’s house. I think I will need to make them for her asap.

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Carmel Sticky Rolls

Sweet Dough made in bread machine

1 Egg, Large, room temperature

1 Cup Water (80oF)

31/2tsp Oil

1/3Cup Sugar

11/2tsp Salt


2 tsp Active Dry Yeast

Place egg, water and oil in bread machine first. Then put in sugar, salt and flour. Place yeast in last. Select 1.5 lbs and Dough Cycle on bread machine.


1 Cup firmly packed Brown Sugar

1 Cup Margarine or Butter, softened

4 Tablespoons Light Corn Syrup

1 Cup Chopped Nuts


4 Tablespoons Margarine or Butter, melted

1/2Cup Sugar

2 teaspoons Cinnamon

Generously grease 13×9-inch pan. In a small bowl, combine brown sugar, 1 cup margarine and corn syrup; blend well. Drop mixture by spoonfuls into greased pan; spread evenly. Sprinkle chopped nuts over mixture.

On a lightly floured surface, roll dough to roughly 20×12-inch rectangle. Spread melted butter over dough. In a small bowl, combine sugar and cinnamon; mix well. Sprinkle over dough. Starting with the 20-inch side, roll up jelly-roll fashion; pinch edges firmly to seal seams. Cut into twenty 1-inch slices; place cut side down in prepared pan.

Cover; let rise in warm place (80 to 85oF) until light and doubled in size, approx. 35 to 45 minutes.

烤箱预热到375oF. Uncover dough. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until deep golden brown. Cool in pan 1 minute then invert.

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Late last night Brooke broke a fever and then we saw that she had cancur sores all over her tongue so I took her in to Instacare. She has a viral infection (super contagious for kiddos) and so we are laying low for the next few days.

The couch, Mickey and snuggling are the best medicine for her right now. Soooo…. I’m off to keep taking care of this little one.

I sure wish I could just be sick for her and take it all away.

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I have a new article up at Women’s Running—> you can check it outhere!

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Enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you in the morning!

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Oh no! My heart hurts for poor Brooke! Hope she gets to feeling better soon.

And you’re so right, these would make an awesome Christmas morning breakfast!


I hope Brooke is feeling better soon! Being sick is never fun! Cuddle time is a must with a sick one!

Those rolls look amazing! I’m in charge of bringing treats to work next week, those (or the s’mores bars) might be on the agenda!


Poor Brooke:( I hope she had a speedy recovery.
Those sticky rolls look incredible!!


Poor kiddo!!! Praying she feels better!
Those rolls are going straight to my have to make this list :)


Awe! I hope Brooke is feeling better soon!


Feel better Brooke! :-(


Those sticky buns look incredible!

Sorry Brooke is sick! Hope she feels better soon!


So sorry about Brooke!! Try giving her a little apple cider vinegar (the Braggs brand is best). Look up the exact info on how much she can take – you’ll definitely have to dilute it. I take a cup of Pedialyte, add a tsp of ACV and a little lemon. :) Check out the article below! It’s great for all ages too, and for all sorts of ailments.


Poor baby girl! I hope she’s well again soon and back to her smiley self!

Loved your article on Women’s Running – SO good and oh so true.


Hope little Brooke is feeling better soon! Not the same w/o her beautiful smile and I loved your article by the way.


Ahhhh those sticky buns look incredible! I need one right now! Your bro is the best for allowing you to share this amazing recipe!

Hope you and Brooke are staying warm and that she’s feeling better soon!


Hope Brooke feels better really soon!

I’m staying away from sweets until after the Honolulu marathon (26 days to go!). Those rolls will have to wait but they look awesome! I want them NOW!!


:( I hope she feels better very soon. The couch, Mickey, and snuggling sounds like a winning combination, and I’m sure she’ll be feeling like herself in no time.


可怜的布鲁克。希望她feels better soon!

I make caramel sticky rolls that look very similar to those for Christmas and Easter every year. They are the best!


Hope Brooke begins to feel better!

ps Brooke totally has your eyes… I’ve never noticed how much before, but that last pic!

pps those cinnamon rolls. every holiday. double batch on much birfday.


I’ve bookmarked the recipe and will totally try it out this weekend!

Bless her heart. I hope she feels better so soon!


Umm can I eat those through the computer screen? They look amazing!

Poor Brooke! I hope she feels better!


Now I need a bread machine so I can enjoy that deliciousness!! Yummmmmmmmm!!!!!


Oh, I hope she feels better soon! we are on day 4 of the same thing at our house. :( Tylenol seems to be the only thing that helps here.


Those look so, so good! Do you know how to make it without a bread machine? Can I just knead it for a while?


Poor Brooke! I absolutely hate when my kiddos are sick! Worst feeling as a mom :(


Those caramel tools look divine!
Maybe you can make some for Brooke when she feels better :)


*rolls not tools, obviously!


Your post for Women’s Running is very inspirational. Thanks for sharing that! Hope Brook feels better.


Off to read your article! Poor Brooke… praying for a speedy recovery for her. Having a sick kid is truly heartbreaking. I always wish I could take the sick for my son instead… it hurts to see them hurt!

Those caramel rolls. YUM. I’m intimidated by trying new recipes, but I really think I need to try this one. It’s my brother-in-law’s bday tomorrow and if I was the best sister (in law) ever, I would make him those for breakfast! (he lives with us, too. like a live-in babysitter almost!)

Thank you for sharing the recipe! Carbs are always a go for me :)


Feel better, Brooke!

My mom always hosts a Thanksgiving breakfast at her house after we run our Turkey Day Race…I’m going to request those sticky buns on the menu this year!


Oh that’s too bad I hope she starts feeling better soon!


aww poor Brooke! I hope she feels better soon! And UMMMMM YES those rolls sound absolutely insaneeeee!


Holy smokes, those look amazing!

Hope Brooke feels better soon! Snuggling is the best medicine.


Looks like super healthy and low cal sticky buns! Lol.
Feel better Brooke! Canker sores are the worst. Ice pops help.


WHOA. those sticky buns need to be in my stomach right this second! i will be passing this on to my husband as a not-so-subtle hint that he needs to make these for us on thanksgiving!

hope brooke feels better and you stay healthy!


Man those look delicious! Hope Brooke feels better soon. Speedy recovery…in the mean time enjoy the snuggles :)


I’m sorry to hear Brooke has been feeling sick. :-( That sounds awful.

Those cinnamon buns though…holy moly they look great.


Aww hand, foot & mouth? The kids I used to nanny got that once and they were miserable, I felt soo bad for them. Feel better soon Brooke!

Those sticky buns look amazing but Im at almost an entire MONTH of no desserts/candy/sweets. Gotta stay strong!


Feel better Brooke! I’m sorry she’s sick, that’s never fun.

I’m definitely trying those rolls ASAP.

Loved the article on Women’s running! Running has definitely helped me through tough times. I ran my first marathon because I needed a distraction while my husband went away for an internship for 2 months. Best distraction ever. I was hooked!


Oooooo boy sounds like hand foot and mouth! Poor baby! My one yr old had it earlier this yr and I definitely second the idea of taking the sickness away and having it instead of them….hope she feels better soon!


That actually looks so legit, almost as if it came straight from Cinnabon!


I wonder if you could make those with real flour and no bread machine? They look fantastic!!!


Aw I hope she feels better soon. It’s the worst when they are sick.


Feel better Brookers!!!


Oh geez those caramel rolls look absolutely incredible!


Poor sweetheart. It’s so hard when the babes are sick/sore and you just want to take that from them. I hope she recovers real quick.

Those rolls look beyond amazing!


Some of my favorite childhood memories of food involve cinnamon rolls & sticky buns! Weird but true. I can’t remember the last time I actually ate one (shame shame shame), this must change immediately!


Is it hand foot and mouth? The blisters on her tongue remind me of when my girls had it. They had no fever but a few classmates did with it. It is awful, my youngest had a very hard time eating with it. But it went away quickly and you can’t get it again.


Feel better Brooke <3 my coworker's daughter has viral infection right now too.. poor kiddos!

But these sticky buns…. YES. Every Christmas morning we have "pecan rolls" which are basically these but they're from a can.. these would be so much better!


I hope Brooke feels better soon! It sucks when our kids are sick :(


Those rolls look AMAZING! I can’t wait to make them gluten free!


Poor Brooke! Feel better soon! My daughter was looking at your blog too (she’s 2.5), and said “awe, she’s so sweet” to Brooke.


Poor Brooke I hope she starts feeling better.

Thanks for the recipe. We always have cinnamon buns on Christmas morning. I may try this recipe this year. I love caramel, but I am worried I may miss the cream cheese icing.


:( So sorry for Brookers. I hate it when kiddos are sick. (But have to admit I always loved the cuddles). Hope she gets well very quickly.

Those caramel cinnamon rolls….holy yumminess. I think I gained weight just looking at the picture.

Take care of yourselves. Hugs.


Those look incredible, I have to make them ASAP!! Aw poor Brooke, I hope she gets better soon!


I hope Brooke feels better soon. If you don’t have a bread maker can I still make those rolls??


My daughter has food allergies which make her break out in her mouth and throat with sores–eating cold, soft foods helps–ice cream, popsicles, yogurt–
Get well soon, Brooke! It’s a tough one…those sores hurt!
Thanks for the recipe–my husband’s favorite!


wow this recipe looks to die for. I am definitely putting that on my list to make this weekend. :)


I can’t wait to make the recipe. That looks amazing!

I hope Brooke feels better soon!


哈洛,去年。不好玩。但至少没有w, she won’t get it again! Our doctor told us it is like chicken pox… one and done! Hope Brooke feels better really soon!

Great article! Congrats!


Feel better, Brooke! Hope you’re up and running soon enough baby girl :)


I hope Brooke is feeling better soon!


I hope Brooke gets feeling better! Poor little thing :(


These look delicious! So much better than Cinnabon!

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