-It is December and that means that my Boston Marathon training starts THIS month. I am stoked. I am feeling all rested up since my last marathon and ready to start training hard in just a few more weeks.

-I was sure missing my California runs by all of the vineyards while I was on the treadmill this morning. PS A few of you guys guessed it in the comments… yep, I went to California for a boy. He is a real real good one. And he runs.

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-Over the years of blogging I have learned how to run and take a picture at the same time. My parents must be so proud of me.

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-This song. I can’t stop listening to it and the music video (I saw it for the first time during the spin class I took on Saturday) makes me so beyond happy.

-Paige moved into her new house! So Brooke’s little bff took her by the hand and showed her around last night.

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-I was really hoping for at least one pink or red in my starbursts pack but like always—> yellow and orange. Why do they even make those two flavors?

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22 Hot Chocolates You Must Make This Winter. I am on a mission to make all of them.

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-This made me laugh so so so hard:What if Guys Acted Like Girls on Instagram.

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-Brooke is really into remote control cars these days.

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-If you go to TJ’s within the next few weeks and only buy one thing… Make sure these are what you buy:

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-Bread making fail.

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-So so so so true!

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What day do you start training (if you haven’t already started) for your next race? Which one is it?

Who has a December birthday? What day?

How do you do gifts in your family for the holiday? Do you get everyone a gift or do you draw names or something like that?

Favorite Starburst flavor?

-The pink ones.

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Can’t wait to read about your Boston training!! My next race will probably be in late March, so I will start training sometime in January :)


Orange is my FAVORITE Starburst flavor! So just box yours up and mail them to me! :)

My family is relatively small, so I always get everyone something. I’m a huge gift person, so I go a little overboard, but I just love Christmas shopping so much!

And tomorrow is my HALF birthday. I should probably treat myself to half a cake right?!


I will start “training” again in January. I have a 15k the first weekend of March (Hot Chocolate – Seattle). I use the term training lightly for me because I kind of just go out and run. I may have to try and figure out some kind of actually training plan, though…since I have committed myself to 3 half-marathons within 6 weeks of each other (yes, I think it took me to a new level of “crazy).

Birthday, December 29th!


Woohoo! Congrats on the new guy, will be excited to hear more about him! Isn’t it required that good guys run?

I don’t have a race until Utah Valley in June. Hopefully I’ll get something else added in before then though! I’m excited to get to training again!

I don’t understand why they make yellow starbursts. Pink are definitely the best, then red. Orange are acceptable only if I’m desperate.

December 13 is my birthday! Coming up fast!


Janae and Sarah, I would be happy to trade my pinks for your yellows. Should we set up a mail swap? ;)


Yes! But then Janae and I will have to fight over the pink ones! ;)


I’m in my peak weeks for a January race!
My birthday is December 11th :)
We give gifts to all of the kids and then the grownups draw names.
Starburst: Pink!


I’ve yet to master the art of running and taking photos. I pulled out my phone to attempt to do so at a trail half marathon last weekend and immediately recognized what a bad idea that was.


Reading that you’ll be starting your Boston training this month makes me so so excited/nervous/anxious/EXCITED… I’ll be starting my training soon for my first Boston too!
I live in Boston and since I usually run along the (very flat) Charles River, I’m hoping to do some of my training runs on the course to get ready for those hills!


OMG those Instagrams are hilarious! I love them all!!! Thank you for sharing!

Ohh la la to the boy! ;)

I’m training for my next race right now! Going for a half marathon PR at the end of January!! Can’t think of a better way to kick of 2015!


Girl – they make packs of “just reds” Starburst, no lie – I bought a pack the other day when I was craving Starburst! I hate the yellows, too and just happened to see the package right next to the regular pack. SCORE!

Congrats on the good guy! So happy for you. :)


I made bread the night before thanksgiving and my bread machine did the same thing! Disaster :)


OMG those mirror selfies of those guys acting like girls on instagram. Thanks for sharing that! Hilarious.

New training cycles are always so exciting! I’m mid-cycle and having a blast so far! Excited to see how things are progressing. Enjoy the last few “whatever” days of running! As much as I love training, I always hit that point where I don’t want to do my prescribed run!


A boy!! Wahoo! I’m so excited and happy for you.

No training and/or race in sight as of now. I’m resting up from 5K training and I don’t know where we will be living come spring so I can’t really sign up for anything!

We do Sister Secret Santa (I have all sisters, no brothers) and then give to our parents!

I can’t decide between pink and red Starburst. The best.


I ate two packs of starburst during church yesterday. One had 2 yellows and one had a yellow and an orange. So disappointing. I love pink too!


Omg.! I’m excited to hear more about this boy.!! As I’m sure everyone else is ;)


I would like to recommend that you host a giveaway for those JoeJoes….everything is right about those cookies! I might have to jump across the border at the end of the month……


That posted before I was done.! I’m suuper excited about your marathon training also. Can’t wait to see what you have in store.


YAY FOR A BOY WHO RUNS!!! SO happy for you, Janae!!

I’m three weeks into my Phoenix Marathon training and am nervousness for when the snow starts to come. I did not love training through it last winter!

PINK Starburst. Without a doubt.


Good for you and the boy. Does he have any friends? :) And while I know you want to appease readers and answer their questions, please think about if you want to keep it super close to the vest – a relationship is a good thing to keep as your own if you WANT. Always just do what you want but please don’t feel any obligation to share it just because you share lots of stuff. :) Thanks as always for your awesome posts Janae!


Those guys on instagram thing is hilarious! #iwokeuplikethis

I’m excited for your training to begin for Boston- I know how patient you have been! #youwillkillit #runnersofinstagram

can’t wait to hear more about runner boy!! #everythingisfunnerwitharunner

;) ;) ;) ;)


The pink ones are the only ones worth eating!


I’m going to start training for my first half marathon in one week! Last time I was training for one, I got injured…then pregnant…so it’s finally “no excuses” time!


So excited to hear more about this boy!! So happy for you! I’m a December baby, the 9th..last year in my 30’s! Not quite sure how I feel about that yet:)
Training for my first half (in Pittsburgh!)starts in January, so excited to do this! I’ve been running for years but never in an official race. Time to venture out of my comfort zone!


A boy who runs!?! Tell me more!! :)


I had to comment . . . I don’t understand why there are yellow and orange Starbursts either. I was ecstatic when I found the package of FAVEREDS Starbursts. Red and pink plus 2 other red flavors. Now if they would just make a package of just red ones, I would be in heaven. :0


My birthday is December 22! :)
Favorite starbust flavor: RED!


I’m the weird one who loves the red and HATES the pink…so everyone always is up for switching with me =).

Training for my FIRST marathon now! Trying to figure out how to make it through it without running with water because for some reason I like to be completely free…aka no water. This makes no sense, I know.


My sister and I have birthdays (8th & 21st respectively) this month. We are the same age for 2wks. When we were younger people used to ask us if we were twin. I particularly loved it when they’d ask just after my sister had her birthday. Our response was always “no but we’re the same age.”

Pink Starbursts win, yellow loses.

Last but not least, so happy you’re happy!


I knew it! When you mentioned all the WE’S in your california I thought for sure it was a boy! You always mention your friend’s name when it is just a friend. Can’t wait to hear more about him! Also, VERY happy for you. Even though I don’t personally know you, that makes me happy:)


Thank you so much Brooke! I am just so awkward about this kind of stuff so I never know what to say on my blog hahaha!
PS you have my favorite name in the whole world:) Hope you are having a great day!


For a while we got everyone gifts but now we only focus on the kids, which makes it easier! Looking forward to following your training for Boston!


I love the yellow ones, though I agree with you that pink wins.

Yay on the boy! You deserve a great guy.


Favorite Starburst is Pink. The other colors are fairly useless, in my opinion.

Great news on the boy front!


I really like orange…..pink and red can be too sweet sometimes. ;-)

男孩?你的意思是一个与布鲁克一个牵手d giving her a tour? ha! I saw the boy comment in a readers comment and obviously read the first few lines too quickly b/c I totally missed the news….hahhaha! Then, I was all confused and had to reread it more slowly….ugh. My problems.


The guys acting like girls just makes me laugh so hard! And yes to orange and yellow flavoured Starbursts being gross. Really of any candy those are the two worst flavours. Get rid of them!


Oooh a boy!! And a runner! I’m so happy for you :) And pink alllll the way. Best flavor ever.


My next race is a half on Saturday so I’m just whiling away the week with some easy workouts… or I should be (I may have accidentally set a new 5k PR on my “easy five kilometres to clear my head” this morning). After that who knows what I’m gonna do?! Take a baby break and then train up to bust out some amazing half time I guess.

We don’t draw names in my family, everyone gets gifts from every “family” – so me & my parents collectively give a gift to each cousin/aunt/etc. And in my immediate family there’s just my parents and me so everyone buys for everyone. Buuuut this only works because my family is really small!


Is it weird that I never liked Starbursts? I preferred the chocolate over the sugar candy. Always.


My birthday is December 30th! The countdown is on.

On my side of the family we draw names for Christmas. I have my 12 year old cousin and her list includes Taylor Swift cds and jewelry…I’m excited to shop for her :)


A boy??!! I literally squealed.

I ran Boston in 2007 and 2008…so excited to watch your journey there!!

I don’t like Starburst…I always say, “Unless it has chocolate, I’m not interested!”


My marathon is Saturday, the St. Jude Memphis Marathon! I’m so freaking excited. I’m sad though because I don’t have a next race scheduled yet. I really need to work on that. I’m an April baby, but my twin girls bday is on December 3rd. They will be 6. That just hurt my heart to type!


Yay, congrats on the new guy!! I also agree with the Starburst, they should just make a pack with all pink ones, people would be a lot happier ;)

We have a rule in our family that once you’re 18, you don’t get presents (besides a box of chocolates, of course) from the grandparents or aunt/uncles! Which is good for my family since there are loads of us!! Otherwise we’d all be poor since there are so many grandkids!


oh my GOSH! That’s my favourite plushie of all time–snowman soup…


Girl when are we gonna hear about the boy?


Hungry Runner Boy for Hungry Runner Girl! So happy for you! :)


HAHAHA I love it!


My birthday is December 2nd




I started training today!!! Running the Phoenix Marathon at the end of February :)

My family just all gives gifts to each other. There’s really no system, although I think there should be!!!

Pink starbursts all the way…they make those bags with only the red ones in them, I think I’ve seen them at Target before!

Congrats on the boy!! Can’t wait to read more about him :)


omg, I opened a starburst two-pack today and got two pinks! I was ecstatic! I’ve NEVER gotten both pink, I should play the lotto!


I am so beyond jealous.


I bought the chocolate covered jo-jos thinking they would fit into my daughter’s advent calendar. They didn’t so now we just have to eat them. I’m broken up about it


I signed up for the Lake Placid Marathon (June 2015 in NY) yesterday! I’ll be searching for a training plan later tonight. I get everyone a gift, but I’m cutting down on spending this year. Christmas isn’t about the gifts anyway! I agree with the pink Starbursts :)


I love December! Partly because I am a December baby (19th).

You can have ALL my pink and red starbursts since I don’t like ANY of ’em. (I don’t like Skittles either — so you get first dibs on those too).

I’m running a half marathon mid-February. I’ve already got the mileage base, but need to start adding some serious speed work. I ran this race two years ago and thought I’d run it a lot slower than I did, so a PR seems unlikely, but I’ll give it a shot.

Love the pic of Brook with the RC car. Glad you had a better reason to travel to California than just “delivering” Brook. :)

p.s. uh, what’s with the bread? How does that happen?! (I don’t own a bread maker, so I really don’t know).


Ok, first of all, you have the cutest clothes, if I was your sister I would raid your closet on a daily basis :)

My husband’s bday is the 16th. Our family all exchanges gifts individually although the whole drawing names thing sounds like a fun way to mix it up! Fave starburst is of course PINK. And then red. Then orange and yellow last.


My siblings and I are doing a “pixie gift exchange” this year so instead of buying for everyone we picked names. We are keeping it a secret until we open presents on Christmas evening (after church and after dinner and after a special Christmas talent show [not my ideas at all]). Should be fun!


Oh my gosh were you in Livermore running Sycamore Grove? I run there all the time….I also live there too!


YES YES YES!!! Seriously so beyond gorgeous there!


That would have been fun to “run” into you again. I saw you a couple years ago at NWM in San Francisco!


耶!! I look forward to some dating stories and hearing more about the gentleman!!

My birthday is December 14th…countdown is on!


I have a race in 7 weeks. It’s the Carlsbad Half Marathon. So far my training has been going well.

We only give gifts to the kids now. So much easier since we changed to that. For my in laws we do one gift exhale but that’s it.


I’m tapering – Honolulu Marathon on December 14th! It’s gonna be great to be able to veg a little for a while :)


I’m planning to run the Providence Marathon the first weekend of May, so my training will start mid-January. I live in Boston, so I can’t wait to cheer you on in April!!


耶!Happy for you!


What an awesome trip! I live in SF but was home for the holiday in Pennsylvania…let’s just say I totally know what you mean about appreciating California weather for working out! Come back soon :) And congrats and best wishes regarding the boy, you’re very deserving of an awesome guy!


How fun that you found a runner guy! (hungry runner boy?) So happy that you’re happy!


I’m just finishing up a training cycle for my first 50k on December 13th. Then I plan to take the rest of December off from running before starting my training for American River 50 in January!

I am ADDICTED to those Joe-Joes. Sorry not sorry.


Yellow is my favorite and orange is my second so I think you hit the jackpot. And we should share packs of starbursts. Yay Boston Marathon training!!! I’m taking it easy for while. I have a 5k in January but I’m mostly trying to put together a real TRX class-just certified (im a spin teacher too! And body combat!!!)


I’m probably the only person in the world who actually prefers the orange and yellow starbursts to the red and pink. Send them my way!


I love trader joes jojos! And yay for good guys worth traveling for!


The picture of Brooke holding hands is priceless. Congrats on the new boy!

我正准备回答你因为我“姜饼”ght the question was Starbucks flavor, not Starburst flavor. I never liked starburst because they stuck in my teeth too much. But for any and all candy, the answer is grape and cherry.


Pink starbursts only over here! I start marathon training next month. I’m so excited and can’t wait to hear about your training!


I don’t start training again until the end of January, and I don’t think that I’ll mind the break! Boston is such a fun race- you must be excited!

I have a really small family, so we all get presents for each other.


I also start my training for Boston too! I still can’t believe I am going to run it. SO excited!! I hope my training goes well because right now I am struggling with Runners Knee. It started hurting 6 weeks ago, and now just feels “pinched” or “tight”. Hoping it goes away soon because I just don’t feel like I can give my training my all right now!

I’m not big on Starbursts. Chocolate is my vice ;)


I’m really excited to hear about Boston training :) Maybe this year I will be able to see the race online (if not in person).
Also, I’m super happy for you about that guy :)


A running boy? How fun! :) I’m glad you found a good one!

I actually don’t have a “next” race right now. I have so many other things going on right now that I don’t want to sign up for anything until things calm down a bit.

I get gifts for close family members (boyfriend, parents, brother, grandma) and if I am going to see other family members around the holidays then I get them gifts as well.

Pink and red starbursts are the best.


I just signed up for the Publix Georgia Half Marathon in March. Back to training in just a couple weeks!


so excited for you and for that guy:) love your blog!


Thanks so much Rena! I really appreciate you!


Love those Peppermint Joe’s. I also stocked up on Starbucks Holiday Blend k-cups.


A boy?!?! How exciting! I just assumed you were going there so Brooke could visit her dad for the holiday. It’s too bad he doesn’t live in the same state as you since you love living by your family so much. Congrats though! It’s still very exciting!

I’m a pink and red starburts kind of gal!


Yay for the new boy!!:) And a runner.. #win. My bday is the 12th! Can’t wait to hear how your training is going. Pink starbursts, always. Have a great night!


The instagrams were hilarious!!

Love orange and red starbursts but I feel no need for yellow or pink.

Yay for the new boy!! And so jealous that he’s a runner!!


My birthday is the 11th :)

I wish our families drew names because there are a lot of us but for now, we each get everyone individual gifts.

我和你一起Starbust flavors. Orange is the worst!! Pink and red for the win <3


YAHOO for you!!!! :) You deserve all the happiness hehehe. & yes that IG article… laughter for days.


I’m sorry… I love all of this post but really..to be honest I kind of stopped being able to read/focus on the rest after “I went to California for a boy…he is a good one…and he runs”

My heart is so happy for you ❤️


My son was born on Christmas day. Every year we start the day with “Merry Birthmas!”




I need to start training soon for the Shamrock Run 15k in Portland…upping the mileage so I can finally get the coveted bottle opener medal.

December 26th birthday, what what!!

Pink Starburst should be the only Starburst.

And I love doing a yearly gift exchange with my extended family!


The holiday Jojo’s are killer. I’ve been buying three boxes every time I shop there. My teenager just discovered my hoarded stash in the pantry. I knew he found them when I heard him hollering in there the other day. Not sure how many boxes it’ll take to keep him quiet. That bread fail reminds me of me :P


非常激动人心的新男人在你的生活e! Does he realize how lucky he is?

I love red and pink Starbursts!

I begin my marathon training schedule Jan 1st, mostly because I’m insanely busy at work through December and have no time!


耶!这可爱的新闻关于男孩:-)我little girl’s birthday is on the 27th December – she is turning two! But bit makes for a very busy couple of days with Christmas, Boxing Day then the birthday!!


Good things happen to good people. I am very happy for you.


I hope your man makes you and Brooke very very happy, you deserve all the happiness there is


I hope your man makes you and Brooke very very happy, you deserve all the happiness there is


I started training officially YESTERDAY for my first marathon on March 22nd! The first few weeks won’t be too different from my usual running/cross training routine, but I will be focusing on longer runs on the weekends and REST days. I tend to do poorly on actually taking FULL days off, so I am really trying to do that this time to avoid injury. My goal is to take Wednesdays and Fridays off during this cycle, but I will adjust those days as I get further into the training if I think I need Sundays instead.


I had a horrible experience with my first half marathon in 2011, but yesterday I officially registered for one to redeem myself! It’s the Zooma Half Marathon in Annapolis, so training won’t start for a little while, but I’ll be hitting the pavement early to make sure this one turns out great!

I like the pink and red starbursts!


A boy AND chocolate covered peppermint Jo-Jos?! I’m not sure which I’m more excited about! WHOO!!!!!


A boy?!? Squee!!

(Yes, I just squeed IRL like a twelve year old girl. That’s how happy I am for you!)


A boy!? Woohoo :)

My birthday is Dec. 13th. I love December, but hate having a December birthday.

We exchange with all of the hubs’ side and just the kiddos and grandparents on my side. I’ll do a little homemade something for my brother and sis, it feels more meaningful that way and I love the focus being on the grandparents and babies.


EXCELLENT song, thank you! I’ve been known to set a goal or say I’m going to do something and then when people raise their eyebrows I’m all, “don’t believe me? Just WATCH!” Ha ha ha ha! Sweet. My new anthem.


I start training for the Country Music Marathon (my first full one) on December 23rd. So ready!
我的父母和兄弟,我们得到对方gifts. But cousins we draw names because there are too many to get everyone something!
Red Starburst. Can’t be beat.


AHHH!! How am I just seeing this?! New boy! YAY! I am so happy for you…


只是好奇,如果你打算在specific training plan or are you working with a coach again? I know you had thought about using the Hanson plan before for another race – and I am going to be starting that plan next week for a spring marathon! This will be my third time training for a full, but have had to drop out for an injury once and the second time they closed the course at the half turnaround bc it was too hot!! I am nervous about using Hanson’s for my ‘first’ full!


A few things…

My husband asked me the other day if companies can produce lemon and orange candies for a cheaper price ha ha

I am going to start training for my first half marathon in January!!!

My birthday is December 4th which is Thursday!!

I Love all of your and Brooke’s December traditions. So fun!


I start training for Boston as well! So excited, it is such an incredible race. I have done it the last 3 years and cannot wait to go back.


Looooove that Uptown Funk video!


Yes I wish they made only pink Starburst packs!!


I can’t wait to hear more about this boy :) #youdeserveit


I’m running Boston, too! Training starts December 15 for me. Super exciting! I look forward to following your Boston training as I complete mine :)


I am going to start training in a month for the Vancouver half marathon May 3. I had my first baby 17 days ago and I can’t wait to get back to running! I stopped running and just did yoga at 27 weeks so this had been my longest running break. I will be looking back at your posts on postpartum running, stroller running etc. I have a chariot stroller which I am excited to use!


Was the boy Andrew????

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